News Post

Okay guys...

Here is the Spring Training version of the Operation Sports Full Minors for 2012, for MLB 12 The Show.

This initial set looks really tight... and there is some FANTASTIC work done on these. Dare I say... the best set yet.

There are too many to thank for this... and I will come back and fill out this post with all those involved, as I know you guys want to get your hands on these and start your franchises.

Here is the link for the OSFM ST v.1They will be up in the Vault momentarily...
  • File name: O.S.F.M. SPRING
Thanks for all your patience... and most of all enjoy!!!

I just want to thank some people... and I have to say... this community is truly exceptional. Operation Sports is simply the best run website I visit. Bar none... and the members that frequent here are one of the main reasons. Good people attract other good people.

In no particular order... I really need to thank all of the people involved in the making of this set... as this is a true community effort and without all of these guys, it would make the process much harder and much, much longer.

Thanks to:



I'd like to thank ksig24 for his insight and input into the potential base for the set...

... and last but CERTAINLY not least...

Without his TREMENDOUS work and the immense amount of time that he puts into these rosters... they would have taken 3 times as long to do.

I CANNOT say enough about this, as his dedication and sheer bulldog mentality to get it done, means so much to these.

Also to Steve... the owner of O.S. and the mods on here who make it easy to keep the threads in order and viable to use in conjunction with the set.

...and of course thanks to the entire O.S. community for all the input that you guys have been putting into these for YEARS!


Guys.....a lot of people have requested to give back in response to these rosters. They offer thanks and several have offered money.
I suggest charities if you really want to do something as a thanks to these.

My suggested charities....The N.Y.C. FireFighters Burn Center....Wounded Warriors....or .....http://www.extra-life.org/

Thank you!


Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 401 bwiggy33 @ 04/05/12 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by pdawg17
If corrections are needed is it best to post them here or in the specific team's thread?
In here:

# 402 Niekro4President @ 04/05/12 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Rag3vsW0rld
Whoever pointed out that Tommy Manzella had a default audio name, that's not true. I just checked and it has [None] for both as I had it when I handed it off to GreatNorthern for faces.

In any case, Throwback, ARoid, and GreatNorthern all did a fantastic job. I know I did some of the faces and of course they did their magic and them even better.
That was me, and whenever he was announced the PA definitely called him Doug or something. Glitch perhaps?
# 403 BatsareBugs @ 04/05/12 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Niekro4President
That was me, and whenever he was announced the PA definitely called him Doug or something. Glitch perhaps?
That is weird. Perhaps it's a glitch because I checked after and both audio options were on [None]. Manzella was also taken from Dan Butcher Korn.
# 404 referee032003 @ 04/05/12 02:43 AM
Can I put the PS3.rar file in my PS3 , SAVEDATA file I created with out opening it. It is not in a zip file. I have a zip file for OSFM SRRING TRAINING and when I unzip that file it has the PS3.rar file in it.
# 405 Woodcutta @ 04/05/12 03:13 AM
Thank you all who worked on this roster project. I know how much time and effort was put as I try (and usually fail) to fix and play with the correct rosters for NCAA football.
# 406 BDKiiing @ 04/05/12 04:39 AM
Had a little mishap and missed some time here, but Uncle Knight, thank you. It was a pleasure working with you again this year. Thank you to everyone else who was involved. And to reiterate that you Knight, and Ridin, can't forget you. You all are the best co-workers I've ever had.
# 407 LPMC723 @ 04/05/12 05:18 AM
So frustrating how after spring training all line-ups and rotations are totally screwed.. Playing as Yanks, and after spring training they have A-rod batting 2nd, playing SS when there is NO DH and when playing national league teams he is sitting the bench behind Nunez.. Jeter is DH since A-Rod has short. and he is playing LF when there is no DH (LF for Jeter really?), and batting 7th. This CPU is beyond insane. All the other teams line-ups are ridiculous as well. Is there anyway to prevent this? Or do we have to control all 30 teams rosters, and manually set everything all the time.
# 408 RidinDwnKingsley @ 04/05/12 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by bdolski
Had a little mishap and missed some time here, but Uncle Knight, thank you. It was a pleasure working with you again this year. Thank you to everyone else who was involved. And to reiterate that you Knight, and Ridin, can't forget you. You all are the best co-workers I've ever had.

Ditto buddy!... Great working with you and all the creators.
# 409 dolfanfrank @ 04/05/12 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by referee032003
Can I put the PS3.rar file in my PS3 , SAVEDATA file I created with out opening it. It is not in a zip file. I have a zip file for OSFM SRRING TRAINING and when I unzip that file it has the PS3.rar file in it.

I would like to know this as well, in the past Id always download from online, dont have internet at home so, need to D/L using drive, and would like a little help on how to do this.

Someone explain step by step that would be awsome

Last Guys thanks for all the hard work for creating this.
# 410 TheScrubCity @ 04/05/12 08:28 AM

Whats going on guys, for those of you who have not been able to download these, which i'm sure should not be many this is a nice run through and a lil thanks video for knight and his team! again thanks knight for everything.
# 411 dolfanfrank @ 04/05/12 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by TheScrubCity

Whats going on guys, for those of you who have not been able to download these, which i'm sure should not be many this is a nice run through and a lil thanks video for knight and his team! again thanks knight for everything.
Link is blocked do to copyright grounds

Can you post different link or give step by step explaintion?
# 412 jake19ny @ 04/05/12 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by LPMC723
So frustrating how after spring training all line-ups and rotations are totally screwed.. Playing as Yanks, and after spring training they have A-rod batting 2nd, playing SS when there is NO DH and when playing national league teams he is sitting the bench behind Nunez.. Jeter is DH since A-Rod has short. and he is playing LF when there is no DH (LF for Jeter really?), and batting 7th. This CPU is beyond insane. All the other teams line-ups are ridiculous as well. Is there anyway to prevent this? Or do we have to control all 30 teams rosters, and manually set everything all the time.
Worst ever but someone posted (Thank God) the way around this....I forgot who, but props to them. Control all 30 teams (this alone does not solve the problem). Start spring with these awesome rosters and sim spring training up to the last game of spring training. Your line-ups will still be intact. Send the players you dont want on the team to the minors leaving your rosters at the required 25. (I used www.mlbdepthcharts.com/ to make sure I was sending down the right guys). Then sim the last preseason game day and move into your regular season. Your rosters will and line-ups will be good. Its a little time consuming, but way less then fixing the total screw up that happens the other way.
On another note great job on these rosters to all involved........
# 413 Joey @ 04/05/12 09:05 AM
A rar file is actually a different type of zip file. You need to extract the files from the rar file and then proceed.

Originally Posted by referee032003
Can I put the PS3.rar file in my PS3 , SAVEDATA file I created with out opening it. It is not in a zip file. I have a zip file for OSFM SRRING TRAINING and when I unzip that file it has the PS3.rar file in it.
# 414 Geolink @ 04/05/12 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Scott
Normally I wouldn't even answer this. But usually a few days after opening day.
I knew that they were gonna be out a few days after opening day but I thought somebody knew exactly the date.
Can't wait to start my Franchise.
# 415 dolfanfrank @ 04/05/12 09:29 AM
[quote=Joey;2043537269]A rar file is actually a different type of zip file. You need to extract the files from the rar file and then proceed.[/quote]

thanks can you explain how this is done?
# 416 TheScrubCity @ 04/05/12 09:37 AM

try to see if the link works now.
# 417 dolfanfrank @ 04/05/12 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by TheScrubCity

try to see if the link works now.
No go, when you click on the link just freezes
# 418 brrmikey @ 04/05/12 10:27 AM
Thanks for the rosters. Awesome year after year.
Now off to reset my sliders to default and play a minimum of 10 exhibition games and discover perfect gameplay for this roster set.
# 419 phartman @ 04/05/12 12:03 PM
Sorry if this is a frequently asked question but will there be an updated OSFM after the season begins?
# 420 PsychoBulk @ 04/05/12 12:29 PM

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