Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports today released a new Madden NFL 15 trailer featuring Luke Kuechly of the Carolina Panthers. The trailer shows Kuechly being transformed into what appears to be a vastly improved player model over the models found in Madden NFL 25.

Here's the whole trailer's script:

"I'm transforming, into something I never knew I could become.

If you don't know me by now, you will."

The trailer heavily hints at the prospect that Madden has been completely revamped, at least graphically -- but it hints at something even bigger.

Madden NFL 15 arrives on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on August 26th.

Guess we'll have to wait until June to find out what EA is up to with this year's game, any ideas from you guys?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 ch46647 @ 04/28/14 01:45 PM
Will wait to see gameplay and play the final release. Would love to get excited about Madden again, but have become so burnt out from the "hype machine" and a very sub=par final product since 2006.

This game needs a complete re-vamp in the worst way, but I will believe it when I see it.

Madden has fallen light years behind MLB The Show and NBA 2K in overall quality. They are significantly behind their own EA branded products in both NHL and FIFA from a gameplay stand point.
# 22 dghustla @ 04/28/14 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I'll be more impressed if they start releasing blogs about gap integrity and AI differences between one-technique defensive tackles in a 4-3 Base front and one-technique defensive tackles in a 4-3 Under front. The biggest thing I want from this generation of consoles is a smarter and strategically deeper game of football.

That said, as someone who passed on the Gen-8 version of Madden 25, if that's the final on-field graphic level of detail (and I'm still wait-and-see on that, given Madden 06's hype cycle) - holy crap.
THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS! I want to see that 3-4 NT holding lineman to free backers. Graphics look good but if players are going to run toss and stretch for the following 7 months.....
# 23 LovejoyOTF @ 04/28/14 01:49 PM
so that thing on polygon: if i was going to hazard a guess at what it could be, i reckon first person, helmet cam stuff (maybe even headtrack with kinect / ps camera? )

sounds like pre-game and half time shows too, hopefully.
# 24 rkocjay @ 04/28/14 01:51 PM
Madden season starts today
# 25 chi_hawks @ 04/28/14 01:51 PM
Looks bad ***....hope this isn't more EA b.s. and is actually in the real game.
# 26 smiley3 @ 04/28/14 01:58 PM
Not buying the hype yet
# 27 rkocjay @ 04/28/14 01:59 PM
Don't get hype until you see FINAL gameplay in August
# 28 Mizzou24 @ 04/28/14 02:07 PM
I was fooled with rg3 graphics last year not this year ea!! But looks impressive.. Sure hope they ain't yankin our chains.. They always jokesters there lol.

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# 29 DeuceDouglas @ 04/28/14 02:12 PM
Liking the fact that they mentioned defense first off. Especially considering that there was absolutely none in M25.

Completely skeptical of the broadcast presentation stuff. Halftime and pre-game skits do nothing for me. I'll be interested to see what they have in store.

As for the cover vote, over-under on Kuechly being a finalist?

And not to be that guy, but I can't help but notice the equipment/jersey issues between the two, but that's that OCD kicking in. I like the look but it's all nothing until we get gameplay. Always been that way.
# 30 StL_RamZ @ 04/28/14 02:19 PM
# 31 Grey_Osprey @ 04/28/14 02:23 PM
EA/Tiburon/Madden Team had to improve the graphics to keep up with other titles on the new systems. Until they show actual gameplay footage this will be nothing more than lots of pretty lipstick. And in all honesty, I'm not sure I'll believe the gameplay footage if/when it's released. At this point, I'm more likely to wait for the game to be released and read the OS reviews.
# 32 CM Hooe @ 04/28/14 02:23 PM
More blurbs, this one from our fearless leader:

Originally Posted by @Steve_OS
Madden NFL 15 will also feature dynamic pre-game and halftime shows, in-depth player profiles, as well as enhanced on-field graphics.
# 33 Shaffer26 @ 04/28/14 02:25 PM
It's a shame that hardly anyone, including me, can get excited about this because of EA's past. Fool me once....
# 34 Droopy03 @ 04/28/14 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I'll be more impressed if they start releasing blogs about gap integrity and AI differences between one-technique defensive tackles in a 4-3 Base front and one-technique defensive tackles in a 4-3 Under front. The biggest thing I want from this generation of consoles is a smarter and strategically deeper game of football.

That said, as someone who passed on the Gen-8 version of Madden 25, if that's the final on-field graphic level of detail (and I'm still wait-and-see on that, given Madden 06's hype cycle) - holy crap.
Exactly!!! The strategy of the game is just as important to me as the gameplay. To me the draft would be a lot better if they just justified each position in a 3-4 defense and a 4-3-defense. They did a lot better job this year at this but they could go more in depth. Like a DT in a 4-3 is not just a DT you have a 1 technique and a 3 technique tackle. That would make the draft a better experience for me and also the strategy part of the game in game a better experience.
# 35 mvb34 @ 04/28/14 02:32 PM
I like a window seat please!!

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# 36 ultralow36 @ 04/28/14 02:38 PM
will wait to see more......
# 37 veguss2001 @ 04/28/14 02:40 PM
Here we go again.

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# 38 BadAssHskr @ 04/28/14 02:41 PM
Tell them to include Much more franchise functionality via web browser.
# 39 veguss2001 @ 04/28/14 02:41 PM
For years EA Sports have known how to make a good trailer but when they start talking about graphics I get skeptical. The game almost never lives up to the trailer. Waiting to see...

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# 40 Cusefan @ 04/28/14 02:43 PM
I actually enjoyed madden last year so I'll buy it

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