Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is currently livestreaming Madden NFL 15, detailing the presentation and graphics. (Note: As of 3:30 PM EST, the stream has now ended. We'll effort an archived version soon!)

UPDATE: Click here to watch the archived stream. (It takes some time to load...)

Here are some thoughts on the stream today:
  • The halftime show is definitely improved and of good quality. The problem will be most will find it perfectly skippable, but there aren't any real cases where a halftime show is must-see TV, even in real-life. It's sponsored by Verizon, so there's that.
  • Commentary was ok, you didn't hear much of it due to the dev commentary over the gameplay, but it seemed to flow a bit better. We won't know anything about that until a later date.
  • Coaches have unique body types and head models, so they do look better. Coaches we saw today (Reid, Tomlin mainly) were definitely a step up.
  • Celebrations and such definitely are smoother/more aware of the context they're happening in since they happen within the gameplay itself and not a loaded cut-scene. Still some wonky instances but overall better.
  • The developers talked about equipment a bit. The new uniforms for each team are going to be in, and uniform/helmet degradation are in as well.
  • Switching of cameras was very smooth, definitely a huge improvement there.
  • Sidelines are much busier now, more people on them, etc. They still don't look perfect, but from where we were to where we are now, huge improvement.
  • Overall the presentation is quite good in-game this year, it definitely has a new layer of polish on it that wasn't there last year. It's not perfect, but clearly its taken yet another leap ahead this season.
What did you think of the stream?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 141 CT Pitbull @ 07/30/14 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by RyanLaFalce
Most likely, yes.

well hopefully it WAS an older build of the game. for whatever reason it didn't look as smooth as the first broadcast.

I gotta say the Jags helmets are still way to yellow. In replays they look better, not right, but better. In the gameplay camera angle those helmets looked straight yellow. Am I the only one that thinks this. Again maybe it was the stream but with how nice the 9ers helmets looked this year I would think they would fix the jags too.
# 142 RyanLaFalce @ 07/30/14 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by CT Pittbull
well hopefully it WAS an older build of the game. for whatever reason it didn't look as smooth as the first broadcast.

I gotta say the Jags helmets are still way to yellow. In replays they look better, not right, but better. In the gameplay camera angle those helmets looked straight yellow. Am I the only one that thinks this. Again maybe it was the stream but with how nice the 9ers helmets looked this year I would think they would fix the jags too.
The game is a month away. Has to be an older build. People are judging to hard
# 143 jpdavis82 @ 07/30/14 08:12 PM
Can someone make an archive of the stream please on YouTube?
# 144 iLLWiLL @ 07/30/14 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealHST

This is still an error on EA's part. But I'm sure their reasoning behind it is that if it's too black, you won't be able to see all of the amazing details in the jerseys.

But like I said, it's just way too GRAY ...
# 145 jpdavis82 @ 07/30/14 08:31 PM
# 146 The JareBear @ 07/30/14 08:33 PM
Yeah, the gamma or something is way off in the stream. No way the colors were represented accurately in the stream.
# 147 jpdavis82 @ 07/30/14 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Yeah, the gamma or something is way off in the stream. No way the colors were represented accurately in the stream.
First Stream


Look at their suits and the difference in detail
# 148 engrishbwudd @ 07/30/14 08:51 PM
Really would like to see some footage of the game played on Slow. Transitional animations go into hyperdrive and it kills some of the immersion for me. The pre and post play animations definitely look better though. Maybe that's due in part to the fact that I'm making the transition from 25 on the ps3.

Still wish I saw some passes that missed the mark, though. Alex smith looked like Peyton.
# 149 RogueHominid @ 07/30/14 09:11 PM
I don't see how the problem could be the stream itself when the helmets on PIT, for example, look quite black, have a nice sheen, and seem about right.

Relative to those, the jerseys are a totally different color and look nothing like real life. As a Raiders fan, I'm worried that OAK's uniforms will look similarly horrid.

The difference here is one of relative colors and shading, not the feed. As another poster pointed out, the black accessories look appropriately black, so it's not that the feed isn't capable of delivering the right colors.

It may be hyperbole to say that the PIT jerseys and KC pants glow because EA wanted to show off the pads, but I wouldn't put it entirely past them to decide to fudge on realistic appearance to showcase the "next-gen" ability to render textures within and beneath the jerseys.

I think in general Madden still has lots of trouble achieving realistic lighting looks, and this is even more pronounced when you get into domed settings and certain low-light settings.
# 150 WakeUp_YoureDreaming @ 07/30/14 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
First Stream


Look at their suits and the difference in detail
Good catch.
# 151 jaynral @ 07/30/14 09:19 PM
Man, I have never had so many up and down emotions about I game. I was actually super excited after seeing the stream but this stream wasnt that impressive...Yeah, I like the new camera views and the graphics But there was 5 things that still upset me...1) still no sense of anxiousness or pressure in the pocket...Playing QB is about trusting your linemen and having composure in the pocket...didnt see or feel none of that 2)the LOS needs to be more crowded and hectic on inside running plays..part of playing RB is being patient and finding the the lil openings and 3) In the last video, the coverage was much aggressive but this video is seem everybody was especially that out, corner routes...4) still too many tackles where the offensive is running full speed, get hit momentum immediately stopped and going backwards and 5) I saw alot of perfect passes....More incompletely passes brings realism or even some tip balls.......honorable mention...still seeing the jerky moves but not that bad....All in all, Im still getting the game...i need some football especially college didnt come out!
# 152 OhMrHanky @ 07/30/14 09:49 PM
yeah, i don't know what happened here. I have been pretty positive about what I've seen thus far for Madden 15, and the last feed really seemed to show some quality stuff. But, in this feed, the gameplay killed me a little. I am all for incompletions and dropped passes from time to time on open players, but I think I saw 3 or 4 wide open drops that just didn't look realistic. I'm hoping to be able to slider out the appropriate amount of drops, but this particular video stream has me worried. And, I don't want too many Ints like we saw in 25, but here again, a couple of wide open easy Ints that are just dropped. This is where they need to have the QB throw the ball differently. If the player is covered, have a quality QB throw it where NOBODY can catch it. Then, u don't need a botched int animation. So, the animations are still a bit off. I'm still liking the overall gameplay I'm seeing compared to 25, but something in this vid stream just felt a little off.
As to the actual purpose of the feed, presentation, I'm not totally sold on it, either at this point. They're getting closer with the replays, but they are still zoomed in too much, so you don't see the whole play or get a better feeling of what happened in the play. And, I have to say, with the whole cinematography talk going on, the actual replay shots are from cameras attached to someone's foot or something. WAY TOO LOW ANGLE for my taste and too low angle for a real game. Replays, and the game in general, are shot from a somewhat above the field of play looking down kind of angle which shows you more of the field, and simply put, is what you really see on Sunday, so I'm not sure what all the low angle footage is about and was in the last 2 games, so I'm not feeling that. They show a replay from field level a few times, and you can't really see the play because the angle they're choosing must GO THROUGH people to see the player with the ball, so idk, this needs work. It is better, but they're still off. And, speaking to the emotion. Here again, they're moving in the right direction with individual player emotion after the play. HOWEVER, what is up the Jags head coach after a HUGE sack by his team? What does he do? Does he celebrate with his Defense? Does he pump his fist as if to say, "Hell yeah!!! Way to sack him, boys!!!" NO, he does not. Instead, he shakes his head in disgust as if his QB was just sacked. So, I don't even know what to say about that. They're still having trouble giving the proper emotions. I just don't understand that. My team sack qb = my head coach happy, other head coach unhappy. My team qb get sacked = my head coach unhappy, other head coach happy. That just doesn't seem like very complicated AI logic to me, but madden still struggles with it. I think this game will be better than 25, and will be one of the best maddens yet, but I think I'm going to have to mess with sliders to get it working appropriately.
# 153 OhMrHanky @ 07/30/14 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by SECElit3
Man, I'll be honest. That looks nothing like the game we saw several weeks ago! The first live stream grabbed my attention, where as this one, is just kind of meh. This is exactly my fear with EA. For some reason, this company has a tendency to just screw things up. The first thing I noticed that changed from the last to this one, is that the colors in the first stream were much more vibrant. This one seems to have that NCAA 12 look to it. The colors look much more washed out. The example photo JP shows of the pre-game, demonstrates perfectly what I am referring to. Also, It looks as if they have shortened the replays. Why on earth would they do that? Furthermore, the variety in camera angles doesn't seem to be there.

This is really scary, because it takes me back to 13. Remember real time physics? The demo played completely different from the release version. Here we go again maybe? EA hyping a game that is nothing like what they actually release.
Didn't it? I think 13's demo was the best gdam demo madden has EVER put out. And, I enjoyed 13 overall, but after getting the full game, or maybe after one of the patches, it played different. I remember early in my gameplay (either in the demo, or before the 1st patch), the trajectory of the ball in flight was fantastic. I could lob it, I could bullet it, I could slightly lob it. Then, suddenly, one day, the ball was tethered again! No more trajectory. Mostly flat throws all the time.
So, yeah, I am a little concerned here, too, man. Give me the beta version, baby!!! I don't think I want the finished product! lol. I mean, really, do they make an amazing game EVERY YEAR? Play it for awhile, get things tuned just right, make an amazing simulation game. And, then, right before release, some jacka$$ says, "ok, boys. Put the crap back in. This is Madden dammit! Not some quality game!". lol
# 154 Kramer5150 @ 07/30/14 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by OhMrHanky
yeah, i don't know what happened here. I have been pretty positive about what I've seen thus far for Madden 15, and the last feed really seemed to show some quality stuff. But, in this feed, the gameplay killed me a little. I am all for incompletions and dropped passes from time to time on open players, but I think I saw 3 or 4 wide open drops that just didn't look realistic. I'm hoping to be able to slider out the appropriate amount of drops, but this particular video stream has me worried. And, I don't want too many Ints like we saw in 25, but here again, a couple of wide open easy Ints that are just dropped. This is where they need to have the QB throw the ball differently. If the player is covered, have a quality QB throw it where NOBODY can catch it. Then, u don't need a botched int animation. So, the animations are still a bit off. I'm still liking the overall gameplay I'm seeing compared to 25, but something in this vid stream just felt a little off.
As to the actual purpose of the feed, presentation, I'm not totally sold on it, either at this point. They're getting closer with the replays, but they are still zoomed in too much, so you don't see the whole play or get a better feeling of what happened in the play. And, I have to say, with the whole cinematography talk going on, the actual replay shots are from cameras attached to someone's foot or something. WAY TOO LOW ANGLE for my taste and too low angle for a real game. Replays, and the game in general, are shot from a somewhat above the field of play looking down kind of angle which shows you more of the field, and simply put, is what you really see on Sunday, so I'm not sure what all the low angle footage is about and was in the last 2 games, so I'm not feeling that. They show a replay from field level a few times, and you can't really see the play because the angle they're choosing must GO THROUGH people to see the player with the ball, so idk, this needs work. It is better, but they're still off. And, speaking to the emotion. Here again, they're moving in the right direction with individual player emotion after the play. HOWEVER, what is up the Jags head coach after a HUGE sack by his team? What does he do? Does he celebrate with his Defense? Does he pump his fist as if to say, "Hell yeah!!! Way to sack him, boys!!!" NO, he does not. Instead, he shakes his head in disgust as if his QB was just sacked. So, I don't even know what to say about that. They're still having trouble giving the proper emotions. I just don't understand that. My team sack qb = my head coach happy, other head coach unhappy. My team qb get sacked = my head coach unhappy, other head coach happy. That just doesn't seem like very complicated AI logic to me, but madden still struggles with it. I think this game will be better than 25, and will be one of the best maddens yet, but I think I'm going to have to mess with sliders to get it working appropriately.
Holy wall of text Batman....
# 155 TheBleedingRed21 @ 07/30/14 10:20 PM
Either my eyes are bad or I'm not picky (or both) but I don't see all these issues some of you are bringing up. It looked the same as the others besides the washed out colors and looked really good.

Good news is since Xbox one gets the game first, we should get plenty of hd videos to tell us what we need to know before release.
# 156 Cowboy008 @ 07/30/14 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheBleedingRed21
Either my eyes are bad or I'm not picky (or both) but I don't see all these issues some of you are bringing up. It looked the same as the others besides the washed out colors and looked really good.

Good news is since Xbox one gets the game first, we should get plenty of hd videos to tell us what we need to know before release.
Will people be allowed to share videos?
# 157 DNMHIII @ 07/30/14 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by SECElit3
Man, I'll be honest. That looks nothing like the game we saw several weeks ago! The first live stream grabbed my attention, where as this one, is just kind of meh. This is exactly my fear with EA. For some reason, this company has a tendency to just screw things up. The first thing I noticed that changed from the last to this one, is that the colors in the first stream were much more vibrant. This one seems to have that NCAA 12 look to it. The colors look much more washed out. The example photo JP shows of the pre-game, demonstrates perfectly what I am referring to. Also, It looks as if they have shortened the replays. Why on earth would they do that? Furthermore, the variety in camera angles doesn't seem to be there.

This is really scary, because it takes me back to 13. Remember real time physics? The demo played completely different from the release version. Here we go again maybe? EA hyping a game that is nothing like what they actually release.
That was my exact thought when I saw this stream. The Colors are so washed out giving the players a flat/cartoon look and the play art looks massive on the field and that's exactly what NCAA looked like. The first stream graphics looked great and very vibrant compared to this last stream.
# 158 hanzsomehanz @ 07/30/14 10:33 PM
I never put too much stock into the first twitch interview because the gameplay was demo'd in practice mode and practice mode always plays diff than play now and play now plays different than CFM.

I am now officially walking away from this market. As others recently pointed out: the key simulation components have gotten watered down post release for the last two seris ('13 and '25) - I am not paying $60 for a game that no longer plays as advertised.

The trouble is, I loved the initial gameplay of '13 and '25 from the demo to release as others mentioned: the sim community is being flashed the bait and then the script is later flipped back to favor the casual/tourney gamer.

I am not gonna be a part of these shenanigans for another series: this is officially the one I will skip.

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# 159 BreakingBad2013 @ 07/30/14 10:37 PM
Anyone able to embed or have a link that will work with iPad or Android? I keep getting adobe must be installed.
# 160 Jr. @ 07/30/14 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by BreakingBad2013
Anyone able to embed or have a link that will work with iPad or Android? I keep getting adobe must be installed.
Here you go


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