NBA 2K14 News Post

2K Sports released their Next-Gen NBA 2K14 trailer during the Sony E3 2013 Press Conference this evening.

The 'NBA 2K14 – Next Gen Reveal' segment featured NBA 2K14 cover athlete LeBron James discussing life as "Video Game James" with a digital version of himself, while showing off some of his on the court moves in NBA 2K14. All of the footage was NOT pre-rendered and shown from a pre-alpha PS4 build.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 241 DWades House @ 06/11/13 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by J_Posse
It all hinges on if they are able to add real-time physics and a more "realistic" animation system with the more powerful next-gen hardware. I'm really, really hoping so or I'll be a bit disappointed.
Are we ready for real time physics ? I imagine it would be EXTREMELY frustrating, just look at how the ball bouncing off the heels of opponents messes up fast breaks.

EDIT : But then again, it would cut down on the paint cheese where players are splitting double teams at will, the ball is out of their hands but the game still recognizes it in their possession. It would solve abusing lead passing as well.
# 242 jersez @ 06/11/13 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by J_Posse
It all hinges on if they are able to add real-time physics and a more "realistic" animation system with the more powerful next-gen hardware. I'm really, really hoping so or I'll be a bit disappointed.
I agree, but when you say real time physics do you mean something like Madden's infinity engine? Or backbreaker?
# 243 Nox_Caelum @ 06/11/13 04:33 PM
Does anyone know if pre-ordering the PS4 NBA2K14 will also come with the current gen pre order bonuses?
# 244 carvis#15 @ 06/11/13 04:51 PM
Show us graphically how this game is not a big leap from last gen...
# 245 ksuttonjr76 @ 06/11/13 06:09 PM
I'm trying hard to keep to my threat of...

"No defense, no buy".

This might be the first year that I early adopt to a new system (XB1).
# 246 Asp86 @ 06/11/13 06:15 PM
Is it me or does his mouth look like it's more than 50% of his face towards the end of the video?
# 247 RocketTMac1 @ 06/11/13 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by mars5541
Hope this is a launch title for ps4
As of right now the tentative date is next year at gamestop
# 248 RocketTMac1 @ 06/11/13 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Nox_Caelum
Does anyone know if pre-ordering the PS4 NBA2K14 will also come with the current gen pre order bonuses?
I think it does. I wonder if you can mod the game like a PC on the PS4
# 249 svit @ 06/11/13 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
People can't get excited about a graphical leap? I just don't get it, why people can't get excited for something if it's not a playcalling system, online association or playbook news?
They can get excited about graphical leap, but as somebody said, what is excellent graphic good for if the controls of the player are laggy? What is excellent graphic good for if you can't proper execute play on offense. What is excellent graphic good for if you can't stop big man in the paint due to sliding... Nothing absolutely nothing. If I want to watch basketball I will turn on TV or go to the nearest sport hall to attend live balll -> best graphic ever...

The gameplay, online associations options are the foundations, myplayer of the good game. For me personally 2K can keep 2k11 graphic level if they make basketball game more simulation. They can also scrap shoe/accessories part of the game and 2K Sims part on Facebook. They must focus on hard core NBA gamers and not to the casual gamers. Why? Hard core NBA gamers are the ones who makes communities, mods, new suggestions -> they make progression -> make better bb game.
# 250 RocketTMac1 @ 06/11/13 06:33 PM
# 251 LeBronistheKing @ 06/11/13 06:47 PM
This absolutely blew me away. Everything from the face movements to the player movement. This is definitely next generation basketball. Lebron's player body type is spot on as opposed to the current gens overly bulky physique, it really sells the look, and is a big step in blurring the line between video game and reality. I know 2K always has the goal to replicate an actual NBA broadcast and this is much much closer to being indistinguishable from the real thing. Hopefully the player models gear will be editable like the previous editions of 2K as LeBron no longer wears a shooting sleeve, and judging by the footage does not have his baller band rubber bands on each wrist. Speaking of which it would be great if his bands had I promise printed on them as he wears them every game for his foundation. Also the pre order King James pack intrigues me. Wondering if we will see some old Cavalier teams with different LeBron player models similar to the different Jordan player models for the classic Bulls teams. Would be great to play with the fresh faced rookie LeBron pre receding hairline (I'm very impressed they actually mimiced his current hairline sounds crazy but there is a reason there is so many LeBron hairline jokes, and it really goes a long way in making his player model look exactly like LeBron currently) Another thing I think would be a great addition is the ability to use the LeBrons in blacktop mode the idea of playing with kid LeBron or watching Wise LeBron throw up a sky hook and dominate with his old man game is too good to pass up. LeBron is a fun dude with a very big personality, and I hope 2K really takes advantage of that. They have a great track record and flat out know how to make a great basketball game and they listen to the fans obviously as you can tell by my user name I am greatly looking forward to this game.
# 252 jersez @ 06/11/13 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by RocketTMac1
When did gifs get this long?

Originally Posted by svit
They can get excited about graphical leap, but as somebody said, what is excellent graphic good for if the controls of the player are laggy? What is excellent graphic good for if you can't proper execute play on offense. What is excellent graphic good for if you can't stop big man in the paint due to sliding... Nothing absolutely nothing. If I want to watch basketball I will turn on TV or go to the nearest sport hall to attend live balll -> best graphic ever...

The gameplay, online associations options are the foundations, myplayer of the good game. For me personally 2K can keep 2k11 graphic level if they make basketball game more simulation. They can also scrap shoe/accessories part of the game and 2K Sims part on Facebook. They must focus on hard core NBA gamers and not to the casual gamers. Why? Hard core NBA gamers are the ones who makes communities, mods, new suggestions -> they make progression -> make better bb game.
We all know 2k has gameplay issues, and 2k14 is going to have gameplay issues as well, and I'm not defending them but it's unrealistic to expect everything will be fixed in a dev cycle of only months, they don't have the luxury of time like other devs do.

We are all critical of the game we all want a true simulation basketball game, hell I'm just as critical but what the art team has accomplished is incredible, they've actually made a photorealistic game. It might not be exciting to you, I don't know what you're expecting maybe when gameplay info and the demo drops you'll decide what you want to do.

But please don't call people stupid, I work with autistic children and me personally that's just offensive to me.
# 253 Nox_Caelum @ 06/11/13 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by infemous
I've never owned a Basketball game before, nor do I even understand the sport, but I am excited for NBA 2K14 on next gen.

I will be looking to get into the sport during the finals and learn more about it so that I can enjoy NBA 2k and even ball a bit myself in the real world.

If anyone can point me to some places where I can learn about the sport please do. I have little to no clue about it (based in the UK so its not common knowledge at all).

Also, I believe that besides gameplay, the career mode is the most important thing in a sports game and I hope to see some really great additions... From what I've seen on current gen career mode looks dope so any improvements should be amazing.
As someone who was in the same boat at the start of the season, and living in Spain I've only ever played when I was 8 so I knew 0-to-little.
I've liked the Heat since '03~(Shaq) so I started with them I basically used wikipedia for history of the league/teams, information on positions. I then made sure to watch as much as I could along with playing 2K13(Association/Manager mode) alot to remember more players, rosters, etc. And then a place like this(the Association and Trade Finder threads helped me along).
In January I'd pretty much got a grasp of most things. It's kinda tough, but commenting sports websites, and having some people to talk to about it helps understand it.
# 254 BluFu @ 06/11/13 07:51 PM
now i need to know what it looks like on PS3. wanna know if i have to buy a PS4 or not lol.
# 255 JasonWilliams55 @ 06/11/13 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by BluFu
now i need to know what it looks like on PS3. wanna know if i have to buy a PS4 or not lol.

I don't think the 360/PS3 games will look much different than what it is now, maybe some graphical tweaks but nothing major. But your question is really the one I am asking to and waiting for the answer as well.

Asked about the feature sets of the current-generation and next-generation versions of NBA 2K14, Argent said "there's some overlap," but noted that they'll be "very unique, independent, distinct experiences from one another."
Also 2k14 is scheduled to be a launch title for Next Gen systems.

The PS3, Xbox 360 and PC versions will be released Oct. 1 in North America and Oct. 4 worldwide. The PS4 and Xbox One versions are scheduled to be launch titles for those respective consoles; both systems are set for release in 2013.
# 256 jersez @ 06/11/13 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by JayMizzle
I dunno why ppl are complaining so much about the Defense on the current gen games. I have no big problems keeping up on the Defensive end. Some stuff is nit-picky but come on, some of yall gots to be garbage if you can't play a little big of D on ya own. The CPU can't do everything for you.
About this trailer....its awesome! One thing I noticed though....Lebron didn't have his mouthpiece in and he wasn't playing with it outside of his mouth lol.
I used to think like that, but go online you tell me when your player is sliding all over the court.
# 257 MarvinOida @ 06/11/13 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by RocketTMac1
I think it does. I wonder if you can mod the game like a PC on the PS4
No... Highly doubt it... We need like iOS hackers, PC hackers to see what we can do. If the PS3 couldn't be modded, highly doubt the PS4 will and XBOX One since they would probably wanna stop with the mods... (Or not.)
# 258 mango_prom @ 06/11/13 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by JayMizzle
some of yall gots to be garbage if you can't play a little big of D on ya own. The CPU can't do everything for you.
How old are you? Besides, you completely miss the point. Self alleys are unstoppable because there is no animation in the game to counter the move after the player starts gathering. Defenders get pushed out of the way regardless of what you do. The same with spin dunks and up/unders in the post.
Then there is the ankle breaker sig skill...which means stumbling animations aren't triggered by the defender overreacting, but by the ballhandler spamming moves until the game decides to let the defender fall down. It's a dumbed down game of chance that way, and not related to skill at all.

So even though 2k13 is a solid game, it's pretty simple minded to assume that criticism on the defensive end is actually a result of "Y'all garbage. Play sum d on ya own doe. Aint nuthin wrong with 2k13, u sux".
I mean seriously? It doesn't matter how "good" you defend, if your opponent knows what he's doing, with a smart combination of sig skill stacking and using animations without proper counters, you'll get torched more often than not.

I'd rather buy a kind of 2k13 with next gen gameplay than 2k14 with insane graphics and the same dumbed down mechanics we've got right now. Now next gen is exciting and there should at least be a foundation for more complex gameplay this year. It can't be perfectly tuned, and nobody should expect that. But there should definitely be significant improvements regarding gameplay mechanics.

About the trailer...am I the only one not really impressed with Lebron's facial texture? I mean the player animations look great, especially Ray Allen in the background was damn close to reality. But the facial animations of Lebron didn't look particularly realistic to me.
# 259 VDusen04 @ 06/11/13 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by mango_prom
How old are you? Besides, you completely miss the point. Self alleys are unstoppable because there is no animation in the game to counter the move after the player starts gathering. Defenders get pushed out of the way regardless of what you do. The same with spin dunks and up/unders in the post.
Then there is the ankle breaker sig skill...which means stumbling animations aren't triggered by the defender overreacting, but by the ballhandler spamming moves until the game decides to let the defender fall down. It's a dumbed down game of chance that way, and not related to skill at all.

So even though 2k13 is a solid game, it's pretty simple minded to assume that criticism on the defensive end is actually a result of "Y'all garbage. Play sum d on ya own doe. Aint nuthin wrong with 2k13, u sux".
I mean seriously?

I'd rather buy a kind of 2k13 with next gen gameplay than 2k14 with insane graphics and the same dumbed down mechanics we've got right now. Now next gen is exciting and there should at least be a foundation for more complex gameplay this year. It can't be perfectly tuned, and nobody should expect that. But there should definitely be significant improvements regarding gameplay mechanics.

About the trailer...am I the only one not really impressed with Lebron's facial texture? I mean the player animations look great, especially Ray Allen in the background was damn close to reality. But the facial animations of Lebron didn't look particularly realistic to me.
No, you're definitely not the only one. That threw me for an immediate loop. I struggled to recover and appreciate the rest of the sneak peek because I couldn't get that facial weirdness out of my mind. And I think there's a reason the top comment for the video on YouTube right now is, "1:01 Dat mouth". It was a little scary.

I liked the clips though. I've relented posting in this thread up to now because I was kind of afraid to be "that guy", I just wasn't left speechless with my jaw on the floor or anything. I mean that in the best way possible.
# 260 mango_prom @ 06/11/13 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
No, you're definitely not he only one. That threw me for an immediate loop. I struggled to recover and appreciate the rest of the sneak peek because I couldn't get that facial weirdness out of my mind.
I suppose the interview with 2k Lebron was kinda created in a hurry for the trailer, why should a sports game engine be able to handle players talking random stuff? It's simply a way to get real life Lebron more attached to the brand and its followers. And this worked perfectly looking at people already knowing what they'll spend their money on in 4 months regardless of how the product turns out. Don't think they'll implement these overblown expressions in the full game.
But still, with all the hype surrounding "next gen", default faces should really be better than stuff some chinese kids do at home. Looking at 2k13 PC, this has not exactly been the case.
So I hope at least with the next gen versions, 2k will deliver game art beyond things some random dudes provide for free. If you look at globals/courts/faces provided by the community, 2k should really step up their game.

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