MLB 14 The Show News Post

PlayStation.Blog has posted their MLB 14 The Show developer blog which details quick counts and player lock features, which help complete games faster.

Other details not mentioned in the video are listed below.
  • Quick Counts and Player Lock are game options; they aren’t mandatory.
  • Quick Counts and Player Lock are available in all game modes except Road To The Show.
  • Player lock will allow you to play a full game in as little as 10 minutes.
  • With Quick Counts on, you will cut your game completion times in half if used in conjunction with the Fast Play presentation setting. Games can now be completed in as little as 30 minutes.
  • Realistic stats in Quick Counts have not been compromised. However, you may see a slight increase in strike outs and walks.
  • To customize your Player Lock experience, visit the Options page and access the RTTS Options.
  • Player Lock fielding uses fielder-perspective controls, so all bases are mapped opposite of non-Player Lock games (i.e. Square = First, X = Second, Circle = Third, Triangle = Home)
What are your thoughts on quick counts and player lock?

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 godylla @ 02/26/14 10:49 AM
Great info and explanations. Game looks great for PS3.
# 2 Will I Am @ 02/26/14 10:51 AM
Glad to see them add player lock, PYS has fieldplay which is the same and it works well.
# 3 BSUFAN @ 02/26/14 11:01 AM
Sounds awesome, I can't wait. Now I player lock my favorite player and do my RTTS , it's like I can have my cake and eat it too.
# 4 Curahee @ 02/26/14 11:02 AM
Here is some screens to examine.....

# 5 seasprite @ 02/26/14 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by BSUFAN
Sounds awesome, I can't wait. Now I player lock my favorite player and do my RTTS , it's like I can have my cake and eat it too.
This is something that I liked from the information as well.
# 6 ebarws6 @ 02/26/14 11:12 AM
Player lock camera looks very solid.
# 7 nemesis04 @ 02/26/14 11:12 AM
I like how the count is displayed prominently when you are in the quick counts mode. Just being displayed in the scorebug was not enough for this mode.
# 8 WB1214 @ 02/26/14 11:12 AM
Blog was good, and the presentation stuff looks good to me too
# 9 BSUFAN @ 02/26/14 11:14 AM
If you notice the first screen they have up there it shows the player name, Home Run and How Far it was hit, sweet !!!! No more guessing on how far a no-doubter is anymore !!!
# 10 eaw913 @ 02/26/14 11:16 AM
This makes me so excited for PS4 gameplay. Ugh. I really love that camera after getting a hit. It looks really nice... gives you that "watching the ball off the bat" feeling like it would in real life.
# 11 Scott @ 02/26/14 11:21 AM
Really looking forward to the QC...
# 12 SVCbearcat10 @ 02/26/14 11:22 AM
I think Quick Counts is a game changer that only a baseball sim can deliver. It speeds up the game without sacrificing life-like stats. All other sports have clocks. In order to speed up the game, you accelerate the clock or play with shorter quarters/periods. This in turns gives you less plays which gives you very unrealistic stats. In Madden, I usually have the worst (or close to it) offense and the best defense.

Quick Counts with Broadcast presentation is awesome. You get full immersion in half the time. Quick Counts with Quick Play presentation should allow you to get that extra game in when you otherwise couldn't.
# 13 ShowTyme15 @ 02/26/14 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Curahee
Here is some screens to examine.....

Looks good on the PS3. One thing though. In the Screenshot with Evan Longoria It's hard to tell if Tropicana Field's renovation made it in or not. Other than that looks good.
# 14 Curahee @ 02/26/14 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by BSUFAN
If you notice the first screen they have up there it shows the player name, Home Run and How Far it was hit, sweet !!!! No more guessing on how far a no-doubter is anymore !!!
So long as it does that every time.
Last year it did that too, but only about 75% of the time.
# 15 BSUFAN @ 02/26/14 11:37 AM
The more I look at the new Dynamic Hitting camera like wow what a difference this is going to make in the presentation.
# 16 MrOldboy @ 02/26/14 11:39 AM
Hopefully the numbers on the CF scoreboard at Wrigley get changed to white on PS4, I know a lot of people requested that last year.

# 17 Flaxseed Oil @ 02/26/14 11:45 AM
Sounds good, but the pitching motions all still look terrible.

Hopefully animations will be a bit better on PS4.
# 18 ckarlic @ 02/26/14 11:46 AM
"Player Search" (from the Menu screen) is a great addition. Definitely something a lot of people, including myself, wanted to have. Thanks!!!
# 19 SVCbearcat10 @ 02/26/14 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
This is good stuff. Liking the new way the game looks. (not to sound unappreciative of the new info especially since we haven't gotten any recently) BUT I'd LOVE to just SEE what the PS4 is up to. Honestly the PS3 screens and vids aren't doing it for me anymore knowing how good the initial PS4 shots looked. Hopefully by next week (or the week after) they'll be ready to throw some PS4 media our way.
I wouldn't count on it. I'd be surprised if we see anything more than a couple screenshots of the PS4 before the PS3 version is released. Their goal right now is to maximize their sales of the PS3 version and not alienate that fan base before moving their attention to PS4 owners. The blogs will refer to both versions, but any video released in March should be PS3 only.
# 20 Curahee @ 02/26/14 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Hopefully the numbers on the CF scoreboard at Wrigley get changed to white on PS4, I know a lot of people requested that last year.
Here is my theory on that. And its just a theory.
But my friend, Graig Kreindler does some AMAZING paintings of MLB players.
He has told me the law allows him to create one painting of each work and it must be different in some way than the original if he intends to sell it.

So, my theory is that SCEA artists have to do the same thing when they create these stadiums and features in the stadiums.
Remember, someone created the real life buildings and scoreboards and in a sense were artists themselves. So re-creating exact replicas would be a copyright infringement. So SCEA makes the Wrigley numbers Yellow instead of White to protect themselves from copyright infringement or from forcing themselves from pursuing the rights from the original designer.

AGAIN..... Just a theory.

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