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MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41
dodgerblue @ 01/18/12 10:36 PM
For me, the commentary needs to be more fluid between the announcers. Like they are all in the same booth when they are describing the action or commenting. The Show, for all that is awesome about the game, hasn't been able to do this imo.
# 42
ClarkWGrizwold @ 01/18/12 10:37 PM
Game looks good but it looks like they still haven't figured out how to fix the pitchers wearing long sleeves at night that's been going on since 07. Maybe there's still time to fix it


I think the one recipe everybody is missing when watching this videos is how the game will sound overall. Yes, you will hear similar lines of commentary... but from the new crowd audio to the sound effects of the bat and gloves interacting with the ball, the new umpire calls, etc. (maybe even new replay audio?), as Daughtry might say: I'm starting to believe that this could be the start of something good.
# 46
HustlinOwl @ 01/18/12 10:43 PM
All the videos we've seen so far have no unique pitching motions, so I'd say these are from an early build.
I always turn off commentary as I want the "On the field/in the stands" feeling. However for those that like it hopefully one day it will satisfy you.
Can't wait to see more videos and the wait keeps getting harder and harder.
Can't wait to see more videos and the wait keeps getting harder and harder.
I can tell you one thing, I'm already sick of seeing gameplay videos. I'm ready for the demo. To me the ball physics look way better than 11. I can tell that there is going to be so much more variety to hits, which is something this game drastically needed. The fielders also move much better. The thing is all this team has to do is continue to make small improvements to the gameplay where it's necessary. It is already so good that there isn't much change that absolutely has to be done. All that's left is continuing to improve the aesthetics of the game, which is enough for me because I'm a visual guy when it comes to baseball games.
For people saying they may just keep 11 well the reason I will continue buying this game is not so much the gameplay changes, it's to show that I appreciate their effort when it's all said and done. I have never ever seen a game more committed to listening to the gamers and what they want changed. To me I think spending the 60 dollars is worth the price for them to keep making the game better each and every year.
What other games have:
1. Exact scoreboard overlays and LED's for each stadium
2. The extra things such as beach balls, fans running on the field, umpires/officials with different personalities
3. Every aspect of each stadium/arena done to almost perfection
4. Cyberfaces for even the crappiest of players (ex: Matt Tolbert) Also think of all the players they have to create. What other sport has that? None
There are countless other things that can be listed as well. I just don't know how anyone can complain or not want to buy MLB 12. It's just crazy. They constantly update all aspects and there is just no way that MLB 12 will be completely similar to MLB 11. However I do understand the reasons why someone wouldn't buy, but IMO I will fork out the 60 dollars every year to show my appreciation to the work they do. If only the NHL, Madden, and NCAA development teams were as dedicated as them. I've finally learned my lesson from buying those three games on a yearly basis.
For people saying they may just keep 11 well the reason I will continue buying this game is not so much the gameplay changes, it's to show that I appreciate their effort when it's all said and done. I have never ever seen a game more committed to listening to the gamers and what they want changed. To me I think spending the 60 dollars is worth the price for them to keep making the game better each and every year.
What other games have:
1. Exact scoreboard overlays and LED's for each stadium
2. The extra things such as beach balls, fans running on the field, umpires/officials with different personalities
3. Every aspect of each stadium/arena done to almost perfection
4. Cyberfaces for even the crappiest of players (ex: Matt Tolbert) Also think of all the players they have to create. What other sport has that? None
There are countless other things that can be listed as well. I just don't know how anyone can complain or not want to buy MLB 12. It's just crazy. They constantly update all aspects and there is just no way that MLB 12 will be completely similar to MLB 11. However I do understand the reasons why someone wouldn't buy, but IMO I will fork out the 60 dollars every year to show my appreciation to the work they do. If only the NHL, Madden, and NCAA development teams were as dedicated as them. I've finally learned my lesson from buying those three games on a yearly basis.
This is shaping up to be a very great year for SCEA
I seriously love comments like these, really inspires me to continue practicing my coding skills to possibly work with someone like them in the future. The community of this site is amazing
# 53
EnigmaNemesis @ 01/19/12 02:34 AM
Below 70 will wear sleeves. Above they will not.
Love it can't wait to see more. OH btw not complaining just pointing out something I noticed, kindler at the plate says he hit a two run home run in the 3rd inning. But the score throughout is 1-1
# 57
PsychoBulk @ 01/19/12 08:23 AM
I like what i see.
To those moaning about the commentary, yes, there were many familiar lines but consider:
a: theres only so many ways to say "a liner to left" etc &
b: more importantly, according to Ramone this was only a 50% presentation build from CES, so many of the bells & whistles and new commentary wont be in it
Clearest thing to me is the new ball physics, you can really tell a difference when the ball leaves the bat, and dont forget this is footage from a video camera so doesnt really do it justice, when SCEA starts releasing their own videos only then will we get a real flavour.
This year to me looks a far bigger jump from 11 than 11 did from 10, so just keep the faith, SCEA always delivers
To those moaning about the commentary, yes, there were many familiar lines but consider:
a: theres only so many ways to say "a liner to left" etc &
b: more importantly, according to Ramone this was only a 50% presentation build from CES, so many of the bells & whistles and new commentary wont be in it
Clearest thing to me is the new ball physics, you can really tell a difference when the ball leaves the bat, and dont forget this is footage from a video camera so doesnt really do it justice, when SCEA starts releasing their own videos only then will we get a real flavour.
This year to me looks a far bigger jump from 11 than 11 did from 10, so just keep the faith, SCEA always delivers

# 58
ClarkWGrizwold @ 01/19/12 09:55 AM
Love the new scenes in between pitches, adds to the presentation. Of course, it could be skipped I'm presuming for those that don't care. So far, so good. Now let's see some great in-season and in-franchise-mode stats.
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