
NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

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Old 04-10-2012, 03:02 AM   #129
PowerofRed25's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by roadman
People are mentioning what they heard from the developers. It's up to you if you want to believe the developers, but this is what they told OS a few years ago.

If the graphics were scaled way back and downgraded as mentioned, there would be people screaming about that, too.

I would love active sidelines, too, but EA doesn't want to go down that path and take that risk.
At some point they have to take that risk though. If they don't on this current generation, fine, but at some point they are going to need to take a leap forward.

I do not believe it is as big of a risk as you think, I do not believe on field graphics will suffer if active sidelines are created because frankly, the on field graphics aren't that great. The lighting is washed out terribly, player models are terrible and what little of the crowd you can see is stale and pointless.

I'd really prefer they get those things right before they work on active sidelines though.
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Old 04-10-2012, 04:49 AM   #130
HammerOfGod's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Would you mind elaborating on your problem with this?

I get that people wanted to be able to edit faces and hair separately but the developers seem to have at least addressed the issue of more hair lengths, just not in that way. Also, can you explain what you find so terrible about the faces in NCAA 12 besides the lack of variety, which is said to be expanded in NCAA 13?

It seems like the visuals are handled by the art department and animations along with the improved passing system would be handled by the gameplay team, so why does your opinion of the visuals spill over into every department equaling EA phoned this one in?

If I go to McDonalds to get a chicken sandwich, fries, drink and the fries are cold along with the drink being watered down, that doesn't automatically mean the sandwich is FUBAR too. Different people were responsible for each item, likewise for NCAA 13, I presume.
The faces are awful. Just not realistic at all and awful. And do you really think you're going to get anything different than you got last year? You're not.

And that McDonalds analogy is bad because everything at McDonalds is trash. Kind of like EA sports right now.
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Old 04-10-2012, 11:24 AM   #131
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

I understand where people are coming from when it comes 2 player faces but I THINK most of u want the player faces 2 look like the real-life player but thats just opinion no need to bash lol

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Old 04-10-2012, 11:38 AM   #132
BlackBetty15's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by roadman
People are mentioning what they heard from the developers. It's up to you if you want to believe the developers, but this is what they told OS a few years ago.

If the graphics were scaled way back and downgraded as mentioned, there would be people screaming about that, too.

I would love active sidelines, too, but EA doesn't want to go down that path and take that risk.
What is sad is in your post you revealed the true issue at hand...EA is too scared to take any risks. They play it safe year in and year out which is why they have dug themselves into what seems to be an hole so deep they may never get out of until the current team is entirely replaced (except for the OS audio guy who seems to be the only one who knows how to do things) I remember in the movie TROY, at the beginning, the kid was like "the man your about to fight is huge, I wouldn't want to fight him" and then Achilles responded, "and that's why nobody will remember your name." How fitting that is with what the ncaa is known for now...too scared to risk anything and in being too scared they are now know for being to incompetent to do anything.
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Old 04-10-2012, 11:50 AM   #133
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by PowerofRed25
At some point they have to take that risk though. If they don't on this current generation, fine, but at some point they are going to need to take a leap forward.

I do not believe it is as big of a risk as you think, I do not believe on field graphics will suffer if active sidelines are created because frankly, the on field graphics aren't that great. The lighting is washed out terribly, player models are terrible and what little of the crowd you can see is stale and pointless.

I'd really prefer they get those things right before they work on active sidelines though.
I agree, but it doesn't matter what I think.
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Old 04-10-2012, 01:43 PM   #134
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by roadman
People are mentioning what they heard from the developers. It's up to you if you want to believe the developers, but this is what they told OS a few years ago.

If the graphics were scaled way back and downgraded as mentioned, there would be people screaming about that, too.

I would love active sidelines, too, but EA doesn't want to go down that path and take that risk.
I have read that a few years ago here as well, back around ncaa and madden 09/10.



Comparing the screens, I can see why the development team really focused on making player models look so damn good. NCAA 13 looks gorgeous. However, if they focused on atmosphere all these years, I have no doubt graphics and player models in "NCAA 13 with active sidelines" would look better than NCAA 09s graphics (Im basing this assumption purely on the fact of how much the graphics have improved since then).

The fact that EA said the graphics would take such a huge hit but years later can improve them so much is what bothers me. Theres no argument which game looks better, its just living with the fact that everything else looks bad.

Last edited by johnnyg713; 04-10-2012 at 01:51 PM.
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Old 04-10-2012, 02:00 PM   #135
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This might be a obvious question which I think I know the answer to. Is each installment of NCAA football just being built on top of the previous years game??

So they start NCAA 13 with the NCAA 12 game and just tweak stuff within NCAA 12's coding? Or do they scrap everything and start completely over with NCAA 13?
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Old 04-10-2012, 02:08 PM   #136
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by BlingBling19
This might be a obvious question which I think I know the answer to. Is each installment of NCAA football just being built on top of the previous years game??

So they start NCAA 13 with the NCAA 12 game and just tweak stuff within NCAA 12's coding? Or do they scrap everything and start completely over with NCAA 13?
They build upon previous titles.
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