Madden NFL 25 News Post

This is all in-game footage from the trailer for Madden NFL 25, which debuted today at EA's E3 press conference. Also announced during the show, Adrian Peterson will be the cover athlete of the next-gen version of Madden NFL 25, not Barry Sanders, who will continue to be the cover athlete for the 360 and PS3 versions.

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Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 BleedGreen710 @ 06/10/13 05:57 PM
It didn't blow me away, besides the graphics. The E3 presentation showed a bunch of common sense stuff we should have already had by now like 'intelligent offensive line play' (something AI based that doesn't require a new console to be programmed in).

See with other games when they unveil stuff its like "WOAH! NO WAY! UNBELIEVABLE! WHAT A GREAT INNOVATION!"

But with EA Sports and Madden its like "Its about time! Finally they added that! Took them long enough!"

Yeah everyone can see it 'looked' beautiful, but theres a lot more to a game (especially a sports game) then looks. Cant wait to hear, and see more.
# 2 txhardhitta405 @ 06/10/13 06:01 PM
Why does RGIIi have predator dreads?
# 3 TheLetterZ @ 06/10/13 06:01 PM
Hearing them talk about totally rebuilding line play was the best thing they could have said to me.

I'm at least following with interest now.
# 4 myownsun @ 06/10/13 06:02 PM
Meh......No seriously, MEH!!!
# 5 raiders81tim @ 06/10/13 06:03 PM
Yall crazy. That is exactly what we have been asking for? I can't wait. This gen Madden will be for the simheads.
# 6 Bolt957 @ 06/10/13 06:04 PM
I'm really hoping that this dynamic blocking works as its supposed to. Otherwise, this would be an internal fail.
# 7 djordan @ 06/10/13 06:05 PM
I really don't know what to say. Can't say I'm impressed or underwhelmed. I'll need to see legit gameplay from the standard camera to make my judgement. I can't stand sizzle trailers.
# 8 huntt26 @ 06/10/13 06:05 PM
It looks great, but how will it play? Will they take out all of the features like they did with 360? Time will tell...
# 9 Facts @ 06/10/13 06:05 PM
Love that most of the focus looks to be strictly on gameplay. Hopefully the game modes are up to the same standard to the current gen. Regardless, this looks like a great starting base to build off of for the next gen.
# 10 DucksForever @ 06/10/13 06:06 PM
They really need to make their player models more proportionate and they need to fix the running animations badly. There's some pretty bland and basic locomotion that needs fixing as well.

The graphics are very impressive, and I would expect them to be in this day and age. However, with EA's technology, it's time for advanced physics in padding, jerseys, and helmets. The build of uniforms on players are combined into one mesh which really wrecks the authenticity of accessories. I want to see flowing uniforms with jersey pulls and pads hanging out at times. Is it that hard to add some cloth simulators?
# 11 huskerwr38 @ 06/10/13 06:10 PM
Nothing will satisfy those who were not pleased with this teaser video.

Things that I thought were impressive and have been sorely lacking this last gen. Player movement was as fluid as I've ever seen. DL/OL interaction was pretty amazing, it looked realistic, it looked like a trench war and I think that is what they were going for and they captured it. There were pretty amazing details shown, crowd looked alive, tackling looked pretty good (gang tackle there that wasn't a hug a la pro tak).

I can't wait to see more.
# 12 thewb27 @ 06/10/13 06:11 PM
Some of you guys need to be checked....great graphics, foot planting, and the line play looks light years advanced. Exactly what OS always clamors for, and still complaints. Better yet, this is the launch title to next gen...this is what's they're going to be able to build off of for years to come. Color me impressed....
# 13 jagsrock95 @ 06/10/13 06:13 PM
I had low expectations so i was mildly impressed with what i saw. Player movement finally looks natural and it's great to see DL/OL interaction being addressed.If all this works as advertised this could be what we've been waiting for.
# 14 LBzrule @ 06/10/13 06:18 PM
All I can say is I'm much more interested in this than the 360/PS3 version of the game.
# 15 Demoncrom @ 06/10/13 06:19 PM
ok i have to say it - EA just realized that if a back runs into the line they should try to slide off the line man and not run in place - awesome 2k5 much?
# 16 bigwill33 @ 06/10/13 06:19 PM
Oh yay, they show us a minute of "actual game play" and we already get to see a canned animation with jumping over the goal line at the pylon. Already spotted several uniform mistakes (the cover athlete pretty much had all wrong uniform with number font being wrong and helmet being off).

I hope the game play is boss or else this could be a long winter for next gen football. I'd like to see RGIII coming up to the line and snapping his chinstrap or putting in his mouthpiece after pulling it from his facemask. I want to see some weather elements. It better be dynamic this time around. No excuse to go a whole gen without dynamic weather. I want to see gang tackles work right, too.
# 17 drlw322 @ 06/10/13 06:20 PM
The info I'm waiting for is how will the sideline and crowd be different.
# 18 Blasian @ 06/10/13 06:20 PM
Yea not really impressed. But still Looking forward to seeing how it comes along in the coming months
# 19 DucksForever @ 06/10/13 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by thewb27
Some of you guys need to be checked....great graphics, foot planting, and the line play looks light years advanced. Exactly what OS always clamors for, and still complaints. Better yet, this is the launch title to next gen...this is what's they're going to be able to build off of for years to come. Color me impressed....
It's amazing what advertisers are able to sell these days with unique propaganda. You have to recognize the techniques that these companies use to sell you a product, eliminate them, and look at the product for what it really is.

One technique that EA uses to mask a lot of their problems is using custom camera angles and quick transitions to hide flaws in the game. Obviously, the trailer is going to show the best of the best that the game has to offer, but I want to know what I'll be getting 24/7. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

This "new running" is not very "new" and is still very flawed in my opinion. The foot planting looks very good, weight appears to play out in the animations, but the form of running is not how any NFL coach would teach his players to run with the football.

Line play looks much better, but it's not great. It's still largely animation based, and ratings don't appear to be as much of a factor. (I know it's early, but just my first impressions.) Justin Smith is getting manhandled by Alfred Morris, who was very average in pass protection last season. Just because the blocking may look more realistic, it doesn't mean it will play more realistically. Until I see a varied arsenal of moves from edge rushers, DT's no longer overpowered, and edge rushers fast and explosive, I will not be that impressed.

All in all, this is very much so a HYPE trailer as opposed to a GAMEPLAY trailer. If you're going to market it as the latter, don't give me dramatic music and shots of RG3 yelling out his cadence. That is PRESENTATION, which is a critical element in advertising and hype. The lack of urgency on EA's part to reveal footage of concrete gameplay in their trailer signals to me that they don't have much to be proud of.

My 2 cents...
# 20 madman112 @ 06/10/13 06:22 PM
all pre rendered, no real gameplay, no suprised

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