Madden NFL 15 News Post

Our friends at ESG have posted this Madden NFL 15 video that shows end of season stats, league leaders, awards, division standings, and more. They also simmed the playoffs and Super Bowl.

For those of you interested in simulated stats, check out the results and leave your thoughts.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 jrt3177 @ 08/22/14 09:31 AM
Has anyone tried changing the coaching schemes within CFM and doing a simulation? I know in past versions of Madden adjusting the Pass vs Run slider and RB1 vs RB2 slider had an affect on simulated stats.
# 222 extremeskins04 @ 08/22/14 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by jrt3177
Has anyone tried changing the coaching schemes within CFM and doing a simulation? I know in past versions of Madden adjusting the Pass vs Run slider and RB1 vs RB2 slider had an affect on simulated stats.
In the Retail Q/A thread, Skyboxer said he adjusted the run vs pass schemes as well as sliders and it didn't have any effect.

My guess is, the QB stats issue is because of the game prep confidence aspect. Once a CPU QB starts doing poorly and their confidence drops, they don't recover well and it affects their stats the rest of the year.

I wish we could turn off the Confidence aspect of the game. I'm pretty sure this would fix the issue. Not sure if EA will even attempt to patch this or not.
# 223 troy184 @ 08/22/14 09:46 AM
Thanks to this issue EA just lost a 20+ year customer. I will not be buying this game until it is patched or there is a work-around posted on this forum
# 224 Mauer4MVP @ 08/22/14 10:02 AM
I'm a huge CFM guy, but I can't let this ruin the game for me. It is a disappointment, but the game looks really good. I'm quite confident they will at least attempt to fix it.

Has there been any public confirmation that they are working on the problem?
# 225 T5063 @ 08/22/14 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Mauer4MVP
I'm a huge CFM guy, but I can't let this ruin the game for me. It is a disappointment, but the game looks really good. I'm quite confident they will at least attempt to fix it.

Has there been any public confirmation that they are working on the problem?
I think they will try to fix it too. The problem seems to be caused by the confidence which is a new feature in M15 so i don't think they'd let a brand new feature sit broken in a major game mode.
# 226 crenk @ 08/22/14 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Mauer4MVP
I'm a huge CFM guy, but I can't let this ruin the game for me. It is a disappointment, but the game looks really good. I'm quite confident they will at least attempt to fix it.

Has there been any public confirmation that they are working on the problem?
it is dead quiet on their end. No idea if you can read into that either way. Would be nice for them to tweet out a we hear you and are working on it but my guess is they dont know they can fix it. You have to think that they shipped this knowing it was broken. They do test the product and if any devs are football fans they saw this right away but simply couldnt get humpty dumpty back together again when they started tinkering.

I hear what you are saying about not letting it ruin the game and some out there say that it is crazy to not buy the game since the on the field stuff has improved so much. But as a CFM player it kills the reality. I dont play "play it now" modes because they are not part of a larger world. A game or two or ten may be fun to play but I am not gonna sit down and play hundreds of random games against the computer.

Its the same way that I dont just watch one or two or ten NFL games a year. Like most NFL fans we watch all of our teams games plus as many others as possible because your team/each game is part of this larger universe, full of story lines and season long competition. When EA focuses on the online world to the neglect of the offline universe they kill it for players like me.

When stats are broken and progression unrealistic they destroy that immersion that makes it fun in the long term. I am sure I would enjoy playing the actual game with some buddies for the 5-6 times a year we would play but it just doesnt justify shelling out my 60$. and since I dont have a a ps4 yet it certainly doesnt justify 400$.

End Rant
# 227 Sheba2011 @ 08/22/14 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
Yea me too. Age plays a huge part in the regression as well. I don't have an issue with Brady regressing. He's what...32 now? He's regressed in real life too.

In fact the only QB that's over 30 that hasn't regressed is Peyton Manning. Even Drew Brees has regressed some.
Brady is 37. As for him regressing in real life it's hard to say, he had a down year but he also lost all 5 of his top targets from the year before. Drew Brees had one of the best seasons of his career last year, not sure how he has regressed.
# 228 angels28 @ 08/22/14 10:51 AM
Is there a way to up every QB awareness? Thp? Etc.. Does each QB have a confidence built into them, which we can adjust in roster editing?
# 229 Melicant @ 08/22/14 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by fancyclaps
Possibly. I just simmed the second season, this time all at once and the stats looked worse. But here's some other notes that may make you rip your hair out.
Mind you, this is at the start of Season 3 of my CFM:

- The Bears have Tannehill, Cutler, and Roethlisberger all on their team....and their starting QB is a rookie who's a 78 OVR (The other 3 QBs are 73, 70, and 63, respectively).

- Andrew Luck is NOT on the Colts. Kirk Cousins is their starter (77 OVR)

- Christian Ponder (73 OVR) is the Cowboys starter...

- Matt Ryan is NOT on the Falcons. Ryan Mallet is their starter...73 OVR

- Luck is on the Jaguars....ahead of Bortles (Luck is 83 OVR - awr and acc down)

- Rodgers is a beast, Stafford and Kaepernick are in the 94 range. Every other QB is very average.

- None of the rookie QB's drafted this year have progressed...
The fact that issues like these even make it to release is pathetic QA. It's almost like they aren't testing or listening to feedback at all. I don't recall them ever having patched/fixed a sim stat issue in the past, so I'm not holding my breath.
# 230 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/22/14 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Melicant
The fact that issues like these even make it to release is pathetic QA. It's almost like they aren't testing or listening to feedback at all. I don't recall them ever having patched/fixed a sim stat issue in the past, so I'm not holding my breath.
They definitely did. I remember vividly one year where pretty much every RB averaged 2 YPC and nobody would hit 1000 yards, so they patched it and suddenly every RB averaged 7-9 YPC and rushed for 1500+ yards lol. One of the most frustrating years ever for me with Madden.
# 231 extremeskins04 @ 08/22/14 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Melicant
The fact that issues like these even make it to release is pathetic QA. It's almost like they aren't testing or listening to feedback at all. I don't recall them ever having patched/fixed a sim stat issue in the past, so I'm not holding my breath.
Well Josh Looman did in fact try to fix sim stats 3 years ago I believe but it still wasn't perfect, but it was better. He was fixing the sacks and tackles stat problem.

I'm not even sure if Looman is still with EA.
# 232 CWSapp757 @ 08/22/14 11:53 AM
I remember that Yeah that Guy! Lol its funny now but when it happened I literally almost broke my game.
# 233 Matty86 @ 08/22/14 12:35 PM
Another no buy on an EA Sports game... sucks no football and probably no hockey again this year.
# 234 Daywalker3 @ 08/22/14 12:48 PM
I checked one quick season. Everything looked pretty good other than the passing stuff. Calvin led the league with almost 1600 receiving, Lynch had almost 1600 rushing .... and then there were the QBs ....

Brees led the league with just over 3500 yards passing (ha).
Top 3 in passing TDs: 32, 31, 22. No other QB had over 18.
Interceptions looked pretty close for the most part with most ranging from 8 to 17.
Completion percentage looked pretty good compared to last year, many in the 58 to 65% range.
Passing attempts looked fairly low, which I suppose could contribute to the lower yardage totals.

Such a shame, too, because there are a TON of things to like about CFM, from what I can tell. I checked a draft class post-draft and it looked fantastic. Lots of 70-81 OVR range guys, one 85 standout taken in the first round, and a few 60 and below guys thrown in here and there, big school guys going early, etc. I was able to progress one guy (Cyprien) from 77 to 91 after a big year with 8 interceptions, other guys moving up 3-4 points after solid years. Player type and scheme unlocked automatically in scouting, which is nice, and they squished the point values down a lot so it's easier to manage the scouting points, which I like as well.
# 235 Hooe @ 08/22/14 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
Well Josh Looman did in fact try to fix sim stats 3 years ago I believe but it still wasn't perfect, but it was better. He was fixing the sacks and tackles stat problem.

I'm not even sure if Looman is still with EA.
Josh Looman is still at EA Austin and still in charge of Connected Franchise. He did a Q&A about CFM on (I think?) Tradition Sports back when that info was dropped.
# 236 silveredge96 @ 08/22/14 01:00 PM
So do you guys think that EA will patch this on release day? This is an absolute game killer
# 237 T5063 @ 08/22/14 01:07 PM
Is it possible to look at the box scores and game summaries from other games in cfm?

If yes, what do the qb stats look like with regards to pass attempts and completions?

It seems like the problem stems from too much rushing and not enough passing.
# 238 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/22/14 01:08 PM
One thing I haven't seen mentioned is the sacks effect on passing numbers. Since sacks are outrageously high in the simulated games, it's taking away from QB's passing attempts, so if EA can decrease the sacks to a more realistic level, that could make a pretty big impact on the passing numbers, basically killing two birds with one stone.
# 239 Mauler97 @ 08/22/14 01:19 PM
Does changing the time for quarters help anything? I only had time to play one game and sim the week this morning and Stafford in a simmed game threw for 437 yards. My CFM quarters are at 9, and default is 6 I think. That was a regular CPU vs CPU, advance week sim game.

Like everyone else, I can't believe this wasn't fixed a long time ago. It's mind-boggling. There has to be a patch ASAP.
# 240 tc020791 @ 08/22/14 01:21 PM
I don't think this has been mentioned yet but has anyone tested out Super Sim? If it works properly in CFM to get realistic stats then maybe at that point it will take your sliders into account since you're actually in the game. If you controlled all 32 teams instead of just simming to the next week you would have to start each game and then just super sim it. That might be a bit of a pain but could be a work around. Anyone think it's worth a shot?

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