Madden NFL 25 News Post

Madden NFL 25 is now playable for thousands for the PlayStation 4 with that console's launch. If you have the game, be sure to share your impressions below!

If you don't have the game, then no one cares about your impressions of a stream, so please don't post!

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 The JareBear @ 11/15/13 07:34 PM
I'm a twitch noob....I'll try to fix it

The crowd noise is not where I want it, but it's better, no doubt.

Honestly there is some good football here, slider makers will get a lot out of this
# 82 WaddupCouzin @ 11/15/13 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Right now it's CPU vs CPU broadcast cam, do u want me to post videos of zoom cam or stream zoom cam?

It's all madden default, slow gsme speed

The gsme is not bad, not bad at all. Detailed impressions later. PM me requests
Zoom cam please
# 83 Don Figures @ 11/15/13 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by WaddupCouzin
Zoom cam please
What is his twitch link?
And yes Zoom cam
# 84 speels @ 11/15/13 07:47 PM
I am loving it so far. Made some tweaks to sliders and just had a great game. I like the fact that they added roster/playbook/difficulty slider sharing. That will make things so much better once the roster guys get their hands on the PS4. I didn't buy it for PS3, so I am not sure if they are there. Anyway, game looks real good.

Had a weird error, but sent the report to Sony and then the game worked fine after that. Good so far.
# 85 kingj720 @ 11/15/13 07:53 PM
How do you change the camera angles, i can't find it, is it only on coach mode also?
# 86 Don Figures @ 11/15/13 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by TheBuddyHobbs
I would be excited if what he is streaming is current gen. Cannot believe that is Next Gen Madden. SMH!!
# 87 reverend_heat @ 11/15/13 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by kingj720
How do you change the camera angles, i can't find it, is it only on coach mode also?
In game under options, but it won't show if you have a play called. change it after a play, before you call the next one and the camera option shows up, zoomed is where it's at
# 88 Don Figures @ 11/15/13 08:08 PM
The player models are way off and absolutely terrible. At times the players is slim, then heavy, tall then short. Just crazy. This is not next gen football gaming no matter how you spin it or force feed yourself.
# 89 The JareBear @ 11/15/13 08:10 PM
Zoom cam is the way to go

Broadcast cam is second place

The others, IMO, are useless

Blitzes are a bit if an issue. Guys come unblocked a little too often and/or the QB doesn't react well enough, I think this is easily patched
# 90 Dfost35 @ 11/15/13 08:12 PM
Starting a CCM right now to test sim stats for Qbs and other skill positions. Will let everyone know the results after my first season is done.
# 91 Hiro1 @ 11/15/13 08:12 PM
I'm a online only player. Most of my games are either in lobby or in my sim league.

True-step is real and eliminates a lot of unrealistic running styles people like to use to manipulate CPU controlled AI players. No more quick in and out zig zag moves at full speed is a welcomed addition.

Zone defense is much improved combined with better pass rushing makes running plays such as cover 2 a very viable defense on next gen.

Blitzing works. I called a CB blitz that was executed beautifully.

It's amazing watching linemen use their moves to beat offensive lineman.

My 1st game online I used the Lions and faced the Giants.

Justin Tuck gave me hell off the edge.

Sidelines especially team benches aren't a huge improvement. Camera men moving did however look really nice.

Playcall screen seems to move slower than last gen while almost everything else seems smoother.

End of game highlights that are viewable now are prefixed with a "play" symbol. While minimal this is a great addition as I can quickly recognize what plays were and were not saved to be viewed later.

I'm loving the game much more than current gen.

(Had to put this at the end so you wouldn't skip everything else in my post)

Artificial turf in the Lions stadium looked amazing. I'm not a big fan of the player models, but they are noticeably better than current gen.
# 92 justintasha1996 @ 11/15/13 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Zoom cam is the way to go

Broadcast cam is second place

The others, IMO, are useless

Blitzes are a bit if an issue. Guys come unblocked a little too often and/or the QB doesn't react well enough, I think this is easily patched

read all reviews...was waiting for someone to say....play on zoom camera its by far the best , the game looks and plays totally different !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

samsung 1080p 60 inch new tv, graphics are amazing

i have nba 2k also, and graphics only come close in the zoomed camera
# 93 N51_rob @ 11/15/13 08:31 PM
I must admit that I was partly wrong about my fears for this game. Does it look like current gen and play similar to it? Yes. No getting around that so not point in trying to church that part up.

Did I notice the changes to the Oline/Dline interactions immediately? Hell yes. No more having 6-7 seconds in the pocket if your opponent had a legitimate DLine.

I was also able to see the improved play in the secondary. It didn't jump out at you. It is subtle to be honest but it is there. I also found that some "money routes" still worked, but in my brief time with the game I came away happier than I was a few days ago.

Not much of an impression from me, but I only played a half on All-Pro default speed.
# 94 Dfost35 @ 11/15/13 08:33 PM
Just finished simming my first season in CCM. It took me overall about 3 minutes to simulate through all preseason games and 17 regular season games. The menus are definitely a whole lot faster.


2 QBs passed for over 5000 yds, Brees and P. Manning, each throwing 34 TDs.
3 passed for over 4000 yds and 8 passed between 3599 and 3999 yrds.

3 QBs had over 90.0 passer rating, Brees- 94.1, Ryan- 96.6, and Manning 97.5
Only 5 had a completion percentage over 60%, every other starting QB threw for over 50% except for Carson Palmer.

10 QBs threw over 20 TDs, not going to list them all but it appears any QB over 84 overall achieved this feat.
3 QBs threw over 20 interceptions. Roethlisberger-26 INT with 16 TD, E. Manning- 24 INT with 26 TD, and Stafford- 20 INT with 26 TD.

4 finished with over 1500 receiving yds. Welker, C. Johnson, Cruz, and Wayne
29 finished over 1000 receiving yds, none were TEs
5 finished with over 10 TDs, all WRs

the best statistical TE was Gronk with 89/833/6 statline and no other was close.

I'll go more in depth later but this is just a brief synopsis for the time being.
# 95 ruttentud @ 11/15/13 08:37 PM
Watching that stream currently.

Why can't they make players bring the ball out on kickoffs? You see people bringing it out from 7 yards deep all the time.
# 96 jyoung @ 11/15/13 08:40 PM
Is anyone else getting a really choppy frame rate during gameplay?

It's extremely noticeable after playing NBA 2K and Battlefield, which are both locked in at 60 frames per second.

Madden is skipping frames and stuttering all over the place for me.
# 97 Hiro1 @ 11/15/13 08:49 PM
Playing against the bears online Alshon Jeffries and Marshall are attacking the ball at the highest point.
# 98 C_Bailey24 @ 11/15/13 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Zoom cam is the way to go

Broadcast cam is second place

The others, IMO, are useless

Blitzes are a bit if an issue. Guys come unblocked a little too often and/or the QB doesn't react well enough, I think this is easily patched
Gotta disagree with you on the blitz success. For years I've been tired of the cpu knowing where every single blitz is coming from and having the perfect protection set up. I like how it is now but like you said maybe some of the elite AWR Qb's can be made to evade pressure a little better
# 99 eaw913 @ 11/15/13 09:00 PM
I'm having a ton of fun with the game so far. I feel like it is a pretty decent graphical improvement and True Step makes a massive difference in how it plays.
# 100 Gjordan @ 11/15/13 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Zoom cam is the way to go

Broadcast cam is second place

The others, IMO, are useless

Blitzes are a bit if an issue. Guys come unblocked a little too often and/or the QB doesn't react well enough, I think this is easily patched
Jarebear I totally agree with the way you feel. I'm pretty excited about the game.

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