NBA 2K15 News Post

Lebron James is coming home.

How does this change the NBA, your view of LeBron, and all the other angles to the story you can think of?

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# 641 King_B_Mack @ 07/28/14 02:14 PM
What are these commercials about LeBron btw? I don't remember any Jordan commercials mocking LeBron or could even be interpreted as mocking him.
# 642 ojandpizza @ 07/28/14 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
What are these commercials about LeBron btw? I don't remember any Jordan commercials mocking LeBron or could even be interpreted as mocking him.

They were probably just YouTube mash ups or something then. I think I saw them here a long time ago and just assumed, I honestly don't watch enough TV to know lol. But anyways, next subject...
# 643 23 @ 07/28/14 02:28 PM

It's time for you to drop this one.
# 644 wwharton @ 07/28/14 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by ojandpizza
wwharton there is a reason I didn't mention the "make him go left thing", nothing about that was disrespectful... And I'll just leave it at that because this doesn't need to be a multiple page discussion honestly..

But I will say I think y'all are somewhat missing my point. It doesn't matter at all to me if he said Kobe is better than LeBron or anything else he's said, or the mocking commercials, none of it matters to ME.. But it might matter to LeBron, that's all I'm saying.
That's definitely a reach then. We can come up with all type of things that "may" offend someone.

But seriously, I've been hard on James over the years, specifically about signs of immaturity and logic behind decisions he's made. I would be absolutely 100% shocked if he decided to wear 23 because he felt Jordan was disrespecting him. That's immature and petty on a level far beyond even 2009 Lebron. And, to be perfectly clear, I don't think I'd EVER call Lebron "petty" so, to put it all in perspective he'd forgive Gilbert in the same move that he makes a statement to Jordan by deciding to wear 23 again? Doesn't add up at all.

It's much easier to say he changed his mind like all humans do... or he got caught up in the moment when he made the statement years ago, like he's been known to do. Both make more sense to me.
# 645 Fresh Tendrils @ 07/28/14 02:47 PM
# 646 jeebs9 @ 07/28/14 03:45 PM

It wasn't really if anyone remembers... But it's so good, that it feels like a real NIKE commercial
# 647 wwharton @ 07/28/14 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9

It wasn't really if anyone remembers... But it's so good, that it feels like a real NIKE commercial
That is pretty damn good (I still feel the same way but OJ, that serves your point pretty well).
# 648 King_B_Mack @ 07/28/14 04:08 PM
Yeah, that was fan made. That Michael Jordan commercial they used was from years before LeBron even made that commercial they mixed with it. It was damn good though.
# 649 702 @ 07/30/14 12:42 AM
To go to a different topic, I've been thinking...

Not trying to insinuate anything absurd like he's washed up, but have we already seen the best LeBron well ever see? He's 30 this season, tons of miles, his defense slipped a little last year... Feels strange to say about the best player on Earth, but I think we may have.
# 650 Caveman24 @ 07/30/14 12:56 AM
Anyway we can lock this thread? This is just turning into the LBJ thread pt2 y'all ain't slick lol.
# 651 23 @ 07/30/14 01:00 AM
Thats what it is though Caveman

Steve locked the other and made this one a front page thread which can never be locked by us mods, so this is the new lebron thread
# 652 lilteapot @ 07/30/14 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by 702
To go to a different topic, I've been thinking...

Not trying to insinuate anything absurd like he's washed up, but have we already seen the best LeBron well ever see? He's 30 this season, tons of miles, his defense slipped a little last year... Feels strange to say about the best player on Earth, but I think we may have.
We've seen the best version of Lebron in terms of athleticism, but overall play? I don't think he's quite peaked yet. We saw in the finals just how much he improved from midrange. we already know how he improved from 3 but IMO the fact that he was able to sink midrange shots consistently in the finals was crucial.

I think he'll be better next year than this year. He won't have to play a ton of minutes and try to manage without a guy like Wade missing one game and being out the next.
# 653 Caveman24 @ 07/30/14 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Thats what it is though Caveman

Steve locked the other and made this one a front page thread which can never be locked by us mods, so this is the new lebron thread
Smh fine 😒
# 654 ex carrabba fan @ 07/30/14 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by Caveman24
Anyway we can lock this thread? This is just turning into the LBJ thread pt2 y'all ain't slick lol.
The hell kind of thread were you expecting when LeBron James is in the title? Lol
# 655 Caveman24 @ 07/30/14 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by ex carrabba fan
The hell kind of thread were you expecting when LeBron James is in the title? Lol
I thought this was just for him going back to CLE lol.
# 656 wwharton @ 07/30/14 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by lilteapot
We've seen the best version of Lebron in terms of athleticism, but overall play? I don't think he's quite peaked yet. We saw in the finals just how much he improved from midrange. we already know how he improved from 3 but IMO the fact that he was able to sink midrange shots consistently in the finals was crucial.

I think he'll be better next year than this year. He won't have to play a ton of minutes and try to manage without a guy like Wade missing one game and being out the next.
Yeah, we've only JUST started seeing him become more efficient the last couple of years. You don't lose that and I don't think he's reached the peak of that yet. Yes he's fast, strong, and can jump really high... and all of that starts to fade with age. He also does things on a basketball court that a man his size shouldn't be able to do, and he's not getting any smaller. He's got plenty of room to grow in the half court set. At 37 he'll probably play more like a point power forward, with few being able to stop him from the high/low post without double teaming... and he'd still have great court presence and vision to make the right pass when the double team comes.

The only thing I can agree with slipping sooner than later is his individual defense, but I disagree that it's already starting to slip. I think he may be fooling people right now, making it look easy to dominate on offense and still be a great wing defender... takes A LOT of energy. That role will be made easier, but even when this does start to slip he'll still be a great team defender and floor general on that end of the court. KG's individual defense went away years ago and I'd still take him today to be the floor general for my defense.
# 657 The 24th Letter @ 07/30/14 01:56 PM
I just wonder how long he can stay reletively injury free....

besides his annual sprained ankle or playoff cramps, lol
# 658 ojandpizza @ 07/30/14 01:57 PM
LeBron's "slip" last season defensively wasn't just him either. Bosh slipped some, Wade slipped a lot, Battier wasn't always in the rotation. Their defense as a whole was just hit or miss last year, where the prior two seasons before it was much more consistent.. Idk what the issue was, or where to point the finger, but they all looked worse at that end last year than previous years..

We'll see how it looks this year for comparison before I'll say he's slipped. Because last year the games he was "engaged" at that end he was still a force. You could noticeably see a difference in his defensive activity towards the end of the season and playoffs in comparison to earlier in the year and what his stat line shows.

Though he might not ever be at his "peak" defensive ability again he is still at a much higher level than most people at his position, and if Cleveland holds on to Wiggins he will have even more value at that end because he won't consistently have to defend on the high scoring wing players or guards that are carving up Kyrie. The less energy spent at that end the better for his overall game.
# 659 Scofield @ 07/30/14 02:11 PM
I think LBJ can still get much better as an offensive player. I don't mean in terms of efficiency, I guess I'm talking about the way he scores. He's yet to master the "nuance" of scoring if that makes any sense. He still has to make one or two moves to many or default to his athleticism because he doesn't quite have a complete skill-set.
# 660 cavsfan2 @ 07/30/14 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I just wonder how long he can stay reletively injury free....

besides his annual sprained ankle or playoff cramps, lol
Well if they trade Wiggins and force Lebron to guard the other teams best player the whole game that inevitability will come a lot sooner.

Lets project how many PPG guys on the Cavs will score this upcoming season. For the sake of argument, I'll make these projections on the conservative side.
Lebron: 24 ppg, Kyrie: 18 ppg, Waiters: 14 ppg, Wiggins 9 ppg, Tristan 9 ppg, Varejao: 6 ppg, Bennett 6 ppg, Dellevedova 5 ppg, Miller 4 ppg

That comes out to 95 points per game, but lets remember that this is slightly low balling players considering that these projections have everyone with lower ppg than they scored last year with the exception of Bennett, who will be better and Dellevedova who will have a bigger role this year. Also, this only accounts for the first nine players on the roster, it doesnt include what minor contributions the 10-12 guys on the bench might provide.

My point here is that the Cavs will be fine on offense. People will say that since Lebron is back there wont be the same amount of shots for everyone else, but the fact is Lebron will improve their efficiency while being extremely efficient himself.

As for spot up shooting, the Cavs guards are actually pretty good at that. Wiggins for all his offensive flaws is actually a pretty good spot up shooter.
Via Synergy Sports
Attachment 79903
His weakness is mid range and shooting off the dribble, which wont be a huge problem while he's playing with Lebron.

Dion Waiters shot 41.6% from deep while catching and shooting, which is better than 73 percent of the league.

Kyrie was bad last year at spot up shooting, but in his rookie year he shot 47 percent in those situations from deep. Why did those number drop off? My guess is because in his rookie year he played off the ball more and he prepared more for that role. When he became the main ball handler, he probably didnt focus so much on this aspect of his game. Now that hes gonna be off the ball more, I bet those number will go back up.

So once again, the Cavs as currently constructed will be good on offense. My main concern with this team is defense. Kyrie is a poor defender, Dion is a below average defender, Tristan is an ok defender but is not a shot blocker, and Varejao gets bullied by bigger players and is not a shot blocker. It doesnt get a whole lot better when you get to the bench with the exception of Dellavedova. Wiggins is a bright spot on this side of the ball because he can actually be a good defender right off the bat and he can relieve Lebron of the responsibility of guarding the other teams best player. This will result in less wear and tear on Lebron's body, which will mean a fresher Lebron come playoff time. Last year Lebron was clearly tired in the Finals, and he isnt getting any younger.

As for Kevin Love, I am not going to bash him. He is a great offensive player and rebounder. However, we cannot ignore his defensive flaws. For PFs and Cs in the NBA, Kevin Love ranked worse in opponent FG percentage at the rim with 57.4% out of players who give up more than 6 shots per game at the rim. Also, Love ranked 11th in the NBA in FGA at the rim with 9.1 per game. This essentially means he gives up alot of easy shots while not properly defending them. As for help defense, he does not have the length, lateral quickness, or the instincts to be an adequate help defender.

If you trade Wiggins Waiters, and Tristan for Love, not only will you lose alot of depth, but you will also create a really, really bad defensive team.

My point is, Love is a really good offensive player, but a poor defensive player. The Cavs are good on offense, but not really good at defense. Why would you trade one of your few good defenders for a good offensive player but a poor defender for a team in that situation? It only makes your flaws more severe while not affecting the offense nearly as much.

In my opinion, the Cavs should use some of their assets that isnt named Andrew Wiggins, Kyrie Irving, or Lebron James and look for a good defensive big.

EDIT: One more thing. The Cavs deoth chart at the center position currently consists of Anderson Varejao and Brandon Haywood, neither of whom have been healthy recently. Varejao will be injured by January as the trend has been the last three seasons. Thats another argument for going after a center who can play defense.

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