NBA Live 13 News Post

It looks like NBA Live 13 is coming out as a digital release after all and not a full on $60 AAA title if the report from IRB Gamer today is to be believed. This seems a pretty big admission that Live simply isn't ready for prime-time obviously, which also obviously seems to be the case. What a mess.

IRB Gamer has the scoop:

"It’s been almost 3 years since we’ve released an NBA title,” the EA rep said. The tactic is to get feedback from gamers. However, it’s a bit risky to not run it as the AAA title as thedecision has been made to NOT put the game on disc.

Live will be looking at a price point around $19.99
,” equaling out to 1600 Microsoft Points or $20 PlayStation Network card.

What do you guys think? Smart decision by EA? Does this mean Live isn't up to par quality wise?

Sound off!

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 241 23 @ 08/31/12 02:24 PM
Me thinks Sony jumped out of the game a year too soon because they'd be clear cut second place right now

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# 242 King_B_Mack @ 08/31/12 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by lon515
Well failure will always show you the error of your ways. so they release a 20$ basketball game ( thats a good price for a next gen sports title) people will flood there ea game changers site and they will NOW have a full developmental cycle to put together a game to compete.
They just had a full development cycle for Live 13 and it's a digital download. C'mon son damn.

Originally Posted by lon515
We will be getting a hd basketball game, with up to date rosters and support all season. working online servers, a franchise mode. all for 20 dollars and there is still a possibility for for modes to be included rather threw dlc or already included. sounds like a sweet deal. its only 20 bucks
See I have a problem with posts like these. Why are you fooling yourself with stuff like that. How do you know you're getting all this? EA hasn't released anything at all about this game but you know you're getting working online servers? A working franchise mode? And support all season? You know what happened to the last game that EA put out on the market that had issues? They disappeared from the face of the Earth and let everybody rot. See 10, NCAA Basketball.
# 243 LA NOIR @ 08/31/12 02:38 PM
# 244 TreyIM2 @ 08/31/12 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Me thinks Sony jumped out of the game a year too soon because they'd be clear cut second place right now

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I still dunno why Sony jumped ship with that game...Well, their bball games were 'horrible', to me, but all they had to do was work on some things and possibly lower the res to help them get more good stuff in the actual gameplay.
It's almost as if they thought that just having 1080p was gunna make a difference and that story mode stuff is for the birds especially if u don't have the core game of basketball up to snuff.
# 245 23 @ 08/31/12 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
I still dunno why Sony jumped ship with that game...Well, their bball games were 'horrible', to me, but all they had to do was work on some things and possibly lower the res to help them get more good stuff in the actual gameplay.
It's almost as if they thought that just having 1080p was gunna make a difference and that story mode stuff is for the birds especially if u don't have the core game of basketball up to snuff.
Well they were the inspiration for single player story mode though...give them props

Thing is their horrible game looks better than what we just saw from ea... go check the demo online if you don't believe me

They could've done it man look at how baseball made the leap

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# 246 King_B_Mack @ 08/31/12 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Well they were the inspiration for single player story mode though...give them props

Thing is their horrible game looks better than what we just saw from ea... go check the demo online if you don't believe me

They could've done it man look at how baseball made the leap

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Yeah they could've really done some things by now if they hadn't pulled out of the race. They really should consider jumping back in with this newest development. I'd be interested in giving them a look.
# 247 fluent2332 @ 08/31/12 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
First - I find nothing negative to call it a "beta test" because that's not an insult. When you look at it for what it is, it's a beta test. Pure and simple. And some people resent that. I find it amazing that they are supposed to have all this expertise brought in from an ex-Euro league player to this advisory counsel, yet they still need to do this? But, you know, ALL of this is speculation STILL. Because have NOT heard anything from EA officially.

Well I disagree that it will be a beta test. That implies that the game is not finished, therefore EA is charging you for something not finished, and doing a "shady" move. Calling it a beta-test has negative connotations.

But you prove my point - you're ready to jump on Live without even seeing the game. You've seen 2K13, nitpicked the hell out of it, and have committed to not support it. And that's COOL. That's your choice and if it makes you happy, it's the RIGHT choice. But, again, it just shows that your "Mr. Positive" act is limited to one game. Like I said - have fun with it.

Of course I'm ready to jump on Live without seeing it. I have complete faith that EA has put together a competent product. Unlike most, I actually saw some good things in that Live 13 pre-alpha footage. It looked like a game I would like to play. I'm also just THAT tired of 2K that I would play any other basketball game at this point. But I've had fun with previous Live games so I don't see why I wouldn't have fun with Live 13 too. If it's anything like Elite or Live 10 I will be thrilled. Even if it's not like those games, I still feel I will be happy with the product. I'm generally happy with most video games I play. I'm sure there will be some redeeming qualities about Live 13 just like any other game. Even if most people think Live 13 sucks, I've played games that people claimed sucks and had fun with those too. So I will pretty much be happy no matter what, I'm sure of it. It will be like a breath of fresh air to play a non-2K NBA game.

But I'm pretty positive about 2K13 as well. I'm sure if I buy it for half price I will be very happy with that game as well. I don't like all the aspects of the game, but overall I feel it will be a great game, just like 2K12, only better. So I don't see how that isn't a positive outlook on 2K as well. However, I don't like the addition of Jay-Z, but I can see WHY they went that route, but to me, the broadcast elements they have added go further away from a realistic television broadcast and more into some "other" territory, and I prefer the former. That's the only real nitpicking I've done about that game. Of course, there are things in 2K I don't like overall, but I'll only address them if someone asks me or it's relative to the topic I'm posting about. I don't go around crying about 2K. And like I said, I've defended 2K series quite a bit. I don't see how my positivity is some sort of act to you, but whatever, think what you will.
Responses in bold.
# 248 fluent2332 @ 08/31/12 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Well they were the inspiration for single player story mode though...give them props

Thing is their horrible game looks better than what we just saw from ea... go check the demo online if you don't believe me

They could've done it man look at how baseball made the leap

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I think that would have been awesome if Sony stayed in it. Just think, we could have had 3 options for a basketball game, each with their own take on the sport. That would have been great. For now though, I'm happy with 2 options. It's better than only having 1.
# 249 The ArkanSaw @ 08/31/12 03:13 PM
Makes me want to feel sorry for EA but all of this was their own doing. EA's is like a boxer fighting not for the love of the game but for a quick check. Barry Sanders most famously retired in his prime simply because he didn't have that fire anymore.

The funny thing about EA is that they havent had that fire for almost 7 years yet they still continue...
# 250 DuckOnQuack @ 08/31/12 03:13 PM
These guys called it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-dk8ruzgG4

I remember there were some people calling bs on them too.
# 251 Pared @ 08/31/12 03:16 PM
Ridiculous exaggerations for everyone!

We need competition in every sports genre, no matter how small. I would think guys would decide to give it a look or a pass but would at least recognize that this is the start of a building block, no matter how small.

Buzz is right - it will be pretty much as "beta" as you can get in the sports gaming industry. They did all they could in the time frame they had, probably made sure there were minimal bugs and will build on it for next year. Whether you guys realize it or not, ALL sports games do this.

While I'm not expecting much, I'm happy they didn't just pack up and go home. This travesty (going off of what I've seen alone) is better than nothing.
# 252 swac07 @ 08/31/12 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by DuckOnQuack
These guys called it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-dk8ruzgG4

I remember there were some people calling bs on them too.
lmao they did
# 253 23 @ 08/31/12 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by DuckOnQuack
These guys called it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-dk8ruzgG4

I remember there were some people calling bs on them too.

Killer thing is..the guy in the video said they told them it was pre alpha

They said the leak was pre alpha

Smalls came on here..that's the guy holding the cam talking and said the leak looked better than e3

This is a freaking sham

2 years and ea comes out charging you for a beta copy of another unfinished game.

This ain't competition its butt rape

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# 254 jwtucker710 @ 08/31/12 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Stampede_94
Remember the last time a company charged $20 for a competitive product? Oh yeah I forgot, that game was GREAT FOOTBALL GAME. Give it up EA, you are a fail at Basketball.
Totally disagree! It's not that they have failed or couldn't make a decent bb sim. They have with a few NBA LIVES over the years (2000 on PS1, 2005, 08, and 10). In my opinion, good bb sims. If it wasn't good in the past, why do these chat board get so much attention about NBA LIVE? EA has realized it is because of cost-to-build/sales ratio going against 2K. It's a business side of things. Besides, EA likes 90 percent of market share (or 100% with Madden or NCAA FB). What good or business sense is it if they only get 10 or 20 percent, while 2K has the rest? 2K did the same with its NCAA games. They don't like to risk those odds now. Fact is, basketball video games, in stats have shown, generally don't sell that well. What I'm scratching my head over is why even attempt to go against 2K again. They would have had to know it would be a tough market share. So, in that regard, I really think they wanted to use the new infinity engine, maybe get Lebron on the cover, or come up with some new technology that just isn't ready yet.
# 255 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by fluent2332
Responses in bold.
Let's be honest here - do you think that the original plan was to ship a game with only $20 worth of content in it? I'm betting they got to a point and had to scrap many features to ship in time. That's unfinished. Now, if you can convince anybody that this is the future of the franchise (as a $20 download franchise), then we can call it finished.

So, after 15 years of Live you weren't tired of it. After 3 years of 2K you're tired of it. Let's not even mention the game has continued to grow and made changes where warranted. It's not that you don't defend it SOMETIMES. It's that all you can do is defend Live and any POSSIBLE issues in it are completely ignored. It just seems that come hell or high water, you're going to be "happy" with Live - sight unseen. You don't see a problem with that? Anyway. There's no point in continuing the discussion with you. You're set on your position and it really doesn't matter. It's your opinion and your dollar.
# 256 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by fluent2332
I think that would have been awesome if Sony stayed in it. Just think, we could have had 3 options for a basketball game, each with their own take on the sport. That would have been great. For now though, I'm happy with 2 options. It's better than only having 1.
Better for who? 3 devs on a smaller market leads to each of them barely making enough money to reinvest into the products. Leading to slower growth. 2 is great. 1 sucks. But 3 is not much better than 1.
# 257 Pared @ 08/31/12 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by 23
This ain't competition its butt rape

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You're being a little ridiculous now, 23. C'mon.

They've offered a product. If it sucks, it sucks and you don't buy it. It's no different than when Sony offered something and you guys wouldn't support it.

But you're saying you want a product to support and then you contradict yourself saying they didn't do enough to win your support.

So they fold up shop next year and then you will complain there is no competition.

In what way does this logic work?

I understand guys being pissed; But they didn't offer the title in its state at $60 because they KNOW it's not worth $60. Some don't think it is worth $20. Ok, but again... I point back to my first argument and that is you can't expect competition to stick around and "compete" if you don't help invest.

And I'm not saying you should spend money on terrible games. I'm simply pointing out that it can't get better if you're not willing to try it. It's the same problem that we had when Live '10 had the worst sales of any Live game in the past 3/4 releases despite being the best title they had put out.
# 258 Boilerbuzz @ 08/31/12 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by jwtucker710
Fact is, basketball video games, in stats have shown, generally don't sell that well.
Where in the WORLD do you get your "facts"? The basketball market if 4 million people on average. Peaking at 6 million for NBA 2K11. What are you talking about?
# 259 Drewski @ 08/31/12 03:41 PM
Going forward I don't know that EA will be able to compete with 2K. EA will need to put together a phenomenal game and be outright with what the game entails. What Live had going for it was namesake, but how much water does that Live name hold anymore? Unless 2k has a huge debacle they're in position to dominate the genre for a very long time. Not sure EA will continue throwing money at a wall.

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# 260 23 @ 08/31/12 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
You're being a little ridiculous now, 23. C'mon.

They've offered a product. If it sucks, it sucks and you don't buy it. It's no different than when Sony offered something and you guys wouldn't support it.

But you're saying you want a product to support and then you contradict yourself saying they didn't do enough to win your support.

So they fold up shop next year and then you will complain there is no competition.

In what way does this logic work?

I understand guys being pissed; But they didn't offer the title in its state at $60 because they KNOW it's not worth $60. Some don't think it is worth $20. Ok, but again... I point back to my first argument and that is you can't expect competition to stick around and "compete" if you don't help invest.

And I'm not saying you should spend money on terrible games. I'm simply pointing out that it can't get better if you're not willing to try it. It's the same problem that we had when Live '10 had the worst sales of any Live game in the past 3/4 releases despite being the best title they had put out.
No I'm not ridiculous here. This series took about 5 steps backwards and freaking ignored everything everybody ever asked for including you even though you told them face to face now they want to charge and claim its for the exact same input

Not only are they continually lying but they've managed to screw up their series and making you pay for it

Live 10 only sold bad because the series sucked for too many years and lost alot of fans. It probably reviewed the best they've had this gen.... they're too freaking unstable to be competition, changing teams and changing companies and changing strategies far too often to do anything productive

I haven't decided on this game yet though and havent said anything because I don't know if it looks like that video but I won't be an early adoptor because if that's what it looks like its not worth 20 bucks to me.......they could've upgraded live 10 and sold that instead of putting out a game more inferior to something made in 2009

Yes I want competition but that doesn't mean I'm shelling out a decade worth of money because somebody can't get their crap together
I'm a customer and indonstill like quality stuff...its not my fault don't look my way

Prove me wrong ...please do, im askijg for it and I'll buy but don't try to lie and then throw flaming doo doo on me and expect me to say thanks


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