MLB 14 The Show News Post

PlayStation.Blog has posted their MLB 14 The Show developer blog which details quick counts and player lock features, which help complete games faster.

Other details not mentioned in the video are listed below.
  • Quick Counts and Player Lock are game options; they aren’t mandatory.
  • Quick Counts and Player Lock are available in all game modes except Road To The Show.
  • Player lock will allow you to play a full game in as little as 10 minutes.
  • With Quick Counts on, you will cut your game completion times in half if used in conjunction with the Fast Play presentation setting. Games can now be completed in as little as 30 minutes.
  • Realistic stats in Quick Counts have not been compromised. However, you may see a slight increase in strike outs and walks.
  • To customize your Player Lock experience, visit the Options page and access the RTTS Options.
  • Player Lock fielding uses fielder-perspective controls, so all bases are mapped opposite of non-Player Lock games (i.e. Square = First, X = Second, Circle = Third, Triangle = Home)
What are your thoughts on quick counts and player lock?

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 121 tnixen @ 02/27/14 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by econoodle
that is until it gets in the way of a ball rolling in the corner and you lose sight of it.

love the new tile menus. been clamoring for that or a while now.
glad to see the 2k batting cam make its debut here. you can see more o the beautiful stadiums that way.
Well actually I was thinking about using this option the most for CPU VS CPU games
# 122 Ghoste @ 02/27/14 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
I am in serious hype mode now. First of all the new dynamic cameras are freaking awesome!!!

Quick counts will be great when I know I have basically 30 minutes to play.....now I am not going to use it that often....but I love...love I have that option now.

I am stoked about RTTS.....I have never deep dived into this mode...but since we will be waiting for OSFM for a month or so on the PS3.....it's a great chance to get a RTTS going.

I am very eager to hear/see about the catcher enhancements, franchise enhancements (logic, assistant GM) and the improved CPU batter swinging out of thr strike zone enhancements.

MLB 14 will go down as the best yet......this team has never failed me!
Because the camera stays behind the batter for a second, to me, it kinda makes it a tad bit harder to judge if the ball will be caught. Causing a slight delay for me to send my runners or not.

On topic, the Quick Counts option seems cool and I might test it out. It'll be tough though because I really like playing a full game. I like how the hour or so time that it takes me to finish, makes it feel like I've played a game of baseball. It's fulfilling.

I do love how these options make it the best of both worlds, making more people happy. Awesome job Russell & Co.

# 123 Russell_SCEA @ 02/27/14 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Tweeg
The camera view on that HR @ 2:00

Is that the dynamic cam, or the player lock cam?
The dynamic cam.
# 124 Russell_SCEA @ 02/27/14 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Heroesandvillains
It seems nothing can satiate anybody lately!

2 games = 2 games.

2 games does not = trend.

I'm sure he'll post more. Let's ease up a little bit.
What this guy said ^^^^
# 125 jeb4056 @ 02/27/14 03:34 PM
So when using 'player lock' I can only lock-on to 1 player? Is that confirmed?

Also any news on if player lock can be used when multiple users play on the same team? (is it still only 2 users on a team or is it now going to be possible to have more than 2 now)? {all offline franchise mode}
# 126 Kirby_SCEA @ 02/27/14 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
The issue was when you played RTTS on result pitch (for both fielding, and watching your teams at bats) the pitch counts were not counting properly. I think it was only counting the pitches you saw. Pitch counts in the 7th inning were like 36 and things like that.
This has been addressed. Pitch counts will update and be displayed correctly when Result Play is used
# 127 RangersCruz @ 02/27/14 04:03 PM
Apart from the player locks and camera angles this looks like MLb 12/13 to me
# 128 sk @ 02/27/14 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
Apart from the player locks and camera angles this looks like MLb 12/13 to me
Visually? Yeah it will look the same visually if you plan to play on your PS3.

The reason only those two seem like the improvements is because they've had a blog about only those two things.
# 129 RangersCruz @ 02/27/14 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Again, there's not much more LOOKS WISE they can do with the PS3. (Not much more in general they can do really). Where this game will shine and show itself is in the PS4 version now.
The player models even in the ps4 version look like plastic..
# 130 nemesis04 @ 02/27/14 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
The player models even in the ps4 version look like plastic..
At least you will not have to worry about looking at them because you are selling your ps4.
# 131 SVCbearcat10 @ 02/27/14 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
Apart from the player locks and camera angles this looks like MLb 12/13 to me
There's always one. When you get to the end of a generation, the improvements are in the details and feel, not graphics. So many people complain that next-gen doesn't make as big of a leap in graphics as last generation. You have to remember last generation made the jump for SD tube TVs to HD flat screens, causing the jump in graphics. Personally, I believe we are peaking in terms of graphics and don't expect them to get too much better for the next few years unless someone cracks to code to make the next noticeable leap.

This generation will be defined by the small details, in my opinion. Details as in player models look crisper, more life like hair, skin, etc. From a distance, PS4 and PS3 may not look too different, but up close they will. They move more realistically where all the laws of physics apply. The AI will think and interact more like we would. They have to ability to make a couple decisions when presented with a situation, rather than the same one. This will make games better and life-like. No more clipping through objects, the balls have real physics apply to them. The Show is considered the best because of the details, not because it becomes more graphically superior each year. Madden is 100x better on next-gen because of AI is improved in ways that isn't possible with current gen, not because of small graphics upgrades.

People who always bash games for.. oh, it looks exactly the same.. should just stop buying games. They have unrealistic expectations for how a game should look different. Baseball is baseball, you can't change that. So yes, this year's edition will look like last year's because well, it's baseball. Technology as a whole isn't there to make the graphical leap that you want so you will never love any game you play because it doesn't meet some impossible standard.

Sorry for the rant, just see this everywhere for every game that has yearly releases.
# 132 Armor and Sword @ 02/27/14 04:25 PM
This game as been a visual feast since 2009. I never got 10. 11 was better, 12 was better than 09 and 11 and then 13 came out and to me was even sharper and visually pleasing.

But most importantly.....with each iteration I have purchased (09,11,12,13) the game feels more and more organic each and every year. For me Baseball is life and this game brings it closer than anything other than really playing it. (which I proudly still do every Sunday morning in my mens 30 and over open league).

I fully expect SCEA to take the PS3 version of 14 even farther....but in the ways I love. The feel of the game, the ever so little nuances that hardcore baseball fans will notice around the park and with all the new catcher animations and batting stances etc......and these new dynamic cams look incredible. I play from a behind the pitcher view on defense and it is going to be really nice. And when I am at bat I can't wait to see it in action.

This is the only sports series this gen that imo truly upgrades each and every year in positive ways each time out. Some other games have taken steps backs (yes I am talking about you 2K basketball, Madden and NCAA save for 2K14, NCAA 14 and M25 all of which are pinnacles for their series respectively IMO).


Options never get removed......only added and built upon. I am truly pumped how much they are adding to the PS3 version for those of us who are sticking with that console for a couple of more years (yeah.....I am sticking with it for The Show 15 as well.....now that know I can carry my rosters and saves over.....fantastic!!!).

Yeah......I may sound like a fan boy.....but I don't care.....SCEA is making such an incredible baseball game....I mean really guys.....it does not get any better than The Show.....it really doesn't.
# 133 godylla @ 02/27/14 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I dont put a lot of stock into the PS4 with anything we've seen so far. As much as I dont like to admit it LOL it's not done yet. By May and it's release, the PS4 version will look AMAZING. Remember though, this is the FIRST iteration on the PS4, so dont expect a perfect product. It's only gonna get better.
Also, those are older pictures. Remember just a few weeks ago Russell told us that they had someone crack the lighting code, so I am guessing those screens were before that. The game could look drastically different than the little bit we have seen already.
# 134 Russell_SCEA @ 02/27/14 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Can we expect a blog every week? or at least on a somewhat regular basis?
# 135 Russell_SCEA @ 02/27/14 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Again, there's not much more LOOKS WISE they can do with the PS3. (Not much more in general they can do really). Where this game will shine and show itself is in the PS4 version now.
Yes we reached our visual target on PS3 on MLB 12 or 13 can't remember exactly what version it was.
# 136 mikeq672 @ 02/27/14 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Yes we reached our visual target on PS3 on MLB 12 or 13 can't remember exactly what version it was.
The way you guys go out of your way to answer questions and give us info is amazing, other companies should take notes. Really the only game I know that actually gives the consumer a voice in making the game, so to speak.

Now get me another developer blog a.s.a.p. haha.
# 137 RangersCruz @ 02/27/14 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
At least you will not have to worry about looking at them because you are selling your ps4.
IF i can't get the price i want i won't sell it. the show is the only reason i got the system
# 138 HustlinOwl @ 02/27/14 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
IF i can't get the price i want i won't sell it. the show is the only reason i got the system
# 139 RangersCruz @ 02/27/14 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
lol...not going back on it sorry maybe when i see more my opinion will change but as of now i see nothing big in the graphics that is next gen

Maybe i shouldn't expect nba 2k type of graphics
# 140 Bobhead @ 02/27/14 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
lol...not going back on it sorry maybe when i see more my opinion will change but as of now i see nothing big in the graphics that is next gen

Maybe i shouldn't expect nba 2k type of graphics
Or maybe you shouldn't expect finished graphics from an unfinished game.

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