Madden NFL 25 News Post

This is all in-game footage from the trailer for Madden NFL 25, which debuted today at EA's E3 press conference. Also announced during the show, Adrian Peterson will be the cover athlete of the next-gen version of Madden NFL 25, not Barry Sanders, who will continue to be the cover athlete for the 360 and PS3 versions.

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Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
Madden NFL 25 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 RGiles36 @ 06/10/13 07:24 PM
I overall have liked what I've seen thus far -- certainly encouraging!

That said, I look forward to seeing exactly what they did to take advantage of these new consoles. We're excited about the trenches and footwork, but can any of us say that was impossible on this generation? And I don't say that to be unfair to the progress that's been made.

I just want to see something that makes me say, "Oh I HAVE to go out and get a PS4/XB1 on launch day!" The devil is in the details, I reckon.
# 62 KANE699 @ 06/10/13 07:24 PM
The graphics engine is gorgeous but I'd really like to see how that translates to the stadiums, at this point this game is looking like a port over with new locomotion, there is not a single double team pass block in those gifs.
# 63 CatMan72 @ 06/10/13 07:29 PM
Looks nice, but I'll reserve judgement until I see actual real-time gameplay.
# 64 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/10/13 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by mdlanni1
I'm pretty sure Wilson steps out of bounds while diving into the end zone...sums up the trailer
Well they could have done a review and brought the ball back at the point he step out of bounds you know. But they didn't show that happening.
# 65 jmurphy31 @ 06/10/13 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by CT Pittbull
I thought it looked great especially the line play animations and blocking..graphics look tight I pre-ordered ..so im sold cant wait now anyone know when it will release?..
It comes out on the release day of Xbox one.
# 66 jmurphy31 @ 06/10/13 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by jaymee13
This trailer features the Ignite Engine on next gen. So all this OL/DL line work and footplanting we're seeing is only for next gen. What about infinity 2.0? For those who aren't shelling out $500 for the new system, what aspects of it do we get?
My guess is there will be videos tomorrow about it. maybe not in this form, but either game play or other sites interviewing developers.

With that said, I am sure most questions will be about next gen.

I am hoping some of the guys there will ask about nest gen and its features (CCM, CPU AI, etc)
# 67 TheBleedingRed21 @ 06/10/13 07:48 PM
^ UGLY?! Are you kidding? Good lord.
# 68 BenGerman @ 06/10/13 07:50 PM
I'll hold off on anything more until I see actual footage, but it is odd to me that EA thinks people want to see close ups on on weird parts of the player's body. Why not just zoom out a bit, and give us what an actual replay might look like? I don't think I'm alone in thinking that those close up shots don't do anything to impress me.
# 69 jmurphy31 @ 06/10/13 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by BenGerman
I'll hold off on anything more until I see actual footage, but it is odd to me that EA thinks people want to see close ups on on weird parts of the player's body. Why not just zoom out a bit, and give us what an actual replay might look like? I don't think I'm alone in thinking that those close up shots don't do anything to impress me.
Yeah, that always irks me when it comes to replays, especially in NCAA. Always had weird zoomed in hsots where you can see the action developing.

I can understand on this video to show the fott planting, but the arm shots were out of place.

Though it would sock if they would use that close up zoom in replays as they were being challenged.
# 70 d11king @ 06/10/13 07:56 PM
I mean I know it's AP, but breaking free from 3 defenders, 2 of them head on, ha. C'mon son.
# 71 myownsun @ 06/10/13 07:57 PM
Mediocre Meh-niss!! NOT impressed. This looks like the replay mode of madden13 for 360.

No $500
No next gen

I'll just stick with my Pc
# 72 Eman5805 @ 06/10/13 07:59 PM
If I can tolerate looking at a player in a dead run for more than 20 yards, then I'll probably be down for this. Otherwise, I might skip out.
# 73 Exile04 @ 06/10/13 08:14 PM
im digging all the Seahawk love in the game! GO HAWKS!
# 74 m1ke_nyc @ 06/10/13 08:18 PM
The game looks more violent that's for sure. Looked like football.
# 75 Trick13 @ 06/10/13 08:23 PM
I am not impressed.
First off, I don't give a rat's behind about graphics or lighting or 3D grass.

Really don't like the "flip" dive animation, the running - though it is short clips - still looks rigid, the foot-planting still looks unnatural, almost as if rather than it being "just the way players move" it looks like limbs are being forced into those animations.

AP breaking out of three guys, especially when you look at how they arrived, seems out of place to me. Had one guy hit him, been falling off and then the next two were consecutive hits that "bounced" him off balance then quickly back into balance, then maybe but I gotta say that I am really underwhelmed by that clip.

Word of the day is "disappointed"!
# 76 UMhester04 @ 06/10/13 08:27 PM
Couple random thoughts:

EA's version of 3D grass just looks weird, like the grass is grown out too long and the grass strands seem too "individual"...idk how to put it into words really.

Also, they need to stop zooming in on the damn feet, I've never seen a camera do that in real life. Maybe, if they get some camera angles that we see on Sundays, the game would look a little better/realistic instead of zooming in on the friggin grass and bottom of their shoes.
# 77 bobbybigdrum @ 06/10/13 08:27 PM
Cool, but not $500 cool
# 78 bpac55 @ 06/10/13 08:29 PM
As a uniform guy...how do they create the new Vikings jersey but completely mess up the helmet?? They obviously saw it. How hard is to to see something and then recreate what you see??? Is it just to show off the fact that lighting reflects off of helmets? If that is the case don't use a team with a matte helmet.
# 79 DeuceDouglas @ 06/10/13 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Trick13
Word of the day is "disappointed"!
I don't know, I think I'd go with "overreact".
# 80 drlw322 @ 06/10/13 08:36 PM
Looking through these gif, it is obvious that the footwork they have done is ball carrier only. Most of the DB movement is still very stiff and unrealistic. It just looks bad (back peddle, hip movement, quick step, T-step). It is obvious that they are using last gen animation.

But what I am excited about is the fact that the tech is there for them to improve these things in a dramatic fashion in this generation. All they have to do is build on it. They ported current gen over with the Ignite engine features. I believe it's not a bad thing, I believe madden learned a lesson with NBA 2K whey they ported their game over from last gen to current gen. 2K was able to make their game more fluid and improve their graphics as this gen progress and I think thats what Madden will do. I think Madden will continue to get more fluid as next gen progress with better animation capturing and better tech. I believe also that the visual will continue to get better.

I believe that the trench play got the attention in the 1st next gen game because it was left alone for too long and it needed work most along with the run game. I believe next year we will see improvement in DB/WR interaction and foot planting movement for non ball carrier.
Originally Posted by DorianDonP
Massive post. Hope I don't freeze any computers.


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