NBA Live 13 News Post

It looks like NBA Live 13 is coming out as a digital release after all and not a full on $60 AAA title if the report from IRB Gamer today is to be believed. This seems a pretty big admission that Live simply isn't ready for prime-time obviously, which also obviously seems to be the case. What a mess.

IRB Gamer has the scoop:

"It’s been almost 3 years since we’ve released an NBA title,” the EA rep said. The tactic is to get feedback from gamers. However, it’s a bit risky to not run it as the AAA title as thedecision has been made to NOT put the game on disc.

Live will be looking at a price point around $19.99
,” equaling out to 1600 Microsoft Points or $20 PlayStation Network card.

What do you guys think? Smart decision by EA? Does this mean Live isn't up to par quality wise?

Sound off!

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 nova91 @ 08/30/12 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by swac07
lol this is what hiphopgamer just tweeted about the situation..

2K(Neo) vs. EA(Agent smith) #shotsfired
# 122 bxphenom7 @ 08/30/12 11:22 PM
how crazy would it be if they were pulling off what 2k did with NFL 2k5 lol If they actually had a superior game for $20, it would be the greatest kept gaming secret lol
# 123 Lionsfan7887 @ 08/30/12 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I seem to remember ESPN NFL 2K5 and ESPN MLB 2K5 being top tier games. At $20 each, they were the two greatest steals I've ever invested in.

I wouldn't say Live is in that same category, but they are simply doing what they have to. If there is any way for them to get back into it, they need to try and get any kind of word-of-mouth they can receive.
That was back on last gen consoles though
# 124 DonWuan @ 08/30/12 11:23 PM
Ive wasted far more money on crap things. 20 buck is nothing if it plays anything close to real bball. 2k offering is a day one purchase, but ill pick up Live after watching a couple videos and playing demo.

Live will just make you appreciate 2k even more. I truly think if it plays somewhat better than the leaked footage plays, majority will purchase. Only thing that sucks you cant resale it within the first week and get your money back.
# 125 Christian Antonio @ 08/30/12 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
So I guess a demo of this game is out of the question? Pathetic EA. Absolutely pathetic. So now we have to pay you 20 bucks for a demo because you want feedback? I think I'm done with EA until they've got decision makers who aren't complete idiots who don't care about they're consumers.
Games can't be digital releases without trials on Xbox Live, at least. So it's actually the opposite. A demo will be forced upon them, whether they want to or not.
# 126 ProfessaPackMan @ 08/30/12 11:26 PM
I'll be checking this out and give it a chance. Won't be spending $20 out of MY pocket but I'll be checking this out though.

See fluent, not EVERY post is full of negativity like you think.
# 127 TripleCCC716 @ 08/30/12 11:27 PM
I was going to buy this if it had Ultimate Team but now at $20 I doubt it will. But for that price I may get it because I usually don't buy basketball games and it would be nice to have one.
# 128 Brian_OS @ 08/30/12 11:29 PM
What a disaster.... 2 years of development and all they can come up with is a digital release. I am glad I am not an investor.... Sad day...
# 129 kevmasood @ 08/30/12 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by fluent2332
LOL at some of these negative responses. I swear the internet is mostly negative people. Anyway, as I said in the other thread, I'm thrilled that I only have to pay $20 to play an NBA game this year, that's pretty sweet. I'm also excited about playing the game and giving EA as much feedback as I possibly can. I hope it sells well and next year we get the full AAA title.
good luck lol
# 130 TreyIM2 @ 08/30/12 11:30 PM
While this is really appalling, I am yet not mad at this. Mad because I can't believe fumbled the ball this badly on this series, again, even after having more than plenty of time to get a decent game together which I was looking forward to, and this signals another year of no comp for NBA2K (I like comp) PLUS Live 10 was really on to something (wtf, EA??).

Now, why I'm not mad? NBA2K WILL HAVE ANALOG DRIBBLING ALA A SEEMINGLY LIVE 10 AND NBA 2K SHOT STICK!!!! All I ever wanted was the switch over to analog dribbling so now I won't mind the shot stick that uses a trigger. Brilliant marriage of the two plus just adding analog to the rest of what NBA2K is is just a thing of beauty. Iso-motion really, truly sucks. Killed the game for me. It's now ALIVE, IT'S, UHH, A-LIVE!! Heh....

Oh, and EA, you guys better have a decent enough DLC game that will lead to a MIND BLOWING Live 14. I don't know if u can have anything less after this debacle and NBA2K picking up even more steam...

Oh, and there better be a demo for this DLC cuz I don't usually part ways with dough for DLC. Hmph....
# 131 Nathan_OS @ 08/30/12 11:33 PM
For the guys that are saying ohhh 20 dollars for a basketball game! Must get!

No lol this is not a basketball game fellas.

This was a very long experiment

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
# 132 Blzer @ 08/30/12 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
The difference is that back in 2005, 2K's titles were quality games sold for low price, and not some experiment-product like EA's. Now you have a game that is sold for low price because it's just not worth it. I don't believe it'll sell well either way.
I agree. I'm just saying that, if a game is slapped with a $20 price tag, it's not automatically inferior.

Unfortunately, this is more than likely the case for Live.
# 133 DR Russell @ 08/30/12 11:34 PM
Im actually surprised they going only digital, although it does make the most business decision. I just hope that this doesn't mean they are giving up on basketball and not releasing 14 with full power and wanting to take the reign back.
# 134 nova91 @ 08/30/12 11:37 PM
Lol at the dude having a back and forth with HHG with all the tweets to pornstars on his twitter feed. 2k is more of the same HHG says.
# 135 KyotoCarl @ 08/30/12 11:39 PM
Going from making a comeback to being a $20 digital download really means they've give up this year. This game will probably be riddled with bugs.

Very disappointing news. EA's headquarters can not be happy with Tiburon.
# 136 jreezy18 @ 08/30/12 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Brian_OS
What a disaster.... 2 years of development and all they can come up with is a digital release. I am glad I am not an investor.... Sad day...
Indeed. EA's stock hasn't been looking too good from what I've heard.
# 137 kevmasood @ 08/30/12 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by fluent2332
Sure, why wouldn't they? I can provide a lot of valuable feedback. I'm a great analytical person but I also appreciate what goes into making a game, and I can understand the "big picture" of gaming and what to expect in a basketball game. Why wouldn't they listen? I've already messaged the EA community manager and I expect to message him plenty of hands-on feedback once I have played the game for awhile. It will then be in their hands whether or not they listen, but if the feedback is valuable, I imagine they will listen.
ok then wat they was duin in TWO YEARS absolutely NUFFIN
# 138 fitzgerald434 @ 08/30/12 11:43 PM
I dont mind EA trying to get feedback from people but now that I think about it why not just delay the game until next year instead of having us pay 20 dollars for a game that only had under a year to be developed.

# 139 jersez @ 08/30/12 11:44 PM
Why didn't EA go back to live 10? Why are they trying to build off of this elite crap, it would serve them better if this was just a updated live 10 with a couple of new gameplay features. Because the gameplay looks live Elite 1.5

If they are going to release a updated game why not update the best game in the series? They should have went back to the Live 10 foundation, it is a much stronger foundation to build off of imo.
# 140 Nathan_OS @ 08/30/12 11:45 PM
Smh I won't be buying this game

Many other things that I can do with 20 dollars

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

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