NBA Live 14 News Post

Kind of like Derrick Rose's season, NBA Live 14 might just be a lost cause at this point.
It has been 64 days since NBA Live 14 has made its return to sports gamers’ living rooms, but that still doesn’t say much as the franchise is struggling to keep fans interested in a game that lacks both quality and accessible gameplay.

NBA Live was met with backlash when it was first released, which you might say was well deserved.

The gameplay was clunky, the player models looked strange, and the overall feel of the game lacked the fluidity that the game’s main competitor – NBA 2K – seemed to have nearly mastered. After an endless string of bad reviews, EA Sports announced that they would take on a massive project by attempting to fix NBA Live on the fly.

Read More - NBA Live 14: It's Time to Leave a Man Behind

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 tbook24 @ 01/22/14 10:37 PM
this year waas just disapppointing altogether for basketball on the nextgen. there were flaws in both games. they just need to get it together for next season.
# 42 KennyJ1976 @ 01/22/14 10:43 PM
I totally disagree with this post. EA Sports "promised" to fix NBA Live 14 so I feel they should honor their word and fix it. I could care less about NBA Live 15 on January 22, 2014 when NBA Live 14 just came out 2 months ago.We can worry about NBA Live 15 in October when it comes out. Even though I still have fun with this game, even with its flaws, I feel EA owes it to everyone who purchased this game at full retail price, despite the negative reviews, and have patiently waited for EA to release the patch they have "promised" to release. To those people that says NBA Live 14 to hard, my advice would be just play the game. The more you play it, the better you get. Just take your early butt whippings like a man until you get the feel of the game down. I find the shooting and dribbling to be pretty simple once you get used to it. Lastly, about roster updates, where is Ryan Kelly for the Lakers and Rasoul Butler for the Pacers, and why is Roger Mason Jr a free agent when he has been on the Heat roster all season long.If someone from EA sees this post, please take care of that in the next roster update.
# 43 DreDay2K @ 01/22/14 11:03 PM
I was a Live guy from 2002-2009.. Then became a 2k guy when they introduced my player mode. Was rooting for Live to make a strong comeback. I think that they should of waited another year to release the game. Could of been way better!
# 44 poloelite @ 01/23/14 12:47 AM
It's a bad year for basketball games on next gen, but I've actually been playing Live 14 since 2K has been broken and I don't see anything good there. In my opinion 2K14 on current gen is a better game. If it took them 2-3 years to release Live 14, I think it's nearly impossible for them to make something spectacular for Live 15 in such a small window with divided resources. Over the last 10 years they've had one decent Live game in my opinion and the guy responsible for that works on 2K. So judging by their track record and what's out there now I don't even believe they have the right minds in place to even innovate and implement a basketball game on the level we demand now. Live's heyday was back when games were more arcade and didn't contain all of the real life nuance.

Meanwhile if the other game manages to correct VC and give back offline saves, they have a lock on next year's market. Just giving where they stand now and what needs to be fixed for next year, Live is like the Orlando Magic trying to win the title this year and 2K is like the Heat. Overcome a Wade injury and add another ring.
# 45 Halfamazing @ 01/23/14 02:37 AM
Let me first say I don't have the game. This is what I gather from watching many videos.

Just not feeling next gen. The more "next gen" we get, the more online we get. The more online we get, the more incomplete games we get, the more weak excuses of game modes that happen to be online-only we get. I don't even consider them game modes anymore.

I knew from the jump when live was talking about rosters within hours, edits, replay games, that it'd all flop. "Big moments" is just "situation" that doesn't even require real life replication. I was expecting at least for the game winning moments to have to reproduce the exact shot type, at least, hit DRose's floater over multiple defenders, same spot, same play. But you don't have to. It's situation. Dunk it, you'll pass. It's easy to, inbound defense and offense is so lackadaisical, just do a circle, run to the basket.

The game plays so slow at times and then so quick where you can't digest things at other times. It's a middle zone of not being able to replicate real life movement, yet still suffering lack of spontaneous-ism. Ever since Live's tried to be more realistic the more moves it seems they've taken out of the game.

They say the moves have depth, but I swear there were more meaningful moves in live 2005/6. I don't get the feeling that moves matter, I don't think they do matter. How many times have you seen Joel Anthony spin out the post and powerslam over 2 defenders in real life? How many times have you seen that in this game? That's the depth of the post game. Spin off, try to dunk. One generic(and fake looking) up and under move, one stiff hook shot.

Tried to be a fan of it, but my biggest turn-down moment was the lack of contact, man. And the force field on dunkers! They still look untouchable, knocking players back. We're they playing sonic, they get purple shields when they take off? What really gets me is that there seems to be more contact against the defenders, than offensive players. That seems backwards to me.

I wish I wish they could just make a live 05/6 game, port it, and revamp it to ps4. To hell with this online stuff. The only thing that would be cool about updating rosters is to update haircuts, tattoos, trades. Nothing else other than those really matter. I don't want my accessories updated, I don't want you telling me I can't play as Derrick Rose, I wouldn't ****ing buy the game if I couldn't play as Derrick Rose, man. Make the entire game and its modes for the $60 purchase. Too many generic online modes taking up the game's value.

Didn't mean to post all of this crap. But I forgot to add; when you take out 2-man animations, give the ball life, have these physics and whatnot, then animations absolutely matter, they matter more than they've ever had before.
# 46 DruBreeze @ 01/23/14 06:52 AM
# 47 VTPack919 @ 01/23/14 11:13 AM
I never really comment on articles here because they are usually great...

I am; however, confused by this article. It's not one of OperationSports' best and it sounds like the author did not spend much time with the game. Don't we usually love post release support around here? I must be playing a different game because I feel that this one has great potential and a patch or two would go along way to making it even better.
# 48 The 24th Letter @ 01/23/14 11:43 AM
Maybe I am interpreting the article differently.

I didn’t take it as, “Stop supporting Live 14 all together, we as fans don’t like support post release”

I took more as “How much support do you put into a NBA game in February and going forward, before it starts to hinder the progress of the next installment due in October?”

Selfishly, as someone who does think the game has potential, of course I want some more post release support, but I can see where the article is coming from. Unless I missed it, he didnt tell EA to cancel the upcoming patch or anything like that...but looking at what Scott promised, I dont know if the patch in itself is going live up to that...
# 49 King_B_Mack @ 01/23/14 12:09 PM
I think this is just the typical defensive reaction hardcore fans of a series take 24th. Something is said that doesn't paint a glowing, flawless picture of the product that is supported so automatically it turns into "hating" or some sort of bashing/unfair treatment case and all the worst possible explanations for why the person feels the way they feel about the product get's thrown out there as if it's something personal.

The way the article is written its clear that the issue at hand is not about providing post release support, but how long do you continue to provide the amount of support that this game needs and was promised to get it to the point that everyone wants it. We're at February now pretty much, provided release dates move back to normal now with next gen consoles out, this game should be dropping first week of October. You should be going gold around the third week of September or so. The rest of September and near the end of August should be all testing and final minor tweaks. Do we really need them still trying to make drastic changes to fix Live 14 in February and March instead of working on 15?
# 50 riggs6taters @ 01/23/14 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Eddie1967
No that's what you want to believe because you don't agree with what he wrote. Nice try though. One game has nothing to do with the other.
Not, thanks for trying tho
# 51 shutdown10 @ 01/23/14 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
I think this is just the typical defensive reaction hardcore fans of a series take 24th. Something is said that doesn't paint a glowing, flawless picture of the product that is supported so automatically it turns into "hating" or some sort of bashing/unfair treatment case and all the worst possible explanations for why the person feels the way they feel about the product get's thrown out there as if it's something personal.

The way the article is written its clear that the issue at hand is not about providing post release support, but how long do you continue to provide the amount of support that this game needs and was promised to get it to the point that everyone wants it. We're at February now pretty much, provided release dates move back to normal now with next gen consoles out, this game should be dropping first week of October. You should be going gold around the third week of September or so. The rest of September and near the end of August should be all testing and final minor tweaks. Do we really need them still trying to make drastic changes to fix Live 14 in February and March instead of working on 15?

EA has taken a huge reputation hit last year for their shady dealings all around. People who support NBA live have to be a little more realistic and understand that the game is on thin ice. We may see tweets where they say Live 15 is well on its way and Live 14 is being worked on, but the masses don't trust the company. People have to do research on what happen with EA last year and see that the company has dealt with alot of legal action. I'm not sure they can continue putting money into projects that won't see a return for a while. Don't be surprised if EA cuts title's that are not making money because they lost money from being sued for likenesses of players and are now being sued by the NCAA. Live 15 has too be revolutionary!
# 52 yungflo @ 01/23/14 03:58 PM
I agree with the post. I haven't played nba live 14, but right now, there's no need to make live 14 good, just make live 15 great. I'm looking forward to seeing how live 15 looks and plays then live 14 at this point. Live 14's promises is only a PR mechanic used to keep trust in the fanbase.

So lets just focus on lieve 15. This generatin, the next gen basketball game is actually level. No game dominated in terms of gameplay and smoothness. Lot of issues with both. So yeah, Live 15. Move forward. Its the only move they can do at this point
# 53 Fiddy @ 01/23/14 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Maybe I am interpreting the article differently.

I didn’t take it as, “Stop supporting Live 14 all together, we as fans don’t like support post release”

I took more as “How much support do you put into a NBA game in February and going forward, before it starts to hinder the progress of the next installment due in October?”

Selfishly, as someone who does think the game has potential, of course I want some more post release support, but I can see where the article is coming from. Unless I missed it, he didnt tell EA to cancel the upcoming patch or anything like that...but looking at what Scott promised, I dont know if the patch in itself is going live up to that...
ok, then if we look at it that way.

so, the game dropped November 19th, its now January 23rd. just 2 months past the games release date.

the "rumored" date of the big patch is around the all star game/break right?

if thats the case, thats not even 3 full months of post release support.

to me, thats about right for games that get released in general. you get a few tuners, and a patch or two, and that usually ends around the 3rd month of release or just a bit after.

i mean, thats about all i expected anyway bc thats all other sports games usually get. for the way the game was crapped on im actually shocked they have been doing what they have been. pleasantly surprised!

i said it a few pages back, but this article compared to most OS ones was just very goofy. like a guy said above as well, like half heart attempt at something.

Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
I think this is just the typical defensive reaction hardcore fans of a series take 24th. Something is said that doesn't paint a glowing, flawless picture of the product that is supported so automatically it turns into "hating" or some sort of bashing/unfair treatment case and all the worst possible explanations for why the person feels the way they feel about the product get's thrown out there as if it's something personal.

The way the article is written its clear that the issue at hand is not about providing post release support, but how long do you continue to provide the amount of support that this game needs and was promised to get it to the point that everyone wants it. We're at February now pretty much, provided release dates move back to normal now with next gen consoles out, this game should be dropping first week of October. You should be going gold around the third week of September or so. The rest of September and near the end of August should be all testing and final minor tweaks. Do we really need them still trying to make drastic changes to fix Live 14 in February and March instead of working on 15?
heck, actually from what i can see here. all these hardcore fans are hardcore basketball gaming fans. that support both games. so im kind of clueless who just the die hard fans in this forum are. bc i havent really seen one to be honest.

as for the article, it obviously wasnt very clear. as per the responses of a lot of people here. plus like i mentioned above, its just basically getting the typical post release support of about 3 months, then boom, all focus on next years game. hope im wrong on that and we see support all the way through the playoffs.
# 54 DonWuan @ 01/23/14 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bruce LeRoy
How are companies like Samsung and Apple so successful? They copy each other that's how. And this is what the team at NBA Live can't do, they don't have the ability to copy what made NBA 2K successful, bottom line. If you can't copy the best that is your direct competition then you'll loose every time.
I think its little more than that. I don't think anyone wants 2 versions of the same bball game every year.

The few of us that play Live is because it is different.

And some just don't like what 2k offers. Live has/had a market and if anyone could see the future Live team missed out on a great opportunity with 2ks issues.

I don't think any patch could fix this game. Give us sliders, fix the paint issues and I would be good until Live 15.

Sent from my M353 using Tapatalk
# 55 The 24th Letter @ 01/23/14 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Fiddy
ok, then if we look at it that way.

so, the game dropped November 19th, its now January 23rd. just 2 months past the games release date.

the "rumored" date of the big patch is around the all star game/break right?

if thats the case, thats not even 3 full months of post release support.

to me, thats about right for games that get released in general. you get a few tuners, and a patch or two, and that usually ends around the 3rd month of release or just a bit after.

i mean, thats about all i expected anyway bc thats all other sports games usually get. for the way the game was crapped on im actually shocked they have been doing what they have been. pleasantly surprised!
Sounds about right....but Mr. O'Brien didn't just tell people "were going to patch the game at some point"....I think we all could have come to that conclusion...guess well just have to see what these "significant improvements" are....
# 56 ProfessaPackMan @ 01/23/14 05:12 PM
We also need to be realistic about what "the patch" will entail because some people are expecting it turn Live into an almost completely new game without sacrificing anything for Live 15. Personally, I'd rather that game be the focus of making mass improvements/additions for to as opposed to this one.

I just hope people have tempered expectations for "the patch" whenever that drops.
# 57 D Apocalypse @ 01/23/14 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by RipCityAndy
Good post, Dustin, but I strongly disagree with you.

Game improvement and development for NBA Live 14 needs to be continuous rather than released in yearly blocks. I'll give three main justifications:

First, EA promised a continuously improving product.

Second, any gameplay improvements made to Live 14 can be carried over to Live 15.

Last, if the game doesn't improve at all prior to Live 15, customer interest and goodwill in the product will be damaged - perhaps irreparably. If no improvement is made prior to Live 15 there is no reason why a reasonable consumer should trust that Live 15 will be any better than its predecessor. I imagine most gamers would be enraged if a game purchased in November/December was abandoned with promises that next years game will be great (especially after the cancellations of Elite 11 and Live 13). Live 14 was far from perfect at release, but has become far more satisfying as title updates are released. Live 14 is on a steady improvement curve right now. EA is currently showing us improvements rather than making empty promises. Even if you disagree that Live 14 is improving, surely you can agree that continued improvements generate goodwill that EA desperately needs.

It's strange that a sports gamer would advocate that a developer STOP making improvements to a game that was released just over two months ago. Isn't one of the main complaints among gamers that we don't see post release support? If EA did cease support for Live 14, what benefit would we see as a community? The day sports game developers throw in the towel after 60 days of support is the day I stop buying them.
I agree with everything you said. At the current state Live 14 is in, I'm already enjoying the game more and find myself having fun with it rather than raging like I do in 2K14 MyCareer which has a frustrating scripted game/story.

"Sport games have always been popular because of the pick-up-and-play feel, but that is really lacking in NBA Live 14."

You lost me here with this comment Dustin. Sports games have gotten more complicated and is not pick-up and play at all with the different button combinations you have to use like for example, in 2K.

I love the fact that EA is continuing to improve Live 14 and like Rip said, any improvements can be carried over into Live 15. You act like yearly sports releases aren't just "roster updates" anyway. Once again like 2K, same game as last year, and the year before, and the year before that. LOL!

Anyway, I've been one of the more vocal and biggest supporter of Live 14 on Twitter. If you guys wanna see, I'm @izzysnowhd. EA even gave me a free copy for my PS4 even though I already have it for X1!
# 58 Tomba @ 01/23/14 09:08 PM
NO having TWO option is always good its the old"get bored with one, start up the other one' mentality i like and love

NCAA to Madden

Fifa to pro evo

the list goes on

but now?

its almost gone

Its sad

we NEED options

NBA Live 14 is really in need of that that PROMISED patch. One that adds sliders settings to gameplay that can be adjusted like in NBA Live 10. Roster/player editing like it was in NBA live 10 and custom camera options

If those THREE things were ADDED to THIS Game to NBA LIVE 14 via a patch?

This game would be enjoyable for me
# 59 The 24th Letter @ 01/23/14 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
We also need to be realistic about what "the patch" will entail because some people are expecting it turn Live into an almost completely new game without sacrificing anything for Live 15. Personally, I'd rather that game be the focus of making mass improvements/additions for to as opposed to this one.

I just hope people have tempered expectations for "the patch" whenever that drops.
I'm eagerly waiting to see just how much they can improve the game in one patch....assuming it will be just one big patch...It's kind've taken a life of it's own at this point...we've been talking about "the big patch" for a while now...I am hoping they can cover at least most of the important things....and I hope they actually give us some notes with it, the notes for the last 'tuner' have yet to be posted..
# 60 WTF @ 01/23/14 09:36 PM
The latest tweet said animations and graphics were two of the things that were of priority. Looking forward to seeing what that entails.

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