Madden NFL 13 News Post

DLG's Casey Mosier has posted his Madden NFL 13 hands-on impressions.

This is a huge item for many of you (myself included) so let’s hit this topic right off the bat. The Passing system IS as advertised. Pass trajectories have been added so make sure you put touch on your throws when you need to. This has ELIMINATED the so-called super line backers. HOWEVER, if you throw a bullet pass directly to a linebacker with a receiver a few yards (5 maybe) behind him, you will possibly get picked off. I just wanted to put that in there for the folks who refuse to use actual passing windows like they are supposed to (and have to in the NFL). Use common sense and the pass will get there pending your QB can make the throw.
“Throwing a receiver open” is HUGE! It is a great feeling to see a receiver well covered and being able to aim the throw to where only he can catch it. Can you say back shoulder throws?!? That’s right, it is in there. I threw maybe 10-12 touchdowns using back shoulder throws, either at the goal line or in the end zone. Beautiful! Leading a receiver or throwing to a spot works very well (once again, if your QB can make a good throw) but is very much dependent on the user. It will take you a few games for sure to get used to the intricacies of the new system.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 flustercuck @ 05/16/12 10:10 AM
Does anyone know if any or all of this 'monumental change' will e in NCAA 13?

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# 162 JerzeyReign @ 05/16/12 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Senator Palmer
Also, I didn't see this asked, but on a 9 route, can you drop the ball over the receiver's outside shoulder? For the longest time, I found that if I tried to ease the right stick to the outside shoulder of the receiver on a 9 route the ball would more times than not wind up thrown out of bounds.

And can you loft the ball to the back of the endzone similar to this?

I think CR confirmed back shoulder throws -- not sure if it was him but I'm pretty sure it was asked and confirmed.

Good luck trying to find the exact post its in though
# 163 LBzrule @ 05/16/12 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Yeah back shoulder throws are possible... I did several

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You said you played roughly 45 hours or was it 45 games? Question to you is in head to head games, did you get a sense of diversity when playing against different defenses? Just thinking about the passing game, you mentioned never to throw on Revis. You also mentioned staying away from Ed Reed. In those games against the Ravens and the Jets, were they both head to head games? In either case, did you feel different strengths and weaknesses to each defense that made you change how you would pass regardless of the other users play calling?
# 164 Senator Palmer @ 05/16/12 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Yeah back shoulder throws are possible... I did several

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I think you misunderstood me. I wasnt' talking about the back shoulder throw that Brees and Rodgers have become famous for. I was talking specifically about this type of play that Brady and the Pats do so well, where they loft the ball to the back of the endzone. It used to be to Vrabel. Now it's to Gronk.

This play didn't exactly wind up on the back line of the end zone, but it's close to what I'm talking about. Because of the way defenders react, this play has always been -- I'm not going to say impossible -- but almost impossible to complete in Madden:

And when I was talking about the 9 route, I was talking about throwing the ball to the outside shoulder of the receiver. Leading him toward the sideline, away from the safety.

Kind of like this. Brown does a great job of making the catch look easier than it is, but if you notice at the end right as the ball arrives, he has to angle himself more towards the sideline away from the safety. That's intentional ball placement by Roethlisberger. What I was saying is that if you try to r-stick that route in Madden 12 on a 9 route, the ball more often than not would go out of bounds.

# 165 ch46647 @ 05/16/12 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
45 Hours approx this last time (no we didnt sleep much). And I played probably 10 H2H games, each D felt different and I could certainly tell the different between star defenders and your average player.
Did you feel like there was any player differentiation in 12? I personally think this is one of EA's biggest problems in all of their games. You cannot really tell the difference between good and bad players with the exception of their speed and some of the QB attributes.

This is what the 2K series and MLB the Show excels at. I can just watch a game and the players look, move and play exactly like they do in real life. Madden needs to get to this level.
# 166 K_GUN @ 05/16/12 08:56 PM
OK.....so what about THIS as the big bombshell on June 4th.....

Pure ANALOG PASSING SYSTEM?........LS=Throw power....RS for Accuracy/placement?

# 167 flustercuck @ 05/16/12 09:15 PM
Enhanced AI? Only reason I mention this is because of what Azure said about sim vs tourney players and being able to handle the tourney type player. Maybe the AI detects these 'cheats' based on the user using them too often and the game is able to adjust?

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# 168 LBzrule @ 05/16/12 09:31 PM
June 4 I think it is going to be heavily animation based, whatever it is. I mean they are already touting 430 + catching animations and we've only seen like four. If they've added that many catching animations they should have added a lot of animations to other areas of the game and when I read the game is made for user catching, I'm wonder if there is a new catching system in place.

Just thinking about that and then thinking about Sim Standard video. The thing I think you have to ask if you are a "sim player" given the history of Madden, what are some things that you think gives you an opportunity to compete against non-sim players?

Non-sim players are characterized using the following tactics:

Rocket catching every play
Glitch blitzing on defense
Audibling up/down to get mismatches
Zig Zag Running
Always going for it on 4th Down

Hmmm what else? I'm for having a little fun in trying to figure out what it is. That's all it is though a little fun. Don't take this seriously.
# 169 RGiles36 @ 05/16/12 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
You have the ability based on your QB's accuracy to make any throw possible. Including deep over the shoulder lobs, and back shoulder throws.
Hey Case,

Did you feel comfortable throwing the medium/touch passes? At the first community event, it must've went over my head that we had the ability to throw medium passes. I'm just curious if you found yourself using this functionality.

I know it can be done in M12 and prior Maddens, but it's sometimes tricky to get it to work.
# 170 flustercuck @ 05/16/12 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Play style doesn't matter, you can beat anyone. That is what Azzure was saying. Do I personally think some of the exploits from last year have been eliminated?!? Yes... But just like every other game on the market, people will always find something to abuse and others will find something to use as a crutch. Such is life.

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Swing and a miss. thanks for the response.

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# 171 RynoAid @ 05/16/12 09:43 PM
i got the feeling that if you make the right play call, make the right read and execute it with good timing... you have a great chance at being successful regardless of what your opponent is doing. That has not always been the case.

I think it's much harder to exploit some fundamental aspects of football in Madden 13.

The WR icons being transparent until the route is open is a huge, huge deal when you get your hands on the game. The WR's have to be looking for the ball this year to make a play and you will see a lot more errant looking pass plays because of it.
# 172 LBzrule @ 05/16/12 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
First community event bro... No. This last one, yes. I'm not a deep ball guy so my main style is west coast. With the right touch and timing I was lighting it up at times... Others I was putting defenders in the pro bowl with my piss poor decisions lol.

Btw bro we really missed u down there, hope everything turns out good.

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Ahhh to piggy back on Rgiles. You are a West Coast guy and I feel Madden reduced us to this the last two years and the more Coryell type passing game was absent from the game unless you were doing something shady. Would you say both styles are about equal in Madden 13. I'm more of a deep passer with the speed the Ravens will have at WR this year, I'm hoping to finally be an effective Coryell offense in Madden.
# 173 flustercuck @ 05/16/12 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
An adaptive AI like that is something I really want! I want to be able to have my defenders jump common routes throughout the course of a game based off of the other guys formations and keys... On the other side of that I REALLY want to be able to bait the defense by throwing a few flat routes then catch a defender looking at the flat as I throw over top on a double move.

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For sure...95% of my time is spent playing offline against the CPU so this would be huge for me.

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# 174 LBzrule @ 05/16/12 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
It better not be heavily animation based (a la other sports titles) because I swore I would jump off the sheraton if it got that way... And I don't break promises.

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Ohh I just meant showcasing animations, not that the animations would take user control away. With their multiple branch points approach to animations that will never happen.
# 175 kmart2180 @ 05/16/12 11:54 PM
Were there more offensive shootout games compared to defensive battles? I feel like the offense has the slight advantage so far after hearing everything so far. But I want know.if my 49er defense is gonna be able to shut teams down. Although without double team pass blocking.Justin Smith isnt gonna be as dominate as he should be and the key to the 49ers D is that they get good pressure with 4 man rush and can stop run with7 in base packages. Its almost impossible to do so without sending extra defenders in Madden.

Do defensive ends pressure the qb at all? From most of vids early on,it seems qb got all day to throw now.
# 176 Tyrant8RDFL @ 05/17/12 09:21 AM
can anyone that was present at the CD event answer this question in regards to the running animations.

When they reach top speed does the runner lean foward, or does he go into a staright up sprinters postion?
# 177 BezO @ 05/17/12 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
An adaptive AI like that is something I really want! I want to be able to have my defenders jump common routes throughout the course of a game based off of the other guys formations and keys...
I definitely want adaptive AI. My concern though is that not enough plays / route combinations are duplicated across formations. Not being able to run similar plays from different formations makes me leary of adaptive AI.

Sam on defense.


Damn. Not sure if it's what they said or the fact that they said it here.

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