Madden NFL 13 News Post

DLG's Casey Mosier has posted his Madden NFL 13 hands-on impressions.

This is a huge item for many of you (myself included) so let’s hit this topic right off the bat. The Passing system IS as advertised. Pass trajectories have been added so make sure you put touch on your throws when you need to. This has ELIMINATED the so-called super line backers. HOWEVER, if you throw a bullet pass directly to a linebacker with a receiver a few yards (5 maybe) behind him, you will possibly get picked off. I just wanted to put that in there for the folks who refuse to use actual passing windows like they are supposed to (and have to in the NFL). Use common sense and the pass will get there pending your QB can make the throw.
“Throwing a receiver open” is HUGE! It is a great feeling to see a receiver well covered and being able to aim the throw to where only he can catch it. Can you say back shoulder throws?!? That’s right, it is in there. I threw maybe 10-12 touchdowns using back shoulder throws, either at the goal line or in the end zone. Beautiful! Leading a receiver or throwing to a spot works very well (once again, if your QB can make a good throw) but is very much dependent on the user. It will take you a few games for sure to get used to the intricacies of the new system.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Skyboxer @ 05/15/12 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Honestly to elaborate a little bit more, I didn't feel the "boost" while user catching versus Madden 12. Let's also not forget that the DB's actually make plays on the ball this year and will knock you senseless in mid air when you grab the ball. There are a ton more drops due to contact so far this year. Maybe more than I saw in all of Madden 12.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
I like the part the DB's will fight for it BUT if my WR's don't do the same unless I user catch then it means nothing to me
We'll see how it pans out I guess. I just am a non user catch player.
# 102 poster @ 05/15/12 02:34 PM
Have they done anything new with the Gameplanning feature, or does it remain unchanged? Not sure if it can be discussed as of yet....
# 103 Skyboxer @ 05/15/12 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Never said you have to... But if you don't you aren't getting the whole experience as it is possibly intended.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
If that's the case (and I'm just going through fast while at work) then the system isn't right (for me lol ). No reason I should be forced to user catch to get the same experience BUT I understand the enjoyment of those that like it...
For me as long as the plays, play out like they should - user catch or not- I'm fine.
# 104 AzureEffect @ 05/15/12 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by RynoAid
I'm would not consider myself very good with the sticks, more of a call your play, hike it and throw guy.. I will occasionally user catch and user pick but it is not featured in my strategy.

I enjoyed the game thoroughly and felt i could be effective without having to user intervene at times. I was very competitive in the User v User games we had in the tournament too... i kept the game close most of the time and won a few.

I mention something about this in my video coming up tonight on TSS. I feel like the playing field has been equalized a bit with Madden 13. I think I was one of the only ones to beat Mole the whole time we were down there; although he won the tournament and killed me when we played in it...I have & had no fear going up against tournament players as a player who much like you Ryno..calls the play, hikes it, and lets it run its course unless intervening is needed.

As far as "User" catching goes; I dont think its a necessity that you do it but you have the option to and it may make you slightly better than someone who does not use it. If I feel the ball could possibly be intercepted; I will try and user catch but otherwise I just put the ball in a spot to where only my WR should be able to catch it and let the CPU do its thing.
# 105 raguel @ 05/15/12 02:42 PM
Ea/Tiburon made a big deal about adding new drop backs. Has anyone noticed any difference wrt Madden 12?
# 106 rsamms @ 05/15/12 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by AzureEffect
I mention something about this in my video coming up tonight on TSS. I feel like the playing field has been equalized a bit with Madden 13. I think I was one of the only ones to beat Mole the whole time we were down there; although he won the tournament and killed me when we played in it...I have & had no fear going up against tournament players as a player who much like you Ryno..calls the play, hikes it, and lets it run its course unless intervening is needed.

As far as "User" catching goes; I dont think its a necessity that you do it but you have the option to and it may make you slightly better than someone who does not use it. If I feel the ball could possibly be intercepted; I will try and user catch but otherwise I just put the ball in a spot to where only my WR should be able to catch it and let the CPU do its thing.
Sounds encouraging. Looking forward to your vid tonight.
# 107 JerzeyReign @ 05/15/12 03:21 PM
@CR -- I respect how you're standing in here bruh, lol. Good stuff.
# 108 Senator Palmer @ 05/15/12 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Not really... YOU GUYS that play the game every year are your own voice. Don't get that twisted, without you guys providing feedback every year things wouldn't get done. We just present your ideas in a more concise understandable manner.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
So you're telling me with a straight face that TNT was not the driving force to having vision cone removed from the game....???

I am PROUD to have been a driving force to have the function removed as I forwarded a 1400 word college paper to the devs so they could read all the reasons why QB Vision was worse than having to lick one's own skid marks.
We agree I am not representative of the typical OS Madden player... However, your assumption that this paper had nothing to do with the removal of the feature is probably errant. I sent this paper to a dev that worked on creating QB Vision and we spoke specifically about QB Vision and the paper while at CD in 2008.
...If that is your stance, sir, then this thread just lost all credibility in my eyes.
# 109 raguel @ 05/15/12 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by AzureEffect
I mention something about this in my video coming up tonight on TSS. I feel like the playing field has been equalized a bit with Madden 13. I think I was one of the only ones to beat Mole the whole time we were down there; although he won the tournament and killed me when we played in it...I have & had no fear going up against tournament players as a player who much like you Ryno..calls the play, hikes it, and lets it run its course unless intervening is needed.

As far as "User" catching goes; I dont think its a necessity that you do it but you have the option to and it may make you slightly better than someone who does not use it. If I feel the ball could possibly be intercepted; I will try and user catch but otherwise I just put the ball in a spot to where only my WR should be able to catch it and let the CPU do its thing.

I don't know if you're aware or even participated in the discussions here about route based passing, but if it's not too much trouble I'd appreciate any insights you have on the subject and if Madden 13 achieves that standard.
# 110 Tyrant8RDFL @ 05/15/12 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Senator Palmer
So you're telling me with a straight face that TNT was not the driving force to having vision cone removed from the game....???

...If that is your stance, sir, then this thread just lost all credibility in my eyes.
Hold up are you kiddng me that one person was enough for EA to listen too and remove the vision cone. That is absoultey a horrid decision.

I could have wrote report just as long explaing why it should have stayed. That feature only needed some very simple fine tuning to make it successful.

Wow now I'm blown away.
# 111 Smoke6 @ 05/15/12 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL
Hold up are you kiddng me that one person was enough for EA to listen too and remove the vision cone. That is absoultey a horrid decision.

I could have wrote report just as long explaing why it should have stayed. That feature only needed some very simple fine tuning to make it successful.

Wow now I'm blown away.
Dont be blown away, we had about 2-3 threads on it just a month ago or so, it was great stuff to read and learn how someone who always blames the users with the tools we are provided, decided that since he didnt like it, that he wrote a college term paper to EA about it and never been seen since!
# 112 AzureEffect @ 05/15/12 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by raguel
I don't know if you're aware or even participated in the discussions here about route based passing, but if it's not too much trouble I'd appreciate any insights you have on the subject and if Madden 13 achieves that standard.
I have not participated in the discussions here on the "route based" passing but there is much more comfort in throwing the ball with the new pass trajectories and "throwing WRs open". I felt comfortable throwing to different routes and throwing to a space where only the WR could catch it.

If you are using APF2K8 as a reference; dont do it. This is Madden and it plays more like Madden but the passing game is a lot better and is as open as its ever been.
# 113 SageInfinite @ 05/15/12 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Senator Palmer
So you're telling me with a straight face that TNT was not the driving force to having vision cone removed from the game....???

...If that is your stance, sir, then this thread just lost all credibility in my eyes.
I had the same sig you had awhile ago, LMAO. Crazy. A mod made me alter it, but I had that same quote.
# 114 sportyguyfl31 @ 05/15/12 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
The "better learn to user catch" hopefully only applies to vs human. I never user catch and only play no user catch leagues.
I'm not a "stick skill" type person and rather have ratings matter more.
We'll see...

Agree..user catching basically negates the catch rating.
# 115 Senator Palmer @ 05/15/12 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I had the same sig you had awhile ago, LMAO. Crazy.
Okay, so that's where I saw it. I knew somebody had it. I just couldn't remember. That had to be one of the all-time great quotes I have ever seen around here>>>

And at the risk of derailing the thread I was totally joking. The quotes are 100% accurate however. LOL, that was some good reading. I have no idea what role "the paper" actually played in the vision cone removal, but TNT was convinced for what it's worth.

edit: @sage Don't know why you'd have to edit it. I mean it was straight from the man's mouth. Maybe I should heed the warning and edit mine too.
# 116 bigsmallwood @ 05/15/12 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Not really... YOU GUYS that play the game every year are your own voice. Don't get that twisted, without you guys providing feedback every year things wouldn't get done. We just present your ideas in a more concise understandable manner.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
I disagree strongly. There have been many people here at OS that have presented their ideas in a clear & concise manner...problem is a lot of people who are chosen for CD days are people who have "safe" opinions about Madden and who are not going to point out facts.

Let's be real for a minute, they know exactly who they are inviting the the community days and who they make EA Game Changers etc.....take that statement for what it is.
# 117 stiffarmleft @ 05/15/12 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by AzureEffect
If you are using APF2K8 as a reference; dont do it. This is Madden and it plays more like Madden but the passing game is a lot better and is as open as its ever been.
Which passing game do you prefer? In madden can you throw the ball to a spot on the intended route before the WR makes his cut, like say if you're facing a heavy rush?
# 118 RynoAid @ 05/15/12 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by bigsmallwood
I disagree strongly. There have been many people here at OS that have presented their ideas in a clear & concise manner...problem is a lot of people who are chosen for CD days are people who have "safe" opinions about Madden and who are not going to point out facts.

Let's be real for a minute, they know exactly who they are inviting the the community days and who they make EA Game Changers etc.....take that statement for what it is.
Which is why they brought down The Sim Standard guys right? because they are "safe" Madden opinions...?
# 119 raguel @ 05/15/12 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by AzureEffect
I have not participated in the discussions here on the "route based" passing but there is much more comfort in throwing the ball with the new pass trajectories and "throwing WRs open". I felt comfortable throwing to different routes and throwing to a space where only the WR could catch it.

If you are using APF2K8 as a reference; dont do it. This is Madden and it plays more like Madden but the passing game is a lot better and is as open as its ever been.
The first paragraph I get but the second one is IMO a bit vague (or maybe I'm just obtuse ), and if you're allowed I humbly request that you expound a bit, because in the first playbook the devs specifically said that they were adding more qb drop backs. I assumed that meant that wr routes and qb drop backs were better timed together. If that's untrue (or less true than someone who's played other games may wish for) then I'd like a better understanding of what's going on.
# 120 Jaaa @ 05/15/12 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by RynoAid
Which is why they brought down The Sim Standard guys right? because they are "safe" Madden opinions...?
Ummm, they're obviously safe enough (or have gotten safe enough) for ea (especially with the pr return they come with), or else they wouldn't be there. Duh.

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