Madden NFL 25 News Post

GotGame has posted this Madden NFL 25 video interview with Creative Director, Rex Dickson. They discuss the new and improved running game, defense and Infinity Engine 2.0. A few snippets of gameplay are included.

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
Madden NFL 25 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 Sheen_O_Mack @ 04/28/13 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
And every year you come in here in the build up to Maddens release, and try to make everything unicorns and sunshine. You call anyone who say anything negative about Madden a "*****". You go quiet after release and then come back in the build-up again. All in the hopes of being invited to a community day or be added to the game changer program. Your act is getting quite old, and if you continue to keep it up you probably won't make it through this release cycle here on OS.
That's definitely a two way street, there are some that come and try to make everything into cockroaches and thunderstorms. There are some that bash JP for having a positive vibe about Madden.

Don't get me wrong, there ARE people on this forum who post legitimate creative, thought provoking ideas about how to improve Madden and those people make articulate posts and not bashing ones.

Without people who go against the grain of this forum and actually show their optimism towards the game then they should just re-name the Madden Forum to "The Debbie Downer Chat Club".

Now, I do believe the harsh criticism by this forum and others has made this game better for this generation of systems. The rate of "Same thing different cover" that comes out after a few screens and a very little amount of video is alarming and so is how quickly the EA apologists come rushing in.

Its going to be a never ending revolving door, the people who choose to wait are going to tell the people, who base their entire judgement off a couple teaser videos and a few screens 4/5 months before release, to wait till E3 and the people who use the "Jump to conclusions mat" to make a decision will tell people that wait that they are wasting their time and nothing will change. Which is EVERYONES right to choose what they want to do BUT it is unfair to threaten banishment to one side and not the other.

But hey I'm not an admin and what you guys do is your own prerogative. Ill just be sitting here waiting for these

On a side note, from the articles I have read these type of hits don't happen as often as the video seems to show. I do agree that the "Three yard explosion" away from the tackler/ball carrier is unrealistic. Some of the tackling/footplanting looks solid but not at the level I would like to see it.

The Kerrigan sack has my hopes up and has me excited for E3
# 82 Trick13 @ 04/28/13 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by TreFacTor
Not to mention that 20 year old step slide the TE does when in motion...that animation has been in the game forever and I've never seen a tight end do the Cha Cha while in motion in all my years of watching ANY type of football...but that's just me being petty.
And why can't we motion multiple players anymore. They have the logic built correctly where you can't motion illegally, but I see NFL teams motion a player, he resets and then they motion a second player. I bet I see that 10 times each weekend in the NFL.

And on the topic of motion issues - I hate, hate, hate the blue "predetermined" motion garbage. I understand what they were trying to do there, but I feel the user should be able to snap the ball early or late (obviously risking messing the timing of the play to crap).

And there are far too many plays that do not allow the user to snap the ball at the time of their own choosing - ie sometimes I run a play thinking of motioning the outside WR til he is just inside the slot WR and then the dumb game won't let me snap the ball at that point - making me wait til he gets all the way across the formation = dumb dumb dumb!!!
# 83 Mr_Riddick @ 04/28/13 11:40 PM
From the looks of it, early build or not its no good.
# 84 jpdavis82 @ 04/29/13 12:48 AM
I would like to add one more thing, somehow I've gotten the label of being a EA fanboy but I regularly tweet the dev team members about issues and concerns that the OS community has with the Madden and NCAA series. In fact four EA devs have blocked me because I came at them so strongly, because of things OS members have brought up.
# 85 jpdavis82 @ 04/29/13 12:49 AM
I would like to add one more thing, somehow I've gotten the label of being a EA fanboy but I regularly tweet the dev team members about issues and concerns that the OS community has with the Madden and NCAA series. In fact four EA devs have blocked me because I came at them so strongly, because of things OS members have brought up.
# 86 jpdavis82 @ 04/29/13 01:09 AM
I would like to add one more thing, somehow I've gotten the label of being a EA fanboy but I regularly tweet the dev team members about issues and concerns that the OS community has with the Madden and NCAA series. In fact four EA devs have blocked me because I came at them so strongly, because of things OS members have brought up.
# 87 hanzsomehanz @ 04/29/13 01:23 AM
Why is the interviewer wearing shades?

Anyhow, to the point: these outcomes can be produced with the current build, depending on what you want to leverag more, big hits or big trucks?

You can raise fumbles to 100 and you will see ballcariers have better stumble and recovery. You can raise tackle to 100 and watch the big hit fiasco unfold. Allmost all of what they did was scramble the base sliders so that the base slider enviornement is more aggressive.

This is the 25th edition of Madden and for many of us we are still anticpiating that elusive master stroke from EA but nevertheless the vision eludes us.

In Paint Art, you start with your broad stokes and then compliment them with subtle strokes. It is the subtle strokes that make the projection poP. In Madden's case, EA uses way too many broad strokes, essentially diminishing the appearance of any subtlety.

The systems need to be broken down to a deeper finite esp. the infinity engine.

You can break down a yard into feet or you can break down a yard into inches - that is as granular as I can put it.

EAs broad strokes kill the effect of subtelty which is what makes the Pop and this lack is why even these hyper-exaggerated outcomes will feel flat - it does the outcome no justice if the user cannot feel the momentum and weight-shifts -- there needs to be an anticipation effect that builds into these moves and hits.

I liken this effect to a premature climax and nobody enjoys that in a book or in bed -- steady momentum is the greatest aphrodisiac for an intense climax.

Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk 2
# 88 youALREADYknow @ 04/29/13 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by hanzsomehanz
Anyhow, to the point: these outcomes can be produced with the current build, depending on what you want to leverag more, big hits or big trucks?

You can raise fumbles to 100 and you will see ballcariers have better stumble and recovery. You can raise tackle to 100 and watch the big hit fiasco unfold. Allmost all of what they did was scramble the base sliders so that the base slider enviornement is more aggressive.
This is what many fail to realize about M13. Most of the Infinity Engine complaints can be addressed through settings and sliders. The problem is that the impact to User/CPU balance can often outweigh the benefits of more realistic physics and player control.

Of everything that has been announced thus far, the only impressive takeaway is that we have additional animations for ball carriers which can be leveraged by CPU-controlled ball carriers. The cynic in me says that we get new animations every year and that's not something to get too excited about. The optimist in me says that M13 wasn't terribly far away from being a decent NFL game and maybe these changes can allow users to configure a better game with M25 without going to extremes in penalty sliders and such.
# 89 Hooe @ 04/29/13 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by hanzsomehanz
Why is the interviewer wearing shades?
I'm glad I wasn't the only one annoyed by this.

My impression of the video - the new tech is good. However, I echo the sentiment that there are too many big hits, and I hope that is toned down prior to release.
# 90 hanzsomehanz @ 04/29/13 02:17 AM
I hear you loud & clear, YAK, on the slider gears and to that, the slider technicians will have to understate the overwhelming effects of these sudden outcomes, I guarantee that.

I look at these effects and I see one big, glaring blob of bigness. I may as well look at a big, black blob colored in with couple random white dots because that is what these changes look like.

M13 had better balance in IE 1.0; It could have used an increase in the subroutines of procedural programming and procedural awareness but it was a good base. Instead, EA devs decided to change the whole culture of the environement and scale it to fit an NFL Blitz persona with some little white dots sprinkled in (see: footplanting upgrade).

Like the man with the shades, this is another cover-up effect to take our attention away from the glaring concerns that have been eyesores for eons.

Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk 2
# 91 Shaffer26 @ 04/29/13 02:48 AM
This video is about "flashes" of good-to-great and bad-to-worse animations and gameplay. Yes, the Kerrigan play looked pretty good. The DMC run, not so much. We see this all the time in Madden now, a glimpse of what could/should be but it just hasn't quite gotten over the hump.

Every game has its flaws. From The Show to NHL to Madden, each game has it's own warts but for me, Madden's "flashes" have not outweighed the product as a whole. I can not justify a purchase until the "good" outweighs the "bad."

I give slack to games like The Show and 2K basketball not because they are perfect but because the devs strive for a better game each year. No gimics, no excuses. Madden used to be my game, but it's dropped the ball too many times.
# 92 RandyBass @ 04/29/13 05:08 AM
I know this is a WIP but SMH @ 0:53 of the video, Force Truck Impact or whatever it's called. The guy is stationary, catches a pass and turns upfield into an oncoming defender who has momentum in his favor, and trucks the dude off his feet.

Sorry if that's old and commented on ad nauseam, but it just stood out to me as looking pretty bad.

Beyond that I'm actually kind of eager to try this out. What they've shown so far doesn't exactly wow me, but player movement has always been a big issue of mine.
# 93 PantherBeast_OS @ 04/29/13 05:16 AM
After watching the video a few different times. I've seen a little good and some bad. The good is that the tackles look pretty decent and the sack on the Eli looked nice as well. But the bad is that one the the speed of the game still seems way to fast for been on normal. They really need to tone down the speed some. Then second the big hits just look awful The player getting launched 5 feet in the air after been hit. So unreal. As a few people have already said. To early to say what it will look like in about month from now when E3 gets here. I know EA has a history of not getting things done right. But I'm holding out a little hope that things will look good at E3. I guess for now this is a wait and see game. I will not over react over a few clips. But I will not take the hype neither. I will hold final judgement until E3 when we get some decent video of the final product.
# 94 BLACKjersey53 @ 04/29/13 05:21 AM
Those hits would make more sense for a Defender vs. Defenseless Receiver situation, not head-on, running full speed at each other. Like running into a brick wall as many of you have already said.

Would've liked to see the RB fall when Kerrigan dove into him instead of pull off a Matrix bullet dodge.

Would've also liked to see "contextual awareness" on the Marshawn Lynch run. Guess you really have to be up close to somebody for that to work.

McFadden should have faceplanted as both of his legs were caught on a defender. Notice his blocker lays a guy out, stumbles, and proceeds to lay the smackdown on another blocker as he is midair. Maybe he fell afterwards.

Just as many have already said, I'm hoping these supernatural truck animations are extremely rare. The only way that plays out in real life is where a grown man like me has to truck-stick his neighbor's kid in a pick-up game, and that's not even cool to say. In all my years of watching/playing football, Greg Jones trucking that dude from UNC is the closest I've seen to sending a guy flying. Just my 2 cents.
# 95 CT Pitbull @ 04/29/13 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Exactly and every year people like you come here and say the same old "rinse and repeat" line. If you don't believe this game is improving or changing or even going to, then why are you still coming here? The kind of change people are wanting is most likely not coming until the next gen consoles but everything that Madden 25 on 360/PS3 does right, should encourage us for the future. I know some people just want Madden to fail, but the rest of us are just wanting to see some encouraging features and additions built upon each other year after year from now on. We are wanting a true shift in the minds of the Madden dev team to provide us the quality football game we have so anxiously been waiting for.
people are just getting tired of WAITING. people like me who have dumped money on this game as well as ncaa football every single year of its existence. sure, some features look good and all but way too many core areas are just completely "off" for the amount of time these games have been around. I blame the lack of competition in the foootball gaming market for this. I mean all you have to do is look at the NBA gaming market. we had competition there and it definitely proved to be beneficial to US. EA just had to close up shop because NBA2k ran them out of the area/took them to the wood shed. from that we all got one of the BEST sports gaming series ever in nba2k. I just wonder what the case would be if the same thing happened in football gaming. WE would only benefit from "whoever" made the better game.
# 96 rootofalleli @ 04/29/13 07:17 AM
If they want to impress us, how about something that looks more like the hits in Matt Elam's highlight reel? Seeing this got me really excited for the new Ravens safety, even though he usually wrapped people up. You can see the power in this hits, but he also has technique.

# 97 roadman @ 04/29/13 09:33 AM
First time I saw the video.

Man, I hope they were highlighting the "Impact Hit Stick".
# 98 TreFacTor @ 04/29/13 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by roadman
First time I saw the video.

Man, I hope they were highlighting the "Impact Hit Stick".
Or are you hoping that all of the players getting blown up at least fall in different ways? I know they want to highlight the feature, but the fact that all of the players that "lost" on impact...all fell the exact same way (at least seven different players with different sizes and weights all fell on their right shoulder after being blown up....)..with the exact same animation...ugh....the repetitive animations in this game kill me...when will it end.
# 99 DocHolliday @ 04/29/13 10:37 AM
It is becoming quite obvious that EA, while saying the right things to the OS Crowd, have no real desire to make a simulation.

With all the other games coming out and a fresh round of kickstarter based titles slated to hit this fall, I will be passing on this joke.
# 100 BezO @ 04/29/13 11:17 AM
That killed any momentum the write ups created. A couple of things...

What games are you all watching where defenders are never wrapping up? How often are the likes of Peterson, Lynch, Green-Ellis, Jackson, Richardson, Turner, McGahee, Murray, etc getting shoulder charged to the ground? I hope you all are not getting this idea from Youtube.

Yes, but big hits happen, but they don't look like this. I think Sage said it earlier. The hitee looks like he's taking a charge. How often do you see an NFL player get uprooted like that? There are only a few occasions where a player gets blown up like THAT... major size difference, defender angled to avoid ball carrier's momentum, ball carrier caught off guard, and maybe another 1 or 2 I'm forgetting. The hits in that '12-'13 Hard Hits vid look nothing like what Madden is SHOWCASING.

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