NBA 2K15 News Post

It looks like 2K Sports will have a face scanning solution similar to EA's Game Face technology. Users will be able to scan their face into the game with their Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles.

Users can play NBA 2K15 with a player face that looks just like them. Check out the video at KTVU.

UPDATE: Ronnie has chimed in on Twitter. Looks like we'll see more soon.

Yes FaceScan is in #NBA2K15 for MyCAREER/MyGM. Wait until we show you 2 videos today.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 rrmode1 @ 09/17/14 07:17 AM
Oh, man. This looks legit.
# 2 TemplateR @ 09/17/14 07:22 AM
Holy crap. That looks incredible und 100% legit. It seems, that this face-scan doesn´t scan your beard or heard (on the head), which is better.
# 3 Rell7thirty @ 09/17/14 07:24 AM
Oh my goodness I seriously need to play this. Guess I'll need the ps camera lol

This confirms the speculation in another thread.

Hello next gen, nice to finally meet you
# 4 İroke @ 09/17/14 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
Nice find!
# 5 JBulls @ 09/17/14 07:33 AM
# 6 Rell7thirty @ 09/17/14 07:35 AM
YouTube link


OP link doesn't full screen on my ipad
# 7 TemplateR @ 09/17/14 07:36 AM
Here is a Youtube-Link of that video:

# 8 JBulls @ 09/17/14 07:41 AM
Ronnie2K looks so bored lol
# 9 seanbarkley @ 09/17/14 07:41 AM
Wow man, what a spoiler!

They can use Kinnect for X1 and PS camera for PS4, but I wonder how they plan to implement this for PC...

# 10 j3nkins29 @ 09/17/14 07:42 AM
Looks like I need to pick up the PS4 camera.
# 11 Goffs @ 09/17/14 07:44 AM
I'm guessing this is the feature that's not going to be on the PC. Which is weird since I have a webcam available unlike the PS4 camera. Must be a tech thing only available for Xbone and PS4 cam....ah well no biggie...
# 12 seanbarkley @ 09/17/14 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by Goffs
I'm guessing this is the feature that's not going to be on the PC. Which is weird since I have a webcam available unlike the PS4 camera. Must be a tech thing only available for Xbone and PS4 cam....ah well no biggie...
Yep, that may be the small difference between PC and consoles they were talking about last week.
# 13 MarkWilliam @ 09/17/14 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88

Haha NICE FIND!! Well done!!!

If this was going to be the big announcement for today, can we have something else now? Seeing someone was clever enough to find it??
# 14 Rell7thirty @ 09/17/14 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by JBulls
Ronnie2K looks so bored lol
You probably have to be expressionless. I just hope my face matches one of the skin tones available lol Ronnie's face looked darker than his body in the video.. But screw it I'm not complaining. This is something more video games need to take advantage of.

Not only the sports world, but imagine playing an open world game as yourself!

I have a Kinect already with xbone, but since my friends have ps4s I'm getting 2k15 for my ps4.. And running to the nearest bestbuy to purchase the ps4 camera lol

Edit: I wonder if you can hold a photo up to trick it into thinking its a person.. Should see some funny results. Lol like what if I wear a mask?

Man I hope the results are just like Ronnie's.. It's basically spot on like the player faces..
# 15 JBulls @ 09/17/14 07:56 AM
Yeah you guys are likely right, this is what "your time has come" is mainly supposed to be, and now the surprise is ruined lol #yourtimeisup
# 16 Goffs @ 09/17/14 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by seanbarkley
Yep, that may be the small difference between PC and consoles they were talking about last week.
I guess they figured that the PC version we can mod ourselves in....too bad I don't have modding skills..

I looked up the PS4 cam when I first bought the system...that has to be the most sought after little tech...it was not available anywhere...

its finally available on amazon
# 17 Goffs @ 09/17/14 08:21 AM
guys I think this is also showing the new CAP system...if you look and pause it at 48 seconds

Scan your face
Straight on sculpting
Profile Sculpting
Facial Hair

If the creating the head process looks like when the head is getting scanned then we have a real deep CAP system.
# 18 kokoBware23 @ 09/17/14 08:32 AM
Hmm maybe this is the thing that they were talking about on difference on PC vs PS4/XB1. Well imo i hope it's not it but if it is no biggie [ for me atleast] as long as for me we get everything the ps4 and xb1 feature wise besides this technology this year then i'm good. maybe next year or future nba 2k title.
# 19 Junior Moe @ 09/17/14 08:44 AM
Whelp, guess I finally have a reason to turn my useless Kinect back on. This is great news, though. I'm not even into the MyCareer type modes, but this looks too sleek to pass up on. If this tech is available for the regular CAP then I expect to see some of my all time favorites this year. Kudos, 2K!!!
# 20 Goffs @ 09/17/14 08:47 AM
Jeff Thomas said that the other 2k games creators were excited about this. I'm going to bet that this face tech will be available for WWE2k15...

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