MLB 13 The Show News Post

One of the most anticipated features in MLB 13: The Show this season is The Show Live feature, which allows you to play any game of the MLB 2013 season with the correct rosters, pitching matchups, and conditions. Promised was situational accurate commentary, and other presentational touches to give you the feel that you are playing the exact game that is played in real life.

The initial returns of The Show Live's first full day on the job seems to be somewhat positive. However, there are several roster gaffes being reported, as well as other odds and ends including live scores not updating fast within the mode.

There are surely bugs that will continue to be worked out -- we will have our full review of this mode coming up later this week after we get some more time with it.

How is your first day with The Show Live going?

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 Knight165 @ 04/16/13 02:23 AM
This could be something that is only coded to be triggered in franchise mode...pink bats for moms day...etc..

# 142 Foo4Everlong @ 04/16/13 02:41 AM
I had a weird thing happen. Played the Sox/Rays game not too long ago from today and it was lit like it was 7pm for the entire game! And no lights! All players had sunglasses and eye black that I edited to have but there seemed to be no progression in the lighting effect. Notice that the clock at Fenway never moved from 5pm. the in-stadium clocks are suppose to work, right? Really strange. Happen to anyone else? Thanks. Later
# 143 thaSLAB @ 04/16/13 09:45 AM
I suspect its an issue similar to the opening day presentation, due to the team records being a day behind. Has anyone played a game from today to see what happens?

Not sure what's puts the records off by one day, but I think its an MLB.com data thing. I say that because I believe this happens in both TS Live and MLB Today modes.

Just a thought. I could be way off.

-- Sent from the Future...
# 144 MatrixTN @ 04/16/13 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
This could be something that is only coded to be triggered in franchise mode...pink bats for moms day...etc..

Those are also in RTTS, including in the minors.
# 145 AnEternalEnigma @ 04/16/13 06:20 PM
What a disaster this experiment turned out to be.

I played a Show Live version of today's Royals @ Braves game. Not only are the records a day behind, Francisco Rodriguez (who is an unsigned free agent in real MLB) is the Braves long reliever for whatever reason.

Also, there are still TBD players from the first week of the season that have been added into the game since (Jackie Bradley Jr. and Evan Gattis come to mind).

What a mess.
# 146 Majingir @ 04/16/13 06:36 PM
Ya, this mode had lots of hype into it but sadly isn't delivering like everyone expected. On plus side, at least we know SCEA will look to improve this mode next year, unlike if this were EA Sports who'd probably make it worse in the following year.
# 147 ruxpinke @ 04/18/13 02:13 PM
does anyone know if i make equipment and stance changes, will these reflect in the show live?
# 148 DJ @ 04/18/13 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by ruxpinke
does anyone know if i make equipment and stance changes, will these reflect in the show live?
Nope. You have to use the stock SCEA rosters.
# 149 AnEternalEnigma @ 04/19/13 02:26 PM
Last night, I did a Show Live version of Braves @ Pirates about two hours after the game ended. Russell Martin was on the Braves...twice. He was listed twice as their catcher. His placement replaced Andrelton Simmons. When he came up for his first at-bat, the game completely wigged out. Martin stood there just swinging his bat around pre-stance. Then it went into that cutscene that plays when the pitcher takes forever to select a pitch. When we returned from the cutscene, there was no batter in the box. The pitcher was just pitching to nobody. He actually walked the invisible batter, but since there was nobody to run to first, the at-bat just kept going until he struck him out.

Hilarious, but very embarassing.
# 150 kvnm77 @ 04/19/13 07:10 PM
Trying to play today's game between the Rockies-D'backs (1:30pm??), and every time it says that it's Opening Day in Baltimore, and Camden Yards loads as the stadium...
# 151 JoeT @ 04/19/13 11:11 PM
This mode and the season are still relatively new, and I didn't expect it to be perfect, but I'm wondering if these problems are fixable on their end, or if it would require another patch (which is obviously quite unlikely to happen).

In other words, are we stuck with these issues for the rest of the year, or should we expect some of these problems with this mode to be fixed at some point? Not sure if anyone really would know, but just trying to manage my own expectations.
# 152 DJ @ 04/20/13 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by JoeT
This mode and the season are still relatively new, and I didn't expect it to be perfect, but I'm wondering if these problems are fixable on their end, or if it would require another patch (which is obviously quite unlikely to happen).

In other words, are we stuck with these issues for the rest of the year, or should we expect some of these problems with this mode to be fixed at some point? Not sure if anyone really would know, but just trying to manage my own expectations.
Fair question, imo. If these issues can't be fixed I don't see myself spending much time with this mode. I am not happy about not being able to play Rockies games (2nd favorite team) due to the server issue. Couple that with incorrect team records and lineups, it has been a rough start. I expected this mode to be more polished.
# 153 tanchl @ 04/21/13 10:20 PM
Actually, I am quite relieved that others are experiencing odd occurrences in this mode, I was thinking I was seeing things. I have seen things happen that I have never seen in all the years playing this franchise, many similar to what has been mentioned throughout this thread. For my sanity, I think I am going to avoid this mode; sadly though this was the one feature I had longed for.
# 154 Curahee @ 04/22/13 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by NYMets945
For some of these issues u have to make sure the current Online roster update is loaded or otherwise wont have current rosters from SCEA

THIS deserves a bump and highlight.

If you LOAD the current SCEA Roster Update before you play TSL, the F/As wont appear in your bullpen or your bench.
They may still not have Rookies or Prospects, but I noticed with the default roster Brian Wilson is in the Nats bullpen.
With the 4/22 roster, he is not.

It appears you must play with the SCEA roster of the week in which you are playing TSL.
So if you play a TSL game from 4/15-4/21 then you need to play with the 4/15 SCEA roster.

If I use the 4/22 roster and play a 4/21 TSL game, the rosters are inaccurate with F/As, but if I play today (4/22) with the 4/22 SCEA roster, they are correct and no F/As
# 155 Russell_SCEA @ 04/22/13 07:11 PM
So what are the top issues people are having with the mode outside of not making sure you have the most current roster loaded?
# 156 Curahee @ 04/22/13 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
So what are the top issues people are having with the mode outside of not making sure you have the most current roster loaded?

I wouldnt call it a TOP ISSUE, but the MLB.com Ticker does not seem to work in this mode even with the settings ON.
# 157 thaSLAB @ 04/22/13 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
So what are the top issues people are having with the mode outside of not making sure you have the most current roster loaded?
Only issue I've had is the team records being off by one game... which I'm convinced is an MLB.com feed issue? Same with the time the lineups are updated before the game. I think some people anticipated being able to play games 4-5 hours before first pitch.

Overall, I really enjoy it.

-- Sent from the Future...
# 158 Super Glock @ 04/22/13 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
So what are the top issues people are having with the mode outside of not making sure you have the most current roster loaded?
Really enjoying this mode. I just don't think some people can get it through their heads that you need to have the most current roster loaded.
# 159 Side Effect @ 04/22/13 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
So what are the top issues people are having with the mode outside of not making sure you have the most current roster loaded?
Starters being assigned to the bullpen and closer role. That bugs me.
# 160 Curahee @ 04/22/13 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Side Effect
Starters being assigned to the bullpen and closer role. That bugs me.

Read the quote just above yours.

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