NBA 2K15 News Post

It looks like 2K Sports will have a face scanning solution similar to EA's Game Face technology. Users will be able to scan their face into the game with their Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles.

Users can play NBA 2K15 with a player face that looks just like them. Check out the video at KTVU.

UPDATE: Ronnie has chimed in on Twitter. Looks like we'll see more soon.

Yes FaceScan is in #NBA2K15 for MyCAREER/MyGM. Wait until we show you 2 videos today.

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Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 VDusen04 @ 09/17/14 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
V, you need to upgrade to an HDTV before anything else man lol. It's time, you're missing out man. Once you watch tv in HD or game in HD, you'll kick yourself for not doing it sooner.
Ha, not to delve too far off topic and I understand this will deviate from popular thought, but I'm not too phased by standard television. When I visit my family, they have HDTV's and they look fantastic, clearly superior to standard, and I play games in HD when I'm there. But it doesn't take much for me to re-adjust back to standard when I return home. The actual gaming experience tends to be the same for me.

There's all those folks out there who always say, "Who cares about graphics?! It's all about gameplay!" I've never been that guy, but I guess I'm living it. Actually, even on standard television, graphics still look incredible, just not as incredible as they can. Still, it's been enough for me. As long as I have a functioning standard, the only reason I'd contemplate an HD upgrade would be if it were required for a new gaming system (which it mostly is for PS4). Even then, I've been looking into cheap converters that'd allow me to stay standard so as to avoid dropping the cash that'd come with buying a new HD alongside HD cable.
# 122 YungGun @ 09/17/14 12:46 PM
In the voice of LeBron James, "It's about damn time..."
# 123 23 @ 09/17/14 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
Speaking of HD, will PS4/XBone ever support 4k technology?

I don't know.

What I do know is#NBA2K15 is so HUGE this year that the internetz is brokenz.

# 124 JBulls @ 09/17/14 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
Speaking of HD, will PS4/XBone ever support 4k technology?
no. up to 1080p support only.
# 125 mrbigshot @ 09/17/14 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Damn that's a great idea. Now I just need to get Barkely, Miller and a few others to come to the house.

Just hold up your laptop to the ps4 camera with a video with them included running, i wonder if that would work. LOL
# 126 ecovyoudug @ 09/17/14 12:50 PM
Wow so i wonder if it goes off your facial expression too lol. This is just amazing, it'd be dope if you could record your real voice as well for your character. I hate the generic one now lol
# 127 swaggedout @ 09/17/14 12:50 PM
I wonder if we can scan shoes too. Then I can be my own mod
# 128 javicd21 @ 09/17/14 12:56 PM
I just bought the playstation camera just. Hope we can do this with rosters and draft classes
# 129 PJBrownHeat @ 09/17/14 12:58 PM
To change the face of michael jordan it will be perfect!! Lol

First thing i will do unfortunately if i buy it!
Do you imagine? In 2015. .......
Be forced to do that, and players are happy??? Lol
# 130 Bigmac612 @ 09/17/14 01:03 PM
I just hope face scanning is just a "part" of the new robust create a player system ..i still want to have a wide options of editing headshapes, eyes and etc for generic create a player creations.. Just hope these "robust" options are not just limited to the facescan side of things

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# 131 malekem @ 09/17/14 01:10 PM
great info!
# 132 swac07 @ 09/17/14 01:16 PM
# 133 HowDareI @ 09/17/14 01:26 PM
Man I'm so happy with this, I've never been able to create myself in 2K for some reason so finally it can look like me lol
# 134 Vni @ 09/17/14 01:31 PM
Really cool.

Just wondering, what's the difference between a PS camera or Kinect and a webcam from a laptop ?

Coudn't it be possible to scan your face on your laptop and then upload it to your ps4 ?
# 135 IIITRE @ 09/17/14 01:31 PM
# 136 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 09/17/14 01:38 PM
Hmmm... I might need to look into picking up the PS camera. I assume it'll eventually come in handy outside of this anyways.
# 137 Andrews @ 09/17/14 01:45 PM
Wow, this is really cool. Guess I am gonna have to start working on getting a scruffy looking beard ready for opening day.

CYA at the Park will have a whole new meaning now.

can't wait for this game!
# 138 Richardcg @ 09/17/14 01:47 PM
I hope this is not restricted to online only
# 139 Yeezus123 @ 09/17/14 01:49 PM
This sounds awesome, but I don't have a camera... Which really sucks because I don't want to have to buy one but I want my face on my player...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 140 Ninomarley @ 09/17/14 01:50 PM
im a little concerned that most faces will have that ashy tint to it...


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