Madden NFL 25 News Post

GotGame has posted this Madden NFL 25 video interview with Creative Director, Rex Dickson. They discuss the new and improved running game, defense and Infinity Engine 2.0. A few snippets of gameplay are included.

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Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
Madden NFL 25 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Grey_Osprey @ 04/28/13 03:22 PM
Can't believe they allowed that little bit of video to be released. I hope they clean this up as everything looks so overdone, especially the trucking and hit stick. SMH.
# 22 N51_rob @ 04/28/13 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Rob, what did you think of the Ryan Kerrigan sack and the way he was able to force back the RB to get the edge to get the QB?
If I'm being optomisitc its a nice addition. If I'm being serious. Still looks too "glitchy". I wouldn't say he forced him back as much as he ran over/through/around him to the QB.
# 23 speedy9386 @ 04/28/13 03:34 PM
lol this game is turning more into NFL Blitz every year
# 24 JMD @ 04/28/13 03:44 PM
Thank you E.A. You've made it easy for me this year. $60.00 saved.
# 25 roadman @ 04/28/13 03:45 PM
Not enough film to make an evaulation for me, yet.

Last year was much different, more webcast.

E3 will be a good evualater, what we see at E3, usually is no going back or forward, just tweaks.
# 26 Cpre5 @ 04/28/13 03:47 PM
Shame if you can only use legends on MUT again and not add them into franchise.
# 27 barsoffury @ 04/28/13 03:52 PM
It might be because they were showing up the trucking but it did seem rather excessive. You watch real NFL games and rarely do you see guys get flattened, on both sides of the ball. I hope when players get trucked that it's a rarity in this game.....

Other than that for a small sample size EA has my attention for now, considering I've passed on the two previous Maddens. I hope they can bring me back but they have to show me it's worth it.
# 28 jfsolo @ 04/28/13 04:05 PM
They talk a good game about sim gameplay, but IMO, there are still too many people involved in the design and implementation of gameplay features who feel like there must be a high percentage of over the top plays in every game to draw in the young and casual gamers. There has to be more SportsCenter top ten kind of plays than kudos from your position coach in the film room for playing fundamentally sound football kind of plays.
# 29 SageInfinite @ 04/28/13 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Rob, what did you think of the Ryan Kerrigan sack and the way he was able to force back the RB to get the edge to get the QB?
That ish looked awful, lol. I've seen stuff similar to that in Madden 13. If it looked realistic it'd be great, but it was just goofy.
# 30 CT Pitbull @ 04/28/13 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by MaddenSaints
3:55, does not seem like a tackle at all. It seems like he just ran into him which was a huge problem in M13.
instead of working on these "over the top" tackle annimations how about put some time into the wrap tackles that we basically see 90% of the time on saturdays and sundays. what they are "featuring" with these outrageous trucks and hitsticks is arcade style gameplay. but then they say in an interview that they are concentrating more on making the series a simulation. WHICH WAY DID HE GO GEORGE? WHICH WAY DID HE GO? What they need to do is stop contradicting themselves and just go one way or the other. Man i really wish they had some competition in the football gaming market. Even if it wasnt a ncaa or nfl licensed product i need something new. I reeeaaalllly want Madden to be great but i just dont have confidence it will ever "get there" or "get IT" ::sigh::
# 31 PVarck31 @ 04/28/13 04:11 PM
Everything except the ridiculous hits is looking ok to me. I saw some nice things in there. The sack looked great, to me anyway. Polamalu made a couple cool tackles.

The heat seeker thing looks like it might have some promise.

I hope the big hits on both sides of the ball are toned down. Lets hope what we have seen is just a compilation of hits to show it off and not a representation of what we will see.

Then again, I might wait for Madden 25 on PS4 in November.
# 32 SageInfinite @ 04/28/13 04:13 PM
I'm sorry I just can't get past that Raider stumble. The fact that they would showcase that.....SMDH.
# 33 ncaafootball14markus @ 04/28/13 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I just find it funny that these guys keep preaching sim, but then you see stuff like this. I know it can be tuned and toned down, but why are they even capturing stuff like this and why is it even making it into early builds?
this stuff does happen in the game. obviously you dont watch much nfl. they're not saying you're going to have an explosive hit on EVERY play. they're just showing what the explosive hits look like, and YES, explosive hits are in the NFL.
# 34 ncaafootball14markus @ 04/28/13 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Only thing I'm not liking at all at this point is the overblown hits. This needs tones down.
The "stumbling"??? yeah some shown should not be recoverable but I'll wait and see if it's more based on player rating for who recovers and who doesn't..
The hits... please EA..tone it down a bit.
dude... they're showcasing what the hard hits look like. this is not a full game. nothing needs to be toned down.
# 35 CT Pitbull @ 04/28/13 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
They talk a good game about sim gameplay, but IMO, there are still too many people involved in the design and implementation of gameplay features who feel like there must be a high percentage of over the top plays in every game to draw in the young and casual gamers. There has to be more SportsCenter top ten kind of plays than kudos from your position coach in the film room for playing fundamentally sound football kind of plays.

madden is extremely lacking in fundementally sound football movements and fundementally sound techniques. whether it be running motions, cutting, tackling, throwing, etc... all these things are what makes the game on sundays ..NOT being lauched into the air and back 3 yards... ive never seen that happen in my whole life and ive watched A LOT of football through my 33 year life. Even the hit that J. Clowney made on the rb from michigan (Vincent Smith) this didnt happen and you wont ever see a more violent collision. Smith hit the ground with "Force Impact" and his head might have bounced a little..lol But in NO way was he launched like a patriot missle up off his feet and thrown 5 yards backwards. its ridiculous that they are even working or capturing annimations like this. Its slowly going back to an annimation engine because THAT type of thing is NOT physics, im sorry

at least its not "human" physics anyway. that type of annimation reminds me of a Terminator movie or something where Arnold throws a guy across the room with one hand. lol COME ON' MAN!!
# 36 SageInfinite @ 04/28/13 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by ncaafootball14markus
this stuff does happen in the game. obviously you dont watch much nfl. they're not saying you're going to have an explosive hit on EVERY play. they're just showing what the explosive hits look like, and YES, explosive hits are in the NFL.
# 37 ncaafootball14markus @ 04/28/13 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite

i rest my case. here is 13 minutes of hard hits from the 2012-13 season, which is exactly what i see on this madden video (a compilation of their hard hits). does NOT mean every tackle is going to be a hard hit. u guys complain about everything.
# 38 DeuceDouglas @ 04/28/13 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by ncaafootball14markus
dude... they're showcasing what the hard hits look like. this is not a full game. nothing needs to be toned down.
That's what I'm hoping for. Last year when they showed off the IE, it showed off a bunch of stuff that was extremely rare and that hardly ever happened. However, big hits are something easily recreated and I'm willing to bet that the higher difficulty that you play on, the more frequent these hit's will be from the CPU defense.

The hit-stick just needs to go all together. Make the hit power rating matter, and base the power of any given hit on the players attributes and the momentum of him and the opposing player. I would rather see no big hits at all than too many.
# 39 CT Pitbull @ 04/28/13 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by ncaafootball14markus
this stuff does happen in the game. obviously you dont watch much nfl. they're not saying you're going to have an explosive hit on EVERY play. they're just showing what the explosive hits look like, and YES, explosive hits are in the NFL.
Bro its not even being implemented right. in that clip the guy caught the ball and turns around takes a half a step and has contact with the defender. the defender then proceeds to fly into the air backwards like he has just been hit by a steaming locomotive. the reciever or te was not in a full sprint or anything he had just turned around. what about that play looks "physically" correct to you?
# 40 SageInfinite @ 04/28/13 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by ncaafootball14markus

i rest my case. here is 13 minutes of hard hits from the 2012-13 season, which is exactly what i see on this madden video (a compilation of their hard hits). does NOT mean every tackle is going to be a hard hit. u guys complain about everything.

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