MLB 13 The Show News Post

With the MLB 2K series all but confirmed to be dead, Kotaku's Owen Good has posted an article on what MLB 13 The Show must do to keep the fans of baseball gaming happy. It should be interesting, considering a simulation baseball game for the 360 doesn't look very likely.

Your long slog through your career in Road to the Show makes the game's threadbare commentary painfully apparent. I think the world of Matt Vasgersian but he is shackled to an outdated commentary engine given to repetition and dead air. Dave Campbell's dialogue library is really showing its age, and a majority of his work sounds like Dave Campbell playing Dave Campbell. Eric Karros should be thanked for his service and sent home. The Show has world class visuals and a smooth, if minimalist, broadcast presentation. The commentary supporting it has not pulled its weight in years.

In your opinion, what does MLB 13 The Show need to do next year to satisfy your baseball gaming needs?

Source - If We Won’t Have MLB 2K to Kick Around Next Year, Here’s What The Show Must Do (Kotaku)

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 481 Knight165 @ 08/28/12 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
We have numbers in the edit screen for players already. That's where they need to stay-for easier roster building, etc.

If any attention is payed to this area, I'd actually go the opposite direction and not have bars OR numbers in franchise (again, outside of the editing screen). Have scouting reports where the accuracy is determined by the skill/experience of your scouts (even then, never 100%). That makes team building more realistic and make scouting matter (both in terms of effectiveness and budgeting).
Absolutely. This is 100% correct IMO.
I'd even go far to say that NUMBERS in sports games are archaic and outdated and need to go by the wayside(again...outside of the editor....there has to be a number to drive the simulation...that I understand)....but scouting reports as the main source of information is the way to go.

Also....I've been playing sports games since the 80's...and it's always been nothing(rarely...maybe Wayne Gretzky hockey) or numbers as the way to see a players rating. Sorting by numbers in Front Page Sports Baseball become such a bore...most guys would barely notice the name of the player they were choosing in the draft.....trades.....for pinch running...etc.

Originally Posted by seanjeezy
To piggyback off of this, I would love to see a scouting report page a la MVP where we can see some advanced scouting reports of the current and next opponent. Pitch repertoire, hot/cold zones, who's hot/cold, career batter/pitcher stats, etc. all in one screen would be an awesome addition.
DEFINITELY. This would add so much to the strategy in the game.

# 482 EnigmaNemesis @ 08/28/12 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Absolutely. This is 100% correct IMO.
I'd even go far to say that NUMBERS in sports games are archaic and outdated and need to go by the wayside(again...outside of the editor....there has to be a number to drive the simulation...that I understand)....but scouting reports as the main source of information is the way to go.

Also....I've been playing sports games since the 80's...and it's always been nothing(rarely...maybe Wayne Gretzky hockey) or numbers as the way to see a players rating. Sorting by numbers in Front Page Sports Baseball become such a bore...most guys would barely notice the name of the player they were choosing in the draft.....trades.....for pinch running...etc.

DEFINITELY. This would add so much to the strategy in the game.

Agreed with you as well.

Not a fan of numbers, and also archaic indeed. I want scouting, scouting, scouting, where I am picking a guy for his NAME because I know his NAME due to a fleshed out scouting report!

I want (INSERT NAME) to pinch run, not (SPEED 85).
# 483 Knight165 @ 08/28/12 07:14 PM
Last word on this(I promise)

I would have no problem if they included either an option to shut off numbers(if they wanted to go with a number rating system...along with scouting reports) or to give the user the ability to turn on a number rating system(if they went with scouting reports as the main thrust)

# 484 MetsFan16 @ 08/28/12 07:31 PM
A mode that would be very exciting to play is similar to Madden Moments. Madden Moments are games that happened the previous season and were historic. Either it was a big comeback or a team made the big stop to win the game.
I think if MLB The Show was able to bring "MLB Moments" to MLB 13 The Show it would be a fun mode to play instead of RTTS and Franchise. We would jump into a game in the late innings or even the bottom of the 9th and we would control the team that got the big hit or a huge out to win the game.
Examples.) Games 162 in 2011. It would be a lot of fun if we could play as the Baltimore Orioles and walk off the Red Sox to eliminate them from the playoffs or play as the Tampa Bay Rays and walk off the Yankees to earn the playoff spot. Another game could be Travis Hafner's Ultimate Grand Slam against Toronto. And the best MLB Moment would be Game 6 of the 2011 World Series. Having to come back against the elite closer Neftali Feliz and ultimately win the game to force a Game 7.
# 485 strangeinternet @ 08/28/12 09:38 PM
the interface between the battery and baserunners needs lots of improvement, as it is there is no sense of strategy or drama; good baserunners and pitchers (and catchers) who shut down the running game aren't represented accurately:

1. Snap Throws to the bases by catchers
-catchers should be able to catch baserunners leaning with snap throws

2. slide step and pitch from wind up with runners on base
-pitchers should be able to speed up their delivery with runners on base or choose to pitch from the windup to get more control in certain situations, easily done with a button command entered before pitch (like how you select a pick off)

3. already mentioned a million times but: user control on returning baserunner to bag during pick-off attempt

4. fix bug where runners ability/speed don't display when they are on second base in the pop-in window

5. include some way for pitcher to check the lead of the runner on second because some broadcast cams are too zoomed-in to show the runner.

6. need to factor in short-term endurance in pitcher-runner interface: a pitcher should be penalized for throwing over a dozen times in a row and a runner should lose speed/reflexes if he is continually forced to dive back to bag.

A random thing for the loading screen:
Why not display a scouting report for the pitcher alongside/instead of last season's numbers? This would be way more useful.

From another set of bigger issues:

1. consider implementing PYS-style temporary attributes for pitchers and batters. e.g. "good two strike hitter"; "increased control for put-away pitch"...these could be displayed either on screen or inside player attributes card and could vary amongst a certain set for a given player, to simulate hot/cold streaks...

2. also like others have said something like MVP's hitter's eye bonus (PYS has something like this where you can artificially see the spin on the ball like a real batter)
- in general PYS understands that baseball is a psychological game and not just one based on the visible cues you can see by watching a broadcast.
As it stands the Show really lacks in replicating the complicated psychological and perceptual elements in baseball because doing so would make the game "look" more video-gamey (PYS has icons and flashing announcements all over the screen) but the Show really needs to recognize that it is impossible to replicate the complexity of a baseball game/matchup/situation and stick with a totally "realistic" (i.e. broadcast) look.

right now playing the Show (to SCEA's credit) is a lot like watching a game T.V. but very little like being in the game itself... PYS does a much better job of balancing being "in the game" and "watching a game"..from the cursor hot-spot, and magnified spin features of batting to the insights into the various players mindsets and in-the-moment emotions.

The Show is reaching the limit of expressing the complexity (and fun!) of baseball within its broadcast format.
# 486 jethrotull @ 08/29/12 06:42 AM
I love the idea of having classic teams as long as every player was on it. We also would need to be able to edit them instead of having them "locked" until a certain point. We also need to be able to integrate the teams into custom offline franchises as well.
Any addition to classic stadiums would be awesome!
# 487 mcseven @ 08/29/12 12:42 PM
I think the show is as good as it gets and almost perfect to me. The one thing I would change and I don't know if its been mentioned would be to let us import the new players from roster updates into our existing franchises. I'm using Knight's rosters right now but that would be a nice option to have. Also it's way too hard to steal bases on this game in my opinion. I don't mind the commentary that much because after 100 or so games I tend to tune them out anyway.
# 488 brrmikey @ 08/29/12 03:45 PM
First, I'm grateful to SCEA that I have to be extremely nitpicky here. I almost feel like a spoiled brat responding to this thread because the game is great and I appreciate the level of quality and authenticity of the product.

1. I would love to have separate pitch speeds for Human and CPU. I enjoy pitching to the CPU using Legend difficulty, pitch speed max. But, since I use BTP view and zone batting, I would love to be able to slow the pitch speed down a notch or two for the CPU so that I can take advantage of the better hit variety I find with the smaller cursor when using Legend hitting. At the moment, I have to use Rookie-All star to compete with pitch speed maxed at 10. Also, if I was able to control the CPU pitch speed separately I could even test out turning off the cursor. I look to achieve being able to play the game and have it still look like I'm just watching the real thing...if that makes sense.

2. I love total broadcast, it definitely takes me there. The only cut scene I could do without is when the pitcher is zoomed in close by the camera for a close-up. I would love to just see it switch over zoomed in like it already does zoomed out a bit. This takes away from the realism a bit...I've never seen the camera zoom in on the pitcher that close and in that way during a real MLB game.

3. I would love a transparency slider control (0-100%) for the zone cursor so i could make less bold. An option for just a standard circle (like seen in '11) would be nice also. But of course If separate CPU pitch speed comes through, I potentially could be able to turn cursor off.

4. I use classic pitching , guess pitch off, pitch/swing info off. I would love the ability to turn off the pitch type/selection icon (offense and defense) and resort to memory or having it written on a piece of paper that I can look at if I had to. I also would love to be able to turn off all the post pitch information but keep the MPH information that is displayed next to the score information at the top...I like seeing how fast the pitch is coming in w/o having to turn on some other clutter. I'm glad I can at least turn off the pitch/swing analysis information. Again, just trying to have it look like a real MLB game...e.g. Broadcast fielding cam with auto fielding works well in achieving this.

5. The commentary is not terrible but could be better. But what is really missing IMO is an organic feel to how they sound...it's like they're not even at the ballpark let alone in the same room with each other. Something with the atmosphere of the commentators and the crowd is off a bit...hard to explain...it just doesn't sound organic.

6. It would be nice to similar angles of the crowd going after foul balls then cutting back to the batter, like in real MLB games on TV. It would be nice to see the crowd move out of the way on fouls straight back like they do on tv even when the net is there...lol

Sorry, if these wishes are shallow. I'm a 35 year old player with a child who still loves to play the game when time allows and I only play single season...I play every game and get to about 100 games into a season before next year's info starts to trickle out...then I get hyped off screenshots and trailers...eventually some gameplay vids...then play the new demo...then delete it...then put my 5$ down payment for the new game...then go back to the current game until the call comes...then go pick up the new one / trade in the old one...rinse and repeat.
# 489 bermcq @ 08/29/12 08:30 PM
They should add the option to upload your franchise or season from last year to this year. Every year we have to start are year over and we don't have ouue stats we posted up from last season
# 490 XxLouCatXx @ 08/30/12 12:24 AM
Some sort of game face function and expansion teams or the ability to move teams into different divisions etc...would be nice.
# 491 Stroehms @ 08/30/12 01:27 AM
Some sort of mode like Madden's Connected Careers.

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# 492 overrated_ichiro @ 08/30/12 02:01 AM
I don't want to feel like Im fighting against the system all the time. I don't want to see such large discrepancies between what i'm able to do and what the computer can do.

- Balls hit up the middle are constantly fielded by the computer pitcher, far less often for my pitchers.

- Bloop hits, haven't had one in this game... EVER. Computer has had several in an individual inning.

- More realistic misses by computer pitchers, they rarely ever miss just low on the bottom strike zone line the way I always do, they are either perfectly located like a prime Greg maddux or off by a bit.

- More walks, Im sorry I don't have time to fiddle with setting all day to get a realistic number of walks. I take pitches, work counts, tire guys out in the 6th inning and end up with 1 or 2 walks at the most, some games it's none.

- The way star players are pitched, computer goes aggressively after the star players with perfectly placed sliders it's far more likely to go down 0-2 while batting with Matt Kemp than with AJ Ellis. AROD is almost always down 0-2 on impossible pitches to hit. In real life these players are worked around and can take more walks than scrubs. Not in this game.

I don't give a single F about hand gestures, dugout cut scenes, mascots, or how the grass looks. Improve the realism of the game play and fix the damn wind. These problems have been around for years and while the game gets better it remains amazingly frustrating to play the actual baseball we all want.
# 493 EnigmaNemesis @ 08/30/12 09:58 AM
One main thing for me...

Presentations, presentations, and presentations.
# 494 DamnYanks2 @ 08/30/12 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
One main thing for me...

Presentations, presentations, and presentations.
Yep, I'm extremely satisfied with the gameplay. Only sports game I know that is just almost perfect on that front IMO.

If The Show could ink some kind of deal with the MLB Network or ESPN and hire some new announcers, it would take this game to a new level.

My unrealistic dream though for this game, is to have classic teams like 2k is doing. A slew of classic MLB teams and retro stadiums. And like 2K did making Jordan the prime focus, The Show would do the same with a Ken Griffey Jr cover, and a few of his past teams.
# 495 saturn2187 @ 08/30/12 12:27 PM
diving ball practice/ jumping catch practice

These are so rare and almost impossible to time. A practice mode like hitting/pitching would be so cool.
# 496 Richie12 @ 08/30/12 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Falcon999
Absolutely needs a closed roof version for those 6 stadiums Tor, Sea, Mil, Hou,Mia,Arz
It's a must for me as well.

I like the idea of having scouting reports instead of usual bars & numbers.
# 497 bodhiball @ 08/30/12 03:07 PM
for me, its the crowd.

I love baseball, but it's a boring sport. Cerebral...I'll put it that way. The excitement comes in the anticipation of what might happen, and then the rush of the crowd when it does. Though better this year, it's still missing in a big way.

The crowd is a HUGE part of the "action" in baseball...the drama and tension and excitement is from them. Get this right, and this game will be untouchable.


• When a player gets double or especially a triple, the crowd should be going pretty close to nuts. You should feel an obvious heightening of tension and excitment in them (cheers, chants, etc) when there is a player in scoring position.

• Would like to hear a more consistent building crowd with 2 strikes on a batter. This happens, but is sometimes muted or missing all together. Though the crowd itself is moving and clapping, there is no sound to match.

• Postseason, rivalries, etc should have a much more audible difference. Again, its been improved but needs to be ramped up. Watch some playoff games from last season and it can be deafening at times.

• Homerun and scoring plays have a burst of crowd cheer, but then fades rather quickly. In any stadium the cheers last, and at the very least there is a noticeable buzz left in the crowd for a bit.

• This may be in already, but not that noticeable...slow builds in crowd noise and excitement that grow louder and louder and more frenzied with a sustained rally. Few hits, a bomb, another hit,.,...the crowd should be tasting blood.

• Crowd turns on the team. Getting shelled or playing badly deep in the season, you should hear much less crowd support. Audible boos even for your star players if they are slumping. You have the crowd leaving at times in a blowout, this should also be represented in the audio.
# 498 dj will @ 08/30/12 07:42 PM
As a Sounds of The Show User, I'd like to have the option to be able to have the pre-game song last longer when "Warm-Up Pitches" are enabled. Usually when its disabled the pre game music continues until the the first pitch is about to be thrown, when its enabled the music cuts off before you throw your warm ups.

Another option that would be cool is to have the Starting Pitcher's music replace the pre-game song since the SP is technically on the mound warming up (only when there is one specified for that pitcher)

More Sounds of the Show options such as an option to have up to 3 Home Run songs per team (just like how there is 3 options for Base Hits or Reliever Entrances), option for a Double Play Song and possibility to hear a "pinch hitter's" walk up song (usually when you pinch hit, the person who you replaced has his song play rather than the one who you selected off the bench)

More crowd options, such as cheering for a pitcher, Lets say CC Sabathia is throwing a shutout or a no hitter, and the crowd is in to it, (let's say you have a CC Chant) the chant will be enabled and lets say its the 7th with two outs, the home crowd starts chanting "CC" for the whole at bat.


Additional Franchise Options

*Optional Pre-Game Practice Swings with a player of your choice or the whole line up (this would be beneficial for a player who is on a cold streak)

*When a pitcher get's hit by a line drive, have the manager come out to check on him and make the pitcher throw atleast 5 practice throws to see if he is injured or not

*Have umpires break up mound visits if it takes too long

*Have realistic attendances during rainy games, I understand that I play as the Yankees and technically its always a packed stadium in my home games, but when its rainy there should be empty seats, also have people with umbrellas or ponchos.

*More Alternative Win Celebration Scenes

*When your team as having a big offensive inning, show the opposing team's pitching coach call the bullpen
# 499 Scooter3 @ 08/31/12 05:51 PM
We use a zero for old-time players who didn't have a number.

Why not offer "no number as an option to zero"?

# 500 ttinker @ 09/01/12 12:27 AM
Let me activate a 2010 hitting mode and I'm satisfied. I hate hitting in RttS so much that I stopped playing the 2012 version very quickly (if 2010 didn't lock up on me on the new ps3 slim model, I'd be playing that to this day).

Also guarantee and make transparent somehow that hitting slumps aren't programmed into RttS. They say its not there, but my RttS hitting results beg to differ.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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