Madden NFL 15 News Post

Madden NFL 15 is now available in stores. Be sure to read our review if you haven't gotten the game. If you have, leave your own impressions of your first play sessions in the comments below!

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 601 Fist Of Kings @ 09/01/14 07:49 PM
Is there anyway to change the weather in play now games? I'm hoping it's something I'm overlooking.
# 602 adamgod8 @ 09/01/14 08:10 PM
Well, I see the QB dive - fumble bug is still alive and well, 8 years later.
# 603 Hoops737 @ 09/01/14 08:20 PM
Is anyohe else having trouble strafing right off the ball on defense? I go to hold down LT before the snap and sometimes it seems like my defensive guy doesn't do it right away. He waits and sometimes it looks like he may turn the other way.

Or am I crazy?
# 604 tril @ 09/01/14 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
This game has me torn and feeling crazy. One night I will play and it is the best football video game I've touched. The next night I will play and the game is so frustrating I turn it off. I can play 4 beautiful quarters of realistic football where every call matters and the gameplay looks great.

Then I can play 4 quarters of linemen never getting blocked, post routes destroying cover 3 and cover 4, the underneath routes never being covered, etc. etc.

I just don't get it. It can play the greatest game of football and the worst... how?

Also, to add to this. I love losing in sports games as much as I love winning. I want my season to be a challenge and a dogfight. If I go 10-6, I want that to really matter and be because I fielded a good team. If I am playing with a bad team, I want to struggle and fight for a 6-10 season.

With that being said, I also hate losing for no real reason. I love MLB The Show and nearing the end of my second season of playing every game. I've lost over 100 games easily. I can sit here and go back and point out why I lost every single one. I made a bad pitch, I missed a hanging breaking ball, an error by my questionable CF, etc. That's fine and is what makes it an amazing game. Every game can be rewound and you can pinpoint exactly why every result was the way it was.

Now with Madden, you can't do that every game and that is what leads to the frustration. I can play one game and it's beautiful and I know why I won/lost. Then I can play another game and I can do nothing but sit there and feel cheated or that I got an advantage. It's cool if a play gets beat here and there when it was the right playcall. It isn't cool when a 2 man rush gets a sack in .2 seconds 2 plays in a row and 5 times in one quarter. It is okay if I call cover 3 and my safety makes an error and gets beat deep. It isn't cool when my safety is getting beat every single time when he literally only has one man to cover the entire play and is faster and better overall.

That's this year's game in a nutshell for me. I love it at times, I hate it at times. I do think at it's peak, it is the best football game I have ever played. I also believe that at times it can play the ever so ugly Maddenball that I absolutely despise. Why is the game so inconsistent at times? I have no clue, but it is frustrating and keeping me from buying this game despite how good it can be at times. I want a football game where I can look back and understand why a play was beat. Have a spectacular play here and there the is against the odds and I won't care one bit. I will care when my cover 4 gets beat 6 times in one game by a streak while the other 2 WR's and TE run routes no longer than 10 yards.

for one, football is an intense game, I believe the programmers have to do a better job of finding proper game-play balance.

In other sports titles the randomness and the hot and cold streaks players have is more realistic. Its rare that youll have an entire team play horribly in those other sports titles. it happens but not every game. youll get a mix of players having good games and bad games.

In Madden football its either the entire team plays bad or they all play well. its never a mix. that's the main problem, and I believe its tied to the way they coded randomness.
# 605 Indyboy180 @ 09/01/14 09:13 PM
FB Dive is OP.

Automatic first down on 4th and 1.
# 606 Cnyce86 @ 09/01/14 09:14 PM
Im enjoying the game on xbox1. But has anyone notice a difference in difficulty from exhibition to cfm? Cfm seems very hard to me and unrealistic. I play on allpro. Any suggestions
# 607 TombSong @ 09/01/14 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I don't know what he needs, lol, but the footage speaks for itself, lol.
I have seen some of his videos. Ryan is posting gospel about this game but he is gonna get crucified for it. Everything he has posted can be verified by simply playing the game. It's funny how the very people that bring venom to what he does never bring logic to the conversation to refute anything he is presenting.

They give personal attacks as though that somehow makes the truth he is presenting a lie, LOL.

For once it would be nice for a dev or one of these "Lets hang Ryan" guys would speak to what's being presented and not try and turn it into a hate madden crime.
# 608 bdeezy89 @ 09/01/14 09:25 PM
Run stopping so frustrating!!!!!!! Frank Gore just ran 210 yds and had 2 TDs and Kaep had 120 rushing yds because my stupid linemen just stand there when the CPU is running the ball. I have to switch to the player closest to him to catch him or the CPU runner will get 20 yard gains. ARgghskhdhsk
# 609 Fist Of Kings @ 09/01/14 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by fldash
Bought a PS4 just for Madden 15 after reading this thread for the first few days. Already regret it. This is garbage. The limp body crap after a non-animation tackle looks horrible. Seriously players don't go limp on collisions unless they are knocked smooth out. It just looks bad. You absolutely can't use speed boost behind the line, or maybe at all. With speed threshold at 0 and normal speed as soon as you hit it the defense speeds up as well. If you hit it behind the LOS you are nearly guaranteed to get tackled for a loss as the DL suddenly win their blocks.

You're not alone, I did the same thing, only for the xbone to play Madden 15 after reading so many good things about it here and to finally play Forza 5. My biggest regret was selling my 360 and selling most of my massive game collection towards this, which stings even more after seeing how the game selection right now is severely lacking.

What annoys me the most is how there's no fight in the players. It was the same on last gen, I'm already tired of seeing players that should be trucking defenders with ease according to their ratings fall as soon as they're touched, and I'm talking about 1on1 open field tackles. Either these defenders are all great tacklers, or the ratings still don't translate enough on the field.

To me, the tackle cone doesn't do anything that the hit stick/wrap up tackles didn't do before, and the 'new' kicking meter seems like something that was done to say that something was changed. I expected more from 'living worlds', but the sidelines are still as lifeless as they were before. Besides the graphics, there isn't anything I've seen so far that I couldn't have seen on a last gen console.

It's the same game I've played for all of these years, with the same problems, only with better graphics and less post play goofiness. If I could go back a week and get my 360 and all of my games back I would lol.
# 610 Skyboxer @ 09/01/14 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Sky, do you have sliders and settings posted somewhere that I could look at? I know you had been tweaking for awhile, and I still can't get the AI passing game balanced. Jarebear recommended playing at Normal speed and I'm going to try that tonight.

Also, two more questions, if you don't mind:

1. Do you still play on Slow?

2. What difficulty did you settle on (I recall you bouncing between All Pro and All Madden)?

Sorry to pepper you with questions, but I am so close to getting this game tuned and I'm trying to get more suggestions.
Slow game speed. 25 Threshold.
All Pro. Just never could get AM to a place I was satisfied with.
I also have Intentional grounding at 0.

I uploaded them to Share. I'll post them in my Arena as I don't need a thread in slider forum as there's always a bunch of questions and I never really go in there a lot to answer.
# 611 adamgod8 @ 09/01/14 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by daniel77733
Woohoo!!! Playing on PS4. Started the first pre-season game against the Ravens and the system says that there's an unexpected error and needs to update the system software. Kicks me back to the PS4's main menu.

I restart M15 and yay, I can actually resume my game instead of starting it over. Nice, auto in-game saves.
This was in Madden 25. Its not new to Madden 15
# 612 bigdfan76 @ 09/02/14 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by adamgod8
This was in Madden 25. Its not new to Madden 15
Is this true? In game saves?
# 613 NYJin2011tm @ 09/02/14 12:19 AM
The in game saves can screw some stats up though I believe...like ints not registering?
# 614 canes21 @ 09/02/14 01:06 AM
I'm still pretty confused with this game. I've played a couple gems that were fun and played like real football. I've also played a whole lot more ugly games that only leave me shaking my head. On the night that both my games were great and nothing bizarre happened, I really felt like it was the most fun I've had in any football video game. I definitely do feel that way. However, in all the other games I have played, I am seeing some of the worst AI I've ever seen in the franchise.

It just doesn't make sense to me still. I guess it's just Madden.
# 615 bkrich83 @ 09/02/14 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
They still take shots down field at 10.
They certainly do. Andy Dalton just went deep on me to AJ Green for a long TD.

I did hold Dalton to 18 for 30 type of day.
# 616 TeamHawkins @ 09/02/14 04:04 AM
Someone a few pages up pointed out almost EXACTLY why this game is horrible, and to be honest most Maddens are horrible due to this very fact.

There is absolutely zero logic as to what's happening on the field.

1.) Online Head to Head - One team is always going to play head and shoulders better than the other regardless to the users. And this is unfair, and ridiculous and as someone pointed out, due to bad programming of randomness. I have dominated teams like Dallas and Philadelphia online, and then get dominated by Minnesota and the Bills simply because the game says so after the 1st kickoff.

2.) Play calls are meaningless - Yes EA has a Skills Trainer. It's all cute and well done. The problem arises when you try to use this in game. It all goes out the window because the core game engine doesn't recognize true football. Since when in the NFL does QB's get sacked on screen plays consistently? Or Defensive Tackles chase down RB's on screen plays consistently? The very fact this has to be coded in the game in order to slow down, or stop screens, only builds on the fact the core game engine is flawed to no end.

3.) Safety speed cheats - I can't begin to tell you how many times a Safety has run from 15 yards deep in the secondary, to meet my RB in the backfield for a 1 or 2 yard loss, simply because either the CPU is cheating me, or in a head to head matchup, my team has been chosen to lose. If the Safety is cheating the line at the second level, then it's understandable, at times. However, to come from it's natural position and still stop me for a loss time and time again is ridiculous and fake. Which brings me to my next issue:

4.) Bad bad O-line blocking - Some will want to rebuttal this. I'm sorry, you cannot. O-linemen are literally letting defenders right by untouched all throughout every game I've played so far. Including online. No matter how many yards I gain, no matter what pass play, there is someone running free. On run plays, O-linemen run right by Linebackers, Safeties, DB's and then run in a straight line downfield while I'm left to take on two or three defenders. Really?

5.) Overpowered Defenses - This is where the arcade aspect really comes to life. Ok back to the skills trainer. It says, you run a slant against this defense, or a Seam against this defense, etc... now to in-game. It doesn't matter when no matter what you call, the CPU comes out in the perfect defense. If you catch the CPU in a bad one, which is rare, it will either speed cheat you, or blow up your offensive line. If those don't work, your QB then throws a bad ball in the ground or it gets picked off by a speed cheating defender.

No defense should defend EVERYTHING you put up against it. If you catch someone in a bad defense, they should either have to audible or call a timeout, or better yet, LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKE. But not in Madden. 3 man rush will defend the pass, get sacks, stop your RB for 3 yard losses, defend slants, defend screens, etc... all from the same formation!

I've seen LB's running with WR's and RB's all over the field. And then stopping the run with ease. In games like this, you have been programmed to lose. Either that, or find a nano-blitz to cheat the CPU in return. This is how the game is coded to be played. NOT sim, and not like the Skills Trainer misleads you to think.

I tried and wanted to keep Madden for an entire year for once. I just can't tolerate this every year, over and over. And nothing gets done about it. Trading it Thursday for Destiny.
# 617 SladeWilson @ 09/02/14 05:59 AM
This is easily the best Madden EA has ever produced. I'm 4 games into my franchise mode and iv played 4 incredibly realistic and authentic games. I still need to tweak the CPU's QB sliders a bit, but other than that it's just been incredible. The AI seems to really try and one up me with smart play calling and they're incredibly sensitive to me running the same formations over and over. I was just playing the ravens and I ran the same defensive formation 3 times in a row and on that 3rd time, they called an audible and burned me for a big gain. It was just fantastic to see(even if it did eventually lead to a TD). There are also just some fantastic looking animations here(yea there's plenty of wonky ones too). Overall the game is just awesome though. A few tweaks(sim stats I'm looking at you) and the game will be beyond incredible.

It's grest to feel this enthusiastic about a madden. Something that's been lacking for a long long time.
# 618 SladeWilson @ 09/02/14 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by TeamHawkins
Someone a few pages up pointed out almost EXACTLY why this game is horrible, and to be honest most Maddens are horrible due to this very fact.

There is absolutely zero logic as to what's happening on the field.

3.) Safety speed cheats - I can't begin to tell you how many times a Safety has run from 15 yards deep in the secondary, to meet my RB in the backfield for a 1 or 2 yard loss, simply because either the CPU is cheating me, or in a head to head matchup, my team has been chosen to lose. If the Safety is cheating the line at the second level, then it's understandable, at times. However, to come from it's natural position and still stop me for a loss time and time again is ridiculous and fake. Which brings me to my next issue:

4.) Bad bad O-line blocking - Some will want to rebuttal this. I'm sorry, you cannot. O-linemen are literally letting defenders right by untouched all throughout every game I've played so far. Including online. No matter how many yards I gain, no matter what pass play, there is someone running free. On run plays, O-linemen run right by Linebackers, Safeties, DB's and then run in a straight line downfield while I'm left to take on two or three defenders. Really?

5.) Overpowered Defenses - This is where the arcade aspect really comes to life. Ok back to the skills trainer. It says, you run a slant against this defense, or a Seam against this defense, etc... now to in-game. It doesn't matter when no matter what you call, the CPU comes out in the perfect defense. If you catch the CPU in a bad one, which is rare, it will either speed cheat you, or blow up your offensive line. If those don't work, your QB then throws a bad ball in the ground or it gets picked off by a speed cheating defender.

No defense should defend EVERYTHING you put up against it. If you catch someone in a bad defense, they should either have to audible or call a timeout, or better yet, LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKE. But not in Madden. 3 man rush will defend the pass, get sacks, stop your RB for 3 yard losses, defend slants, defend screens, etc... all from the same formation!

I've seen LB's running with WR's and RB's all over the field. And then stopping the run with ease. In games like this, you have been programmed to lose. Either that, or find a nano-blitz to cheat the CPU in return. This is how the game is coded to be played. NOT sim, and not like the Skills Trainer misleads you to think.

I tried and wanted to keep Madden for an entire year for once. I just can't tolerate this every year, over and over. And nothing gets done about it. Trading it Thursday for Destiny.
Most of that post is just a flat out, bold faced lie. If the AI defense was doing half of what you say, you wouldn't be able to win. Iv had no issues beating the AI while mimicking the real life offense of the team I'm using. This gsme just requires more skill than prior Maddens and that's something I'm seeing causing issues amongst a lot of gamers not used to skill based gameplay. The game is difficult, but it's fair. Get better and you'll notice that.
# 619 1908_Cubs @ 09/02/14 07:07 AM
It would seem some of us are looking for the game to basically go from incredibly flawed to an absolute pitch-perfect simulation recreation of the NFL in just on game, or basically because it's "next-gen". If that's the case, you're setting yourself up for disappointment with this, and not the other way around.

Sure, you need some slider help to get it where it needs to be (pass protection on the computer, comp-QB accuracy issues, fumbles etc.), but the on-the-field product is easily the best thing Madden has put out in quite some time. Expecting every legacy issue to be gone magically is just ridiculous. Some of these things may just be issues in the AI considering it'll always be impossible to get AI to act according to real-life human thought processes. I also find it funny when people compare this to the Show and say "well you need some many sliders to get it to work!". The Show needs an incredible amount of roster edits and slider edits to get it to work properly, too.

This is the first time I've felt like I can play a game of Madden and not have to run out of bounds/pick bad offenses to artificially lose the game so I don't trounce the computer to a 16-0 record. Pretty impressive leap, imo.
# 620 Candymandagreat @ 09/02/14 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by bdeezy89
The Robo QB is killing me. I had to turn off the game after Jay Cutler broke a tackle from Aldon Smith, was chased out of pocket by Justin Smith, ran into his own linebacker but somehow still threw the ball off balance 20+ yards perfectly between 2 defenders on 3rd and 14. I almost threw my controller
josh mccown got me on one of those too.

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