NBA 2K14 News Post

GameSpot has posted the first gameplay footage from the PlayStation 4 version of NBA 2K14. Check it out and post your thoughts!

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
NBA 2K14 Videos
Member Comments
# 201 TheTruth437 @ 10/24/13 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Dang you had some crazy unrealistic expectations for next gen. This is the FIRST iteration and it already looks this good. It's only going to get better, what DID you expect it to look like if this wasnt impressive?
I thought I would notice more of a difference between current-gen gameplay and next-gen gameplay after reading this article."It has been built from the ground up for the new hardware with a new engine called "Eco Motion." If it was built from the ground up, I wouldn't expect the gameplay to look so similar to current-gen. Some "crazy unrealistic expectations." I didn't expect anything revolutionary from a gameplay perspective.
# 202 Dr. Banner @ 10/24/13 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
It was heavily compressed smh
And it don't look as good when that inclose ups, just the truth, nobody should expect it too.
# 203 Melbournelad @ 10/24/13 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by aquaman
I think 2k has really set them selfs up for another good run on the new consoles!...they are really starting to get the gameplay and feel looking smoother every year!

I will be disappointed if multi-tem association is removed tho!!
Unfortunately it is mate
# 204 blingballa333 @ 10/24/13 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by siraulo23
What happened to footplanting?

I thought they said proper footplanting? I still see a lot of sliding

Hmm, and imo dont expect the crowd atmospher to be live 10 esque, imo it's gonna be same
It looks better in a lot of instances, but yes, there is still some sliding.
# 205 seanbarkley @ 10/24/13 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by Daseffects
Looks like modded pc version.
You wish...
# 206 King_B_Mack @ 10/24/13 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by yungflo

Look when lebron scores,

and this,

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpUCQ2k0YBg thats how he says lebrons name every time
loll you really think its the same guy? 2k is not paying local commentators, what makes you think they will pay a pa announcer?
Why didn't you find sound of his two minute call? Sounds just like him if it isn't.

Anyway, even if it isn't him, what's your point? You're laughing at the idea of them paying a PA announcer but bitching about them not having the actual announcer? They include many of the stadium sounds you hear at actual games. Which pretty much kills your argument about them not having the best stadium sounds. If they're second to anybody it'd be the Show.
# 207 billll @ 10/24/13 05:28 AM
Would like to hear the opinions of someone who seems like they know a little bit more about basketball and has more experience playing CG
# 208 King_B_Mack @ 10/24/13 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by Phreak50

You argue that point by asking us to look at a face during a cutscene...
There is no cutscenes in the video my man.
# 209 blingballa333 @ 10/24/13 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by Phreak50

You argue that point by asking us to look at a face during a cutscene...
Is that a problem? They are talking about graphics, after all.
# 210 d23x @ 10/24/13 05:35 AM
Oh, one thing I noticed was no photographers or cheerleaders behind the goals. Can anyone confirm if this has also been removed for next gen?
# 211 DamnYanks2 @ 10/24/13 05:50 AM
SMH, some pc users, get off your

PC's graphics aren't on that level, c'mon now.
# 212 Brooklynnets24 @ 10/24/13 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by DamnYanks2
SMH, some pc users, get off your

PC's graphics aren't on that level, c'mon now.
PC graphics are up that level but if you're talking about NBA 2K14 on pc then you are correct since it was a current gen port.
# 213 Matty Aqua @ 10/24/13 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by Melbournelad
Unfortunately it is mate
Then it's a sad day!...Hopefully either they have nailed it and there is no need for mult-team association anymore...or there is a workaround!
# 214 Melbournelad @ 10/24/13 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by aquaman
Then it's a sad day!...Hopefully either they have nailed it and there is no need for mult-team association anymore...or there is a workaround!
Agreed, as long as the CPU logic is revamped than we won't need to control more than one team anyway.
# 215 Dr. Banner @ 10/24/13 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
You know I think the live tweeting of the media event actually set up some false expectations and hurt our first impressions of actual 5v5 gameplay.

After seeing the incredible trailer, when some one tweets "foot planting is fixed", "completely new engine", and "the game looks lifelike", it really allows your imagination to run wild.

So we end up expecting live-photoreal-broadcast quality graphics and then see something that looks VERY good but obviously has cur-gen 2K's pedigree, which is nothing to sneeze at.

Anyway, there are many moments in the gamespot video where the game does look like a broadcast for a split second. I don't mean where it kind-of-sort-of does if you're not paying attention or just walked in the room like current gen 2K. Seeing Lebron bringing the ball up without choppy transition animations really does kind of remind you of actual video footage.
Yeah I think you make a good point.... It looks great, but I think many seem a bit overly impressed.
# 216 seanbarkley @ 10/24/13 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by Profit89
There's mods for that as well apollo. Some great ones that address all the different body types.

Try this one: http://www.nba2k.org/2013/10/nba2k14...mpilation.html

It fixes all the body proportions. It's very nice.
C'mon now man, be objective!

I have the PC game running max settings on a HD 7970 GHz @ more than 120 fps with all the available mods and it isn't even close...

I wish that this version were available on PC too because next gen + mods would be a non-stop orgasm, but let's face it, it's a current gen port and mods improve it to an extent.
# 217 kgbrolic @ 10/24/13 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Steve Nashhole
this my beef. why are people complaining the gameplay look like current gen 2K14? LMAO that's a good thing. Took them 8 years to get that gameplay and w the FIRST next-gen title ya'll expect it to have a huge gameplay leap? y'all should be happy that it's not WORSE than the current gen gameplay cuz thats what i was expecting. The graphics and everything w current gen gameplay is ****ign amazing.

game looks beyond good. and thats off a compressed video. nuttin myself at the thought of what itll look like on my tv at home. in 60 fps. cmon son. yall bitch niggaz
Lmfao @ your last line!

# 218 ruLEX$$ @ 10/24/13 07:21 AM
After seeing the gameplay video I must say even though I can see the improvements and they are impressive, my excitement level after the OMG trailer has decreased. Next gen 2k14 is still a must buy for me especially after reading about the game modes.
I just wonder about one thing. Were all of the amazing visuals we saw in the OMG trailer just cutscenes that we will see in the previous day highlight mode of the game. If so than that's an ultimate let down that those animations are not apart of actual gameplay
# 219 franzis @ 10/24/13 07:30 AM
After the last trailer, I expected that broadcast cam gameplay would look as the real game. Instead it looks more like current gen, so I guess I'm a littel bit dissapointed
# 220 Gosens6 @ 10/24/13 07:45 AM
Obviously the graphics and lighting look amazing. What sold me was the CPU AI.

It looks like they actually ran plays! And when one broke down, they ran another play!!

LeBron tried to drive into the paint, once he was stopped, instead of doing spins and crossovers on a brick wall until he did some ugly layup animation, he actually passed the ball and reset. Same with Chalmers, once he was stopped, he kicked it up to Bosh, who quickly swung it to LeBron for the open 3.

Now that's how AI is supposed to act in a basketball game. It this was current gen, LeBron or Chalmers would have tried to get into the paint by any means necassary. It was beautiful to see the AI playing basketball.

Also, the trap on Steph Curry after the pick on the initial play was a thing of beauty. Miami played that defensive possession perfectly. Denying him the lane, and any passing lanes, causing Curry to back out and reset. I think we're going to have some real battles against the AI this year at I'm super excited

To the people complaining, yeh it looks similar to 2K basketball, what the hell did you genuinely expect?

There's no sliding, no skating, and the ai is looking like it plays a beautiful game of basketball. I absolutely can't wait until the 15th.. It's the basketball game we've all been waiting for.

I think I'm done with these forums until then though, don't want to get banned because of a few cynical people

Sent from the Dungeon Of Doom using Tapatalk

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