NBA 2K13 News Post

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Just in time for the NBA 2K13 demo, which arrives tomorrow. Check out the controls trailer.

Gameplay Producer, Mike Wang (Beluba) has chimed in with the following update (Post #24).

just fyi... some of the controls are incorrect in this trailer:

Bounce Pass = LT+A
Behind the Back = RS away from hoop

As for shots, the trailer just shows how to execute some of the new shots with the face buttons. Shot Stick controls are completely different. For example:

Hop Step Layup = LT+Double Tap RS left or right
Euro Step Layup = LT+Throw RS one way then back the other

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
NBA 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 shadio5 @ 09/24/12 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by mymannemcee
LMAO, really? Some people on here, man. Wow.

Man i am OD strict when it comes to this game. This game NBA 2k & Fight Night champion, i cant risk seeing it played funny looking by any strangers. Taking that risk can kill my experience and have me give the game away....i got rid of 2k12 a total of 7 times due to seeing weird things happen during the gameplay.......but this year im on the PC, which a place i should have started at

VC/2k sports fan
# 62 letsbefrank @ 09/24/12 08:27 PM
The Spin lay-up was blocked by al horford. so what's to say spin dunk wont? faried isint much of a blocker.
# 63 Paul Pierce_OS @ 09/24/12 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by shadio5
Man i am OD strict when it comes to this game. This game NBA 2k & Fight Night champion, i cant risk seeing it played funny looking by any strangers. Taking that risk can kill my experience and have me give the game away....i got rid of 2k12 a total of 7 times due to seeing weird things happen during the gameplay.......but this year im on the PC, which a place i should have started at

VC/2k sports fan
Some of yall take this game WAY to seriously. It's a video game, not the end of the world. And to fix your problem Play OFFLINE instead of with cheeisers or play some people on OS.
# 64 da ThRONe @ 09/24/12 08:27 PM
I think it's funny people are complaining about the moves being too easy. These are moves I can pull off with ease and I wouldn't make a Divison one school. We are playing as the best of the best these moves should be simple to pull off. Now if the defense can't consistently counter I'll have a problem.
# 65 foo55 @ 09/24/12 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by 23
So you dudes want to talk about a spin dunk but dont even want to mention how they cleaned up that step back dribble or how you dont see 2 player animations sucking the guy into the other one and unrealistic bumping happening?

Thats cool
you should check my post history, I've been a huge defender of 2k12 on this forums for the past year and i believe others would vouch for that. i never once complained about those things you just listed there.

my complaints aren't about the game play but rather the simplifying of the controls which i don't think is too unreasonable. i thought 2k12 really was too difficult for most people, the controls weren't the simplest and the margin of error on a lot of things were so marginal most people couldn't tell the difference between themselves actually screwing up or if the cpu was just a giant cheese ball. becoming really good with the controls on that game was very rewarding. learning the correct angles to take on the two sticks while driving the lane was a lot more difficult than pointing at the stick at the rim and hitting b then a for a hop step layup.

i, of course, am looking at this purely from a competitive online players prospective

for offline it should be this easy
# 66 Neoda2khead @ 09/24/12 08:30 PM
is this demo being released at 12 am (PST) 3 am (EST)?
# 67 cmebfresh @ 09/24/12 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by redsrule
People focus on any bad thing to bitch and call it cheese, etc before even playing the game.
whatever dude. we just seen the cheese in NBa 2k12, but doesn't mean its a cheese in Nba 2k13. we just spotted it. I already post how smooth the game is. And plus everybody have they own opinion. i don't complain at people complaining. jeeze
# 68 Phreezy P @ 09/24/12 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by yungsta404
noticed how faried was in perfect position to stop that but just got moved out of the way. earlier they were talking about how paint charges actually work this year I would expect griffin to get called for a charge in a situation like that. Guess not Im disappointed.

How can 2k let something like that slip in the trailer or even let something like that long canned animation spin dunk still be in the game without any disruption animation.
Originally Posted by chandlerbang
looking a faried being in excellent defensive position and having no effect on blakes spin dunk says alot. Dont give hte " its on low level or Sliders have been changed" excuse.
Originally Posted by foo55
i... im afraid of what these controls are going to do to the game

yikes, whats the use of iso moves when you can spin dunk by holding turbo and hitting a combination of two buttons? there was at least a difference in playing field between people that used and didn't use isomotion, but now the most complicated moves from the last game have been mapped to buttons.

i can't wait to see what online is like
These are ridiculous, it is basically a highlight reel, and you think they will show failed plays? Unbelievable.

# 69 BluFu @ 09/24/12 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by redsrule
How do they get some of the controls in the video wrong?
if you didn't notice, he's the senior game designer. i think he'd know. lol
# 70 foo55 @ 09/24/12 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by airaron32
These are ridiculous, it is basically a highlight reel, and you think they will show failed plays? Unbelievable.

yeah, thats not the message i was trying to convey at all.
# 71 CallMeDrop @ 09/24/12 08:36 PM
No matter what happens, people are going to find something to exploit. That spin move dunk can be defended. I don't think any one move can beat a good 2K player. I'm sure online guys are gonna try though...
# 72 ondreythegiant @ 09/24/12 08:38 PM
Nice controls...maybe a little easier to do things but don't complain until you actually use them and see first-hand what you can do. I mean, how many nights during the NBA season do we see Blake doing things like that? It doesn't mean everyone on the game can.
# 73 Rain816 @ 09/24/12 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by airaron32
These are ridiculous, it is basically a highlight reel, and you think they will show failed plays? Unbelievable.

lmfao....what movie or show is this from...i cant stop laughing
# 74 thisisgr8t623 @ 09/24/12 08:45 PM
top 10 teams to play with: knicks(im from ny so had to go with them) pacers nuggets timberwolves clippers hawks grizzlies celtics bulls nets( im going to play with them once and thats it) whats your top 10 or 5
# 75 foo55 @ 09/24/12 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Rain816
lmfao....what movie or show is this from...i cant stop laughing
I'm pretty sure its from the IT crowd
# 76 youvalss @ 09/24/12 08:48 PM
I'm going to need more than this trailer. I wish there was a trailer/list for all the moves using the R stick.
# 77 Rain816 @ 09/24/12 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by foo55
I'm pretty sure its from the IT crowd

ty sir...i will be looking that up
# 78 DaBlackProdigy @ 09/24/12 08:50 PM
lol yall want this game to be like street fighter..pulling off combos just to do behind the back dribble move smh you cant win with people I swear loool
# 79 mymannemcee @ 09/24/12 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
I'm going to need more than this trailer. I wish there was a trailer/list for all the moves using the R stick.
Yeah, that would've been real helpful. I only use X for spot up shots.
# 80 mymannemcee @ 09/24/12 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by shadio5
Man i am OD strict when it comes to this game. This game NBA 2k & Fight Night champion, i cant risk seeing it played funny looking by any strangers. Taking that risk can kill my experience and have me give the game away....i got rid of 2k12 a total of 7 times due to seeing weird things happen during the gameplay.......but this year im on the PC, which a place i should have started at

VC/2k sports fan
That's fine if you wanna play with your friends only. It's the fact that you said only you and your friends know how to play this. LOL.

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