WWE 13 News Post

As of this afternoon, THQ as a company has been dissolved and all of it's licenses and properties have been auctioned off. We know where several prominent franchises and studios are going but we simply have no idea on where the WWE video games license has found as a home.

What we do know is that a new company will definitely be publishing WWE games starting immediately. The Twitterverse is abuzz with rumors that either of both EA and Take Two have bought the license -- and it would stand to reason that one side of the other is correct. The WWE was owed $45 million from THQ when the company went under, so most likely WWE will be looking for a stable and somewhat wealthier business partner this time around.

The status of a WWE game for 2013 will depend upon how the new publisher approaches WWE video games. If the publisher starts from scratch, there may not be another WWE game on the market for at least a year or two.

Requests for confirmation out of either EA or 2K have been returned with no comments as of this writing. I'll update this space as soon as any real news breaks.

Update #1: A formal court document shows that WWE's license was NOT auctioned off in the sale of THQ's assets. This tends to indicate WWE cancelled their licensing deal with THQ and has shopped or is shopping their property unilaterally.

Update #2: A source from 2K has confirmed that the company will be acquiring the WWE games license. IGN is also reporting this story on their site.

Game: WWE 13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Sausage @ 01/23/13 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS

As of this afternoon, THQ as a company has been dissolved and all of it's licenses and properties have been auctioned off. We know where several prominent franchises and studios are going but we simply have no idea on where the WWE video games license has found as a home.

What we do know is that a new company will definitely be publishing WWE higames starting immediately. The Twitterverse is abuzz with rumors that either of both EA and Take Two have bought the license -- and it would stand to reason that one side of the other is correct. The WWE was owed $45 million from THQ when the company went under, so most likely WWE will be looking for a stable and somewhat wealthier business partner this time around.

The status of a WWE game for 2013 will depend upon how the new publisher approaches WWE video games. If the publisher starts from scratch, there may not be another WWE game on the market for at least a year or two.

Requests for confirmation out of either EA or 2K have been returned with no comments as of this writing. I'll update this space as soon as any real news breaks.

Update #1: A formal court document shows that WWE was NOT auctioned off today. This tends to indicate WWE cancelled their licensing deal with THQ and shopped their property themselves.
It looks like Take 2 / 2K are just crossing the T's and dotting the I's
# 2 PVarck31 @ 01/23/13 06:14 PM
I am excited Take 2 is gonna get this. I don't trust EA to make a quality game. I am sure I'm not alone.
# 3 DoubleJMix965 @ 01/23/13 06:18 PM
Maybe they'll be able to take the MyPlayer/Career a different route. I think it would be cool to do the route where you start out as a nobody wrestler and work up, much like the UFC games. Just my little wish, however. I'm excited for the fresh start for the WWE franchising from a gaming standpoint.
# 4 HuskerFan @ 01/23/13 06:18 PM
Hopefully they get rid of Yukes and bring in syn Sophia (AKI = WWF No Mercy) to make WWE games great again.
# 5 areobee401 @ 01/23/13 06:22 PM
Finally a reason to be optimistic about wrestling gaming again.
# 6 bigbob @ 01/23/13 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by HuskerFan
Hopefully they get rid of Yukes and bring in syn Sophia (AKI = WWF No Mercy) to make WWE games great again.
The question is though, how many people that worked on WWF No Mercy are still with syn Sophia?
# 7 ThtsWhtSheSd16 @ 01/23/13 06:27 PM
I'm quite excited for this. Given that WWE '13 was all about the Attitude Era and 2K has been killing it with the NBA franchise and getting all the little details right for their take on NBA history (Jordan challenge, classic teams, etc.). I hope that they continue down that path and give us an even richer experience into WWE's past than '13 did.
# 8 PVarck31 @ 01/23/13 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by reMicXz
with 2K being such an "animation heavy" company i think they can do well with an animation heavy style game causing some damn good gameplay
Not to mention NBA 2K does a pretty good job with physics. So they know how to do that. It should only get better next gen. And I assume the first WWE 2K game will be on next gen systems.
# 9 kingkilla56 @ 01/23/13 06:29 PM
I wonder how many years its gonna take them to get in full stride with the title.
# 10 UMhester04 @ 01/23/13 06:33 PM
this is awesome news to me
# 11 BDKiiing @ 01/23/13 06:37 PM
I really hope they can get one out on PS3, since I hadn't been planning to get a PS4 right away...but I would consider getting a PS4 for the Show and WWE 2K
# 12 Dazraz @ 01/23/13 06:38 PM
2K getting this license is positive on 2 counts. Firstly I believe 2K will deliver a better product than EA. Secondly it helps ease some of the concerns that 2K themselves were on their way out.
# 13 videlsports @ 01/23/13 06:42 PM
Take two 2k getting the Liscence is awesome, just another money maker for them I know I will be buying the next wwe Release.
# 14 Redacted01 @ 01/23/13 06:53 PM
Let's slow down a bit guys. WWE could still opt out, correct? They may say thanks, but no thanks and do it on their own.
# 15 bigbob @ 01/23/13 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by dochalladay32
Let's slow down a bit guys. WWE could still opt out, correct? They may say thanks, but no thanks and do it on their own.
This is something that the WWE is apparently negotiating with.

All reports are that this has nothing to do with the THQ Auction, that this is all taking place outside of it.
# 16 PVarck31 @ 01/23/13 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by dochalladay32
Let's slow down a bit guys. WWE could still opt out, correct? They may say thanks, but no thanks and do it on their own.
I'm pretty sure WWE is in on this or there wouldn't be sources confirming they got the license.

That's what I would think anyway.

Also WWE Games twitter account just announced that we will still be getting WWE games and there will be an announcement soon.
# 17 PVarck31 @ 01/23/13 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by bigbob
This is something that the WWE is apparently negotiating with.

All reports are that this has nothing to do with the THQ Auction, that this is all taking place outside of it.
That's right, I also read this.
# 18 Majingir @ 01/23/13 07:11 PM
I'm sure WWE will see on twitter the overall reaction to WWE possibly going to 2K and then see why it's a good idea to do this.

# 19 statum71 @ 01/23/13 07:17 PM
As a huge fan of great presentation.......this is awesome news.

2K is the best at tv-style presentation, along with Sony.
# 20 Gramps91 @ 01/23/13 07:18 PM

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