NBA 2K13 News Post

2K Sports will be live streaming a full game of NBA 2K13 on Wednesday, September 19th at 5:00 PM EST. Check out the Oklahoma City Thunder (controlled by Ronnie2K) against the Miami Heat (controlled by LD2K). Here is the link to the live stream.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
NBA 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 161 Goffs @ 09/19/12 06:47 PM
Do the players sweat? Not the guys playing but the virtual players....
# 162 lostsoul @ 09/19/12 06:48 PM
lebron choked guys - this gonna the the most realistic basketball sim EVER.

# 163 AllStarDaDon @ 09/19/12 06:49 PM
The game looked good. I really like the walk up the court animations, Wade bringing the ball up with a little pep in his step put a smile on my face. The up and under still looks cheesy. The presentation looks spot on, loved the halftime report. Hopefully we get the halftime highlights online to.

But why did LD2K give LeBron the last shot? He should of spaced the floor and ran a pick and roll with Wade and LeBron have Wade as the P&R ball handler, have Ray, Mario, Bosh spread out incase the D collapsed. Or have Bron Bron at the 1 and have Haslem in there. If the pick and roll didn't work should of just cleared the floor out and let Wade dance a little bit.

But I was expecting more simulation type basketball coming from the producers of the game. All I seen was pick and rolls and rushed jump shots. Did Ronnie2K have to dunk it every time he got in the paint? Quick layups would of been nice. But I guess since the video isn't only for sim heads and actually is to sell the game they didn't go as in depth.

Still looks good tho, but I really didn't get anything out of the video.
# 164 yungsta404 @ 09/19/12 06:50 PM
when I saw him missing dunks I thought it had something to do with stamina or he missed the dunk cause he tried to dunk on 3 people which made it more difficult. In 2k12 that would of been a ridiculous canned dunk animation so either they fixed that or he missed the dunk cause of the momentum.

If he missed it cause of momentum thats not good.
# 165 WTF @ 09/19/12 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
There has always been a speed slider.
Well aware of that fact, but it does nothing to change the explosiveness of the players without changing game speed altogether. In the one video that had Lebron doing the spin to baseline drive, it looked perfect. This seemed slowed down like normal 2k has been.
# 166 DaBlackProdigy @ 09/19/12 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by youALREADYknow
Mostly seeing the same things as we saw the earlier videos.

Apparently nobody in the NBA knows the most basic principle of transition defense: stop the man with the ball. It's taught in pee-wee basketball. This game is going to be a freelance, street balling track meet as far as User/Online games go. Defensive fundamentals looks absent for the most part unless the team defense is bailed out by the extra contact on the perimeter.

Projecting what we know and have seen to offline gameplay still gives me hope that it will be a significant enough upgrade over 2K12. The hype about "biggest jump ever" should be put to rest though.
Man Be Quiet..You Always Have Something Negative To Say...Game Looks Great..It Was Exciting And I Wasn't Even Playing.
# 167 LD2k @ 09/19/12 06:54 PM
Oh virtual LeBron...

# 168 DaBlackProdigy @ 09/19/12 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by AllStarDaDon
The game looked good. I really like the walk up the court animations, Wade bringing the ball up with a little pep in his step put a smile on my face. The up and under still looks cheesy. The presentation looks spot on, loved the halftime report. Hopefully we get the halftime highlights online to.

But why did LD2K give LeBron the last shot? He should of spaced the floor and ran a pick and roll with Wade and LeBron have Wade as the P&R ball handler, have Ray, Mario, Bosh spread out incase the D collapsed. Or have Bron Bron at the 1 and have Haslem in there. If the pick and roll didn't work should of just cleared the floor out and let Wade dance a little bit.

But I was expecting more simulation type basketball coming from the producers of the game. All I seen was pick and rolls and rushed jump shots. Did Ronnie2K have to dunk it every time he got in the paint? Quick layups would of been nice. But I guess since the video isn't only for sim heads and actually is to sell the game they didn't go as in depth.

Still looks good tho, but I really didn't get anything out of the video.
There Not Producer..
# 169 exposedaking @ 09/19/12 06:56 PM
Everyone looked like they had the same dribble moves...that makes me nervous...otherwise I liked what I saw

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
# 170 KareemEasy @ 09/19/12 06:56 PM
It's me or the courts aren't bright enough ?
# 171 RubenDouglas @ 09/19/12 06:56 PM
Appreciate the stream. I saw a couple minutes.. User vs/ User doesn't do much for me. So without much CPU AI input, the rest I would like to view in HD with my own eyes..... I've learned a thing or two over the years. Don't let these low res laggy videos curb any of your enthusiasm too early..
# 172 lostsoul @ 09/19/12 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by yungsta404
when I saw him missing dunks I thought it had something to do with stamina or he missed the dunk cause he tried to dunk on 3 people which made it more difficult. In 2k12 that would of been a ridiculous canned dunk animation so either they fixed that or he missed the dunk cause of the momentum.

If he missed it cause of momentum thats not good.
it may have been the direction he moved the shot stick... 2k12 rewarded you if you moved the stick directly towards the open lane... it's how i got a lot of 'and ones'.
# 173 lostsoul @ 09/19/12 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by KareemEasy
It's me or the court aren't bright enought ?
it's the video... if you didn't notice blacks were closer to grey and therefore the color contrast was dulled.
# 174 AllStarDaDon @ 09/19/12 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by DaBlackProdigy
There Not Producer..
Well there apart of the 2K family. I was expecting them to actually play more sim.

But the video is to sell help sell the game, I understand why they didn't go in depth like us sim users would.
# 175 Vni @ 09/19/12 06:58 PM
How can I replay the video?
# 176 Rdub33 @ 09/19/12 07:00 PM
The Harden and one animation and the Westbrook spin move were beautiful to behold. I can only assume the guys were playing a very elementary style in an effort to appeal to the casual fan base. From a marketing perspective I get that, but for us hoop heads I didn't see anything that gives me hope that sim basketball will be more effective then run n gun.

Online will still be the battle between good and evil it's always been. That's not 2k fault".. I just have to find a sim community to get the most out of the game.

Thanks for the live look in tho ...
# 177 KareemEasy @ 09/19/12 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
How can I replay the video?
Here : http://www.twitch.tv/2k/b/332757742
Fast foward to the 20min mark
# 178 Nokstar @ 09/19/12 07:00 PM
It probably lagged for a lot of you guys because you were trying to watch it in HD...I watched on 360p and it ran pretty much flawless...game looks great and a big step up from 2k12 in regards to reactive controls...collisions..and the big thing I saw was non-canned blocks and deflections....blocks and steals look way more organic and all looked more manual rather than automatic.

Im loving how realistic the dribbles look...and we control them smoothly!

Sent from my Verizon Galaxy S3
# 179 Vni @ 09/19/12 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by KareemEasy
Here : http://www.twitch.tv/2k/b/332757742
Fast foward to the 20min mark
Thank you sir! HD time
# 180 AllStarDaDon @ 09/19/12 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Rdub33
The Harden and one animation and the Westbrook spin move were beautiful to behold. I can only assume the guys were playing a very elementary style in an effort to appeal to the casual fan base. From a marketing perspective I get that, but for us hoop heads I didn't see anything that gives me hope that sim basketball will be more effective then run n gun.

Online will still be the battle between good and evil it's always been. That's not 2k fault".. I just have to find a sim community to get the most out of the game.

Thanks for the live look in tho ...
Yeah I feel the same way.

I don't have to worry about facing run n gun dudes anyway. My XBL friends list is full of sim heads. I only randoms when it's like 3am in the morning and noone is on haha.

I'm going to be satisfied regardless, I love basketball and 2K to much. When playing with sim heads the games flaws really dont scream out at you like that.

I also liked the players reactions after the buckets definitely shows more emotion. Dopeeeee

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