Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports today released a new Madden NFL 15 trailer featuring Luke Kuechly of the Carolina Panthers. The trailer shows Kuechly being transformed into what appears to be a vastly improved player model over the models found in Madden NFL 25.

Here's the whole trailer's script:

"I'm transforming, into something I never knew I could become.

If you don't know me by now, you will."

The trailer heavily hints at the prospect that Madden has been completely revamped, at least graphically -- but it hints at something even bigger.

Madden NFL 15 arrives on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on August 26th.

Guess we'll have to wait until June to find out what EA is up to with this year's game, any ideas from you guys?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 bxphenom7 @ 05/04/14 04:02 PM
What if this is finally the year Madden breaks the mold of being the same game every year and takes that pivotal step in become legendary like NFL 2k5? Only time will tell. Doubt it though...again...EA hasn't given me a reason to buy Madden since Madden 08 lol
# 142 Ueauvan @ 05/06/14 10:56 AM
i apologise if my post then spawned the derailment, it wasn't meant to.
as an aside when i graduated in 87 i was pondering doing a Ph.D. in Marketing. The topic i submitted was "Marketing American Football in Europe compared to marketing Association Football in the US"

i lined up a SERC grant (govt funding) and part time tutoring which would have made me a cash rich post grad in a target rich environment This was when World league was going and soccer was very small in the US. Then a certain large global company offered me a job the bastages ...

anyhoo back to the thread, a lot of us outside of the 50 states are avid fans, using NFL network, gamepass, espn etc to keep in touch with the game. I am staying up all days of the draft with my gf ('er indoors) playing madden and ncaa while watching the picks.

i have a hypothesis that a lot of brit madden players are over 30 and in my case nearly 50 as i started watching in the days of montana and lott
# 143 strawberryshortcake @ 05/06/14 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by adroscoe
I've read on several post that the Madden team has been going around scanning players faces for Madden 15 and plan to scan as many players as possible up until their deadline. They also mentioned that Madden will look much more real as they are able to save much more texture on the PS4 format that they couldn't in the past.

I do not want to be fooled again but this sounds promising....idk
... "They also mentioned that Madden will look much more real as they are able to save much more texture on the PS4 format that they couldn't in the past."

We're they referring to static magazine still images or the actual product in motion when one is playing the game?
# 144 CuseGirl @ 05/11/14 04:55 PM
Greasin' up that hype train I see.

I'm sure they adhered to my extensive wish list ::kermit face::

I just hope to the video game gods that they don't have the same stupid LIST of attribute upgrades and instead adopt a more user friendly stat screen like in NBA 2k. The menus were awful in Madden 25.
# 145 bodaciousmikie @ 05/13/14 08:18 PM
I'll pass this year. just going to get the updated rosters from here. Not worth spending $60+ every year for basically the same game but newer players added and newer features that just dwarfs glitches.
# 146 SageInfinite @ 05/17/14 09:49 AM
Anybody excited about the high possibility of true step being all over the field this year?
# 147 NicVirtue @ 05/17/14 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Anybody excited about the high possibility of true step being all over the field this year?
Me, not really, because if they still move like robots and react like androids, it won't matter none. If players can still attempt and recover fumbles or attempt interceptions in nano seconds, or recover onside kicks with no catch animation (ball just warps into their hands), then true step on all sides of the field won't be enough for me.
# 148 Madwolf @ 05/17/14 11:35 PM
I'm really disliking the lack of information headed into E3. That doesn't seem like a good sign to me. It is either VERY much the same game, or completely new.
# 149 roadman @ 05/18/14 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Madwolf
I'm really disliking the lack of information headed into E3. That doesn't seem like a good sign to me. It is either VERY much the same game, or completely new.
It was the same way last year, it's been tighter lipped since the last regime.
# 150 SageInfinite @ 05/18/14 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by FaceMask
I lump "True Step" in with how they advertised pass trajectories. It's an example of how far this genre has been allowed to sink into the abyss. These are basic functions of the game, and Tiburon using them as promoted features is just disgusting to me.

Besides, "True Step" had a lot of problems. The biggest one for me is, when you catch a pass in the flat and the receiver takes a bunch of unnecessary tap-dancing steps rather than just turning the ball upfield. I can't tell you how many would-be first downs or sure TD's were killed because of that problem. Granted, in real life you're going to need to collect yourself, but not to the degree that "True Step" exaggerates. That said, sometimes things like that are put into a game to stop the player from having too many positive outcomes. But in Madden 25's case, I don't think that's why it's there. I just think it's not working properly.
I feel the same exact way. Like mostly everything Tiburon implements into Madden, it's good in concept and theory, but poorly executed. As you said steps are just out of place. They end up being just extra poor animations on top of decent to poor animations instead of true momentum. Who knows, I hope they can get it together, but the history says otherwise.
# 151 m1ke_nyc @ 05/18/14 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I feel the same exact way. Like mostly everything Tiburon implements into Madden, it's good in concept and theory, but poorly executed. As you said steps are just out of place. They end up being just extra poor animations on top of decent to poor animations instead of true momentum. Who knows, I hope they can get it together, but the history says otherwise.
This is so true, everything they implement is always half as**d. Then they never build on anything. Features/gameplay mechanics always end up being scrapped. The infinity engine might be the first thing they actually hang on to. And might I add almost everything they put into the game has to have some stupid gimmick name to it so they can put it on the back of the box.
# 152 reverend_heat @ 05/18/14 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by FaceMask
when you catch a pass in the flat and the receiver takes a bunch of unnecessary tap-dancing steps rather than just turning the ball upfield. I can't tell you how many would-be first downs or sure TD's were killed because of that problem. Granted, in real life you're going to need to collect yourself, but not to the degree that "True Step" exaggerates.
This this this, absolutely has got to be fixed, momentum is one thing, not being able to stop your controlled player with 5 yards of room before the sideline is ridiculous.
# 153 SageInfinite @ 05/18/14 06:02 PM
It absolutely does help to not hold turbo/boost, but it needs to be tweaked heavily. Biggest problem to me is the base layer of animation/locomotion is a twitchy mess. No matter what they do, anything on top of that will not work for realism. Hopefully this transformation includes a replacement they've been working on, on the side.
# 154 24 @ 05/18/14 06:58 PM
One thing that would make me so happy is if instead of the blank black faces that we get when a player is created, we could get a cyber face similar to what The Show does. Would Honestly make my day.
# 155 hanzsomehanz @ 05/18/14 10:38 PM
I said in an earlier post that one of my simple hopes is to see strong side and weak side defenders play the appropriate side albeit this still seems like im reachig for the stars when it comes to what Madden actually delivers.

Another simple facet of football that I would like to see delivered in Madden is stunts.

While a stunt can be complex re; how it is carried out in real life: its success is limited in Madden due to an inefficient level of acceleration from blitzers. The underlying issue though is the suction blocking.

Suction blocking needs to go and in its place needs to be an organic trench that actually puts stress on an olinemans footwork.

Olinemen react at supersonic speeds w little to no impact on footwork. It also does not help that defenders will trip and fall but olineman glide and warp thru bodies with no impedence to their pursuit path despite the obstacles in their way.

These are the Devs efforts to give the cpu and ****** users more time in the pocket but it is also the bane of the pass rush d. This inept pass rush game that is overriden by hyperactive psychic olinemen reactions is what compels one to simply do away w a basic pass rush and go max coverage.

Now EA has taken the head off to cure the headache (nanos) and created another big ache in that same problem area.

I simply wish for balance and less polarizing extremes. Let the blitz work as it should and have the user adjust. There is a pocket presence mechanic that is being wasted.


Are we still going to have zone defenders covering the grass or air? DBs covering empty flat zones instead of extending their coverage to a threatened area like an olineman would?

You could send 1 WR against 8 defenders and he would still beat zone. Defenders mindlessly go ti their assigned zones regardless of seeing that the one threat that was there is no longer there.

This insanely dumbed down defensive AI needs to go. If olinemen show they can calculate pre snap and on the fly go to the area of threat: so can the D - they just need to be given the human intelligence to do so at a pro level of effort.

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# 156 CM Hooe @ 05/19/14 02:58 PM
With respect to comparisons between Madden NFL and The Show with respect to strategic depth - it's my opinion that the average professional baseball fan (and also the average professional basketball fan) is by-and-large more intelligent with respect to the strategies of the sport than the average football fan. As such there's a profound difference in the target audience from where I sit.

The average football fan doesn't understand things like one-gap vs two-gap defensive assignments, motion TE vs a Y tight end, split end vs flanker, etc. etc. I'm not sure the average NFL fan is even aware of these things as concepts because the first-party NFL media and ESPN do not do a great job teaching how the game is played strategically, beyond a 4-3 front vs a 3-4 front (and even then these aren't explained very well either). There's no explanation as to how Wade Phillips' 3-4 is different from that of Dom Capers or Dick LeBeau. That Madden NFL is regarded as the premier football teaching tool for the masses - even though it is missing a good number of football fundamentals - is demonstrative of how greatly the NFL and ESPN have failed in this regard.

Further expanding on that, the NFL TV broadcast camera doesn't even show the play developing down the field during the live action. This is unlike basketball - which shows all ten players on the floor in the half court offense and thus things like pick-and-roll, pick-and-pop, off-ball screens, elevator screens, hedging screens, etc. must be explained because the user can see them - or baseball - where the audience can see the movement of the pitch thrown, and there's enough dead time between live ball moments to show the positions of the runners, what batter is on deck, and so on, so different types of pitches and offensive strategies (hit-and-run, sacrifice bunt, base-stealing strategies, infield alignments, etc.) must be explained. For baseball in particular, this doesn't even begin to account for that there are only eight possible configurations of runners, the game is on the pre-play level strategically simpler. By contrast, since the NFL broadcast by-and-large never shows the live downfield action and is always focused on the quarterback until he throws the ball, so a lot of defensive nuance in particular is left unexplained. The market for the "all-22" camera views offered by NFL's online services only exists because there's a segment of hardcore fans not satisfied by the baseline coverage of the sport the NFL offers.

Basically, I'm arguing that the NFL dumbs down its own product to maximize its target audience. As such, Madden NFL must be dumbed down by Tiburon to capture that dumbed-down target audience - as well as the even more general video game buying audience more interested in the Call of Duty and Battlefields of the world who may not even watch football (these games which EA Sports views as Madden's direct competition nowadays) - so said audience can reasonably understand how to play Madden the video game and succeed at it. As realistic as The Show is, no version of it has cracked 1 million units sold per VGChartz; the accuracy of that source notwithstanding, Madden sells multi-millions compared to The Show's 1 million (generous). The Show doesn't sell enough for anything it does to move the needle at EA Tiburon in any manner.

It's unfortunate for 90% of the population of this message board (if not more) which generally has more of a clue as to what's going on in a given football game beyond how many points their fantasy team's players have accumulated in a given week. Even having said all of the above, however, EA Tiburon could and indeed should take some initiative in progressing their game strategically, to progress Madden NFL as a game and a football teaching tool. I hope they do so, personally, because that's what it is going to take to keep me interested in the series.
# 157 SageInfinite @ 05/19/14 03:55 PM
I can only speak for myself and say the good sports games made me understand and appreciate their respective sports more. EA/Tiburon just don't see the payoff in making a more realistic game.
# 158 Chiefsfan881129 @ 05/19/14 04:12 PM
No disrespect to anyone but I laugh at all the people saying the lack of news is Concerning or not good..

Well I disagree in fact I actually take it as a positive I say this because it means the devs are putting more effort into making a better product for not only the nfl and ea but for the fans in general. .

I remember everyone wanting a better improved product..

Well this may be the year yea some of u might be skeptical but think about it..

In years past ea put out Information early and did interviews and stuff early hyping up a game it wasn't. .

Well we all know how that played out old saying goes the more time u spend hyping up something the less time u have to work on it..

Making it a bad product. Now I info is slow to come out this year and everyone assumes no news is bad news I rather they wait till game is finished and no longer in ea hands b4 talking about the game and hyping it up this way it allows them to make a better game and make fans happy..

Yes no game will ever be perfect or bug and glitch free and none should ever expect it to be..

But all the silence this year I say is a great thing cuz perhaps it's a sign there getting serious and a better product will be made with less bugs and glitches then past few years but to accomplish this ea needs all the time they can get and the less time they spend talking and hyping up a game the more time they have to make a better product. .

Besides it's what we want and it's likely what we will get people can't have it both ways

Either ask for information early get a bad product or wait and have patience and receive a fun enjoyable product.

I take all this silence as the best thing that could of happened because it a sign ea has gotten serious for once and will finally deliver a better product. .

I don't care if we don't get info till June or July every year from now on as long as there using that time to improve the quality of the product.

So no news is good news and hopefully that's a new sign of things to come for the better of everyone. .

Hope this helps explains another reason for a delay have a great day. . Go Chiefs!

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
# 159 N51_rob @ 05/19/14 04:59 PM
You do know that marketing not developers control the flow of information right? Devs could be making the worst madden in years and marketing would be hyping it up for all to see. The developers don't market the game. There has been no information because its not June. That is when the marketing team for madden will start to make their money. It even says as much in the title of this post.

Only thing that is weird to me, is the lack of chatter from the Game "Changers". Those guys are usually talking somewhere and it doesn't seem to be the case this year. That could be good or bad.
# 160 N51_rob @ 05/20/14 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
With respect to comparisons between Madden NFL and The Show with respect to strategic depth - it's my opinion that the average professional baseball fan (and also the average professional basketball fan) is by-and-large more intelligent with respect to the strategies of the sport than the average football fan. As such there's a profound difference in the target audience from where I sit.

The average football fan doesn't understand things like one-gap vs two-gap defensive assignments, motion TE vs a Y tight end, split end vs flanker, etc. etc. I'm not sure the average NFL fan is even aware of these things as concepts because the first-party NFL media and ESPN do not do a great job teaching how the game is played strategically, beyond a 4-3 front vs a 3-4 front (and even then these aren't explained very well either). There's no explanation as to how Wade Phillips' 3-4 is different from that of Dom Capers or Dick LeBeau. That Madden NFL is regarded as the premier football teaching tool for the masses - even though it is missing a good number of football fundamentals - is demonstrative of how greatly the NFL and ESPN have failed in this regard.

Further expanding on that, the NFL TV broadcast camera doesn't even show the play developing down the field during the live action. This is unlike basketball - which shows all ten players on the floor in the half court offense and thus things like pick-and-roll, pick-and-pop, off-ball screens, elevator screens, hedging screens, etc. must be explained because the user can see them - or baseball - where the audience can see the movement of the pitch thrown, and there's enough dead time between live ball moments to show the positions of the runners, what batter is on deck, and so on, so different types of pitches and offensive strategies (hit-and-run, sacrifice bunt, base-stealing strategies, infield alignments, etc.) must be explained. For baseball in particular, this doesn't even begin to account for that there are only eight possible configurations of runners, the game is on the pre-play level strategically simpler. By contrast, since the NFL broadcast by-and-large never shows the live downfield action and is always focused on the quarterback until he throws the ball, so a lot of defensive nuance in particular is left unexplained. The market for the "all-22" camera views offered by NFL's online services only exists because there's a segment of hardcore fans not satisfied by the baseline coverage of the sport the NFL offers.

Basically, I'm arguing that the NFL dumbs down its own product to maximize its target audience. As such, Madden NFL must be dumbed down by Tiburon to capture that dumbed-down target audience - as well as the even more general video game buying audience more interested in the Call of Duty and Battlefields of the world who may not even watch football (these games which EA Sports views as Madden's direct competition nowadays) - so said audience can reasonably understand how to play Madden the video game and succeed at it. As realistic as The Show is, no version of it has cracked 1 million units sold per VGChartz; the accuracy of that source notwithstanding, Madden sells multi-millions compared to The Show's 1 million (generous). The Show doesn't sell enough for anything it does to move the needle at EA Tiburon in any manner.

It's unfortunate for 90% of the population of this message board (if not more) which generally has more of a clue as to what's going on in a given football game beyond how many points their fantasy team's players have accumulated in a given week. Even having said all of the above, however, EA Tiburon could and indeed should take some initiative in progressing their game strategically, to progress Madden NFL as a game and a football teaching tool. I hope they do so, personally, because that's what it is going to take to keep me interested in the series.
As usual you make some great points.

The one are where the show continues to be the best sports game out there is in their ability to allow users to make the game their own. They provide OPTIONS AND WORKING SLIDERS that allow each user to craft the game to play the way they want. You can literally make the show as sim or arcade as you want. You have working sliders that control everything from how fast a 95 mph fastball gets to the plate, to his often the CPU will foul off pitches to how quickly relief pitchers get tired to the am strength of defenders and on and on. Not only that but they work. You bump one slider up or down you will instantly notice the effect it had.

They have an option to only have the pitcher throw strikes for goodness sake. I get that the level of knowledge for most football fans I'm one of those guys who had spent the entire off-season watching all-22 in my free time. But there is no excuse for me not to have the options to tune the game to be as hard or ready as I see fit.

That is what bugs me about madden they want me to play their game and won't allow me to make the game "mine" which for a sports game is just wrong. Madden makes it easier to have a 77-70 game than they do a 13-9 game because that is how they want the game to play.

I've had games in the show where the score was 12-10 with 22 combined his and I've had 1-0 games with a combined 4 hits, all in the same sliders and difficult level.

I didn't spend that much time with NBA2K but I got the same feeling in my time with that game.

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