NBA Live 13 News Post

It looks like NBA Live 13 is coming out as a digital release after all and not a full on $60 AAA title if the report from IRB Gamer today is to be believed. This seems a pretty big admission that Live simply isn't ready for prime-time obviously, which also obviously seems to be the case. What a mess.

IRB Gamer has the scoop:

"It’s been almost 3 years since we’ve released an NBA title,” the EA rep said. The tactic is to get feedback from gamers. However, it’s a bit risky to not run it as the AAA title as thedecision has been made to NOT put the game on disc.

Live will be looking at a price point around $19.99
,” equaling out to 1600 Microsoft Points or $20 PlayStation Network card.

What do you guys think? Smart decision by EA? Does this mean Live isn't up to par quality wise?

Sound off!

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 RayRay34 @ 08/31/12 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by DASKCREW1
is anyone making nba live 10 rosters for this upcoming season? ill pay 20 for that lol
I am keeping mine up to date on ps3
# 162 cavsfan2 @ 08/31/12 12:59 AM
Smart move. Still wont buy it. But smart move
# 163 juicey79 @ 08/31/12 01:02 AM
Wow EA you went from this: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=A7HoNWZKqhw
And this: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=-9TPbtKzjB4
To this: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=hCwSwjjEIJI
So so sad
# 164 jreezy18 @ 08/31/12 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by cavsfan4life
If this is true, Im not touching Live. I was hoping Live 13 would be a decent game, but putting at $20 seems like waving the white flag.
NFL and NBA 2K5 want a word with you.
# 165 MavsManiac4Life @ 08/31/12 01:19 AM
Good move by EA, game won't be that great, some people will test it out and buy it for fanboyism, and you may get a basketball gamer low on cash to take the game for 1/3 of 2K.
# 166 DonWuan @ 08/31/12 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by MoGotti
take off you're beer goggles son!!! this game wont crack 50K units.
You dont think this will crack 50k? I guarantee majority in this thread will buy the game no matter what comments are left.
# 167 kingeo19 @ 08/31/12 01:28 AM
I agree with some that just because a title is sold for $20 it doesn't mean that you're not getting a quality product. BUT that is not the case with NBA LIVE 13. People keep mentioning the other developers football game in 2005 as an example of more bang for the buck but fail to realize several other key differences in that developers 2005 sports lineup.

1. The college hoops, nba, nfl, nhl, and mlb titles all retailed for 19.99.
2. Each title was a follow up to a title from the previous year.
3. No title was delayed and they all had full development cycles (usually 1 year, rather than 1 year to hire new staff, 1 year to salvage elements of a previous title, and 6-8 months for actual hands on development of a new title) which led to completed games being released.
4. The other developer shared information about their upcoming games. They stated their release dates, introduced their cover athletes, gave details about game modes, and stated their price point in a manner that consumers were accustomed to at that time.
In the last 2-3 years EA Sports has failed to do any of these things.

The only major sports title in their 2012 library that has a 19.99 price tag allegedly (still not officially confirmed by EA because they don't respond to RUMORS) is LIVE 13.

LIVE 13 is not a follow up to NBA Elite 12 or Elite 11, but rather LIVE 10.

The basketball title was first delayed in 2010 and then cancelled. This was then followed by no release in 2011 at all. And when the title is set to be released this Fall it more than likely will not be a full featured game.

EA Sports has not (officially) shown or shared any viable form of information that would excite the casual gamer, let alone the informed and up to date LIVE fan. This suggested $20 release price screams of desperation for an unsure and rushed development team being led by blind and stubborn leadership. The consumer will not be getting "more bang for their buck" in this instance.
# 168 jewelz1132 @ 08/31/12 01:31 AM
I'm disappointed.. I expected EA to make strides to get it right, but honestly this is something that should've been done last year or the year before. They may as well scrap their efforts and focus strong on releasing the first next gen game
# 169 jreezy18 @ 08/31/12 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by kingeo19
1. The college hoops, nba, nfl, nhl, and mlb titles all retailed for 19.99.
If by "all" you mean all 2K Sports' titles then I agree.
# 170 JasonMartin @ 08/31/12 01:37 AM
Some of the people on here are amazing...

For the last few days/weeks I've seen +90% of the people on here being negative about and towards EA/NBA LIVE 13.

And now, all off a sudden so many people are praising them for offering a DLC for ONLY (omgggggggggggzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) 20 bucks. It's gonna be arcade, it's limited, the graphics aren't up to par, not gonna be finished etc. And now it's all good? After hours and hours of trash talking, people already love EA again?

WOW, really. Everyone was giving EA **** that they didn't release anything and they still haven't but a 20$ DLC seems to make everyone happy again and still nothing is out yet.
# 171 La Verite @ 08/31/12 01:37 AM
THREE yrs tho
# 172 shadio5 @ 08/31/12 01:38 AM
How about they pay me 20$ to play their game and ill tell them if its good or bad.

EA better hold onto that NFL license with a tight grip. EA will take over the boxing & MMA digital world very soon so they will be OK for now. Give us the ESPN EA, not like your gonna use it anytime soon

It is what it is guys.....

VC/2k sports fan
# 173 Jukeman @ 08/31/12 01:40 AM
I was hoping free

I paid $20 for Walking Dead. Live? No bueno.

# 174 liberaluser @ 08/31/12 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by kingeo19
EA Sports has not (officially) shown or shared any viable form of information that would excite the casual gamer, let alone the informed and up to date LIVE fan. This suggested $20 release price screams of desperation for an unsure and rushed development team being led by blind and stubborn leadership. The consumer will not be getting "more bang for their buck" in this instance.

They haven't even officially announced the game, and this EA rep announces it's downgrading to a digital release for the same price as a downloadable disk game, shaking my whole body on that one.
# 175 King_B_Mack @ 08/31/12 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by jreezy18
NFL and NBA 2K5 want a word with you.
Guys gotta start putting things into perspective before making these comments bringing up 2K's 19.99 games from 05. 2K was a developer that had been making consistently quality titles for several years trying to get people to give them a shot against an established household name developer that could release a box of rat feces and still sell mostly because of name recogonition. EA is just trying to avoid the embarrassment of cancelling back to back basketball titles and doing irreparable damage to their relationship with the NBA. Will the game be quality? There is a very, very slim chance. However they aren't doing what they're doing for the reasons 2K did what it did.

Originally Posted by DonWuan
You dont think this will crack 50k? I guarantee majority in this thread will buy the game no matter what comments are left.
Let's say your guarantee is right. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's still a tad bit under the 50k mark you're looking for.
# 176 noshun @ 08/31/12 01:54 AM
If EA wants to potentially gain me back as a customer, they should pay me $20 to download Live 13. Im looking forward to the demo, and have paid off 3 copies of the other NBA game already. How bout it EA?

That is all.
# 177 jreezy18 @ 08/31/12 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Guys gotta start putting things into perspective before making these comments bringing up 2K's 19.99 games from 05. 2K was a developer that had been making consistently quality titles for several years trying to get people to give them a shot against an established household name developer that could release a box of rat feces and still sell mostly because of name recogonition. EA is just trying to avoid the embarrassment of cancelling back to back basketball titles and doing irreparable damage to their relationship with the NBA. Will the game be quality? There is a very, very slim chance. However they aren't doing what they're doing for the reasons 2K did what it did.
Oh I know that EA has a very different set of reasons for their decision to price the game at $20. I just find the assumption "A $20 price point is waving the white flag" a bit silly. This is EA trying to make the best of a horrible situation from what I can tell. It doesn't necessarily mean they're giving up with this franchise.
# 178 kingeo19 @ 08/31/12 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by liberaluser
They haven't even officially announced the game, and this EA rep announces it's downgrading to a digital release for the same price as a downloadable disk game, shaking my whole body on that one.
What's even funnier is their official response,
Update: An EA Sports spokesman said the label does not comment on rumor or speculation.

Reported at http://kotaku.com/5939439/report-say...gital-download
# 179 XenoZograscope @ 08/31/12 02:46 AM
Well looks like its back to Live 10, glad I held on to my copy after all.
# 180 alphawill @ 08/31/12 03:03 AM
im sorry but by now EA should know wat is wrong with thier game........and alot of it has to do with player movement ...its been known for years that players move way to jerky and akward..theres no fluidity in any live since the new gen started ...and the game doesnt know if it wants to be arcade or sim...i dont know but those were my biggest problems with live

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