NBA 2K12 News Post

NBA 2K12 Patch 1.03 has been released for the PS3. (The XBOX360 patch is coming soon).

Here are the official patch notes:

  • On-dribbler steal success rates have been tuned down.
  • Tuned accuracy of directional passing in order to more reliably pass to the intended target.
  • Improved help defense, specifically for rotations on pick-and-roll situations.
  • Defensive tuning on 3PT shots to reduce the success of contested threes.
  • Addressed an issue on drives to the basket where the help defender wouldn’t fully engage in the double team
  • Several matchmaking optimizations have been made in order to help users get into games quicker. This will reduce the amount of time the “Searching For Opponent…” screen is displayed for.
  • Addressed a number of network errors that would cause games to end prematurely.
  • Addressed an issue in Team-Up where certain conditions would lead to a player standing idle for prolonged periods of time.
  • Corrected a Win/Loss streak tracking issue such that the “Back to Back to Back” achievement/trophy will now unlock at the proper time.

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 102 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Nodima @ 11/03/11 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Nodima
Did all that with Sony support, who helped me fix issues after the last patch. After about 40 minutes they told me it's an issue with the patch that they know about and it's up to 2K to fix it. So I'm calling them now.

To clarify, after the past PS3 patch I deleted every bit of save data and nothing was resolved, I had to Resotre File System in safe mode which I didn't know about before calling Sony support. So I tried them again and we tried a lot more things before they put me on hold, researched the patch and said the patch has issues with certain systems. I'm calling 2K support to find out more but I've been on hold so far.
To update, 2K's Scottish technician said what Sony told me was total rubbish and that I need to try the disc on another console (it worked on mine IMMEDIATELY before downloading the patch), delete all save data (which I did before calling them), create a new user (stayed on me with the phone through that, no luck), download a demo (which will cause 2K to write to a different area of the disc or something) but I won't be finished with that for 10-20 minutes or take the game "Back to the shop" and see if they'll take it, otherwise 2K Sports will send me a new copy.

Man, all I want to do is play digital basketball. What the ****.
# 42 roadman @ 11/03/11 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
is there are rough time frame when the 360 version will come out?
I'm speculating, but soon could mean Tuesday, but don't quote me on that. Not sure if I've ever seen a patch for the 360 drop on the weekend, but my memory could be bad, too.
# 43 ruxpinke @ 11/03/11 10:36 PM
cpu seems to be driving alot more..which is good. unfortunately through two games they seem to be getting every whistle. user, not so much
# 44 abra cadaver @ 11/03/11 11:17 PM
any word on if we can edit player ages with this patch? or do i have to wait for the next one to be able to start my association mode? i want legends i can edit back into rookies and add them to teams each year... rather than using fake cpu generated rooks.
# 45 kennyacid @ 11/03/11 11:41 PM
Played a dude online and he sexed the steal button alllllllll game with success. Even when i protect the ball he still able to get it smh. I wish we still had hof lobbies instead of this allstar default mess.
# 46 qpc123 @ 11/03/11 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by kennyacid
Played a dude online and he sexed the steal button alllllllll game with success. Even when i protect the ball he still able to get it smh. I wish we still had hof lobbies instead of this allstar default mess.
He did that to steal button, that's just gross, never barrow a controller from that guy.
# 47 KeeganJacobs @ 11/04/11 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k
Also, it should be noted, as Ronnie mentioned on twitter:

The other issues submitted from your feedback are stilll underway. It's good to see some main issues addressed. Let me know how your performance is (PS3 users).
Can we get the defualt sliders for 3point success on SIMULATION to be 47 instead of 50 ?
# 48 KyotoCarl @ 11/04/11 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by tcnumba10
So the question remains, are the # of 3pters being shot still high by the cpu?
Read all the posts in the thread, it's not a Q&A thread. The answer has already been posted.
# 49 drewski41423 @ 11/04/11 12:47 AM
Played 5 games online ranked got into to matches within a min ran smoothly at least the searching for an opponent isn't long use to take forever now its taking no time since the patch and o yea the 3pt success is turned down like they said definitely see it
# 50 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 11/04/11 01:08 AM
Does this actually help the fact that defense flat out doesn't matter on 3 point shots in this game? I just played a kid online and he literally did nothing but hoist up 3 pointers from 5-10 feet beyond 3 point range with Durant while I was double teaming him and doing the LT + right stick to contest and it was like he was shooting free throws. I've never been so frustrated with a game. The kid literally had no idea how to play basketball at all. Defensively he would leave my best player to double team my PG every single possession but for whatever reason my shooting online is horribly inconsistent because I can't figure out the delay, which brings me to another point. Why did 2k take away the ability to get shot timing feedback during online games? That was a life saver last year.
# 51 Mr_K @ 11/04/11 01:12 AM
Defensive rotations are nice now, but the CPU is shooting like 70%-80% on me, its ridiculous.

I still miss a lot of layup and the CPU just scores the most contested layups.

Dwight Howard scored a fadeaway jumper from 15ft out on me, it's very upsetting.

The good thing about this patch is your teammates don't act and do stupid stuff anymore which was incredibly frustrating, so that's nice. But they still haven't touched the issue of a lights out CPU or a CPU that just turns it on out of no where.
# 52 SwaggerCoach @ 11/04/11 01:22 AM
I got my *** handed to me 3 times today on pro-sim...wow.

I noticed the CPU turned the ball over only once during the course of the game...and I'm playing as the 95-96 bulls with Scottie and MJ...okay then.

I had to jack down CPU 3-point accuracy because if I don't, they shoot 65% from the field and 70% from 3 point land.

I'm incredibly frustrated and am unbelievably going to have to play on rookie to just figure the damn thing out...what the hell happened?!?!?
# 53 flamangatang2k5 @ 11/04/11 01:22 AM
Are the team stats in Myplayer, and Association still going to be messed up?

Oh and LMAO@ "He sexed the steal button" im gotta use that one.
# 54 Taer @ 11/04/11 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k
I will try to get an answer for you PC users.
Thanks for trying to get an answer for us PC users, LD2K. The fact that you are following through for us really is cool.
# 55 kyashan @ 11/04/11 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k

NBA 2K12 Patch 1.03 has been released for the PS3. (The XBOX360 patch is coming soon).

Here are the official patch notes:

  • On-dribbler steal success rates have been tuned down.
  • Tuned accuracy of directional passing in order to more reliably pass to the intended target.
  • Improved help defense, specifically for rotations on pick-and-roll situations.
  • Defensive tuning on 3PT shots to reduce the success of contested threes.
  • Addressed an issue on drives to the basket where the help defender wouldn’t fully engage in the double team

good work, thanks all dev
but the question's:
- This patch only affects the gameplay in offline or OA also affects
# 56 jwill_23 @ 11/04/11 06:27 AM
I finally had one of my cpu controlled defenders to take a charge!!!
# 57 tril @ 11/04/11 08:14 AM
"On-dribbler steal success rates have been tuned down."

it seems a sthough it has gotten easier to steal now!
# 58 ryumeijin @ 11/04/11 08:47 AM
i've downloaded the patch, did not encounter hang-ups or crashes.

i have only played 2 my player games, can't comment on the steal spam issue and the defending 3pters because my player is a center.

what i've noticed, passes have more 'zip' in them. there are still 'floating' passes but generally, passes are crisper.
# 59 MelMan1486 @ 11/04/11 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Mr_K
Defensive rotations are nice now, but the CPU is shooting like 70%-80% on me, its ridiculous.

I still miss a lot of layup and the CPU just scores the most contested layups.

Dwight Howard scored a fadeaway jumper from 15ft out on me, it's very upsetting.

The good thing about this patch is your teammates don't act and do stupid stuff anymore which was incredibly frustrating, so that's nice. But they still haven't touched the issue of a lights out CPU or a CPU that just turns it on out of no where.
This... I'm still consistently missing wide open jumpers while the CPU is still making a high number of contested shots. Not to mention they can just drive by you no matter how good of an on ball defender your player is, yet somehow they have a super sidestep that makes it very hard to drive by them.
# 60 ManiacMatt1782 @ 11/04/11 09:29 AM
In the bigger patch, is the issue with players designed to post up in a play, not being able to vs zone defenses resulting in low post players artificially being taken out of the play, going to be fixed. Even if there isn't a body to post up on, the low post player should still turn around and look for a pass and shield the passing lane from the defender. Currently if a zone is called the low post opting tends to wander looking at the basket, and takes himself right out of the play. All someone has to do from getting killed in the post is switch to 1-3-1, which is supposed to be weak against the low post.

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