NBA Live 13 News Post

It looks like NBA Live 13 is coming out as a digital release after all and not a full on $60 AAA title if the report from IRB Gamer today is to be believed. This seems a pretty big admission that Live simply isn't ready for prime-time obviously, which also obviously seems to be the case. What a mess.

IRB Gamer has the scoop:

"It’s been almost 3 years since we’ve released an NBA title,” the EA rep said. The tactic is to get feedback from gamers. However, it’s a bit risky to not run it as the AAA title as thedecision has been made to NOT put the game on disc.

Live will be looking at a price point around $19.99
,” equaling out to 1600 Microsoft Points or $20 PlayStation Network card.

What do you guys think? Smart decision by EA? Does this mean Live isn't up to par quality wise?

Sound off!

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 mike24forever @ 08/30/12 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by fluent2332
LOL at some of these negative responses. I swear the internet is mostly negative people. Anyway, as I said in the other thread, I'm thrilled that I only have to pay $20 to play an NBA game this year, that's pretty sweet. I'm also excited about playing the game and giving EA as much feedback as I possibly can. I hope it sells well and next year we get the full AAA title.
I totally agree. There were many posters (mods included) who said the game would NEVER come out and they would criticise posters who hoped the game would! People act like they do not care about this title, yet I see them posting in this forum daily. For $20.00 I will check out this title. They way I look at it, it's another basketball title, and you know people are always clamouring for competition in sport titles.

If gamers do not like Live, they have another basketball title to choose from. That being said they will be in here posting negative things about the game.
# 82 nova91 @ 08/30/12 10:22 PM
If taking TWO YEARS for EA to release a Live for digital download isn't enough to wash your hands of the EA/Live series, I don't know what will be.
# 83 fitzgerald434 @ 08/30/12 10:22 PM
My guess is Live wont have as many features in it but that's fine as long as its a decent game and also EA needs to use this as a way to get feedback from people about the game
# 84 King_B_Mack @ 08/30/12 10:22 PM
And the new development team stays true to form at EA with the lying. Not that we didn't already know this, but it being confirmed that this will be a digital title just goes to show that old Pre-Alpha with the 'Exit game' option in it, was further along than an actual Pre-Alpha title would be. How can you start this relationship off lying and still asking for the consumers trust moving foward.
# 85 swac07 @ 08/30/12 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
And the new development team stays true to form at EA with the lying. Not that we didn't already know this, but it being confirmed that this will be a digital title just goes to show that old Pre-Alpha with the 'Exit game' option in it, was further along than an actual Pre-Alpha title would be. How can you start this relationship off lying and still asking for the consumers trust moving foward.
# 86 fitzgerald434 @ 08/30/12 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by nova91
If taking TWO YEARS for EA to release a Live for digital download isn't enough to wash your hands of the EA/Live series, I don't know what will be.
I would think by now people would already know that EA only had a year to develop the game
# 87 youvalss @ 08/30/12 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by fitzgerald434
My guess is Live wont have as many features in it but that's fine as long as its a decent game and also EA needs to use this as a way to get feedback from people about the game
They need more feedback?
# 88 yaboythecib @ 08/30/12 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
Funny, but I do remember EA saying "2K this" and "2K that" early on...

I see you still believe in the 3-year cycle thing, eh? In 2014 you'll say "Next year they're going to put a great game". They have already fooled you twice (or maybe 5 times?). We'll see...
well please explain the truth i'd love to here it.....
# 89 23 @ 08/30/12 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by mike24forever
I totally agree. There were many posters (mods included) who said the game would NEVER come out and they would criticise posters who hoped the game would! People act like they do not care about this title, yet I see them posting in this forum daily. For $20.00 I will check out this title. They way I look at it, it's another basketball title, and you know people are always clamouring for competition in sport titles.

If gamers do not like Live, they have another basketball title to choose from. That being said they will be in here posting negative things about the game.
What mod said this game wouldnt release?

You're talking out of your behind now

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
# 90 23 @ 08/30/12 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by fitzgerald434
My guess is Live wont have as many features in it but that's fine as long as its a decent game and also EA needs to use this as a way to get feedback from people about the game

Lol slap in the face to all the community guys and people who posted feedback for years

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
# 91 yaboythecib @ 08/30/12 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by JBCAROLINAKID
If you really believe that i feel sorry for you.
well what should i believe huh.... i love to here your opinion....
# 92 LionsFanNJ @ 08/30/12 10:32 PM
No they had two .What EA chose to **** the bed and dally around trying to "salvage" what they could from Elite for over a year. A mistake that instead of leading towards an AAA title we have a digital download with arcade gameplay.

I bet all that "new tech" and "innovative ideas" they touted will be nowhere to be found.
# 93 JBCAROLINAKID @ 08/30/12 10:33 PM
If you still believe in ANYTHING EA has to say after this then i wouldn't waste my time TRYING to explain anything to you.
# 94 nova91 @ 08/30/12 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Lol slap in the face to all the community guys and people who posted feedback for years

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
The guys that posted feedback on here and EAs own forums were largely ignored, I don't know the whole saga, but weren't there guys from OS invited by to give feedback directly EAs developer.
# 95 bamalam @ 08/30/12 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by mike24forever
I totally agree. There were many posters (mods included) who said the game would NEVER come out and they criticise posters who hoped the game would! People act like they do not care about this title, yet I see them posting in this forum daily. For $20.00 I will check out this title. They way I look at it, it's another basketball title, and you know people are always clamouring for competition in sport titles.

If gamers do not like Live, they have another basketball title to choose from. That being said they will be in here posting negative things about the game.

if EA will make a quality game, they will have less negativity directed towards them. They have pooped out NBA games since 06 when they could even put
1 out.

We're all here because we want them to make a quality game, and most will buy live if they can provide a quality game. until then, they will get a lot of negativity.
# 96 JBreezeNY @ 08/30/12 10:37 PM
lol at this.

Rest In Piss NBA Live
# 97 youvalss @ 08/30/12 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by yaboythecib
well please explain the truth i'd love to here it.....
I don't know what "truth" you are talking about, but I would say, don't keep your hopes to high. You may not believe it, but I'd love to see them developing a great basketball game, it just doesn't seem realistic right now. I would love to say that you were right and I was wrong (I'm sure a lot of guys here would love that), but it's really hard to see it happening.

But if you listen to EA, it would sound like they are about to release the best basketball game every time they start talking about it. While it's great to always look up and be ambitious, it eventually doesn't have much to do with reality. But let me be wrong. Please.
# 98 BiggestBullsFan45 @ 08/30/12 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by NINJAK2
Charging $20 instead of $60 was a smart decision
Why am I not surprised?
# 99 onac22 @ 08/30/12 10:40 PM
What this means is exactly what it sounds like. EA couldn't take 2K out this year so they will try again next year after feedback.
# 100 Goffs @ 08/30/12 10:42 PM
Still overpriced!

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