Madden NFL 13 News Post

While most of the Madden NFL 13 news out of E3 seems to be positive, we now have something that could turn into a very big issue. Especially if you enjoy roster editing or use edited rosters created by others.

There seemed to be some confusion about edited rosters. More specifically, if edited rosters could be used in Connected Careers Mode.

I sent a few messages to Justin Dewiel, Community Manager at EA Sports earlier this afternoon and received the following responses.

You can edit rosters outside of CC. But you can’t bring them into CC.

If you start a new CCM career after one of Donny Moore’s releases you can start with that new roster.

Basically, we have to rely on Donny Moore's roster updates, throughout the season, instead of grabbing updated rosters from the many talented roster editors out there, or simply editing on our own.

Jean Adams, Art Director for Madden NFL 13, mentioned the following, in his presentation blog, which was posted in late April.

Mixing and matching the new NIKE uniforms, cleats, face masks, sleeves and other yet to be released gear will keep me and many gamers out there in edit player for hours.

Hmmm. I somehow doubt many gamers will be playing around much in edit player, if we can't use the edits in anything other than a Play Now session.

Josh Looman, Madden NFL 13 Senior Designer mentioned on Twitter the following glimmer of hope.

We just ran out of time. It will be in there at some point in the future.

Does he mean Madden NFL 14 or could the Madden NFL 13 team add the editing ability in a Title Update or fix the issue before its August 28th release date? I think I speak for everyone, when I say the sooner, the better.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 jeremym480 @ 06/11/12 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by DiceMan
Wait....There's no offline franchise mode this year? (Not flaming, I've been away from the boards for awhile).
Franchise is dead, Zed. New Connected Careers = Old Franchise. Although, there are plenty of differences.
# 82 azdawgpound @ 06/11/12 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by DiceMan
Wait....There's no offline franchise mode this year? (Not flaming, I've been away from the boards for awhile).

nope tech theres no franchise modes offline or online they combined all them together and renamed them.
# 83 Icarus2k9 @ 06/11/12 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by rbowers7
How in the hell did they have time to add editing outside of CC but could not just have made CC rosters editable? That is what gets me.
Because roster editing is already in the game. Adding it into a persistent mode for online, offline, 32 players, 32 coaches of past present and future etc. was the impossible part, because apparently even staring at it for too long might break the thing.
# 84 JoSiiF @ 06/11/12 10:15 PM
this is MAJOR b.s , the first thing i do when i get a new madden game is go straight to the manage rosters screen and now i cant even use my own rosters this sucks man now i have all my players wearing those ******* double wristbands -__- not happy at all
# 85 SteelerSpartan @ 06/11/12 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Icarus2k9
Because roster editing is already in the game. Adding it into a persistent mode for online, offline, 32 players, 32 coaches of past present and future etc. was the impossible part, because apparently even staring at it for too long might break the thing.

The New Restrictions List on any Future CC Mode Feature

EDIT: There thats more like it
# 86 Knickerbocker @ 06/11/12 10:21 PM
Wow. Madden finaly adds all these great features and all most of you care is roster editing? Also from what I've read the official rosters players are now lower rated ... Jeez ...
# 87 Icarus2k9 @ 06/11/12 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan

The New Instruction Manuel on how to properly work your Connected Careers Mode
Sorry, don't usually do the grammar thing, but your post now has me imagining Manuel from Fawlty Towers scratching his head at the whole debacle, mumbling "Que?". Now add John Cleese ranting about what they've taken out, and it works way too well in my head.
# 88 PhillyJim76 @ 06/11/12 10:23 PM
So let me ask this, if I buy Madden and want to play a franchise with the Eagles in 2012, I have no choice but to deal with Kurt Warner coming back and have to deal with fake college players in the draft. No choice, this is what I have to do?
# 89 Icarus2k9 @ 06/11/12 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by PhillyJim76
So let me ask this, if I buy Madden and want to play a franchise with the Eagles in 2012, I have no choice but to deal with Kurt Warner coming back and have to deal with fake college players in the draft. No choice, this is what I have to do?
Unless they have Kurt Warner be one of several options of comebacks (Brett Favre, Tiki Barber spring to mind) that's it. If you prefer your storylines to be borne from your years of NCAA production, you're not getting it.
# 90 nelia8629 @ 06/11/12 10:27 PM
So i cant trade a player before the CC and carry it over???and no NCAA imports???

IS THIS TRUE????????????????/
# 91 kjjnesb @ 06/11/12 10:27 PM
It has become more and more evident that CC is an online first mode as very little consideration has been given to the offline gamers.

And I'm not buying the not enough time excuse they've blatantly sacrificed consumer functionality for scripted storylines and events that would most likely be broken if we we're to edit our own roster or create our own rookies in mass.

So in Madden 13 with imports gone no pre/in CC roster edits I can essentially only have one created player in the entire damn mode.... That is not a revolutionary career mode that is several steps backwards and signs of an unfinished mode.
# 92 speedy9386 @ 06/11/12 10:28 PM
Does anyone know if the ratings are still expanded?
# 93 StanleyStutters @ 06/11/12 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Knickerbocker
Wow. Madden finaly adds all these great features and all most of you care is roster editing? Also from what I've read the official rosters players are now lower rated ... Jeez ...
It's not just the roster editing, for most people it is a combination of things. Yes, the CC mode looks like it has some real potential and the new engine looks great, but in the process we have lost several features.

Roster editing was an enjoyable feature that I think a lot of people used. Even if they just let us fix the equipment & numbers of players I think people would be happier.

Multiple team control is another missing feature. This pretty much leaves people playing on the same console with one option and that's Play Now mode. Everything else you have to do alone.

Importing draft classes and RTG players is gone as well. It was great to have the ability to use players for four years in NCAA then transfer them over to Madden. This also allowed people with edited rosters in NCAA to get actual college players in the Madden games.

My personal favorite feature couch co-op is gone. I've been playing Franchise mode in Madden for as long as I can remember and the best part was playing couch co-op games with friends and family members.

I'm not denying that Madden has added some nice new features, but they've taken away some great ones in the process.
# 94 scottyo60 @ 06/11/12 10:29 PM
I have bought Madden since Sega days, but gotta pass this year. I'm all about editing and expanding ratings to make a difference. I'll stick with 10. Best $4 purchase I made in a long time.
# 95 khaliib @ 06/11/12 10:30 PM
This isn't a bash against Donny, but he simply "Does Not" know how rate players within their programming logic to get them to perform in a realistic manner.

One person to judge/decide the perspective on how a Specific Position should react/behave in their game, is just ........!!!

For years the Gaming Community has supplied suggestions w/video's to help utilize their ratings and the manner in which they are programmed to drive animations, to get the most Realistic Gameplay possible.

Since being on Next-Gen for 7 yrs now, this valuable information has fallen on "Deaf" ears although they love to use the tag line "We listened to the community" during their marketing hype phase.

The Negative response isn't just comming from the OS Forum, it's being voiced from every Gaming Forum and social platform available.

"We didn't have time" is simply Horse-pucky because it's already there, it's just "LOCKED" to the gamer.

That's right, they've simply chosen to LOCKED it from the gamer.

If there was a real/logical issue that would arise from allowing Player Ratings Editing and the possibliltiy of problems on the Infinity Engine, then it wouldn't be available for Play Now games, period!!!

It's one thing to force the gaming community to play from the developer's chosen camera angles, but to force gamers to play football from the perspective of "ONE" person is revealing about how they view the Football Gaming Fanbase.

Control and Profits!!!

I had high praise for the Madden Developement and the introduction of a Physics Based System, but to spend $60 on one man's perspective of football, is just _________!

Especially when his roster's has "Always" needed some type of adjusting/editing to make the game play somewhat close to each gamer's perspective of football.

I'll rent as always dealing with any EA Sports game, just to see what the Infinity Engine looks like, but without any ability to edit ratings myself within CC, I'm not going to buy off of "Wishfull" thinking knowing it's plain as day what will arise after release.

I simply want another developer to take a shot at bringing us some Authentic Football at this point.
Just make it Fully Customizable w/out gimmicks, and I'll buy it just cause.

# 96 Reggie16 @ 06/11/12 10:31 PM
Man oh man, just when we think madden is turning the corner, they Eff something up, this is a big time eff up. I am disgusted. No madden for me, looks like ill just be playing ncaa 13.
# 97 Knickerbocker @ 06/11/12 10:33 PM
Oh well, I'm prolly biased since I play online franchise only. And this year this mode surpases same mode of any other sport game. I'm excited as hell, but yes it suck for offline gamers,
# 98 RGiles36 @ 06/11/12 10:34 PM
Well, I guess this is a case of taking the good with the bad. The bad, of course, being that we can't edit our OWN rosters & take them into franchise. The good, to a degree, is that we can use Donny's rosters in our franchise.

I'm ok with Donny's rosters as long as they continue to provide player authenticity (equipment, facemasks, etc). They've done a good job w/ making players appear true to life the last two years. It'll only suck if say real life Dez Bryant stops wearing a visor and alas, I won't be able to fix it. Ugh...
# 99 BurghFan @ 06/11/12 10:35 PM
Steve, I had to like your original post solely for you choice of screenshot

Anyway, as has been said before, if we can only used edited roster in Play Now, then you might as well not have them at all. I couldn't even tell you the last time I played a play now game. My general routine is to wait until the end preseason/start regular season rosters come out then jump right into my franchise. Also, I couldn't care less about messing with what different Nike equipment players are wearing.
# 100 Knickerbocker @ 06/11/12 10:36 PM
And Khaliib I agree it sucks for the offline players, but do not talk for the "majority". Madden as most sports games has at least the same number of online players if not more. OS has a large majority in offline, but that is OS.

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