MLB 13 The Show News Post

MLB 13 The Show is a "Day 1 Digital" game, which means if you pre-order from the PS Store, you can start downloading a digital copy of the game at 12:01 AM EST on March 5th.

As a bonus, if you pre-order from the PS Store you will receive an exclusive theme for your PS3 XMB menu screen and an extra 120 million for your Franchise budget.

At the moment, we only see the MLB 13 The Show Day 1 Digital pre-order available for the PS3, nothing on the PS Vita.

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 DeathMetal @ 02/27/13 11:40 PM
I canceled my Gamestop pre order the second I saw this thread. And since I am in central time I will be able to start downloading at 11:01 pm on the 4th.

I predict I won't be getting much sleep that night. I guess that's one advantage of being laid off, lot's of free time.
# 82 bcruise @ 02/27/13 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by eric7064
WOW! I was pretty sold on digitally DL it and cancelling my Gamestop pre-order but after hearing it may possibly be 20GB? That would take FOREVER on my PS3. Xbox full games are around 5? My internet connection is good but 1GB takes about an hour. NO way im waiting that long.
XBOX 360 discs don't have the capacity of Blu-Rays, and as such they are much smaller (When the full capacity of a Blu-Ray is being used, that is)

It is what it is. You're downloading an entire Blu-Ray disc worth of content - it's going to take a lot of time and space on the hard drive. Even so, I'll still be getting it earlier than I would be if I waited for an Amazon delivery on Tuesday evening (UPS takes FOREVER to get here). And it would cost about the same either way after the $10 I'll get back on PSN.
# 83 yankee_doodle @ 02/28/13 01:02 AM
Just pulled the trigger. Will be downloading it on the 4th since I'm on the west coast woot woot!
# 84 mmdmaznn @ 02/28/13 01:35 AM
Broke down, canceled my Amazon pre-order and will impatiently await for 9pm West Coast time Monday for my download....LONGEST WEEK EVER!!!
# 85 Quack23 @ 02/28/13 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Its been said before, but past games have been a around 20gb or more. This year could be different, but I'd assume it will be large. PS3 games on PSN have been huge lately (Uncharted, Ni No Kuni, etc).

Know though that you will need double that amount on your PS3.

20gb space to download installer.
20gb of space to put installed data in.

You'll end up with 20gb after install, but to install you'll need double the download size space.
I have a 40GB PS3. Does this mean I won't be able to download the game?
# 86 Matt54987 @ 02/28/13 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by vcu9
If I download the game on the West Coast at 9:05pm (12:05am-EST) what is a rough estimate of the download time? 2 or 3 hours?

Is it confirmed to release at 9pm on the west coast? We may have to wait until Midnight our time as well.

Anyway, it'll really depend on your internet. I'd say on an average internet connection you can expect about 2-3 hours, yes.
# 87 MrOldboy @ 02/28/13 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by Quack23
I have a 40GB PS3. Does this mean I won't be able to download the game?
If its split into two parts you might. Ni No Kuni was over 20gb, but it was split into two parts, one was like 16gb and the other 5gb or something.

If it was split you should have no problems. If its 20gb I think you will since the usable space on the HDD is not 40gb, check your free space to see exactly how much space you have.

edit: Wait, nvm people who had a 40gb HDD could not install Ni No Kuni as the 16gb file requires 32gb of space.


I'd wait though. Maybe it'll be 10gb and 10gb or something. I think you would be able to do that.

The thing is that people complained that Ni No Kuni showed as 6gb on the store, but had two files and the 16gb was not shown on the store page, just the 6gb. So people with 40gb HDDs bought it and couldn't install it. I wonder if they got refunds.
# 88 ScouserHUN @ 02/28/13 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by illmatic04
the digital download is so much better than the disc, i remember my previous show skipped a lot and made mad noises

Had the same problem, also had 1-2 sec freezes, clearly because of the BluRay drive, I could hear the noise during the freezes.
# 89 CWSJ @ 02/28/13 08:01 AM
I have been looking everywhere for file size and can't find it.. But I did find something that makes me think the file size will be huge.. The audio in postseason mode alone is 6gb.

Also I feel bad for ps vita ppl they won't get online league or diamond dynasty mode.
# 90 CWSJ @ 02/28/13 08:03 AM
And just after I posted that I seen the same article posted on here awhile back lol
# 91 cactusruss @ 02/28/13 08:24 AM
I'm very strongly considering cancelling my Amazon pre-order and getting the digital download. The UPS guy always shows up before lunchtime for me, but if I start downloading at midnight and then go to bed, I can wake up and be playing the show. I'm just a little worried that something is going to go wrong, like patches won't work right for the digital version or something... someone who has downloaded full games before put my mind at ease that everything will work the way it should with the digital copy.
# 92 MrOldboy @ 02/28/13 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by cactusruss
I'm very strongly considering cancelling my Amazon pre-order and getting the digital download. The UPS guy always shows up before lunchtime for me, but if I start downloading at midnight and then go to bed, I can wake up and be playing the show. I'm just a little worried that something is going to go wrong, like patches won't work right for the digital version or something... someone who has downloaded full games before put my mind at ease that everything will work the way it should with the digital copy.
Everything will work the way it should with the digital copy. That is unless you don't have the HDD space for it, plan to have at least 40gb open for the download and install. As long as you got that you'll have no problems.
# 93 PrettyT11 @ 02/28/13 08:58 AM
I wish we could know how big the file is. That is the only thing that is making me think about getting the disc version. Funny thing is though if you look at all the other games on the day digital list it shows how large they are. The show is the only one that doesn't. It can't be cause of the theme thing cause I know at least the new bioshock gives a theme too if you pre order. I just don't want to see this thing be 20gb and it take me all day and some to download it.
# 94 PsychoBulk @ 02/28/13 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by PrettyT11
. I just don't want to see this thing be 20gb and it take me all day and some to download it.
It will be more than that i suspect.

There is 6gb of playoff audio alone and 10gb of audio in total alone, so thats '/2 your 20gb without even starting on anything else.
# 95 MrOldboy @ 02/28/13 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by PrettyT11
I wish we could know how big the file is. That is the only thing that is making me think about getting the disc version. Funny thing is though if you look at all the other games on the day digital list it shows how large they are. The show is the only one that doesn't. It can't be cause of the theme thing cause I know at least the new bioshock gives a theme too if you pre order. I just don't want to see this thing be 20gb and it take me all day and some to download it.
Some of the other day 1 digital games also do not have sizes listed. Bioshock Infinite is listed as 11.3gb because I think that is only for Bioshock which you get with the preorder.


Hell even Ni No Kuni is lying to everyone. Listing it as 15.9gb. That is only one of the required files you need to download, the other is like 6gb. Sony needs to get its act together if they expect more people to go digital, pay the same as retail and save manufacturing costs of discs in the process.


If MLB 13 is put up at under 20gb I'd suspect it might be the sme situation as Ni No Kuni with it being split into multiple files. Just be aware that the store is not accurate all the time.
# 96 cactusruss @ 02/28/13 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Everything will work the way it should with the digital copy. That is unless you don't have the HDD space for it, plan to have at least 40gb open for the download and install. As long as you got that you'll have no problems.
I have abut 150gb of free space... I think I'm gonna go ahead and cancel my amazon order and get the digital copy instead. The $10 rebate thing will be nice to have.
# 97 PrettyT11 @ 02/28/13 10:58 AM
If it is 15gb or more I think I am going to pass and just get the disc version. It will take far too long for me to download it. I am downloading the new God of War demo now and it is telling me it will take close to 3 hours to finish. So if we are talking 15mb or more I am not waiting that long.

I am going to just wait until after 12 and see what the file size is and decide then. I could care less about the pre order stuff so I will see what happens when you guys start to download.
# 98 ScouserHUN @ 02/28/13 11:52 AM
Purchased from PS Store, I got the theme immediately. To tell the truth, the theme is not a big thing, it's more like a backgroung, because nothing is animated.
# 99 CWSJ @ 02/28/13 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by ScouserHUN
Purchased from PS Store, I got the theme immediately. To tell the truth, the theme is not a big thing, it's more like a backgroung, because nothing is animated.
Ya it's just background but I was expecting that since it only said theme.. It didn't say dynamic theme.
# 100 blueduke @ 02/28/13 09:26 PM
I'll be downloading the game. Love this option. By the time I'm done with a sports game it's resell value is next to nothing as I play it until the next version comes out. I'm still playing MLB 12 on my Vita right now. Downloading MLB 13 saves me the time spent going to a brick and mortar. Also don't have to swap out physical discs on my Vita or the PS3. Downloading for me at least is for sports games only though. As I said I play a sports game until the next year's game comes out so resell value is minimum (was lucky enough to get 18 bucks for my PS3 copy of MLB 12 though). However, on non- sports games such GTA, MGS, Uncharted, etc I'll always buy the disc. Reason being I usually finish these games in less than a month and rarely do another play thru. Resell the game on eBay and get at the very least half my money back to put toward the next upcoming blockbuster. But from now on downloading sports games is the way to go for me.

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