NBA Live 13 News Post

It looks like NBA Live 13 is coming out as a digital release after all and not a full on $60 AAA title if the report from IRB Gamer today is to be believed. This seems a pretty big admission that Live simply isn't ready for prime-time obviously, which also obviously seems to be the case. What a mess.

IRB Gamer has the scoop:

"It’s been almost 3 years since we’ve released an NBA title,” the EA rep said. The tactic is to get feedback from gamers. However, it’s a bit risky to not run it as the AAA title as thedecision has been made to NOT put the game on disc.

Live will be looking at a price point around $19.99
,” equaling out to 1600 Microsoft Points or $20 PlayStation Network card.

What do you guys think? Smart decision by EA? Does this mean Live isn't up to par quality wise?

Sound off!

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 HustlinOwl @ 08/31/12 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by bigdoc22
This is great deal for EA. They will make money on this. That said, it's not likely to be a great product and I would rather pay $60 for NBA2k but for EA, this will be a success. Heck, for $20, a lot of people will download this out of curiosity and EA makes money.

Screw EA they were dead to me after the NCAA Basketball 10 fiasco and they have not gotten a penny from me since. Was looking at giving them another chance, but once again they've failed and I will stick to The Show as my sports gaming choice.
# 202 BRxSKINSx @ 08/31/12 11:09 AM
Can we have a moment of silence... For the official death of NBA Live.... It's been years in the making, and theyre finally pulling the plug... Smart move....
# 203 TreyIM2 @ 08/31/12 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by chandlerbang
Live 10 came out oct 2009 when production of elite was supposed to begin
My point is they did not start working on Live 13 in 09. Think, ppl...
# 204 Nathan_OS @ 08/31/12 11:18 AM
My only question is can 2K please get the ESPN license and the NCAA rights?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
# 205 TreyIM2 @ 08/31/12 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by mlp111
you should read bro, its in like every article EA has put out
So they were working on Life 13 in 09, eh? U should learn to read and comprehend...
# 206 King_B_Mack @ 08/31/12 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
My point is they did not start working on Live 13 in 09. Think, ppl...
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
So they were working on Life 13 in 09, eh? U should learn to read and comprehend...
Nobody said they were working on Live 13 since 09. The point is they've had three years to put together a decent basketball game and they haven't. All they have to show for those three years is a cancelled effort and a download only title that's going to basically be a $20 dollar beta for whenever they're next NBA game drops if there even is a next one.

If you're going to try to call somebody out on reading comprehension you should maybe practice a little yourself first.
# 207 TreyIM2 @ 08/31/12 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Nobody said they were working on Live 13 since 09. The point is they've had three years to put together a decent basketball game and they haven't. All they have to show for those three years is a cancelled effort and a download only title that's going to basically be a $20 dollar beta for whenever they're next NBA game drops if there even is a next one.

If you're going to try to call somebody out on reading comprehension you should maybe practice a little yourself first.
This article is about Live 13, right? Ppl keep saying that they had 3 yrs to make this game. U don't seem to understand that.
# 208 kolanji @ 08/31/12 11:45 AM
ppl call it leaked footage.....10 minutes of leaked footage that was active on xbox live as friends was signing into xbox live notifications were popping up......
not buying that EA that was a way to get the public to see what u got and get reactions to nba live 13.....its safe to label a game Leaked footage so u can reply and put a rubber stamp on it calling it pre-alpha

i was really wishing u guys well but it is not looking good from where am sitting with nba live 13....

gone is the name ELITE as the name was tarnished by failure
now the title LIVE is taking some punches to the gut bringing bad memories and leaving a better taste in many ppl's mouths
# 209 bigeastbumrush @ 08/31/12 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Nathan_OS
My only question is can 2K please get the ESPN license and the NCAA rights?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
I'm sure 2K can take legal action.
These are how many years of not releasing either game but they want to hoarde exclusive rights? On what grounds? Something binding back when they were releasing games?
# 210 Jadakiss88 @ 08/31/12 11:57 AM
If you had been keeping up with Live 13 on EA's site you could tell something was up. They didn't have much content to talk about which made me think it was going to be a basic game maybe a quick play mode, season mode, (maybe) a franchise mode, and a playoff mode. While I believe they are losing more and more ground to 2k it's a smart idea to keep you thinking about Live.

As far as all the negative comments, while you are completely entitled to your opinion realize this if they would have dropped the same game for $60 you would have blew your tops and said "I don't see paying $60 for this crap!" And we would have had to hear this for two months after the release. At the least they are trying to stay relevant. I honestly want to see what the game has to offer before I throw them under the bus.
# 211 NYdreams @ 08/31/12 12:10 PM
no... y would anyone waste $20 on garbage... id rather buy a cod map pack .. instead of ea cancelling this trash like it should be they still price ... always looking for ways to get money knowing they product is garbage
# 212 King_B_Mack @ 08/31/12 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Jadakiss88
If you had been keeping up with Live 13 on EA's site you could tell something was up. They didn't have much content to talk about which made me think it was going to be a basic game maybe a quick play mode, season mode, (maybe) a franchise mode, and a playoff mode. While I believe they are losing more and more ground to 2k it's a smart idea to keep you thinking about Live.

As far as all the negative comments, while you are completely entitled to your opinion realize this if they would have dropped the same game for $60 you would have blew your tops and said "I don't see paying $60 for this crap!" And we would have had to hear this for two months after the release. At the least they are trying to stay relevant. I honestly want to see what the game has to offer before I throw them under the bus.
They're not trying to stay relevant, they're trying to keep the NBA's boot out of they're *** by avoiding another cancel. If Elite hadn't gotten cancelled already, I'd bet money that this title would get scrapped this year.
# 213 King_B_Mack @ 08/31/12 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Sirlonius
Sounds good to me! I get the game so many people said would never be released at a cheap price and with still time to improve from whenever that vid was made...They will build off this one with the fan feedback and come out with a full title next year. Atleast this one will have the live gameplay I like and functional online.

You guys get the competition you have been crying about and the chance to keep writing negative stuff about live! Win win
Still time to improve? LOL. They will build off this one with the fan feedback? Yeah, cause they've been doing such a bang up job with implementing what the fans want all these YEARS. Yeah, that's plural. Years.
# 214 Dazraz @ 08/31/12 12:34 PM
EA would have saved a bit more face had this decision been made on the announcement of the game. However this decision has been made purely & simply because the game is not good enough. No way could EA cancel another basketball game but by selling it at a reduced price the inevitable criticism will at least be dampened slightly.
# 215 alexthegreat @ 08/31/12 12:37 PM
So basically $20 for a beta. All this information coming out and we still can't get any kind of confirmation directly from these guys?

# 216 nova91 @ 08/31/12 12:44 PM
LOL at Live/Elite EVER being competition for 2K, especially not in the foreseeable future with Live 13/Elite 1.5, especially not with the next generation of consoles right around the corner. Maybe they'll be competitive on the next gen, but I doubt it, they said they same thing about this gen. Fool me once shame on you, fool me 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times I'm a dumb MF'er.
# 217 lon515 @ 08/31/12 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Still time to improve? LOL. They will build off this one with the fan feedback? Yeah, cause they've been doing such a bang up job with implementing what the fans want all these YEARS. Yeah, that's plural. Years.
Yea thats the whole ea game changers thing. They now understand that to build quality games they will need to hear what we want.

And i see nothing wrong with them making a game that would cost 60$ now 20$. it just seems People complain rather than try to understand.
# 218 lon515 @ 08/31/12 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by jwtucker710
Wow. I guess by now since there has been nothing on NBA LIVE 13, it would seem like that's the case to release it as a download. I won't buy it judging from those early screenshots and horrible video (if I'm going to spend $$ it will be toward 2K13). But even if there were planning a downloadable version about a month away, why not give customers previews? Also, wonder what happened with the development of LIVE 13? EA has poorly mismanaged this, which is a bit odd, knowing how thoroughly they develop games in the past. My reasoning is it's because of "market share" 2K has over EA at this point. They probably got to mid-June and thought there was no way LIVE 13 could recoup their costs for development. That said, all EA had to do was revamp LIVE 10 and tweak a few things and I think people would have bought it. Likely wouldn't be as good as 2K, but still ... at least you're offering customers an alternative if they get tired of 2K or just want something different.

Bad move EA!
Good job on Madden, however.
i do agree with that. nba live 10 with fixed bugs and better graphics, i would buy it
# 219 King_B_Mack @ 08/31/12 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Sirlonius
Yes still time to improve....Has 2k stopped working on their game too with more than month to go?

Bottom line there is a live game coming out. Don't buy it if you dont like it.
At this point in time my man, 2K is working on bugs/glitches. Any fundamental issues with the game is what you're going to get on purchase day the same way what we saw in "Pre-Alpha Tape Delay 13" is what you're going to get on purchase day.

Originally Posted by lon515
Yea thats the whole ea game changers thing. They now understand that to build quality games they will need to hear what we want.

And i see nothing wrong with them making a game that would cost 60$ now 20$. it just seems People complain rather than try to understand.
What have you seen from them to suggest that they understand that now? They've already started off this new team, this new start for EA lying and being shady.
# 220 djbaker @ 08/31/12 01:01 PM
2k is somewhere celebrating as we speak.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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