NBA Live 14 News Post

According to the latest NBA Live 14 blog, posted by Executive Producer Sean O'Brien, we should be seeing 5 on 5 gameplay footage very soon with new screenshots and details arriving this week.

That being said, we know how you’re beyond ready to see more game assets and a 5-on-5 gameplay video. It is coming soon. I want you guys to see the game as we near completion to get a real impression (without disclaimers) of what to expect when we hit store shelves.

Between now and then, we’ll be giving you a glimpse of what NBA LIVE 14 is all about. In the next few days, we’ll be sharing a little peek of in-game screen shots and what you can expect to see and experience this fall and we’ll continue to share new assets as we lead up to the launch of the game.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/10/13 10:07 PM
Says 5 on 5 is coming soon. Posted Sept 9. I'm guessing end of this month early October
# 2 o Elevate o @ 09/10/13 10:14 PM
Key part that tells us what to expect...

We pay attention to our Twitter and Facebook accounts and see what everybody is saying…what’s really cool is that there is genuine interest and even optimism for the experience that we’re creating with NBA LIVE. That being said, we know how you’re beyond ready to see more game assets and a 5-on-5 gameplay video. It is coming soon. I want you guys to see the game as we near completion to get a real impression (without disclaimers) of what to expect when we hit store shelves.

Between now and then, we’ll be giving you a glimpse of what NBA LIVE 14 is all about. In the next few days, we’ll be sharing a little peek of in-game screen shots and what you can expect to see and experience this fall and we’ll continue to share new assets as we lead up to the launch of the game.
Keep an eye on Twitter and Facebook to get the latest news and assets. I’m excited to see what you think and am honestly looking forward to hearing your feedback. This is not a one-and-done scenario. We’re here for the long haul and I hope you’ll join us on this journey.
Since this "update" was posted yesterday, it's possible we could get our first in-game screenshot this week, or at least a screenshot of something. Also guessing this means we'll be getting a video closer to the end of the month - maybe try to steal some of 2K's current-gen thunder (or rather, eliminate it). Who knows.

It seems there's a LOT more confidence and communication this go round, versus the last couple years.
# 3 Calvin_Johnson81 @ 09/10/13 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by mars5541
Says 5 on 5 is coming soon. Posted Sept 9. I'm guessing end of this month early October
That's what I'm thinking too, I can't wait to see more
# 4 nick_sr @ 09/10/13 10:33 PM
if only you could see the smile on my face right. my baby will be back in my hands very soon! #WEARELIVE
# 5 donp1981 @ 09/10/13 11:11 PM
Now that's what I like to hear! They said screen shots in the next few days! Can't wait!
# 6 KyotoCarl @ 09/10/13 11:25 PM
Great news! I'm already hyped for the return of live but actually getting to see the game is gonna make me looks forward to it that much more.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
# 7 I Djm @ 09/10/13 11:44 PM
see i told you guys all along soon
# 8 iverson_2k @ 09/11/13 02:03 AM
Dear Live Naysayers,

I told you to be patient.


NBA fan

P.S- Live is back! Can't wait to see the screenshots and info!
# 9 kd35okc @ 09/11/13 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by mars5541
Says 5 on 5 is coming soon. Posted Sept 9. I'm guessing end of this month early October
he just say this week ...-__-
# 10 Hadlowe @ 09/11/13 03:49 PM
So screenshots in the next week and gameplay videos "soon". Nice to see EA adopting the Blizzard model.
# 11 poloelite @ 09/11/13 04:03 PM
Screenshots and 5 on 5 gameplay video are all steps in the right direction, but Live is faaarrrrrrr from being back if recent history is allowed. They almost shipped Elite and we saw 5 on 5 gameplay of Live 13 before it got cancelled. I want two great bball games too, but right now I'm just 10% optimistic that it will be on shelves in November. Please prove me wrong and deliver at least something different than 2k so bball fans can be happy owning both.
# 12 King_B_Mack @ 09/11/13 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
How about you actually wait & see if Live is actually back before making such statements?
Better yet, why don't we wait to make sure hard8times has no internet or mail or carrier pigeon capabilities a week before release date before saying it. We had screenshots, 5 on 5 gameplay vids and a demo way back when and it still didn't save Liv...I mean Elite.

Having said that, I'm excited to finally see what they've got. Sports gaming is better in the long run when there's multiple good to great titles sitting on store shelves. Hope they hit a home run.
# 13 scottyp180 @ 09/11/13 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
How about you actually wait & see if Live is actually back before making such statements?
Agree. Way too early to set expectations for this game, as well as 2ks nextgen effort for that matter. We know graphically both games will look great but lets wait and see some gameplay and hands on impressions, for both games, before we start saying that live is back or that 2k will remain king. Im especially trying to keep my expectations low for live since it has a track record of disappointment (live 10 was the only entry on current gen that was worth owning), 2k has atleast proved that there will be a solid product on the shelves even if it doesnt "wow" us year in and year out.
# 14 chi_hawks @ 09/11/13 04:12 PM
Maybe I'm just getting old and have a bad memory, but this seems eerily similar to what happened to the previous live version(s) that never came out. We kept getting these teasers that looked awesome. Then - a quick demo that looked like crap. Then an explanation as to why it looked bad and a "just you wait" type cliffhanger for the next sneak peek. Rinse and repeat until it was clear the game wasn't going to be ready, would be a joke compared to NBA 2k series, then, no game.
# 15 Sundown @ 09/11/13 04:56 PM
I have to admit that after seeing footage of the actual dribbling demo at e3, things are slightly more promising than before. The dribbling seems smooth and explosive and the foot planting is pretty good. We'll see how things really look once you add collisions and player defense but it doesn't seem bad at all.
# 16 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/11/13 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by kd35okc
he just say this week ...-__-
I think u should reread that article . It Said coming soon for 5 on 5
# 17 grodbetatted @ 09/11/13 05:26 PM
Can't wait... We will be getting information on both games. I need a change of speed from 2k, the lack of control and getting locked in animations has really turned me off of the game, but it has been a great game over all... I hope NBA Live can get the LOOK and FEEL of a real nba game, with more control.
# 18 TreyIM2 @ 09/11/13 05:27 PM
# 19 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/11/13 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by grodbetatted
Can't wait... We will be getting information on both games. I need a change of speed from 2k, the lack of control and getting locked in animations has really turned me off of the game, but it has been a great game over all... I hope NBA Live can get the LOOK and FEEL of a real nba game, with more control.
Exactly I love 2k! But I just want something different to play when 2k makes me mad lol
# 20 jukeum445 @ 09/11/13 05:59 PM
EA has always had a leg up in the graphics department... but game play has been hideous.... lets hope this doesn't happen this gen

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