At this point I don't even really care how it plays. If it plays just like current gen it won't really bother me. I'm not the biggest basketball fan but will be picking this one up day one just to support the effort made by 2k for next gen.
I want to see real gameplay not the reply or cut scenes.
If that is the case then you should probably not be in trailer threads then because thats what trailers are.. detailed close ups of what the game is and how it looks
Im sure we'll get that gameplay soon enough though.
At this point I don't even really care how it plays. If it plays just like current gen it won't really bother me. I'm not the biggest basketball fan but will be picking this one up day one just to support the effort made by 2k for next gen.
This was my gut reaction but I've gotten over the shock lol. With what we've been told these consoles are capable of I think a lot of people are going to be even less forgiving of AI limitations.
Graphics are very lifelike, but the gameplay is looking like just a port from last gen, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I just hope the little issues are fixed with cheese and whatnot. We already knew 2k was going to have the animations on lock. Hopefully the game is not run by them all though.
Overall this is a must buy on PS4 for me.
1. There was no gameplay shown, how in the WORLD can you tell if it's a port? THis is the most ridiculous thing I've read. They show a couple players dunking and you can tell if it's the same game? Please.
2. They will never fix cheesing, because it's impossible. You can ALWAYS cheese. No developer can prevent a user from leaking out. No developer can prevent a user from running a fastbreak after every bucket/rebound. No developer can prevent a user from scoring with superstars alone.
But it's time to take the kid gloves off and start showing gameplay from a Playable angle.
Too many trailers bruh.
Agreed looks great, but time to show more than just close ups, and when are 2k actually gonna talk about the making of the game etc. Nba live doesn't look that great, but atleast their doing interviews talking about their game, your turn 2k.
Looks pretty damn good. Im impressed with the graphics. Need to see actual gameplay and big gameplay improvements though before i jump on the hype wagon. Im not sold on just graphics. It looks great though. Why do the have anthony david dunking like that though? Lol no exaggerated dunks please
Really quite astonishing. Even bench players are looking pretty good. Skinny Durant model looks very good. I'd like to see what Kevin Martin's model looks like for comparison.
Minor quibble. They show Harden during a jump ball sequence, and he is sweating. The detail of the sweat is quite something, but he probably shouldn't be sweating before a game starts.
Yes, yes. Just showcasing the realism of the models.
With all the pre game stuff they do, he very well could be