NBA 2K15 News Post

Da_Czar has checked in with this new NBA 2K15 video, featuring the evolution of the freelance offense, part 2. (If you missed part 1, you can view it here.)

Lyrics and beats by @SageInfinite and @_RobDavis, respectively.

Watch the video and post your thoughts.

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NBA 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 eko718 @ 09/30/14 04:55 PM
I love it. I was hoping they got the Heat offense in there. Bosh was seldom in the right spots on 2K14; you would almost never find him end up on the elbows in the freelance offense last year. Very nice.
# 62 Da_Czar @ 09/30/14 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Now THAT is some focus.

Hey man, since there seems to be a need, is there an option to turn all of this off? Just in case someone might not want offball movement or something? Just wondering. If there is, is it defaulted to be on or off?
Yes sir. The freelance options have 3 settings.

Motion Which is what you see and is the default.

Where passes and pauses create action once you know the offenses you can mix in manual pnr's in set's that you like.

Space the floor

Where your team just continues to space around you. If you want to do a lot of pen and pitch stuff I would choose this because they won't run any uninitiated action that might get in your way.

Best when you want to use manual pnr's and isolations. Although you can mix those in with the motion there may be too much motion for someone who wants to create their own action.

In freelance your team will run actions for you based on the freelance you selected. So this will have them manually attempt scoring options. You kind of need play art on if you make this selection because they could select an action that requires a pass.

The default for all game modes IIRC (don't get mad if this isn't correct) is motion.

The default for the AI is freelance.
# 63 Da_Czar @ 09/30/14 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
Speaking of Defense Czar, is there the ability to set your team to Never switch? That was also another issue that I had, is guys randomly switching, even if I was right there defending manually. Can we set a coaching strategy to not switch this year, maybe a "Stay Home" option?
I don't thnk we have that covered. I wonder if you used matchups however and assigned everyone to who you wanted them to guard if that would be a short cut.

OG and I will add that to our 16 list. Because that makes sense. So if you have that enabled your ok if they give up a layup because they did exactly what you said or would you want it to function as don't switch unless you have to ?
# 64 WTF @ 09/30/14 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I don't thnk we have that covered. I wonder if you used matchups however and assigned everyone to who you wanted them to guard if that would be a short cut.

OG and I will add that to our 16 list. Because that makes sense. So if you have that enabled your ok if they give up a layup because they did exactly what you said or would you want it to function as don't switch unless you have to ?
Yep, that's exactly how I'd want it to work. Unless the defensive rotations become amazing in terms of intelligence. If they rotate properly, help the helper etc, then I have no issues. Id still like the option to have all guys stay home though.
# 65 Da_Czar @ 09/30/14 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by RandomPerson
There was an option to switch on pick n rolls in 2K13, so I'm pretty sure that's back in 2K15. Can you confirm Czar?
Yes that option is in. I thought he was meaning general switching as well. Like back screens etc.
# 66 volstopfan14 @ 09/30/14 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I would have loved to but there would be no way fam. Honestly. Also don't forget I was on here for part of the year. But even a full year there is no way.
Apologizes if this has already been answered, but roughly how many teams got their specific system in the game?

And since I've not posted on the topic yet, thanks for your work on this Czar. This is incredible.
# 67 Guapo516 @ 09/30/14 05:21 PM
Czar is a sim basketball gamers blessing! Does anyone know what time the 2k live stream is???
# 68 stillfeelme @ 09/30/14 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Yes that option is in. I thought he was meaning general switching as well. Like back screens etc.

Yes what he is describing sounds like off ball screens no switching. Do we have control of off ball screens?

Basically for centers and PF's with no lateral quickness you would want no switching on off-ball screens. It may leave a few guys open by doing that but that is the reason you set it like that so your big with no agility isn't on an island.
# 69 Da_Czar @ 09/30/14 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme
Yes what he is describing sounds like off ball screens no switching. Do we have control of off ball screens?

Basically for centers and PF's with no lateral quickness you would want no switching on off-ball screens. It may leave a few guys open by doing that but that is the reason you set it like that so your big with no agility isn't on an island.
No. We really need to blow that out. With OG in house I don't think it will be long before you have a full suite of defensive options. After you guys get the game would be great to hear what your wishlist items are relating to strategical stuff on offense and defense.
# 70 Eman5805 @ 09/30/14 05:48 PM
For this to really work, I have to assume the defensive AI has been tuned down for those infernal eyes in the back of their head steals, correct?

Because I LOVE backdoor cuts, but the CPU AI always gets a hand and deflects the pass when they're in a trail position, effectively playing more perfect defense than any you'd see IRL.
# 71 BluFu @ 09/30/14 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
We even worked on having the AI drive around vs right into you. It still needs more work but were trying to shift the game into using natural driving angles by not encouraging driving directly into a defenders space.
is it possible to get a charge call in your favour without actually pressing the 'draw charge' button?
# 72 Jakeness23 @ 09/30/14 05:53 PM
Czar, amazing job as usual. But is it just me or do plays still seem to take really long to develop? I know a lot of the times the shot clock gets down to under 4 seconds, but if you try to actually run plays and such in 2K, that EVERY possession takes to the end of the shot clock.
# 73 Da_Czar @ 09/30/14 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by BluFu
is it possible to get a charge call in your favour without actually pressing the 'draw charge' button?
I have seen it. Can't say how easy or hard it is. certainly has not happened a lot. But I have seen it at least once.
# 74 49UNCFan @ 09/30/14 05:55 PM
Since all 30 teams don't have this can we like assign the teams that have it to a team that doesn't have it?
# 75 BluFu @ 09/30/14 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I have seen it. Can't say how easy or hard it is. certainly has not happened a lot. But I have seen it at least once.
at least its possible, driving cheese will be all but gone soon enough..
great news
# 76 Rasco11 @ 09/30/14 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Eman5805
For this to really work, I have to assume the defensive AI has been tuned down for those infernal eyes in the back of their head steals, correct?

Because I LOVE backdoor cuts, but the CPU AI always gets a hand and deflects the pass when they're in a trail position, effectively playing more perfect defense than any you'd see IRL.
Yes! I agree. I too am hoping the CPU AI has that random human error likeness (hopefully still based on ratings) to reflect at least some imperfection regarding things like: rebounding, contesting shots, defense on cutters, making bad pass, passing out of traps, miscommunication on defense, etc.

Not asking for this stuff to occur on every possession, but combining this "imperfect effect" with in-game momentum, team chemistry, or even just randomly would make playing the CPU even more enjoyable!
# 77 alabamarob @ 09/30/14 06:07 PM

On last gen you could blow by a bad on ball defender, but couldnt on next gen 14. This hurt the pnr game on next gen. Has this been touched or is every big still a lock down perimeter defender with great defensive footwork? Hoping their is a difference between good and bad on ball defenders this year.

Oh yea, the 15 videos look great with the def rotations, weak side help defense especially.
# 78 2_headedmonster @ 09/30/14 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
No. We really need to blow that out. With OG in house I don't think it will be long before you have a full suite of defensive options. After you guys get the game would be great to hear want your wishlist items are relating to strategical stuff on offense and defense.
I know you said time might not permit you to do a defensive vid, but cant you post a few nuggets for the defensive heads like myself. I know we have the settings back, and pick and roll i.q rating. what else might we get a kick out of? Id appreciate it.
# 79 Da_Czar @ 09/30/14 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Jakeness23
Czar, amazing job as usual. But is it just me or do plays still seem to take really long to develop? I know a lot of the times the shot clock gets down to under 4 seconds, but if you try to actually run plays and such in 2K, that EVERY possession takes to the end of the shot clock.
Depends on what you call and when you call it to be honest. Those Heat plays were very involved and had several actions. In 2k14 you couldn't have completed half of that within the 24 second clock.

So we fit more in but even in real life there is no way to run that much action in 10 seconds.

So If wait until you cross half court and then call a play that your players are out of position for then yes that play will take while to develop.

Were not quite 1 to 1 yet with plays taking exactly how long they take in real life but It isn't that far off unless there is something I am missing.

I ran that heat play twice so you could see how the difference between the branch and non-branched play was and how seem-less it was even with all of that action.

You had a horns where post players flipped positions, Then set double ball screen, Then one post screened for the other to get open. Then the pass and catch, pass again to Wade for a pick and fade with Bosh.

Play was called with 17 seconds on the shot clock and Bosh had 5 seconds to score after receiving the fade pass. That was not possible in 2k14 and not every play has that much action to it.

The players can only move as fast as the motion system allows them to. So unless we sprint everyone everywhere I think it is as good as it can get this year.

Believe me I tried that but it just looked crazy guys sprinting everywhere and then the passes would take guys all out the way. Post players bumping like crazy. So I felt like this is the fastest we could do with the current motion system while still looking like hoops.

Multiple actions will take you deeper in the clock but like I said unless I am way off I don't think were that far away.

And compare that wade pnr to post up play to when Miami actually runs that. It takes ray a minute to cross the floor for the double screen. They run that with Lebron instead of Wade but I think we match up pretty well with reality admitting that there execution is faster than ours.
# 80 RandomPerson @ 09/30/14 06:18 PM
Will the Blazers offense look anything like this in the game?


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