News Post

On Friday morning (4-13) title update 1.06 will be released for MLB 12 The Show, which resolves a handful of issues. In addition to correcting some issues, which may or may not be noticeable, we've also taken the opportunity to include some enhancements to the in-game experience. Following are some of the top-line elements of this patch.

Front End Fixes:
  • Start Times/schedule Issue. All of our games (Season and Franchise modes) were starting at 1 PM or 7 PM. You will now see games starting at their correct scheduled times. Games will match their scheduled times listed on team website schedules and MLB.com
  • Fixed "Special Jersey Days" issue. Teams were not defaulting to the alt jerseys on the designated days or during spring training. You will now see all teams wearing their Spring Training jerseys throughout spring training. Also, teams will now be wearing their throwback jerseys and alternate jerseys on the correct days, as scheduled by the MLB and their own team websites.
Sounds of the Show:
  • EDIT PLAYER - Personalize tab: Previewing Reliever Entrance Music. While modifying/selecting a player's reliever entrance music, all sound previews (in slots 2 and 3) are the same as 'Reliever Entrance Music 1'
  • Gameplay Pitching Option: Pitch delay option had no effect. There will now be a noticeable difference between the Pitch Delay options of FAST, NORMAL, and SLOWER
  • Off balanced catch to end an inning would result in an error being called on the defender that made the catch. No error will be called now, and the play will be scored correctly
  • RF throwing out runners at first issue - Line drives hit to RF, was too frequently resulting in the user controlled (or AI controlled fielder) being able to throw the runner out at 1st base. Throws from the Right Fielder should be less accurate and far less likely to result in a force out at 1st base. This can still occur, but only in very real world scenario. Strong line drive to RF, and a strong throw to 1st base
  • During the pitcher warm up, the umpire would occasionally appeal to 1st or 3rd base. This has been fixed
  • PCI flipped in pitcher view when batting from that particular view. This has been fixed.
  • Hot/Cold Zones flipped in pitching view. This has been fixed.
  • Pitcher/Batter stats OSD (using "SELECT" button) had the Hot/Cold zones flipped when using "behind the pitcher" camera. This has been fixed.OPERATION SPORTS
  • The Twins sign in center field will be lit all the time during night games.
  • Step offs and throw to base (usually on a steal early) should be sped up and easier to control.
  • "Show Track" presentation was occasionally off, in regards to the pitch location. It does not correctly spot the location of the pitch When Campbell does post batter analysis of previous at bat
  • Fixes to jumbotrons in several stadiums: Atlanta Turner Field jumbotron would display pre-game lineups in the middle of the game / Cincinnati Great American Ballpark would have missing info in the batting order view / Washington Nationals Park would display the away team’s lineup, when it should be showing the home team lineups
  • Dodger Fans chanting "Beat LA" at home during rally moments. This has been fixed.
  • Sounds of the Show In-between inning music/end of inning assigned music does not play on occasion. This has been fixed.
In game OSD:
  • When the ticker displays the league leading pitchers by ERA it only displays this to the whole number. League Leader pitchers would show ERA’s of 1, or 2, instead of 1.56 or 2.35 (for example)
  • Extensive League setup improvements. Increased stability and usability.
  • Lock when using Custom Roster in leagues. Leagues are stuck in a forming state and/or freeze the PS3 when they try to load their league. This has been fixed
  • Backing out of a draft in progress would occasionally cause a league to freeze. This will no longer occur.
  • League challenge options are now shown correctly in pregame acceptance. When a user would receive a league challenge, he would see his own Online User Settings, instead of the League Settings that were assigned by the commissioner
  • Inviting users to leagues under several circumstances would result in this message (“The given league ID is not valid.”) This has been fixed.
General Online:
  • Online In Game OSD: During an Online game, within the Pause menu, the Wind speed and direction is always 14 to 17 MPH blowing in from CF online. The wind was actually blowing this direction in game as well, making hitting fly-ball HR’s difficultOPERATION SPORTS
  • PLAY NOW - Head to Head Logic that selects the home team was not working as intended. Now, the user with more XP points will be the home team, when matched randomly through the Play Now system
  • Online bottom line ticker had no data and would only shows up briefly and disappears after the "brought to you by...” This also affects NP ticker updates not showing up in-game.
  • Sub-Leaderboards - The top player on each team based sub-leaderboard has an impossible amount of xp/wins/losses, as well as links to the player card of a different player.
Diamond Dynasty:
  • Pitchers, and some position players did not have their assigned numbers in Diamond Dynasty. Assigning any number to any player in the TEAM CUSTOMIZATION / EDIT PLAYER area of the Front End did not carry over into game. Once the user entered the game, they would not be wearing that number. Frequently, Pitchers would follow this trend: Number one starter will wear the #1, Number three starter will wear the #3, the ninth guy in the bullpen will have #9...
  • Fix for Diamond Dynasty pitch speeds. The fix makes any created DD player use the pitch speed formula as RTTS. No MLB players will be affected. Before the patch, users encountered issues where a Pitcher will have a 99mph fastball and 70mph change-up.

Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 WeimaBrewer @ 04/13/12 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by BlueSkies7776
Looks good but I have to ask, did they fix the (sometimes) flipped outfielder depth logic? Sometimes out fielders played shallow for power hitters with no reason to. It's as if the logic was some how flipped. This is the only thing I'm concerned about now.

I have noticed this quite a bit. Outfielders rarely play deep. The normal depth seems to be too shallow also. There's not a lot of green in front of the defenders in this game.
# 62 DJ @ 04/13/12 12:43 AM
I'm not a Twins fan, but was thinking of doing a Franchise with them, so am very happy to hear that the lights will be turned on during night games.

Thanks, SCEA, for the quick update. Very glad I don't have to re-start my Mets Franchise.
# 63 HustlinOwl @ 04/13/12 12:45 AM
Online HR Derby???
# 64 bukktown @ 04/13/12 12:51 AM
It's always amusing to me every year when I see a patch list.

I was aware of 2 things that I thought should be patched.
# 65 tlobster12 @ 04/13/12 12:52 AM
Thanks for fixing the game times
# 66 BaylorBearBryant @ 04/13/12 12:58 AM
Looking forward to diving into this game now!
# 67 Gagnon39 @ 04/13/12 01:01 AM
YES! I've been waiting and waiting for this.

Just one more question though, I assume its an obvious answer but you know what happens sometimes when you assume.

Will the game still have generally correct start times in the second year, and future years in franchise mode or will it revert to the 1:00 and 7:00 times?
# 68 Marino @ 04/13/12 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by mondoguitar
Not really pleased it took 5 weeks to fix MAJOR bugs, and I'll see if they break anything else while fixing what they said. The catcher freeze is one of the top 2 or 3 bugs in online play, the fact it's not addressed is a big concern. And if "you all" get it, why is nobody else bringing it up.

I think expecting an answer regarding the catcher freeze is a legit question for online gamers.

I guess their servers STILL can't handle the additional traffic that would cause...
Sense of entitlement here is amazing.
# 69 BaylorBearBryant @ 04/13/12 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by mondoguitar
what I see here is 95% offline players who simply don't understand how bad online is.
You just closed the debate yourself. 95% of us play offline and don't have a clue what you're talking about. You think it could be why it wasn't addressed in the first patch?

P.S. http://www.operationsports.com/forums/mlb-show-online/
# 70 Knight165 @ 04/13/12 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by mondoguitar

Actually....this would be better.

...and liftheavy.....helpful as usual!
Great job!

# 71 beantownbruins @ 04/13/12 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by mondoguitar
I think expecting an answer regarding the catcher freeze is a legit question for online gamers.
Ok I agree with that, I just said asking the question or bringing it up on every other page is redundant and not necessary. By the way the sarcasm on your other post isn't needed either, you need to chill out lol.
# 72 Knight165 @ 04/13/12 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by mondoguitar
No idea what you're quoting there. lol
Haha...I'm cracking wise as usual.
But it could just be the meds talkin'!

# 73 bwiggy33 @ 04/13/12 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by mondoguitar
Well we agree to disagree. I see the endless thank you's for something that hasn't even been tested by the entire gaming community as redundant as well.

Just my opinion, I respect yours.
The reason people are thanking them (myself included) is because they have the track record of actually listening to their customers. We have confidence that this stuff is fixed and no new major problems will occur. That's all. The Nucks loss last night must have rattled ya a little j.k. just poking fun. I can't really talk being a Wild fan and all.

On a serious note though, I've played about 1 1/2 games online since MLB 10 and it has always been a terrible experience. So my question is, has the online ever not been laggy or had glitches with this series? It seems to me that if you buy the game for online, that isn't a very good decision. This game just isn't an online kind of game IMO. Not shooting down online guys at all because everyone has things in the game they enjoy. I just don't enjoy online in any way shape or form. If this game had the smoothness in gameplay that NHL 12 has online (minus the cheaters) then I may think about playing a few more times online.
# 74 N51_rob @ 04/13/12 02:19 AM
This is pretty much perfect. The OSFM Opening Day rosters are out, and the patch will fix the schedule and the silly error being given for actually making the catch. So it looks like I will be starting my O's franchise regular season tomorrow! Thanks SCEA!
# 75 BaylorBearBryant @ 04/13/12 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by mondoguitar
With all due respect, they DON'T have a history of listening to the customers and fixing things...
You must not play NCAA Football much.
# 76 quack attack @ 04/13/12 02:45 AM
yes i have pretty much given up on the online part of this game, just to glitchy, but offline, woe there, i'm ready to get my game on tomorrow!!!!!!
# 77 batTastic @ 04/13/12 02:52 AM
Did the Amatuer Draft order for 1st year in Franchise (2012) get any kind of update or corrected?

Also, saw a bug (in that Thread) regarding the Saves (or lack of) if a game goes into extra innings. Have only played a couple Franchise Home games, so haven't noticed yet. But this was present and never corrected in last years game; a player would not get credit for a save, in a save situation, if the game went to extra innings.
# 78 bkrich83 @ 04/13/12 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by mondoguitar
With all due respect, they DON'T have a history of listening to the customers and fixing things. In MLB 10 they patched one thing but then broke another thing. Every time you paused the game using "start" the game froze! Their solution for the next 10 months? "Press up to make in-game changes" lol

They do not listen to the customer (at least online), because they have added almost nothing in 3 years. The lobbies worked in MLB 09. They have failed 3 consecutive years in 10, 11 and 12.

Several preview sites talked about the "online HR derby". This is a NEW GAME MODE! lol, why isn't it activated? Because their servers aren't handling things as well as they thought and having another online game mode would've bogged that down even more. 5 weeks into the season and we STILL have no updates from devs about this "phantom game mode". But it IS supposed to be there, that has been confirmed to me by one of the developers, he just had NO IDEA when.

People have been asking why classic stadiums don't work online or for their newest mode "Diamond Destiny". Customers pay $4.99 thinking they can use those stadiums online, only to find out they can't. Again, no answers provided by the developers.

In MLB 11, they had to delay online leagues for a month (similar to the HR Derby).

These types of set backs are NOT acceptable for a big franchise like this. You compare it to NHL 12, well guess what, it's the same price. I'm not paying for a lesser product. It's 2012, I expect simple online features to work and that isn't asking too much... well apparently it is.

Let's not forget, they marketed this game with "improved online experience" this year. There is NOTHING new and improved online about this game so far. Only the fact you can pre-set your Play Now options, but the online game play and the online lobbies are still a fiasco.

Anyways, I understand your points as an offline player and I've played RTTS offline, but I'm just expressing how frustrating it is for someone who loves online baseball but doesn't have a good online baseball game to play. You're right about NHL. They can have 12 players on the ice, it all runs FAIRLY smoothly (with some glitches and flaws) but baseball should be simpler than hockey in that's it's a peer to peer game. It's only 2 people instead of 12, yet they cannot make it work!

The problem is they are designing their game for offline play assuming you'll be playing against a cpu, but then when they take that same model and transfer it online, human players can exploit almost everything in the game.

Offline is second to none, Online is the worst of any sports game ever that I have played, in my opinion. I bought it because of the "improved online experience" that was strongly advertised. You're right, that was my fault for not knowing better.

I just don't get it.
3 years of being "unacceptable" and you still bought it. Well thought out on your part.

Game doesn't suit your needs, we get it, I hope you find one that does.
# 79 bkrich83 @ 04/13/12 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by mondoguitar
Not really pleased it took 5 weeks to fix MAJOR bugs, and I'll see if they break anything else while fixing what they said. The catcher freeze is one of the top 2 or 3 bugs in online play, the fact it's not addressed is a big concern. And if "you all" get it, why is nobody else bringing it up.

I think expecting an answer regarding the catcher freeze is a legit question for online gamers.

I guess their servers STILL can't handle the additional traffic that would cause...
I am not sure why you would expect notes on things not fixed or updated in a patch in a thread that basically is dedicated to patch release notes. Not sure where any dev has ever done that.

Originally Posted by mondoguitar
entitlement? lol... this is the 2nd biggest bug in online play next to the wind!! go read the other forum and see how many times it's been brought up since release day. And yes, paying my $60 for the game gives me entitlement for my opinions on the product I purchased. More than a game, this is a business.

but you're right, I should just keep enjoying watching my catcher stand there while up to four baserunners come all the way around to home plate.
Valid points, wrong thread. This isn't a I get to air out my grievances with game bugs thread. Apparently you feel entitled to push your opinion in every thread.

Originally Posted by mondoguitar
EDIT: There seriously should be an online only section, as what I see here is 95% offline players who simply don't understand how bad online is.
There is. http://www.operationsports.com/forums/mlb-show-online/

I know it's a novel concept, but look before shooting your mouth off next time.

Sense of entitlement is getting worse every day. I blame the internet and over-protective parents.
# 80 xHalosNation @ 04/13/12 03:13 AM
I'm REALLY glad we don't have to restart our franchises/seasons to get the correct times and alt/throwback jerseys. That stuff about times and jerseys also goes for "season" mode, right?

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