NBA 2K15 News Post

It looks like 2K Sports will have a face scanning solution similar to EA's Game Face technology. Users will be able to scan their face into the game with their Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles.

Users can play NBA 2K15 with a player face that looks just like them. Check out the video at KTVU.

UPDATE: Ronnie has chimed in on Twitter. Looks like we'll see more soon.

Yes FaceScan is in #NBA2K15 for MyCAREER/MyGM. Wait until we show you 2 videos today.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 241 ojandpizza @ 09/18/14 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Clappington
I could see people putting makeup on maybe like a clown face or something? lmao maybe even the sloth from the goonies. Lol I dont know if thats possible but it would get real ugly seeing someone like this.

Nba already tried that with Popeye Jones

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 242 ERA @ 09/18/14 09:48 PM
Definitely gonna scan my dogs head into the game.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk now Free
# 243 Boilerbuzz @ 09/20/14 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by Superman38134
Wasn't there already a thread for this? Why the blatant attempt to derail this one?
# 244 CookNBA03 @ 09/20/14 04:32 AM
Will it work for CAP?
# 245 Boilerbuzz @ 09/20/14 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by CookNBA03
Will it work for CAP?

Don't see why it wouldn't.
# 246 youvalss @ 09/20/14 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by ERA
Definitely gonna scan my dogs head into the game.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk now Free
Yeah, I've said it on another thread: if it works, youtube is going to be flooded with videos of what people will be trying to scan. I see a lot of comical potential here. The twisted-freak players created in the past are nothing compared to the possibilities here (again, if it works).
# 247 si3po @ 09/20/14 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by CookNBA03
Will it work for CAP?
Refer to this thread:

And no, it seems like it is in CAP which is a HUGE let down.
# 248 chrismckone @ 09/21/14 09:55 AM
EA.......WAKE THE FLYING **** UP!!!!! This is the stuff.
Release those damn NFL rights.
# 249 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/21/14 11:12 AM
People are talented they will find a way to scan some weird stuff And post it on YouTube
# 250 Boilerbuzz @ 09/21/14 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by HUSTLER_79
facecam = marketing move game face existed way before 2k introduced it but thr question iswill the mycareer AI AND GAMEplay be better in conparison to 14 were the gameplay felt so disected and so stupid..couldnt finish off my first year without getting bored and frustrated on how the cpu plays u and the way your team mate grade stacked up ..I had a center an dwas outrebounded by pg's moving screens ripped me all day ..pg wont pass to me while im open the sliding and shoving pushing me out of position ..the story line scriptedness was killIng me ...I could go on but the overall intelligence of my team mates was just too stupid to takeserious..no nba feel to it andno custom rosters no sliders just a waste of time so they can put the game face crap in I dont care ..is the gameplay any good ????
If you're going to troll, at least be more accurate. It's FaceSCAN. If it were a marketing move, you would see no feature. Well placed commas and periods would help people follow you. This helps you.

But to your points:

Face scanning have been in games for a couple of years. NONE of them to this level. You'd have to be ignorant to not see the difference. For some of you to downplay this is laughable. And even if it were done before, tell me why this shouldn't be hyped up. Considering all we had was pre-made hoped last year, this would STILL be a cool new feature. So, again, those of you that want to downplay look really silly.

Secondly, this is one of many features that have nothing to do with gameplay or the gameplay team. So to continuously try to derail threads like this is really annoying. Features like this do not impact the group that Mike Wang works with. So, why would anyone assume that the inclusion of such a feature would hurt gameplay?

"No NBA feel to it". Do you play in the NBA?
# 251 Goffs @ 09/21/14 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
If you're going to troll, at least be more accurate. It's FaceSCAN. If it were a marketing move, you would see no feature. Well placed commas and periods would help people follow you. This helps you.

But to your points:

Face scanning have been in games for a couple of years. NONE of them to this level. You'd have to be ignorant to not see the difference. For some of you to downplay this is laughable. And even if it were done before, tell me why this shouldn't be hyped up. Considering all we had was pre-made hoped last year, this would STILL be a cool new feature. So, again, those of you that want to downplay look really silly.

Secondly, this is one of many features that have nothing to do with gameplay or the gameplay team. So to continuously try to derail threads like this is really annoying. Features like this do not impact the group that Mike Wang works with. So, why would anyone assume that the inclusion of such a feature would hurt gameplay?

"No NBA feel to it". Do you play in the NBA?
I swear the people that just sign up this month are nothing but trolls.
# 252 Smirkin Dirk @ 09/21/14 07:48 PM
Its disappointing female gamers arent catered for.
# 253 Boilerbuzz @ 09/21/14 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Hot Kidd
Its disappointing female gamers arent catered for.
You know, as a father of 4 girls, I COMPLETELY agree with you.
# 254 Vni @ 09/21/14 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
You know, as a father of 4 girls, I COMPLETELY agree with you.
Wow, congrats man. Good luck too.
# 255 Boilerbuzz @ 09/22/14 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Vni
Wow, congrats man. Good luck too.
Thanks man. The youngest turned 13 today. So I'm almost home free! 😄
# 256 sheehy83 @ 10/04/14 11:57 AM
Does anyone know if you want to restart my career, do you need to rescsn your face or will your scan be saved so you can use it in future?

I ask because I'm getting a loan of a ps4 camera for 1 night. I usually restart my career a few times to get a feel for it and need to know if I'll need a loan if the camera again.

# 257 TheDuggler @ 10/04/14 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by sheehy83
Does anyone know if you want to restart my career, do you need to rescsn your face or will your scan be saved so you can use it in future?

I ask because I'm getting a loan of a ps4 camera for 1 night. I usually restart my career a few times to get a feel for it and need to know if I'll need a loan if the camera again.

I think it works like last years MyPlayer, where the same face will be used across all of the modes even if you restart them
# 258 Jhawkfootball06 @ 10/04/14 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Thanks man. The youngest turned 13 today. So I'm almost home free! ��
"almost" haha, I feel ya.
# 259 Cripterion @ 10/04/14 03:02 PM
And I bought the game on Xbox too... just for the facescan feature lol. I'll guess I'll do mycarreer on Xbox and play the normal game on pc.

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