
NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

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Old 04-09-2012, 09:43 PM   #121
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by Spitfirex007
Again I call bs. Going back to 2008 and comparing NCAA 08 graphics to all pro, I give a slight advantage to NCAA. But I'll take a slight downgrade everywhere else if it meant the sidelines didn't ruin the experience. As would a ton of others I'm sure
You don't need to believe it, he said it would be scaled back and downgraded. APF looked great zoomed in, but further back, not so great vs NCAA.

With Ben saying probably not this generation, it leads me to believe what I heard a few years ago. That was a risk they weren't willing to take then, and it's not a risk they are willing to take the rest of this generation.

Chain gang I'm miffed at.
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Old 04-09-2012, 09:45 PM   #122
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by Spitfirex007
Again I call bs. Going back to 2008 and comparing NCAA 08 graphics to all pro, I give a slight advantage to NCAA. But I'll take a slight downgrade everywhere else if it meant the sidelines didn't ruin the experience. As would a ton of others I'm sure
I wouldn't, I couldn't give a cr%p what the sidelines look like, I prefer a game that actually plays like football thanks (which this doesn't by the way).
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Old 04-09-2012, 11:41 PM   #123
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by Rhudey
I wouldn't, I couldn't give a cr%p what the sidelines look like, I prefer a game that actually plays like football thanks (which this doesn't by the way).
I could say the same thing about all this dynamic lighting and 3d grass cr%p. However, they still make those things a priority. I agree the game needs to play well before worrying about the other stuff, but active sidelines and things like real time presentation are what take emersion in sports games to the next level. I would much rather have things like that in the game over being able to see the stadium's reflection in my players belt buckle.
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Old 04-09-2012, 11:43 PM   #124
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by Spitfirex007
Again I call bs. Going back to 2008 and comparing NCAA 08 graphics to all pro, I give a slight advantage to NCAA. But I'll take a slight downgrade everywhere else if it meant the sidelines didn't ruin the experience. As would a ton of others I'm sure
Would I LIKE to have active sidelines? Sure. But at the end of the day, I spend my $60 to play the game, and the graphics are a big part of how it looks when I'm playing it. I don't spend my money with my focus going on the sideline. When I look at it, I say "LOLZ those look like PS2 graphics," giggle a bit, ask myself why a guy has a double zero, and keep it moving.

The majority of the time, I'm so into the game that the fact that players run THROUGH the guys/benches on the sideline doesn't even faze me. I'm constantly thinking about the next play or how I plan to attack the defense or something. I don't just go into instant replay and SMH at the horrible player models on the sideline. And I'd imagine most guys who play this don't either.

Bottom line - I'd imagine most, and PROBABLY all, wouldn't mind having upgraded sidelines. Heck, guys have been asking for a College Gameday segment forever. But if you ask those same guys if it's worth downgrading the gameplay, graphics, or anything else important (which, if EA wanted to do it RIGHT, it would) to have it implemented AT THE LEAST, I'd imagine 70-80% of those gamers would say no.
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Old 04-09-2012, 11:46 PM   #125
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by johnnyg713
I could say the same thing about all this dynamic lighting and 3d grass cr%p. However, they still make those things a priority. I agree the game needs to play well before worrying about the other stuff, but active sidelines and things like real time presentation are what take emersion in sports games to the next level. I would much rather have things like that in the game over being able to see the stadium's reflection in my players belt buckle.
So should those guys not work/do their job? The guys who work on Gameplay aren't the same guys that do art, or the sound, etc. It's called a TEAM for a reason. There aren't 100 guys working on one thing at a time.
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Old 04-10-2012, 12:06 AM   #126
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by Ultima Weapon
So should those guys not work/do their job? The guys who work on Gameplay aren't the same guys that do art, or the sound, etc. It's called a TEAM for a reason. There aren't 100 guys working on one thing at a time.
Huh? When did I say the art team shouldn't be focusing on graphics?? I said they focus on putting in 3D grass and dynamic lighting. How are those things more important than active sidelines or realtime atmosphere?

First off this is not a nba 2k vs ncaa comparison, nor is it EA vs 2k. Take a look at this image. Quick list of what I see; coaches, refs, 3d fans, foam fingers, fans wearing team jerseys, bench players wearing jump suits (that come off once they go into the game), bench players talking to each other and reacting to the game, camera men (that actually move and pretend to take pics), floor cleaning guy, gatorade jugs, computers or phones (w/e the hell that is) on the scorer's table ( people sitting there during the game are talking to each other and pretending to be doing things), player tattoos, jerseys that move and wrinkle, etc. etc. (Not to mention the bench, fans, the score table, and refs are all interactive with the players). I could think of dozens of other little things that go on behind the scenes, Im just listing what this particular screen is showing.

My point was, I would rather see EA focus more on things going on around the game, instead of focusing to make player models look so highly detailed. Are the players in NBA 2k extremely detailed like the ones in Madden or NCAA? No, but the game sure isnt ugly graphics wise at all. With all that stuff going on, closeups of nba 2k still look like this...

People mention the whole "graphics would take a hit if we had this kind of atmosphere in Madden." I don't buy it, I feel EA could definitely put in the atmosphere without downgrading the graphics in the way most people think.

Last edited by johnnyg713; 04-10-2012 at 01:49 AM.
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Old 04-10-2012, 02:28 AM   #127
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Still waiting to hear if they fixed the size of the football.
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Old 04-10-2012, 02:46 AM   #128
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Interview - Sights and Sounds

Originally Posted by johnnyg713

People mention the whole "graphics would take a hit if we had this kind of atmosphere in Madden." I don't buy it, I feel EA could definitely put in the atmosphere without downgrading the graphics in the way most people think.
People are mentioning what they heard from the developers. It's up to you if you want to believe the developers, but this is what they told OS a few years ago.

If the graphics were scaled way back and downgraded as mentioned, there would be people screaming about that, too.

I would love active sidelines, too, but EA doesn't want to go down that path and take that risk.
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