06:58 AM - April 6, 2012 by Steve_OS
We recently had a chance to
interview NCAA Football 13 Designer Christian McLeod and Producer Ben Haumiller.
All questions were submitted, but not all of them could be answered at this time, due to coverage in the coming weeks. This interview only focuses on the sights and sounds of
NCAA Football 13.
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Will we hear crowds reacting correctly in given situations, for example on 3rd downs, crucial plays, TD's, interceptions, fumbles, big hits, etc.?
Yes. The crowd content and system is an area where you will hear some great improvements. Based on the recordings that were done and the new crowd mix implemented by our Audio Director, Aaron Janzen, you will be hearing the crowd swells react appropriately throughout the game.
What about playing in large stadiums, compared to smaller ones? Adding on to that question, will we hear much of a difference between full stadiums vs. stadiums with smaller crowds?
Yes, you will notice a difference between these stadiums. We made an effort to record assets at small, medium, and large stadiums throughout last season. We even attended a high school game to ensure our crowds sound as authentic as possible depending on where you play.
Will crowds vary as far as regular season games, rivalry games, bowl games, and neutral site games? Speaking of neutral site games, will the crowd react to both teams, instead of recognizing the "home" team exclusively?
Yes, the crowd behavior is driven contextually, and the type of game being played is part of that. We have the ability to drive different crowd reactions based on home / neutral / away. |
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NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds