News Post

Okay guys...

Here is the Spring Training version of the Operation Sports Full Minors for 2012, for MLB 12 The Show.

This initial set looks really tight... and there is some FANTASTIC work done on these. Dare I say... the best set yet.

There are too many to thank for this... and I will come back and fill out this post with all those involved, as I know you guys want to get your hands on these and start your franchises.

Here is the link for the OSFM ST v.1They will be up in the Vault momentarily...
  • File name: O.S.F.M. SPRING
Thanks for all your patience... and most of all enjoy!!!

I just want to thank some people... and I have to say... this community is truly exceptional. Operation Sports is simply the best run website I visit. Bar none... and the members that frequent here are one of the main reasons. Good people attract other good people.

In no particular order... I really need to thank all of the people involved in the making of this set... as this is a true community effort and without all of these guys, it would make the process much harder and much, much longer.

Thanks to:



I'd like to thank ksig24 for his insight and input into the potential base for the set...

... and last but CERTAINLY not least...

Without his TREMENDOUS work and the immense amount of time that he puts into these rosters... they would have taken 3 times as long to do.

I CANNOT say enough about this, as his dedication and sheer bulldog mentality to get it done, means so much to these.

Also to Steve... the owner of O.S. and the mods on here who make it easy to keep the threads in order and viable to use in conjunction with the set.

...and of course thanks to the entire O.S. community for all the input that you guys have been putting into these for YEARS!


Guys.....a lot of people have requested to give back in response to these rosters. They offer thanks and several have offered money.
I suggest charities if you really want to do something as a thanks to these.

My suggested charities....The N.Y.C. FireFighters Burn Center....Wounded Warriors....or .....http://www.extra-life.org/

Thank you!


Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
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Member Comments
# 381 toadman1 @ 04/04/12 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Enigma_Dml
I'm having the same problem. Mine wont show up off the USB on the Ps3. I pressed triangle and it wont even give me the option to "display all" it just says information and then says how much free space I have. :S any solutions ?
having the same problem as well. if u come up with something please let me know.

Originally Posted by hysteria499
did you name the PS3 file in caps? put a SAVEDATA file inside that thats also caps? Then did you drag the os roster file into it? make sure you didnt spell anything wrong like i did for NHL lol. good luck hopefully that will help you.

not be mean or anything but the file names are all in caps so im kinda confused. having the same problem as Enigma_Dml if u have any other solutions please let me know.
# 382 chadomac @ 04/04/12 08:10 PM
I've only done this once before... is there an area that explains how to copy this and use it on my PS3? I'm excited, thanks guys!
# 383 kjtrovin @ 04/04/12 08:20 PM
Post your paypal so people can give you and your team a few $$ for all of your time and efforts!
# 384 WazzuRC @ 04/04/12 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
I snapped one of the PS3 face the other day for a Vita comparison:
Holy ish, that's incredible.
# 385 referee032003 @ 04/04/12 08:46 PM
I made a PS3 folder and then a SAVEDATA folder inside of that. Do I drag the file that says OSFM-Spring TRAINING.zip which is 1kb or do I drag the file that says PS3.rar into the SAVEDATA follder.
# 386 Geolink @ 04/04/12 08:47 PM
So Opening Day rosters when be out when?
# 387 crazy47larry @ 04/04/12 08:50 PM
My sincerest thank you goes out to everyone involved.
# 388 chinatownpwnage @ 04/04/12 09:03 PM
Would anyone be interested in starting a 30-team franchise control thread? Discuss trades, roster management, etc.?
# 389 Joey @ 04/04/12 09:04 PM
You need to unzip the rar file.

Originally Posted by referee032003
I made a PS3 folder and then a SAVEDATA folder inside of that. Do I drag the file that says OSFM-Spring TRAINING.zip which is 1kb or do I drag the file that says PS3.rar into the SAVEDATA follder.
# 390 Scott @ 04/04/12 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Geolink
So Opening Day rosters when be out when?
Normally I wouldn't even answer this. But usually a few days after opening day.
# 391 Side Effect @ 04/04/12 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Joey
You need to unzip the rar file.
Will it work through content manager for the Vita?

If not, can someone upload a Vita version of the file?
# 392 Artman22 @ 04/04/12 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by juicer420
You will likely have to use the workaround by dropping players from the 40 man roster before you end spring training. I'm sure someone will have all the necessary info for you. And I believe that Hustlin Howl will be doing this for everyone and uploading that roster, so all you will have to do is put the players back on the 40 man.

Well, all the oversights will be fixed. All the transactions taking place today and tomorrow will be in. The 40 man rosters, lineups, and rotations will be correct.

And also, the base for this roster was from the first update way back in March. I believe they will release the Opening Day set based off of the first update of the year or the latest update. Which may have some pitch corrections done by SCEA and may have added the correct Managers to the MLB teams with "fake" managers.

Personally, most should wait for the opening day set. Unless you don't need everything exact. The first set is named spring because it's more or less a Beta test.
Thanks for answering...
# 393 shopejay @ 04/04/12 10:42 PM
Is this the edition for the people who like to play through spring training? And the opening day rosters are for ones who prefer to skip through spring training to start the year? Sorry new to this and would like some clarification. Thanks again for all the hard work you guys put in to make these rosters possible!!
# 394 CaptainZombie @ 04/04/12 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by authentic
Cubs fans, let me know what you think.
Thanks everyone for all the awesome work done.

Thanks authentic, can't wait to check out the Cubs.
# 395 Jordanfan23 @ 04/04/12 11:01 PM
Thanks much guys, all of your time and dedication is very much appreciated! Bombastic you guys are
# 396 Ghoste @ 04/04/12 11:23 PM
Professional job you all did. Thank you very much!

# 397 dodgerblue @ 04/04/12 11:30 PM
thanks guys. I'm sure it was a heck of a lot of work!
# 398 tgreer @ 04/04/12 11:39 PM
EDIT: not ready
# 399 Shiden11 @ 04/04/12 11:47 PM
I know these threads are full of thanks for all the hard work but you guys definitely deserve it so thank you for the great rosters. I first came across the OSFM rosters last year just looking through the Vault and came looking for them again this year. The hard work of everyone involved makes this game so much more enjoyable.
# 400 pdawg17 @ 04/04/12 11:59 PM
If corrections are needed is it best to post them here or in the specific team's thread?

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