NBA 2K14 News Post

2K Sports has released the first next-gen gameplay trailer of NBA 2K14, weighing in at 1:33 of goodness -- set to "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins.

What do you think?

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 901 MarvinOida @ 10/19/13 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by mars5541
He's new be easy
Trying to introduce the man to the entire spectrum of things.

Tap Taptalking away from my iPhone 5.... C
# 902 Vote4dro2k @ 10/19/13 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Killa KMS
Most realistic shot to me.
I def agree!
# 903 da ThRONe @ 10/19/13 03:06 PM
Visually this is one of the most impressive things I've seen in a videogame. However if MyCareer hasn't been greatly improved Nexgen this game will be stale to me before the year ends.
# 904 foreversport @ 10/19/13 03:14 PM
Keeping my PS4 preorder just for this game.

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# 905 ESB32CrowBonez @ 10/19/13 04:34 PM
Shut the building down, ITS OVER. New realistic animations, increased sweat, Amazing graphics and the facial expressions making the game life like. Andre Iguodala part almost made me cry tears of joy.
Also KD finally skinny, he looks shorter than ibaka though.
# 906 mythreesons @ 10/19/13 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by mars5541
Are you serious? a pc on max settings lmaoo. The PC version is based off current gen .
Originally Posted by birthday_massacre
You dont know the difference. When playing the current gen version of the game and you cut those auto replays and cut scenes that look better than when you are actually in game footage, those are not actual gameplay its cut scenes using the in game engine but it looks much better than when you have control of the game.

its just like a game like the last of us. When you get a cut scene that is CGI using the ingame engine and its not gameplay footage because you dont have control of what is going on

When people say its gameplay footage they are talking about real gameplay when you are in control not when the computer is making the graphics better because its a cut scene.

if you want an idea of what the real gameplay is going to look like go check out the NBA 2k14 PC version on max settings

That is most likely what the real gameplay footage is giong to look like
Best to be silent and thought the fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt
# 907 BluFu @ 10/19/13 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
I'm not sure you can really say that with how spliced up that section of the trailer was haha. But I mean, should Chalmers have a chance at stopping KD's jumper? He's got Chalmers by about 8 inches (plus wingspan).
i mean chalmers isn't a bad defender and i know KD has a whole lot of inches on him but still..... that release thoooough...

the ball was halfway towards the net when chalmers had his hand up! lol

i was hoping that was one of those buzzerbeater type shots where you just chuck it up but there was 15 seconds on the clock.... KD is goin to be insane. looks like he has a new wingspan too.
# 908 brown19 @ 10/19/13 05:26 PM
i totally disagree ryse screams next gen, after all they made the crysis series and we know those games are visual master pieces, exspecially the first one.
# 909 Khaos_Kiwi @ 10/19/13 05:31 PM
I just tweeted my fellow NZ'er Steven Adams to ask Ronnie2k for a next-gen screen. Hopefully he comes through haha.
# 910 LiquidGotti @ 10/19/13 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by brown19
i totally disagree ryse screams next gen, after all they made the crysis series and we know those games are visual master pieces, exspecially the first one.
That game is going to be trash.
6.0 game at best. They focused so much on the graphics that The game play looks horrible.
# 911 zzcoolj21 @ 10/19/13 07:25 PM
# 912 HealyMonster @ 10/19/13 08:09 PM
Anyone heard any whispers or rumors about presentation upgrades on next gen?
# 913 Escobeats @ 10/19/13 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Khaos_Kiwi
I just tweeted my fellow NZ'er Steven Adams to ask Ronnie2k for a next-gen screen. Hopefully he comes through haha.
Same imma tweet him right now . hopefully he does come through .. Seen a couple of screens of him in the background tho got that big samoan head hahaha. I sure the close-ups will be just as good
# 914 KasparV @ 10/19/13 09:28 PM
I am, just like you guys, absolutely blown away by this trailer and can't remember being this hyped for a game. The thing is, when I see this trailer, it looks so beautiful and perfect that I kind of am assuming/hoping that it feels great and new as well, but as far as I know it hasn't been confirmed that it will run on a new engine of some sort, or did I miss something? Because if they are going to release "basically" the same game, with the same modes and same game-feel on the court as the current-gen, I'm afraid in the end I will be kind of disappointed.. Still, I can't deduct anything about gameplay out of this trailer, so I'll just look at the graphical update and be optimistic ^^
# 915 MrBigShot1 @ 10/19/13 09:57 PM
I think player builds/graphic detail will go hand in hand with gameplay improvements. Still...2k14 current gen does have excellent gameplay. That coupled with some minor improvements and these graphics and I can see myself playing this game for a long time.

I'm still really interested to hear about this "new mode" that will supposedly outshine myteam/myplayer.

At this point there isn't much they can do to improve faces. I think once this generation ends and we get another generation of consoles, we will have reached the point where things truly look indistinguishable from real NBA games.
# 916 Primo585 @ 10/19/13 10:12 PM
Yea I dunno if any of you have seen the new Madden next gen trailers, but with all those improvments that they can do year one to the gameplay with player sense, real physics, smooth animations, etc... Id be surprised if 2K next gen doesnt have some of these improvments, along with tighter gameplay... should be sweet!

And these are the graphic... very clean and detailed for the most part... its gonna look like that however camera angle you play it in... I feel like when I play this game broadcast when I get it that its gonna feel like im watching a real game!! hyped!!
# 917 Escobeats @ 10/19/13 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by KasparV
I am, just like you guys, absolutely blown away by this trailer and can't remember being this hyped for a game. The thing is, when I see this trailer, it looks so beautiful and perfect that I kind of am assuming/hoping that it feels great and new as well, but as far as I know it hasn't been confirmed that it will run on a new engine of some sort, or did I miss something? Because if they are going to release "basically" the same game, with the same modes and same game-feel on the court as the current-gen, I'm afraid in the end I will be kind of disappointed.. Still, I can't deduct anything about gameplay out of this trailer, so I'll just look at the graphical update and be optimistic ^^
Actually they said next-gen is going to basically be a new game so don't be surprised if it's different to CG. Probably also why they didn't spend as much time on CG and i don't blame them either.
# 918 Escobeats @ 10/19/13 10:18 PM
Dont know how different tho. But they cleared up that it aint no port.
# 919 KasparV @ 10/19/13 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Escobeats
Dont know how different tho. But they cleared up that it aint no port.
It's not a one-on-one port with a little brushed up graphics, like Fifa for instance, that's obvious. This graphical improvement is the most impressive I've seen for the PS4 so far (maybe even the most graphical impressive period, not looking at improvement).
But there is a difference between a big graphical overhaul with minor gameplay improvements and a big overhaul, if you know what I mean. I don't hate or dislike the CG version, but the power of next-gen can be used in so many other ways then just graphical (AI or realtime physics for instance), Here's hoping they did/are
# 920 exposedaking @ 10/19/13 10:36 PM
I just noticed there was no dribbling in the trailer. I wonder if its different than current gen

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