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MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21
Perfect Zero @ 01/18/12 08:39 PM
What do you people want with commentary? Even if they added a thousand new lines, they would still say the same things over and over again. There is a finite amount of things they can say in the game; this isn't real life.
Not buying a game because there was no new commentary? Give me a break...
Not buying a game because there was no new commentary? Give me a break...
# 23
loganmorrison1 @ 01/18/12 08:58 PM
# 24
The Bimmer @ 01/18/12 09:10 PM
If it wasn't for the vita I could pass on this year as well but with the ability to take my franchise on the road my normal $60 investment will be $450. Damn you SCEA :-)
OMG this game is looking epic.
Loving how sweet the balls look once it gets hit and the fluidity of it all.
Loving how sweet the balls look once it gets hit and the fluidity of it all.
I truly love this game and am still creating players and playing tons of games, but the commentary is close to the same. Everything that Karros says in that vid is exact script as last year. The whole "with 2 outs this team is still dangerous" quote has been played a countless number of times. Would have been nice to replace some of these repetitive quotes from last year with new ones. (could still happen, early build)
As for the game itself.. visually it is identical to last year, not saying that's a bad thing, but with many games continually pushing the bar graphically each year, I feel that the show has a danger of being passed, especially with the way some stadiums look. I strongly feel the players are some of the best models in the business, however there's starting to be a real big disconnect between the players and the stadiums..
again just my opinion
by disconnect i mean the players look much better than their environments
i had always thought the player models were so good it actually made the other things look less, well, great.
Tho, i wouldn't say much better.
Its not like Angelina Jolie standing in a McDonalds, but u get the idea.
i am sure some will take that as me saying the Show graphics suck, but whatever.
I do agree with that and it hasn't been said much.
Again, the graphics, what else can be done, I have a feeling the ps3 has hit its peak as far as the Show goes.
# 32
HustlinOwl @ 01/18/12 10:21 PM
Just noticed your username...
If the Show was totaly different from last year, people would be complaining about all the bugs from a new build! The Show is golden in my eyes, easily worth the $60. How can you complain about a game that you haven't even played yet? Look what happened with NBA Elite, total crap trying something new. If it isn't broke, don't mess with it!
To me, commentary *will* be stale within a single cycle no matter how much effort the devs put into it, just because certain amount of repetitions cannot be avoided (unless you have unlimited amount of memory to store the audio files, which we presumably don't). Of course it's better to hear something fresh in each iteration, but it will almost never be a deal breaker as long as other parts of the game improve enough to make the whole experience better.
i think the Shows commentary is behind many of my favorite sports games and I think it needs a re-read of all these lines, and Campbell taking a powder before he ruins his real life announcing name.
That said, it might be way better than what we heard in this thread. then it might be only different in the way its presented in franchise.
I can imagine online or play now people being upset if it still sounds like all three guys are in different time zones.
I do think calling a grounder to second can't be much different after 199 times, but I agree, it wouldn't hurt to change the darn script.
Its not that good.
is it the words given, or the talent.
I have seen goood announcers, come off poorly in video games, [gus johnson anyone?}.
I think the negativity shines when its the same announcers.
Lots of peeps are just sick of Dave and matt.
Would it matter if it was Al Leiter reading the same line?
I dont know. I think these guys signed a longer contract than A-Rod! WTH! lol
Why would sony sign long term contracts to announcer for a video game?
Unless there's other reasons why we r stuck with them.
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