NBA Live 13 News Post

It looks like NBA Live 13 is coming out as a digital release after all and not a full on $60 AAA title if the report from IRB Gamer today is to be believed. This seems a pretty big admission that Live simply isn't ready for prime-time obviously, which also obviously seems to be the case. What a mess.

IRB Gamer has the scoop:

"It’s been almost 3 years since we’ve released an NBA title,” the EA rep said. The tactic is to get feedback from gamers. However, it’s a bit risky to not run it as the AAA title as thedecision has been made to NOT put the game on disc.

Live will be looking at a price point around $19.99
,” equaling out to 1600 Microsoft Points or $20 PlayStation Network card.

What do you guys think? Smart decision by EA? Does this mean Live isn't up to par quality wise?

Sound off!

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 lon515 @ 08/31/12 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
At this point in time my man, 2K is working on bugs/glitches. Any fundamental issues with the game is what you're going to get on purchase day the same way what we saw in "Pre-Alpha Tape Delay 13" is what you're going to get on purchase day.

What have you seen from them to suggest that they understand that now? They've already started off this new team, this new start for EA lying and being shady.
Well failure will always show you the error of your ways. so they release a 20$ basketball game ( thats a good price for a next gen sports title) people will flood there ea game changers site and they will NOW have a full developmental cycle to put together a game to compete.
# 222 TUSS11 @ 08/31/12 01:19 PM
Pretty sure there will be a free trial version, so we won't have to pay to "beta test". I swear some people complain just for the heck of it.
# 223 Nathan_OS @ 08/31/12 01:19 PM
It would be ironic if they charged 20 dollars for the build that's in video we all saw

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
# 224 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by fluent2332
I'm "moonwalking" because I'm not overly negative like the rest of you, and can see the bright side of things at all times? Okay. Right on. I'd rather moonwalk all day like the great MJ than have a mindset like you or any of your buddies.
You're not some "positive" guy by default. You're QUICK to look at the worst of any other game EXCEPT this one. Don't try to paint yourself as some even minded saint please. The ship that supplied you any benefit of the doubt has long sailed. Just be happy that you can geek out to your favorite game and call it a day. Enjoy. But please forgive those for not wanting to pay into a beta test.

PS: what ever happened to the "I'm want there to be competition. I'll support both games for competition's sake."? That seemed to have just jumped out of the window, huh?
# 225 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
I never paid too much attention to this hip hop gamer dude but he has no idea what he's talking about. Now he's saying that all of his statements about Live and 2K were given to him by some unnamed VP of marketing.
Where is this? Where did he say that?
# 226 nova91 @ 08/31/12 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Where is this? Where did he say that?
He said it on his twitter account.

# 227 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
I'm sure 2K can take legal action.
Under what grounds? ESPN has the right to sell their IP to anyone. It's not as if ESPN is the end-all/be-all for NBA broadcasts. As a matter of fact, I prefer the TNT presentation frankly. ESPN may be familiar, but that doesn't make it good, let alone the best.

IMO of course.
# 228 bigeastbumrush @ 08/31/12 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Under what grounds? ESPN has the right to sell their IP to anyone. It's not as if ESPN is the end-all/be-all for NBA broadcasts. As a matter of fact, I prefer the TNT presentation frankly. ESPN may be familiar, but that doesn't make it good, let alone the best.

IMO of course.
Maybe ESPN can release themselves via breach of contract.

I agree with you on TNT though. I just want EA to cut loose their ties since they're not living up to their end of the bargain by releasing games that aren't complete.
# 229 23 @ 08/31/12 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by nova91
He said it on his twitter account.


He said on his last video a 2k dev told him stuff

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# 230 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Jadakiss88
If you had been keeping up with Live 13 on EA's site you could tell something was up. They didn't have much content to talk about which made me think it was going to be a basic game maybe a quick play mode, season mode, (maybe) a franchise mode, and a playoff mode. While I believe they are losing more and more ground to 2k it's a smart idea to keep you thinking about Live.

As far as all the negative comments, while you are completely entitled to your opinion realize this if they would have dropped the same game for $60 you would have blew your tops and said "I don't see paying $60 for this crap!" And we would have had to hear this for two months after the release. At the least they are trying to stay relevant. I honestly want to see what the game has to offer before I throw them under the bus.
You see; now THIS is a positive poster comment I can support. Not the over the top, blind cheerleader mess that comes from SOME posters. I agree - if it was $60, folks would have rightfully blown a gasket. Some people suggested that this is what they should have done for Elite.

Now I just wonder - knowing they are doing this only because the quality isn't competitive (there no comparison to the NFL 2K5 deal - that was a FULL featured, quality AAA title), will a bad game hurt them MORE now? If people PAY for something their total unhappy with, they will lose those people for good. Trust me on that.

Last thing - I think that leaked footage was a PartnerNet download and that though it may have been an, - let's just call it an "early" build instead of this "pre-alpha" talk - it pretty indicative of what the game will be. If they clean a LOT, it will still be very similar to the video. But we won't know for sure if that will be the case.

For now, I plan on checking it out as long as I know it's worth checking out. So, with that being the case, with this info out, NOW is the time for EA to start showing the game. It's too close to release. The game should be done now.
# 231 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by lon515
And i see nothing wrong with them making a game that would cost 60$ now 20$. it just seems People complain rather than try to understand.
Whoa. Wait. Don't get this twisted. You don't know what is IN that $20. What modes are missing? You know there will be just based on the fact it's a download and those sizes are limited. You're NOT getting a $60 game. You're getting much less than that. Funny, though. I'm sure we would have been CHARGED $60 if this was the state of Madden. No choice.
# 232 fluent2332 @ 08/31/12 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
You're not a some "positive" guy by default. You're QUICK to look at the worst of any other game EXCEPT this one. Don't try to paint yourself as some even minded saint please. The ship that supplied you any benefit of the doubt has long sailed. Just be happy that you can geek out to your favorite game and call it a day. Enjoy. But please forgive those for not wanting to pay into a beta test.

"Paying into a beta test" is just another example of blatant negativity and looking at a given situation as being bad, negative, not good, etc. $20 in my eyes, gets me a basketball game that I will no doubt enjoy, that perhaps has been "trimmed" in some areas I'll admit, but I'm not mad about that because the price is 1/3rd of what you would normally pay for a game. The only "beta test" aspect comes from the assumption that since EA is asking for feedback, they somehow feel their game sucks or they are asking you to pay for something that really is a beta test. I disagree with that line of thinking. I feel I will be getting a solid game for my money and not some "beta test". I have faith in EA to deliver. Of course, you'll probably rip me for having faith by saying "look at EA'S past! Look at this evidence that they did this, and look at this, and this!!", to which I'll just shrug it off because I look at it completely different than you. So let's just skip that part and just admit that we both look at the same situation 100% differently and it's completely opinion and open to interpretation. You seem to have been trying to push your opinion and the opinion of others as some sort of fact with some sort of factual basis to your argument, but your facts that you pull out are just interpretations and opinions of a situation that I see completely differently than you.

And about saying I will rip other games, or I'm not always positive, that's absolutely, 100% not true at all. If you look at some of my previous comments here on OS, let's say in the past year, you will see mostly positive viewpoints on subjects of which 95% of the people who posted had negative things to say about. I defended 2K12 to the max when everyone was saying the A.I. sucked and playing against the computer was lousy. I defended 2K12 hard. And all the while I remained positive while everyone else was looking at things negatively. And yes, it is 100% my personality to be even-minded and positive, or whatever you want to call it, I always try to look at the positive side of things. I wouldn't say I'm 100% always positive about everything, I'm definitely not, but I at least try to look at things without jumping to negative knee-jerk reactions or looking at the glass as half empty, etc. I at least try to be positive and see the big picture, which in my opinion, many people seem to miss because they go with their initial knee-jerk reaction without fully understanding what's going on.

PS: what ever happened to the "I'm want there to be competition. I'll support both games for competition's sake."? That seemed to have just jumped out of the window, huh?

I don't know what you're saying here. I'm thrilled that there is competition. Just because Live 13 is selling for $20 doesn't mean it can't compete with 2K. I won't be supporting both games though. I will most likely not be purchasing 2K13 this year because frankly I'm tired of 2K gameplay. I may buy it when it drops to about half price, just to play a few buddies online, but I'm 100% supporting Live this year.
Responses in bold!
# 233 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by djbaker
2k is somewhere celebrating as we speak.
I doubt this. Being competitive notwithstanding, I bet most of them would just assume never see Live again.
# 234 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Maybe ESPN can release themselves via breach of contract.

I agree with you on TNT though. I just want EA to cut loose their ties since they're not living up to their end of the bargain by releasing games that aren't complete.
As long as EA is paying ESPN, I don't think ESPN cares. And that's the sad truth. Emotionally, I'm with you man. But life speaks a low truth - EA is willing to throw cash at ESPN even if they don't use the license to it's fullest. Look at how shallow EA has under-utilized and bastardized the ESPN look and feel. But ESPN is happy because EA has a money truck in Bristol.
# 235 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by 23
He said on his last video a 2k dev told him stuff
I HIGHLY doubt anyone at VC would talk to him at all.
# 236 theprocess @ 08/31/12 02:11 PM
I refuse to SMH until I hear something from EA, even then I won't know if I'll be shaking my head in disapproval or approval.
# 237 JasonMartin @ 08/31/12 02:16 PM
Hiphopgamer is too funny. #shotsfired,
so whats upppppppppp I'm here , right here, with muh boi, the dev of NBA LIVE, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mannnnnnnnnnnnnn whats upppppppppppppppp, for real??? thats exactly what we, us gamers, want, we want it be realistic you know, what upppppppppp

Haha, dude is hilarious. I also think that EA dev was talking out of his ***. Just kept feeding him with sweet sounding stuff. Can't believe how someone can lie like that. I'm seriously looking forward to Rondo or CP3 or any other PG putting their hands in the air and making signals to the their teammates according to this dev. Because it should be in there. Lol!!
# 238 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by fluent2332
Responses in bold!
First - I find nothing negative to call it a "beta test" because that's not an insult. When you look at it for what it is, it's a beta test. Pure and simple. And some people resent that. I find it amazing that they are supposed to have all this expertise brought in from an ex-Euro league player to this advisory counsel, yet they still need to do this? But, you know, ALL of this is speculation STILL. Because have NOT heard anything from EA officially.

But you prove my point - you're ready to jump on Live without even seeing the game. You've seen 2K13, nitpicked the hell out of it, and have committed to not support it. And that's COOL. That's your choice and if it makes you happy, it's the RIGHT choice. But, again, it just shows that your "Mr. Positive" act is limited to one game. Like I said - have fun with it.
# 239 23 @ 08/31/12 02:23 PM
We know no 2k dev told him anything but he said it himself which is why people are killing him and have been the last few weeks

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
# 240 lon515 @ 08/31/12 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Whoa. Wait. Don't get this twisted. You don't know what is IN that $20. What modes are missing? You know there will be just based on the fact it's a download and those sizes are limited. You're NOT getting a $60 game. You're getting much less than that. Funny, though. I'm sure we would have been CHARGED $60 if this was the state of Madden. No choice.
We will be getting a hd basketball game, with up to date rosters and support all season. working online servers, a franchise mode. all for 20 dollars and there is still a possibility for for modes to be included rather threw dlc or already included. sounds like a sweet deal. its only 20 bucks

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