
Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

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Old 01-06-2014, 08:06 PM   #561
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by WithoutRemorse
I think this game is a night and day improvement over the PS3 version. PS3 version is very arcade like in the way the offense can abuse the defense. I have only played a handful of games on next-gen but I can already see and feel the impact this game will have when playing in a sim style league.

It's definitely better in that regard. I see enough improvements where it makes it feel that way. Especially on all madden I've noticed the improvements as far as a sim style game. Better line play. Better db AI and breaking up passes etc. The offense is just more responsive as well. That fun factor is still there as well. Overall it's improved but not mind shattering.
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Old 01-07-2014, 09:00 PM   #562
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

The thing that really make me feel is a "true" game? the way the Runningbacks can't change directions. If you are running on the outside and try to cut, you will not see power runner change direction so easily.
Another things that work is the AI when you use zone D. Really impressive!
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Old 01-07-2014, 11:38 PM   #563
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by Bruce LeRoy
True Step gives the defense an advantage
Yep! On 100% of my interceptions I check out a slow motion replay and you can clearly see my receiver shuffling his feet to make a cut on a route, and as soon as he makes his cut, the defender takes ONE STEP (no shuffling of the feet) and instantly cuts in front of my receiver for the pick, even if he is many many steps away from my receiver. DB and LBs, heck even D-linemen also rarely seem to drop interceptions as well, wonder if i can sub them in at WR. Im all for tougher defense in next gen, but when True Step only applies to my wide receivers and not the DBs, and you add in incredible 360 catch-making 70 ovr CBs, not very fair or fun on top of the fact that the defense seems to know exactly what I audible to each play. Hate when the defense shows blitz and i switch to pass and everyone backs up 5 yards instantly, hashtag c'mon man.
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Old 01-08-2014, 01:48 PM   #564
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by HingleMcCringleberry
Already started trying All Pro. It's still just bad. My QB just overthrew a pass by throwing it literally almost 90 yards on the fly. It went from the 10 yard line to about the 15... So 85 yards about. And then 2 plays later he has an open guy only 15 yards on a go route and underthrows it by 7 yards to get it nearly picked off. The AI is horrible. on any difficulty setting. Just horrible. Nobody goes for pass deflections and everyone goes for picks, tacklers engage blockers they already shed instead of going for the ball carrier in a 1 on 1 drill, mediocre QBs throw for 80% on you, any running back can still get 150-200 yards on you consistently, and guys like Desean Jackson are running over linebackers they do not see coming.

I try to put some faith in the game but it's to the point where there is no light at the end of the tunnel. The only hope we can all have is that other companies get back in the game and ESPN stops hyping this game up every single commercial so that we can get competition back so everyone has a game for them. This is good for the arcade guy. It doesn't feel real at all, and every game feels like its against the same team. Once again going back to my belief that no matter what team you play you are playing the game against Madden only. I just threw my shoes across the house only to pick em up and throw em again because of this cringeworthy gameplay. It just isn't fun man. nothing else to say. And it's been that way for years. The last Madden game I actually enjoyed was 05. I played about 30 games of 2k that year too because my friend had it, and it was fantastic. It felt intense like an actual football game should. Madden doesn't have that intensity anymore. At least back then I could get the best of both worlds.

Every aspect of the game was just so much more in-depth... from create a fan, to the stadiums and new teams, to franchise mode having nearly everything. Scouting, drafting, multiple Free Agent Wires, Multiple coaches and scouts if i remember properly, you could choose captains, and there were more realistic stat increases and decreases depending on how a player played that year. It was so immersive that I played almost 15 years in my franchise which is more than I have in any game period. And then 06 came out with superstar mode or whatever, and it was fantastic... Interviews that affected your team play and everything, practices, training camp, performance institutes, and the wonderlic like test, choosing your parents... all of these having an effect on your player and your team. better agents giving you every perk imaginable, whereas worse agents would give you nothing. And now this CFM or CCM whatever it's called is in, and it doesn't even compare. You have no control over the game at all. Madden chooses captains, a rookie QB will throw 5 TDs and 25 Picks and get a 7 point stat boost because its his second year... Choosing a player does nothing at all, as its just the same as the poorly done franchise mode where you simply play games as one player instead of the team. Each mode (player, coach, owner) just gives you more control than the last, which is still very limited control... Even the last Madden I owned before that wonderful selection of games from 2005, which was M2000 on the old N64, was more entertaining than this. I know a good football game or several are possible because it has been done before. Madden, 2k, and blitz were all fun back in the day in their own way. So were backyard football and NFL street for that occasional "pick up game on the front lawn" feel. but with the way things have been going, they must change or else we will have the same cycle through another generation of gaming systems. I believe that I am just inspiring myself with false hope that the exclusivity license will end, and we will see something along the lines of "EA/Tiburon sign 7 year extension on exclusivity deal."

Sorry again for the nonsense ranting, I'm extra moody because I had to get a tooth removed and have been on pain meds all week. Can't even have a drink on New Years Eve man.
Geezus, what difficulty are you guys all playing on? And is this online H2H or offline franchise?
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Old 01-08-2014, 02:20 PM   #565
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Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Why is it that I can't make it through a full game of Madden 25? This game is just so stale. It's the little things I think that are getting to me. I actually enjoyed the game at first. However, the more I play, the less I enjoy it.

- Dropped passes by the CPU.
- Ratings just don't seem to matter.
- Announcers calling the wrong player names.
- Wrong players being shown in cut scenes, example: backup quarterback is sacked, yet starting quarterback is shown walking back to the huddle.
- That stupid cut scene where the defensive player puts on the same generic helmet before the offense punts. That cut scene just gets on my nerves.
- Animations are as canned as ever. The animations in Madden 12 were actually more lifelike.
- Special Teams play is not exciting.
- Madden 25 lacks polish.
- True Step is a joke because it only applies to one player on the field. Again, a great idea, poorly implemented by EA

If anyone were to ask me for my recommendation on purchasing this game, my answer would be a flat out NO. Madden 25 is very poor effort by EA Sports.

Last edited by SECElit3; 01-08-2014 at 02:26 PM.
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Old 01-08-2014, 11:05 PM   #566
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)


Why is stuff like this still a thing in Madden? In what world is that not a catch?
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Old 01-09-2014, 12:13 AM   #567
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by King_B_Mack

Why is stuff like this still a thing in Madden? In what world is that not a catch?
I had a similar thing happen to me a lil while back. For some reason, these guys don't understand that when a guy takes 5 steps before running OB, it is actually a catch. Yet the CPU has done that stupid college thing where they are just taking one step in bounds and continuing full stride OB without dragging the other foot at all... I challenged it many times after watching the replay, and guess what... It remains a catch!!! It seems that they just never get it. Someday they might, but it's becoming the next "same story and different day" scenario.

Last edited by HingleMcCringleberry; 01-09-2014 at 12:47 AM.
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Old 01-09-2014, 12:21 AM   #568
HingleMcCringleberry's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by SECElit3
Why is it that I can't make it through a full game of Madden 25? This game is just so stale.
Nailed it on the head for me. I have quit games halfway through just because of unrealistic stats and the fact that it just doesn't bring any sort of intensity that a football fan gets on Sunday. I'm bout to give it another whirl, and so long as they don't run off tackle for 300 yards against me again, maybe I can make it through this game.

But it is playoff time. I am amped up for the playoffs each approaching week, and I want to enjoy a football game in the mean time because this time of the year pumps football fans up. It even pumps up people who don't know jack about the game itself. But then again, I put on THIS game and it is just motionless. From the terrible soundtrack (which I muted immediately) to the ridiculous animations to the missed calls and backwards wind meter, and to the long list of shortcomings you can add on... It just goes on and on for me, and has for years. This game is simply not immersive in the slightest bit, and it is just poorly done and plain boring. To each their own but that is just my honest opinion. If I put it any other way I would be lying...

Last edited by HingleMcCringleberry; 01-09-2014 at 12:39 AM.
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