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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 61 Yankees2009Champs @ 01/19/12 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by PsychoBulk
I like what i see.

To those moaning about the commentary, yes, there were many familiar lines but consider:

a: theres only so many ways to say "a liner to left" etc &
b: more importantly, according to Ramone this was only a 50% presentation build from CES, so many of the bells & whistles and new commentary wont be in it

Clearest thing to me is the new ball physics, you can really tell a difference when the ball leaves the bat, and dont forget this is footage from a video camera so doesnt really do it justice, when SCEA starts releasing their own videos only then will we get a real flavour.

This year to me looks a far bigger jump from 11 than 11 did from 10, so just keep the faith, SCEA always delivers
Looks like the same game to me. I heard the same lines such as "you gotta keep the ball down in the lower half." "Even with two outs..you can't let your guard down." For all the talk about ball physics I saw the same movement on the ball. In fact that liner to left looks like it had hook on it towards the left field line. DID NOT look easily playable, yet the fielder casually played it on the one hop. The same crap swing on a lazy ball to 3B. The only thing that looks different is the shoes on Kinsler, and now instead of the far back cam when the ball is going around the horn, we get a zoom in. The players did look slightly cleaner, but they were great in 11'.
# 62 PsychoBulk @ 01/19/12 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Yankees2009Champs
Looks like the same game to me.
Originally Posted by Yankees2009Champs
For all the talk about ball physics I saw the same movement on the ball.
Then we must be looking at different videos entirely is all i can say.

As i said, making judgments based off a bit of video camera footage is premature in the extreme.
# 63 opd897 @ 01/19/12 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by khronikos
I'm sorry, but if people feel that it would be hard at all to improve upon 11 in the gameplay department then we have two very different accounts of what realism entails.

I think this year is looking to be one of the biggest upgrades ever in terms of hit variety. That is enough for me to take notice for sure. Franchise may finally be playable without all the crap in previous years. Again, noteworthy.

11 was lacking animations like I lack a million dollars. There are so many areas that it was lacking that I didn't even bother to buy it myself. It had some awesome upgrades but to call it some kind of definitive game is a little crazy.

11 was more like arcade ball imo with its crazy physics and dull animations. This game, even from the limited videos, looks so much better. I hope opd will reconsider. Maybe think of just getting it at a reduced price a couple months down the road.

I hear ya. Come March 6th it will be hard for me not to go out and buy this game. I've bought MLB The Show every year since its inception. I do like what I'm hearing about the upgrades and certainly respect the work this team puts into the game every year.

Being an (older) retired guy now, retired a couple of years ago, and on somewhat of a fixed income, I really have to watch my gaming budget. No longer do I have the option of working some overtime to buy the games I want. Don't get me wrong, I'm not poor or whining here but budgeting is something I never really had to do much of until lately.

I believe Mass Effect 3 comes out the same day and that is another game I was really looking forward to. Dropping $130 in a day on games is something I've done in the past but doing that today I must really believe the upgrades to one of those games is worth it. I am still happy with my "11 and play regularly but I know '12 will be even better, just not sure at this point how much better and if the improvements justify me buying the game at this point in my life.

Knowing myself like I do though, most likely on March 6th I will be at the front door of my local gaming store with money in hand! What can I say? I'm a baseball nut!
# 64 The Bimmer @ 01/19/12 10:35 AM
I will agree that know one quite knows how the commentary in this game will turn out. With that said for anyone to give biased opinions like these are not fair play,

1. There are only so many ways to SAY something..... key word SAY as opposed to DESCRIBE situations

2. I cant believe someone will not buy this game.....

3. Or any comment that implies that an individual should not or cannot make a decision based on a feature like the commentary.

If I order an Italian sub and I ask for "no mayo", and the sandwich is given to me with mayo on it, I will not buy it. It appears that some guys around here would make a comment like (2 or 3 stated above).

It is a fact that other "games" have far superior commentary as a feature, and I agree it gets redundant to hear the same questions, complaints, etc.. , but until a feature reaches the same standard that other games offer it will continue. Just look look at the threads there are many other things like batting stances, equipment on players, etc.. these features to some people may seem unrelated to a purchase, but not to others.

Lets draw a line in the sand, if a comment about the commentary rubs you the wrong way, hold your peace. Think about a feature that you may want to see improved that hasn't been and then put yourself in the other guys shoes.

I am optimistic that the full game will deliver.
# 65 catch212 @ 01/19/12 11:34 AM
I can't complain about the commentary; it is bad in every sports game. In my NBA franchise this year they talk about the Carmelo Anthony trade and how he'll fit in with Amare every single game.

I would rather have it this way than try to strip it all out and redo it over time like Madden has done. Remember that Madden 11 commentary? Hands down the worst of all time. Gus Johnson (who I don't like) just randomly screaming over an incomplete pass, whispering and casually saying 74 yard TD pass, etc.

As for the video, the physics look great. It will be a day 1 buy for me as always.

Edit: what is going on with the pitching deliveries?
# 66 Pared @ 01/19/12 12:06 PM
Hit variety is just going to keep getting better.

And we're not done yet - another day to help offer our input. Give these guys the credit they deserve - they've put in work this year. Whether or not you can see that in a video (didn't watch it) isn't a good indicator of just how great the hit variety is this year.

Really - I can't go over this enough. With the new additions already there plus the changes that are being made - I can't help but be a bit giddy at just how minor adjustments are making the improvements they've made even better.

I'll stop now - I know it can easily come off as hype; That's never my intention. But my excitement to play the game is up again and I thought I'd share that with you guys.

# 67 nemesis04 @ 01/19/12 12:06 PM
After playing the game for a few days the ball physics inputted into 12 give the game a whole new playing experience. Couple that with the smoother quicker throwing animations, differnt tag animations and tons of different camera cuts and you end up with a pretty sweet playing baseball game. The commentary is a big ship to turn in one motion but there are new lines and some chatter now which is more evident when playing in a season or franchise. For me I would get the game for the physics alone, they are THAT good!

There is nothing like trying to see the center fielder running in to catch a shallow fly, only to see the ball losing energy in the air and having it drop down in front of him! We will experience a lot of different play on the field because of the ball physics this year we have never seen before in the Show which is extremely exciting! Get ready!
# 68 Pared @ 01/19/12 12:08 PM
Ha - beat ya by seconds!

Now who is ready for breakfast?
# 69 Rules @ 01/19/12 12:10 PM
Commentary had to be their #1 complaint over the years.

Still has not been addressed so I'm hoping for next year as I can definitely go with MLB 11 for another year.

Seriously, with them having to working on the PSVita, they would have been hard pressed to meet a lot of expectations for the PS3 version. I think this is a tweak year to an already solid baseball game.
# 70 Pared @ 01/19/12 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Rules
Commentary had to be their #1 complaint over the years.

Still has not been addressed so I'm hoping for next year as I can definitely go with MLB 11 for another year.

Seriously, with them having to working on the PSVita, they would have been hard pressed to meet a lot of expectations for the PS3 version. I think this is a tweak year to an already solid baseball game.
You are misinformed. There's not much else to say.

If commentary will be your sole reason for passing, it will be your loss.
# 71 JT30 @ 01/19/12 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by PsychoBulk
Then we must be looking at different videos entirely is all i can say.

As i said, making judgments based off a bit of video camera footage is premature in the extreme.
Ok but based on video camera footage, you can tell right away the ball physics are different? Wow..lol

Like others have mentioned, based on this video, game doesn't look much different than last year, as I wouldnt suspect it would be. But for you to say people aren't noticing what you are noticing in this very limited video, is kinda funny
# 72 tnixen @ 01/19/12 01:15 PM
"smoother quicker throwing animations"

# 73 PsychoBulk @ 01/19/12 01:15 PM
My opinion is also based on the other vidoes we've seen from CES, not just this one.

If you cant tell a difference, thats your issue, not mine
# 74 tnixen @ 01/19/12 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by M_F_Z
It doesn't take an eagle eye to see the ball physics in those videos are better than MLB 11.

You're right, the game doesn't LOOK much different than last year - visually. They work under the hood because they're not trying to suck people in with gimmicks. They're trying to make the game play like major league baseball.
Totally agree.

I am laughing so hard everytime I see someone say "It looks just like last year" I mean really what do they expect? Maybe they want spaceships flying over the skies of the stadiums. Its real simple guys if you are expecting a massive leap in graphics you can forget about it! This will not happen until Playstation 4.

And another thing for those saying you are going to skip MLB 12 The Show do you really think anyone here gives a %^$&

I hope all of you skippers enjoy your MLB 11,10,9 The Show while the rest of us will be enjoying our brand new MLB 12 the show with all the great new features and enhancements!

The new Ball Physics and smoother quicker throwing animations alone make MLB 12 The Show worth the money!

MLB The Show is a day 1 buy for me every year no matter what
# 75 BSUFAN @ 01/19/12 01:48 PM
The first thing I noticed from the video was the ball as it was being pitched and crossing the plate I could clearly see the rotation of the ball alot better, Just an observation.
# 76 myghty @ 01/19/12 01:51 PM

Thats kinda of unfair that you call out the people that say that they aren't buying the game. Its their opinion and choice. I can come back & say:

'And anyone saying its a day 1 buy for 12 The Show, you really think anyone here gives a %^$&'

just sayin
# 77 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/19/12 01:54 PM
If people can not see how the ball physics changed from the ball skipping on the field compared to 11... You guys must not have played much 11.

The very first hit was noticeable.
# 78 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/19/12 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by myghty

Thats kinda of unfair that you call out the people that say that they aren't buying the game. Its their opinion and choice. I can come back & say:

'And anyone saying its a day 1 buy for 12 The Show, you really think anyone here gives a %^$&'

just sayin
Yeah, because gosh forbid we relish in optimism in this world, instead of the typical pessimism trend.

Moving on.
# 79 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/19/12 02:03 PM
You are not going to see 3D grass.

That is a gimmick. Yeah I said it. Because it is only 3D in replays, and in those replays the game engines take a hit and run at 30fps or less.

So that becomes an eyesore. Also those games that do have it do NOT have the lighting, crowd or texture fidelity The Show's API has, which is similar to Uncharted's etc. Hell some of them sports games run less than 720p upscaled as well.

There is also MUCH more going on in a baseball stadium than cookie cutter soccer or football stadiums.

They plan updating the field textures/patterns next year however. But what you ask for with what is already going on would be safer bet for the PS4.
# 80 tvman @ 01/19/12 02:14 PM
Has SCEA ever thought about or considered keeping the focus on the ball for a split second as it leaves the bat instead of the immediate switch to the fielding cam?

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