Madden NFL 25 News Post

Madden NFL 25 is now playable for thousands for the PlayStation 4 with that console's launch. If you have the game, be sure to share your impressions below!

If you don't have the game, then no one cares about your impressions of a stream, so please don't post!

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
Madden NFL 25 Videos
Member Comments
# 481 HingleMcCringleberry @ 01/02/14 05:56 AM
Some pretty funny things happened in this one. Presnap, the guy I was CONTROLLING decided to jump for no reason before they got set and tackled the Center. I did nothing and pressed no buttons at all, but the game decided lets let this guy laugh a bit and tackle the center. An offside for no reason when i controlled him happened twice... My corners are watching their players make catches when they are in position to make plays. And I manage to get Michael Vick carted off the field twice in this one to only see him out there for the next play both times. Truly incredible... said no one ever. The tackle of the center preplay was pretty funny though. had a good laugh at that one

5 Games into the year, my team is projected to allow 3036.8 rush yards on defense, my RB is on pace to be 10 carries shy of the record and barely break 1000 yards, and my team is 5-0. Those numbers just do not make sense to me.

One other thing, anyone else getting an unusually large amount of Defensive TDs for CPU teams? 8 guys have 2 or more so far 5 games into the season. a couple have 3.
# 482 longranger @ 01/03/14 01:25 AM
When I download a draft class. How do I import it into my season, dynasty, cc?
When it asked me which roster to use before I start my career I select the one I imported and they r supposed to show up as free agents but it doesn't. It goes back to day one rosters.
# 483 zack4070 @ 01/03/14 12:45 PM
I really hate how the divets disappear after every play. The grass is great and all but so dumb how the divets disappear. Either don't have so many divets on every play or leave them.
# 484 Mos1ted @ 01/04/14 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by HingleMcCringleberry
Almost every game I have played thus far had my 95+ Accuracy QB throw a 2 yard open pass without any pressure right to a defender nowhere close to the play. He is consistently missing on passes about 2 yards downfield. Not missing like something slightly overthrown or behind, but missing by 5+ yards often. and all running backs are getting 80 yard runs untouched on off tackle plays running for 150-200 yards a half against me. It's just not fun, and I keep trying to enjoy it but it becomes harder and harder the more this stuff happens.
I play with the QB accuracy slider set to 10, and I still get the ball to go where I want to given the context of the pass. If I'm throwing on the run, I expect the ball to be off target. In fact, that's the reason why I lowered the QB Acc slider: I wanted more inaccurate passes than were present at the default setting. The thing with passing on Madden is that you have to think like a quarterback. You have to know when to put touch on the ball, when to rifle it, when to throw it out of bounds, when to tuck it and run, when to duck for cover and take the sack, etc.

Are you trying to rifle the ball to a receiver just two yards away? Doing so will cause your passes to be off target because the speed of the ball is unnecessarily fast given your receiver's proximity. Try rifling a football to a buddy two yards away. I guarantee it won't be very accurate.

Also, are your feet set when you throw the ball? The game has a Throwing on the Run rating which also affects QB accuracy. You can't just look at the THA rating and assume that the QB can make every throw for every situation. There's also the SAC, MAC, and DAC ratings to consider.

Unlike in current gen and previous Maddens, Madden next gen requires a more realistic approach, which is probably the reason while I'm enjoying Madden for the first time in 9 years.

In regard to your rushing defense, are you calling the right plays to stop the run?
# 485 Mos1ted @ 01/04/14 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by HingleMcCringleberry
Anyone else having issues with guys NOT coming back on routes to the ball and just kinda standing there or falling back watching as a defender jumps in front? I mean, comeback routes involve COMING BACK to the ball after all (hence the name comeback) and not falling back away from it. never heard of a 'fallback' route before. Back shoulder passes aren't working either as every time i try to throw back shoulder it just throws inside the numbers and the defender picks it every single time. If they threw back shoulder he wouldn't be able to touch it...

Another thing I wish they would work on is the touch/lob pass which only works when a guy runs 60 yards downfield. otherwise it is just a pop fly right to the defenders. And bullet passes are just line drives without any sort of accuracy or placement. No control over ball placement at all in this game, and it's pretty much a "chuck and pray" scenario where you hope the game doesn't decide to place it right nowhere near any of your players so it gets easily picked off (happened 3 times already today). For some reason the game likes to say "you need a pick right now, so we will just place it nowhere remotely close to your wide open player."


Also, why when my TE is 1 on 1 vs a CB does he continue to get trucked by the CB even though he is lowering his shoulder. In what world would a 250+ pound TE get trucked by a 190 pound CB when he is lowering his shoulder into him. It would be like watching Champ Bailey truck Jason Witten. just never.
You have to play with the tackle slider to address the trucking issue. I haven't found a setting yet that truly alleviates it -- a flaw in game design that needs to be addressed -- but playing with tackle at default is definitely not the way to go. I play with the tackle slider set to 100, and oddly enough, I'm getting better results than with it set to 50. It's still not perfect, but it did eliminate some of the frustrating suction tackles for me.

Also, the DB coverage is little too good at default. I suggest turning down your pass coverage slider until you find a setting that's more realistic for you.
# 486 WithoutRemorse @ 01/06/14 06:29 PM
I think this game is a night and day improvement over the PS3 version. PS3 version is very arcade like in the way the offense can abuse the defense. I have only played a handful of games on next-gen but I can already see and feel the impact this game will have when playing in a sim style league.
# 487 Flippedoutpunk @ 01/07/14 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Bruce LeRoy
True Step gives the defense an advantage
Yep! On 100% of my interceptions I check out a slow motion replay and you can clearly see my receiver shuffling his feet to make a cut on a route, and as soon as he makes his cut, the defender takes ONE STEP (no shuffling of the feet) and instantly cuts in front of my receiver for the pick, even if he is many many steps away from my receiver. DB and LBs, heck even D-linemen also rarely seem to drop interceptions as well, wonder if i can sub them in at WR. Im all for tougher defense in next gen, but when True Step only applies to my wide receivers and not the DBs, and you add in incredible 360 catch-making 70 ovr CBs, not very fair or fun on top of the fact that the defense seems to know exactly what I audible to each play. Hate when the defense shows blitz and i switch to pass and everyone backs up 5 yards instantly, hashtag c'mon man.
# 488 BoltThrower74 @ 01/08/14 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by HingleMcCringleberry
Already started trying All Pro. It's still just bad. My QB just overthrew a pass by throwing it literally almost 90 yards on the fly. It went from the 10 yard line to about the 15... So 85 yards about. And then 2 plays later he has an open guy only 15 yards on a go route and underthrows it by 7 yards to get it nearly picked off. The AI is horrible. on any difficulty setting. Just horrible. Nobody goes for pass deflections and everyone goes for picks, tacklers engage blockers they already shed instead of going for the ball carrier in a 1 on 1 drill, mediocre QBs throw for 80% on you, any running back can still get 150-200 yards on you consistently, and guys like Desean Jackson are running over linebackers they do not see coming.

I try to put some faith in the game but it's to the point where there is no light at the end of the tunnel. The only hope we can all have is that other companies get back in the game and ESPN stops hyping this game up every single commercial so that we can get competition back so everyone has a game for them. This is good for the arcade guy. It doesn't feel real at all, and every game feels like its against the same team. Once again going back to my belief that no matter what team you play you are playing the game against Madden only. I just threw my shoes across the house only to pick em up and throw em again because of this cringeworthy gameplay. It just isn't fun man. nothing else to say. And it's been that way for years. The last Madden game I actually enjoyed was 05. I played about 30 games of 2k that year too because my friend had it, and it was fantastic. It felt intense like an actual football game should. Madden doesn't have that intensity anymore. At least back then I could get the best of both worlds.

Every aspect of the game was just so much more in-depth... from create a fan, to the stadiums and new teams, to franchise mode having nearly everything. Scouting, drafting, multiple Free Agent Wires, Multiple coaches and scouts if i remember properly, you could choose captains, and there were more realistic stat increases and decreases depending on how a player played that year. It was so immersive that I played almost 15 years in my franchise which is more than I have in any game period. And then 06 came out with superstar mode or whatever, and it was fantastic... Interviews that affected your team play and everything, practices, training camp, performance institutes, and the wonderlic like test, choosing your parents... all of these having an effect on your player and your team. better agents giving you every perk imaginable, whereas worse agents would give you nothing. And now this CFM or CCM whatever it's called is in, and it doesn't even compare. You have no control over the game at all. Madden chooses captains, a rookie QB will throw 5 TDs and 25 Picks and get a 7 point stat boost because its his second year... Choosing a player does nothing at all, as its just the same as the poorly done franchise mode where you simply play games as one player instead of the team. Each mode (player, coach, owner) just gives you more control than the last, which is still very limited control... Even the last Madden I owned before that wonderful selection of games from 2005, which was M2000 on the old N64, was more entertaining than this. I know a good football game or several are possible because it has been done before. Madden, 2k, and blitz were all fun back in the day in their own way. So were backyard football and NFL street for that occasional "pick up game on the front lawn" feel. but with the way things have been going, they must change or else we will have the same cycle through another generation of gaming systems. I believe that I am just inspiring myself with false hope that the exclusivity license will end, and we will see something along the lines of "EA/Tiburon sign 7 year extension on exclusivity deal."

Sorry again for the nonsense ranting, I'm extra moody because I had to get a tooth removed and have been on pain meds all week. Can't even have a drink on New Years Eve man.
Geezus, what difficulty are you guys all playing on? And is this online H2H or offline franchise?
# 489 King_B_Mack @ 01/08/14 11:05 PM

Why is stuff like this still a thing in Madden? In what world is that not a catch?
# 490 HingleMcCringleberry @ 01/09/14 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack

Why is stuff like this still a thing in Madden? In what world is that not a catch?
I had a similar thing happen to me a lil while back. For some reason, these guys don't understand that when a guy takes 5 steps before running OB, it is actually a catch. Yet the CPU has done that stupid college thing where they are just taking one step in bounds and continuing full stride OB without dragging the other foot at all... I challenged it many times after watching the replay, and guess what... It remains a catch!!! It seems that they just never get it. Someday they might, but it's becoming the next "same story and different day" scenario.
# 491 HingleMcCringleberry @ 01/09/14 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by SECElit3
Why is it that I can't make it through a full game of Madden 25? This game is just so stale.
Nailed it on the head for me. I have quit games halfway through just because of unrealistic stats and the fact that it just doesn't bring any sort of intensity that a football fan gets on Sunday. I'm bout to give it another whirl, and so long as they don't run off tackle for 300 yards against me again, maybe I can make it through this game.

But it is playoff time. I am amped up for the playoffs each approaching week, and I want to enjoy a football game in the mean time because this time of the year pumps football fans up. It even pumps up people who don't know jack about the game itself. But then again, I put on THIS game and it is just motionless. From the terrible soundtrack (which I muted immediately) to the ridiculous animations to the missed calls and backwards wind meter, and to the long list of shortcomings you can add on... It just goes on and on for me, and has for years. This game is simply not immersive in the slightest bit, and it is just poorly done and plain boring. To each their own but that is just my honest opinion. If I put it any other way I would be lying...
# 492 HingleMcCringleberry @ 01/09/14 01:48 AM
Words couldn't describe this right here, which just happened in my game. I'm the Defense BTW

# 493 N51_rob @ 01/09/14 02:04 AM
LOL, looking through the yearly awards for my online CFM, and they forgot best LB. They have QB, RB, WR, OL DL, Db and K. I guess you could add best TE to missed award category as well.
# 494 AlexTabs @ 01/10/14 12:54 PM
I'm not used too much to ps4, but seem a lot better than ps3. Especially the AI for the zone D. I think people can start to really use the zone D as their base defense now. And this is a big improvement
# 495 Step2001 @ 01/11/14 02:07 AM
Top CB's play like it....
Graphics are crisper......cleaner

Real draft picks. Start a CFM and you'll see Washington does not have a 1st rd pick. The Rams have it.
Now it does not have all of the draft pick trades, but it's a start. Hopefully they follow what goes down during the offseason and get all the draft picks correct of who owns what for '15!
# 496 tyberious4now @ 01/11/14 12:39 PM
Something that I have never done on any Madden and on any system is to recover an onside kick I did for the first time last night!!

Good job for that..I'm also getting a lot more holding penalties???hmmm maybe they slid something in without telling us.....
# 497 Smoke6 @ 01/12/14 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by tyberious4now
Something that I have never done on any Madden and on any system is to recover an onside kick I did for the first time last night!!

Good job for that..I'm also getting a lot more holding penalties???hmmm maybe they slid something in without telling us.....
I feel they have done this before, running to the outside has never been easier and this started a few weeks ago. What the game played like at launch was was better run gm wise in online play. Now im just smh
# 498 timbeebe2 @ 02/06/14 03:10 PM
EA Sports is a joke. I gave Madden a chance thinking next gen would be better and for the 9th year in a row I was disappointed. This is the NBA Live of football. I would bet everything I love that if 2K made Football games Madden would turn into NBA Live and no one would buy it.
# 499 bdeezy89 @ 02/07/14 12:49 AM
I swear this game is unplayable

Look at these two videos that happened an hour ago

1st one the Rams WR is clearly in the endzone but they said he was out of bounds when he hurdles out wtf

2nd I clearly get a INT with two feet in bounds but the Refs said that the play was ruled incomplete. How!?

I hate this game smh
# 500 HingleMcCringleberry @ 02/07/14 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by bdeezy89
I swear this game is unplayable

Look at these two videos that happened an hour ago

1st one the Rams WR is clearly in the endzone but they said he was out of bounds when he hurdles out wtf

2nd I clearly get a INT with two feet in bounds but the Refs said that the play was ruled incomplete. How!?

I hate this game smh
This game is AWFUL in regards to knowing what is in bounds and what is not. I feel your pain... I have had games where my guy took 3 steps and then stutter-stepped 3 more times before going OB when the refs called it incomplete. I challenge it and they still call it incomplete. And then CPU receivers seem to do the college thing where they just continue running putting only one foot in bounds and the refs call it completed. I will challenge the play only to have it upheld. Been like that for a few years now, and I don't expect it to change anytime soon

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